A study to get the data of normal stop consonants production as preliminary study for cleft palate patients was performed. Normal Korean native 21 speakers were pronounced $VCV(V=/a/,C=/P/,/{P^1}/,/P^h/,/t/,/{t^1}/,/{t^h}/,/k/,/{k^1}/,/{k^h}/)$ syllables with natural speech rate and intensity. With intrapharyngeal pressure waveforms by pressure sensor in oropharyngeal cavity, amplitude and time duration of intrapharyngeal pressure were analyzed, and with acoustic waveforms and spectrograms, closure duration and VOT were analyzed. As results, the highest amplitude of intrapharyngeal pressure showed in alveolars and heavily aspirated consonants. Velars and unaspirated consonants were higher than bilabials and slightly aspirated ones each, in intrapharyngeal pressure. Bilabilas, alveolars and velars showed similar rise time of intrapharyngeal pressure build-up, but in decay time and total duration time, bilabials were slightly shorter than alveolars and velars, with no statistic significance. In the aspects of tensity, unaspirated consonants showed the longest rise time, heavily aspirated, the second, and slightly aspirated consonants, the shortest, which were also seen in decay time and total duration time. In closure duration, slightly aspirated consonants had the shortest closure duration, and the heavily aspirated ones, the second, and unaspirated consonants showed the longest. In VOT, heavily aspirated consonants showed the longest, slightly aspirated ones, the second and unaspirated ones showed the shortest.