• Title/Summary/Keyword: Cognitive Information

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L'usage du clip publicitaire dans l'apprentissage de la langue française (광고 영상을 활용한 프랑스어 교육 방안)

  • KIM, Eunne Kyung
    • Cross-Cultural Studies
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    • v.37
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    • pp.211-231
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    • 2014
  • Comment faciliter l'apprentissage du français pour rendre notre enseignement plus efficace? Beaucoup de recherches ont ${\acute{e}}t{\acute{e}}$ $men{\acute{e}}es$ sur cette question; en $r{\grave{e}}gle$ $g{\acute{e}}n{\acute{e}}rale$ l'enseignement de la langue d'une part et l'expression ${\acute{e}}crite$ et la $r{\acute{e}}flexion$ d'autre part ${\acute{e}}taient$ $men{\acute{e}}es$ $ind{\acute{e}}pendamment$. Notre intention dans ce $pr{\acute{e}}sent$ travail a ${\acute{e}}t{\acute{e}}$ d'introduire et $d^{\prime}e xp{\acute{e}}rimenter$ pendant $l^{\prime}ann{\acute{e}}e$ scolaire des cours associant le $d{\acute{e}}bat$ $d^{\prime}id{\acute{e}}e$ et la $r{\acute{e}}flexion$ $th{\acute{e}}matique$ avec l'apprentissage linguistique(grammaire, vocabulaire${\dots}$), afin de susciter $l^{\prime}i nt{\acute{e}}r{\hat{e}}t$ des apprenants, leur $curiosit{\acute{e}}$ et leur $vivacit{\acute{e}}$, au $del{\grave{a}}$ des $d{\acute{e}}fis$ $pos{\acute{e}}s$ par la langue française. Nous avons en particulier $utilis{\acute{e}}$ une $publicit{\acute{e}}$ comme support d'apprentissage des bases linguistiques et comme moteur $d^{\prime}{\acute{e}}veil$ ${\grave{a}}$ la civilisation française pour mobiliser leur attention et stimuler leur $activit{\acute{e}}$ cognitive par $l^{\prime}interdisciplinarit{\acute{e}}$. Nous avons donc $expos{\acute{e}}$ ici les exemples d'argumentation autour les deux $s{\acute{e}}quences$ publicitaires conduites avec les ${\acute{e}}tudiants$ et les arborescences $d{\acute{e}}gag{\acute{e}}es$ de ces analyses. Presque concomittamment ${\grave{a}}$ "voir" et "${\acute{e}}couter$", l'information est $trait{\acute{e}}e$ par $l^{\prime}activit{\acute{e}}$ "$d{\acute{e}}coder$". Nous approfondissons ensemble cette $interpr{\acute{e}}tation$ $s{\acute{e}}miotique$, et l'analyse de la façon dont la $publicit{\acute{e}}$ capte l'attention du spectateur nous $am{\grave{e}}ne$ ${\grave{a}}$ $d{\acute{e}}gager$ des faits de $soci{\acute{e}}t{\acute{e}}$ et ${\grave{a}}$ y $r{\acute{e}}fl{\acute{e}}chir$; comment, avec l'exemple de la $publicit{\acute{e}}$ jouant la musique $d{\acute{e}}licieuse$ de la gourmandise, nous entrevoyons la $r{\acute{e}}alit{\acute{e}}$ obscure de $l^{\prime}ob{\acute{e}}sit{\acute{e}}$ infantile. Ces approches interdisciplinaires ${\grave{a}}$ partir du multi-$m{\acute{e}}dia$ $r{\acute{e}}pondent$ ${\grave{a}}$ la $n{\acute{e}}cessit{\acute{e}}$ de distance critique que requiert la $soci{\acute{e}}t{\acute{e}}$ contemporaine. $L^{\prime}{\acute{e}}tude$ d'une $s{\acute{e}}quence$ publicitaire ne permet certes pas $d^{\prime}appr{\acute{e}}hender$ la $soci{\acute{e}}t{\acute{e}}$ française dans sa $globalit{\acute{e}}$, mais en $consid{\acute{e}}rant$ que notre travail consiste tout autant ${\grave{a}}$ stimuler la $facult{\acute{e}}$ critique $qu^{\prime}{\grave{a}}$ favoriser l'apprentissage linguistitique, notre $strat{\acute{e}}gie$ nous permet de $r{\acute{e}}aliser$ plusieurs objectifs autour d'un $m{\hat{e}}me$ axe d'enseignement.

The Development of 'Korea's Science Education Indicators' (한국의 과학교육 종합 지표 개발 연구)

  • Hong, Oksu;Kim, Dokyeong;Koh, Sooyung;Kang, Da Yeon
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.41 no.6
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    • pp.471-481
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    • 2021
  • The importance of science education for cultivating the competencies required by an intelligent information society is gradually being strengthened. The government's roles and responsibilities for science education are stipulated by laws and policies in Korea. In order to systematically support science education, continuous monitoring of related policies is essential. This study aims to develop indicators that can be used to systematically and continuously monitor the national policies on science education in Korea. To achieve this goal, we first derive the framework for the indicators that has two dimensions (learner and science education context) and three categories (input, process, and outcome) from literature reviews. In order to derive the components and subcomponents of the indicators, the contents of science education-related indicators developed in Korea or abroad were reviewed. In order to verify the suitability and validity of the framework and components of the initial indicators, a two-round Delphi method was conducted with 25 expert participants with five different professions in science education. Finally, three components of the 'input' category (student characteristics, teacher characteristics, and educational infrastructure), three components of the 'process' category (science curriculum implementation, science educational contents and programs implementation, and teacher professional development program implementation), and five components of the 'outcome' category (science competency, participation and action, affective achievement, cognitive achievement, and satisfaction) were derived. An instrument to collect data from students, teachers, and institutions was developed based on the components and subcomponents, and content validity and internal consistency of the instrument were analyzed. Korea's Science Education Indicators developed in this study can comprehensively measure the current status of science education and is expected to contribute to a more efficient and effective science education policy planning and implementation.

An Analysis of Research Trends Related to Software Education for Young Children in Korea (유아의 소프트웨어 교육 관련 국내 최근 연구의 경향 분석)

  • Chun, Hui Young;Park, Soyeon;Sung, Jihyun
    • Korean Journal of Child Education & Care
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.177-196
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    • 2019
  • Objective: This study aims to analyze research trends related to software education for young children, focusing on studies published in Korea from 2016 to 2019 March. Methods: A total of 26 research publications on software education for young children, searched from Korea Citation Index and Research Information Sharing Service were identified for the analysis. The trend in these publications was classified and examined respectively by publication dates, types of publications, and the fields of study. To investigate a means of research, the analysis included key topics, types of research methods, and characteristics of the study variables. Results: The results of the analysis show that the number of publications on the topic of software education for young children has increased over the three years, of which most were published as a scholarly journal article. Among the 26 research studies analyzed, 16 (61.5%) are related to the field of early childhood education or child studies. Key topics and target subjects of the most research include the curriculum development of software education for young children or the effectiveness of software education on 4- and 5-year-old children. Most of the analyzed studies are experimental research designs or in the form of literature reviews. The most frequently studied research variable is young children's cognitive characteristics. For the studies that employ educational programs, the use of a physical computing environment is prevalent, and the most frequently used robot as a programming tool is "Albert". The duration of the program implementation varies, ranging from 5 weeks to 48 weeks. In the analyzed research studies, computational thinking is conceptualized as a problem-solving skill that can be improved by software education, and assessed by individual instruments measuring sub-factors of computational thinking. Conclusion/Implications: The present study reveals that, although the number of research publications in software education for young children has increased, the overall sufficiency of the accumulated research data and a variety of research methods are still lacking. An increased interest in software education for young children and more research activities in this area are needed to develop and implement developmentally appropriate software education programs in early childhood settings.

Survey of Knowledge on Insomnia for Sleep Clinic Clients (수면클리닉을 방문한 환자들의 불면증에 대한 인식조사)

  • Soh, Minah
    • Sleep Medicine and Psychophysiology
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    • v.26 no.1
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    • pp.23-32
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    • 2019
  • Objectives: Insomnia is not only the most common sleep-related disorder, but also is one of the most important. Knowledge of the comorbidities of insomnia is essential for proper treatment including pharmacological and non-pharmacological methods to prevent disease chronification. This study aimed to determine sleep clinic patients' knowledge of insomnia. Methods: This study recruited 44 patients (24 males and 20 females; mean age $54.11{\pm}16.30years$) from the sleep clinic at National Center for Mental Health. All subjects were asked to complete a self-report questionnaire about their reasons for visiting a sleep clinic and about their knowledge of treatment and comorbidities of insomnia. Results: The reasons for visiting the sleep clinic were insomnia symptoms of daytime sleepiness, irregular sleeping time, nightmares, snoring, and sleep apnea, in that order. Of the responders, 72.7% had a comorbidity of insomnia, and 22.7% showed high-risk alcohol use. In addition, 70.5% of responders chose pharmacological treatment of insomnia as the first option and reported collection of information about treatment of insomnia mainly from the internet and medical staff. More than half (52.3%) of the respondents reported that they had never heard about non-pharmacological treatments of insomnia such as cognitive behavioral treatment (CBT-I) or light therapy. The response rate about comorbidities of varied, with 75% of responders reporting knowledge of the relation between insomnia and depression, but only 38.6% stating awareness of the relation between insomnia and alcohol use disorder. Of the total responders, 68.2% were worried about hypnotics for insomnia treatment, and 70% were concerned about drug dependence. Conclusion: This study showed that patients at a sleep clinic had limited knowledge about insomnia. It is necessary to develop standardized insomnia treatment guidelines and educational handbooks for those suffering from insomnia. In addition, evaluation of alcohol use disorders is essential in the initial assessment of sleep disorders.

Literature review and future tasks necessary to establish of Korean Dietary Reference Intake for choline (콜린의 한국인 영양소 섭취기준 제정 검토를 위한 문헌 고찰 및 향후 과제)

  • Shim, Eugene;Park, Jae-Hee;Lee, Yunjung;Park, Eunju
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.55 no.2
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    • pp.211-226
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    • 2022
  • Choline, an essential nutrient for humans, is required for the structural integrity of the cell membranes, methyl-group metabolism, synthesis of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine, synthesis of the membrane phospholipid components of the cell membranes, and the transport of lipids and cholesterol. Choline can be synthesized in the body, but it is insufficient to meet the daily requirements and hence it must be obtained through the diet. In the United States/Canada, Australia/New Zealand, Europe, China, and Taiwan, the adequate intake (AI) and tolerable upper intake level (UL) of choline have been established, while the establishment of the 2020 Dietary Reference Intakes for Koreans (KDRI) for choline was postponed due to the lack of a choline database for Korean foods and studies on the choline intake of Koreans. However, as part of the preparation work for the 2020 DRI revision and finalization, choline intake and the possibility of disease occurrence were verified through analysis of published data. The groundwork for the subsequent establishment of a choline DRI was laid through a literature search, evaluation, and review of the literature reported from 1949 up to 2019. This can be regarded as the culmination of this project. According to the results of randomized controlled trials (RCTs), cohort studies, case-control studies, and cross-sectional observational studies in humans, approximately 400-500 mg/day of choline intake was effective in preventing liver function damage (fatty liver), neural tube damage, cardiovascular disease, breast cancer, and cognitive function improvement. The same amount of choline intake, however, also correlated with the risk of prostate and colorectal cancer. At present, there is limited information available on choline intake and health outcomes, particularly for the Korean population. More human studies, including clinical trials on the requirements and the physiological benefits associated with dietary intake, are needed to establish the KDRI for choline.

Development of an Eye Patch-Type Biosignal Measuring Device to Measure Sleep Quality (수면의 질을 측정하기 위한 안대형 생체신호 측정기기 개발)

  • Changsun Ahn;Jaekwan Lim;Bongsu Jung;Youngjoo Kim
    • KIPS Transactions on Computer and Communication Systems
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    • v.12 no.5
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    • pp.171-180
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    • 2023
  • The three major sleep disorders in Korea are snoring, sleep apnea, and insomnia. Lack of sleep is the root of all diseases. Some of the most serious potential problems associated with sleep deprivation are cardiovascular problems, cognitive impairment, obesity, diabetes, colitis, prostate cancer, etc. To solve these problems, the Korean government provided low-cost national health insurance benefits for polysomnography tests in July 2018. However, insomnia patients still have problems getting treated in terms of time, space, and economic perspectives. Therefore, it would be better for insomnia patients to be allowed to test at home. The measuring device can measure six biosignals (eye movement, tossing and turning, body temperature, oxygen saturation, heart rate, and audio). A gyroscope sensor (MPU9250, InvenSense, USA) was used for eye movement, tossing, and turning. The input range of the sensor was in 258°/sec to 460°/sec, and the data range was in the input range. Body temperature, oxygen saturation range, and heart rate were measured by a sensor (MAX30102, Analog Devices, USA). The body temperature was measured in 30 ℃ to 45 ℃, and the oxygen saturation range was 0% for the unused state and 20 % to 90 % for the used state. The heart rate measurement range was in 40 bpm to 180 bpm. The measurement of audio signal was performed by an audio sensor (AMM2742-T-R, PUIaudio, USA). The was -42 dB ±1 dB frequency range was 20 Hz to 20 kHz. The measured data was successfully received in wireless network conditions. The system configuration was consisted of a PC and a mobile app for bio-signal measurement and data collection. The measured data was collected by mobile phones and desktops. The data collected can be used as preliminary data to determine the stage of sleep and perform the screening function for sleep induction and sleep disturbances. In the future, this convenient sleep measurement device could be beneficial for treating insomnia.

Investment Priorities and Weight Differences of Impact Investors (임팩트 투자자의 투자 우선순위와 비중 차이에 관한 연구)

  • Yoo, Sung Ho;Hwangbo, Yun
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.17-32
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    • 2023
  • In recent years, the need for social ventures that aim to grow while solving social problems through the efficiency and effectiveness of commercial organizations in the market has increased, while there is a limit to how much the government and the public can do to solve social problems. Against this background, the number of social venture startups is increasing in the domestic startup ecosystem, and interest in impact investors, which are investors in social ventures, is also increasing. Therefore, this research utilized judgment analysis technology to objectively analyze the validity and weight of judgment information based on the cognitive process and decision-making environment in the investment decision-making of impact investors. We proceeded with the research by constructing three classifications; first, investment priorities at the initial investment stage for financial benefit and return on investment as an investor, second, the political skills of the entrepreneurs (teams) for the social impact and ripple power, and social venture coexistence and solidarity, third, the social mission of a social venture that meets the purpose of an impact investment fund. As a result of this research, first of all, the investment decision-making priorities of impact investors are the expertise of the entrepreneur (team), the potential rate of return when the entrepreneur (team) succeeds, and the social mission of the entrepreneur (team). Second, impact investors do not have a uniform understanding of the investment decision-making factors, and the factors that determine investment decisions are different, and there are differences in the degree of the weighting. Third, among the various investment decision-making factors of impact investment, "entrepreneur's (team's) networking ability", "entrepreneur's (team's) social insight", "entrepreneur's (team's) interpersonal influence" was relatively lower than the other four factors. The practical contribution through this research is to help social ventures understand the investment determinant factors of impact investors in the process of financing, and impact investors can be expected to improve the quality of investment decision-making by referring to the judgment cases and analysis of impact investors. The academic contribution is that it empirically investigated the investment priorities and weighting differences of impact investors.

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A Study on the Crime Prevention Design and Consumer Perception (CPTED) of Multi-Family Housing in China (중국 공동주택의 범죄 예방을 위한 디자인과 소비자의 인식에 관한 연구)

  • Kong, De Xin;Lee, Dong Hun;Park, Hae Rim
    • Journal of Service Research and Studies
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.63-76
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    • 2024
  • Multi-family housing plays a crucial role as a living and experiencing space, and its environment has a direct impact on the well-being and stability of its residents. Therefore, Crime Prevention Design (CPTED) for multi-family housing is of utmost importance. However, crime-related data in China is not disclosed to the public because of its specificity, making it difficult for researchers to conduct further in-depth studies based on accurate crime data. As a result, the establishment and application of CPTED theory in terms of crime prevention is limited and delayed. This study aims to explore three aspects of CPTED in multi-family housing as perceived by home-buying consumers. It investigated consumer perception of the CPTED, the importance of each element and ways to increase awareness of CPTED in multifamily housing in order to effectively improve multifamily crime prevention design principles and further enhance public safety. This study examined the current state and future trends of CPTED in China by analyzing relevant research reports and literature, aiming to gain insights into the crime prevention awareness of Chinese homeowners. In addition, a survey was conducted on Chinese consumers to unravel the importance of CPTED and increase awareness of its various elements in multifamily-family. This study used a Likert scale and SPSS reliability analysis to determine the cognitive status of multi-family CPTED, the importance of each element, and proposed an improvement plan based on the analysis results. As this study was limited by the difficulty of implementation and the lack of validation of its practical effectiveness, it is recommended that future research needs to validate the effectiveness of crime prevention designs and produce more practical results. Furthermore, it is crucial to utilize this study to inform the implementation of security solutions that are tailored to the unique characteristics of each district. Additionally, it is important to offer guidance on how to enhance community safety by increasing residents' awareness of security through education and information dissemination. The author hopes that the representative multi-family CPTED awareness, the importance of each element, and plans for improvement shall be summarized from this study, and provide foundational data for the future development of CPTED based on the Chinese region.

Analysis of the linkage between the three categories of content system according to the 2022 revised mathematics curriculum and the lesson titles of mathematics textbooks for the first and second-grade elementary school (2022 개정 수학과 교육과정에 따른 내용 체계의 세 범주와 초등학교 1~2학년 수학 교과서 차시명의 연계성 분석)

  • Kim, Sung Joon;Kim, Eun kyung;Kwon, Mi sun
    • Communications of Mathematical Education
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    • v.38 no.2
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    • pp.167-186
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    • 2024
  • Since the 5th mathematics curriculum, the goals of mathematics education have been presented in three categories: cognitive, process, and affective goals. In the 2022 revised mathematics curriculum, the content system was also presented as knowledge-understanding, process-skill, and value-attitude. Therefore, in order to present lesson goals to students, it is necessary to present all three aspects that are the goals of mathematics education. Currently, the lesson titles presented in mathematics textbooks are directly linked to lesson goals and are the first source of information for students during class. Accordingly, this study analyzed how the three categories of lesson titles and content system presented in the 2015 revised 1st and 2nd grade mathematics textbook are connected. As a result, most lesson titles presented two of the three categories, but the reflected elements showed a tendency to focus on the categories of knowledge-understanding and process-skill. Some cases of lesson titles reflected content elements of the value-attitude category, but this showed significant differences depending on the mathematics content area. Considering the goals of mathematics lessons, it will be necessary to look at ways to present lesson titles that reflect the content elements of the value-attitude categories and also explore ways to present them in a balanced way. In particular, considering the fact that students can accurately understand the goals of the knowledge-understanding categories even without presenting them, descriptions that specifically reflect the content elements of the process-skill and value-attitude categories seem necessary. Through this, we attempted to suggest the method of presenting the lesson titles needed when developing the 2022 revised mathematics textbook and help present effective lesson goals using this.

Developing educational programs to increase awareness of food additives among elementary school students (식품첨가물에 대한 초등학생들의 인식 개선을 위한 교육 프로그램 개발)

  • Soo Rin Ahn;Jae Wook Shin;Jung-Sug Lee;Hyo-Jeong Hwang
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.57 no.4
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    • pp.451-467
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    • 2024
  • Purpose: This study aimed to develop a four-hour food additive education program for elementary school students to provide them with accurate information on food additives. Methods: A survey was conducted among 133 elementary school students living in Gyeonggi Province to identify the level of food additive awareness. A four-hour food additive education program and educational materials (PPT, activity sheets, and teacher guidelines) were developed based on the results of the food additive awareness survey. The developed educational programs were based on the Theoretical Model of Stages of Behavior Change. An elementary school nutrition teacher conducted a pilot education for 83 elementary school students to evaluate the feasibility of the developed education program. A survey was conducted to evaluate the effectiveness and satisfaction of the pilot education program. Results: The results of the Food Additive Awareness Survey showed that only 42.1% of people were aware of food additives; 46.3% wanted to know more about food additives, and 54.3% required food additive education. Food coloring (44.7%) and artificial sweeteners (18.7%) were the most common food additives of interest. What they wanted to know about food additives was the safety of food additives (36.8%) and the role and function of food additives (20.3%). After the pilot training on food additives, the level of awareness of food additives was improved significantly, and the percentage of participants who recognized the need for food additive education and promotion increased. According to the satisfaction survey of the food additives education, the interest, understanding, real-life application, learning method, and content amount were approximately 90%. Conclusion: The educational program developed through this study will change the negative perceptions of food additives in elementary school students to a positive one. It will do so by helping nutrition educators educate students on this important subject.