• 제목/요약/키워드: Classification Practice

검색결과 478건 처리시간 0.027초

간호학 교과과정 개선을 위한 조사 연구 (A Study on improvement of curriculum in Nursing)

  • 김애실
    • 대한간호학회지
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    • 제4권2호
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    • pp.1-16
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    • 1974
  • This Study involved the development of a survey form and the collection of data in an effort-to provide information which can be used in the improvement of nursing curricula. The data examined were the kinds courses currently being taught in the curricula of nursing education institutions throughout Korea, credits required for course completion, and year in-which courses are taken. For the purposes of this study, curricula were classified into college, nursing school and vocational school categories. Courses were directed into the 3 major categories of general education courses, supporting science courses and professional education course, and further subdirector as. follows: 1) General education (following the classification of Philip H. phoenix): a) Symbolics, b) Empirics, c) Aesthetics. 4) Synthetics, e) Ethics, f) Synoptic. 2) Supporting science: a) physical science, b) biological science, c) social science, d) behavioral science, e) Health science, f) Educations 3) Professional Education; a) basic courses, b) courses in each of the respective fields of nursing. Ⅰ. General Education aimed at developing the individual as a person and as a member of society is relatively strong in college curricula compared with the other two. a) Courses included in the category of symbolics included Korean language, English, German. Chines. Mathematics. Statics: Economics and Computer most college curricula included 20 credits. of courses in this sub-category, while nursing schools required 12 credits and vocational school 10 units. English ordinarily receives particularly heavy emphasis. b) Research methodology, Domestic affair and women & courtney was included under the category of empirics in the college curricula, nursing and vocational school do not offer this at all. c) Courses classified under aesthetics were physical education, drill, music, recreation and fine arts. Most college curricula had 4 credits in these areas, nursing school provided for 2 credits, and most vocational schools offered 10 units. d) Synoptic included leadership, interpersonal relationship, and communications, Most schools did not offer courses of this nature. e) The category of ethics included citizenship. 2 credits are provided in college curricula, while vocational schools require 4 units. Nursing schools do not offer these courses. f) Courses included under synoptic were Korean history, cultural history, philosophy, Logics, and religion. Most college curricular 5 credits in these areas, nursing schools 4 credits. and vocational schools 2 units. g) Only physical education was given every Year in college curricula and only English was given in nursing schools and vocational schools in every of the curriculum. Most of the other courses were given during the first year of the curriculum. Ⅱ. Supporting science courses are fundamental to the practice and application of nursing theory. a) Physical science course include physics, chemistry and natural science. most colleges and nursing schools provided for 2 credits of physical science courses in their curricula, while most vocational schools did not offer t me. b) Courses included under biological science were anatomy, physiologic, biology and biochemistry. Most college curricula provided for 15 credits of biological science, nursing schools for the most part provided for 11 credits, and most vocational schools provided for 8 units. c) Courses included under social science were sociology and anthropology. Most colleges provided for 1 credit in courses of this category, which most nursing schools provided for 2 creates Most vocational school did not provide courses of this type. d) Courses included under behavioral science were general and clinical psychology, developmental psychology. mental hygiene and guidance. Most schools did not provide for these courses. e) Courses included under health science included pharmacy and pharmacology, microbiology, pathology, nutrition and dietetics, parasitology, and Chinese medicine. Most college curricula provided for 11 credits, while most nursing schools provide for 12 credits, most part provided 20 units of medical courses. f) Courses included under education included educational psychology, principles of education, philosophy of education, history of education, social education, educational evaluation, educational curricula, class management, guidance techniques and school & community. Host college softer 3 credits in courses in this category, while nursing schools provide 8 credits and vocational schools provide for 6 units, 50% of the colleges prepare these students to qualify as regular teachers of the second level, while 91% of the nursing schools and 60% of the vocational schools prepare their of the vocational schools prepare their students to qualify as school nurse. g) The majority of colleges start supporting science courses in the first year and complete them by the second year. Nursing schools and vocational schools usually complete them in the first year. Ⅲ. Professional Education courses are designed to develop professional nursing knowledge, attitudes and skills in the students. a) Basic courses include social nursing, nursing ethics, history of nursing professional control, nursing administration, social medicine, social welfare, introductory nursing, advanced nursing, medical regulations, efficient nursing, nursing english and basic nursing, College curricula devoted 13 credits to these subjects, nursing schools 14 credits, and vocational schools 26 units indicating a severe difference in the scope of education provided. b) There was noticeable tendency for the colleges to take a unified approach to the branches of nursing. 60% of the schools had courses in public health nursing, 80% in pediatric nursing, 60% in obstetric nursing, 90% in psychiatric nursing and 80% in medical-surgical nursing. The greatest number of schools provided 48 crudites in all of these fields combined. in most of the nursing schools, 52 credits were provided for courses divided according to disease. in the vocational schools, unified courses are provided in public health nursing, child nursing, maternal nursing, psychiatric nursing and adult nursing. In addition, one unit is provided for one hour a week of practice. The total number of units provided in the greatest number of vocational schools is thus Ⅲ units double the number provided in nursing schools and colleges. c) In th leges, the second year is devoted mainly to basic nursing courses, while the third and fourth years are used for advanced nursing courses. In nursing schools and vocational schools, the first year deals primarily with basic nursing and the second and third years are used to cover advanced nursing courses. The study yielded the following conclusions. 1. Instructional goals should be established for each courses in line with the idea of nursing, and curriculum improvements should be made accordingly. 2. Course that fall under the synthetics category should be strengthened and ways should be sought to develop the ability to cooperate with those who work for human welfare and health. 3. The ability to solve problems on the basis of scientific principles and knowledge and understanding of man society should be fostered through a strengthening of courses dealing with physical sciences, social sciences and behavioral sciences and redistribution of courses emphasizing biological and health sciences. 4. There should be more balanced curricula with less emphasis on courses in the major There is a need to establish courses necessary for the individual nurse by doing away with courses centered around specific diseases and combining them in unified courses. In addition it is possible to develop skill in dealing with people by using the social setting in comprehensive training. The most efficient ratio of the study experience should be studied to provide more effective, interesting education Elective course should be initiated to insure a man flexible, responsive educational program. 5. The curriculum stipulated in the education law should be examined.

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과학기술 및 학술 연구보고서 서비스 제공을 위한 국가연구개발사업 관련 법령 입법론 -저작권법상 공공저작물의 자유이용 제도와 연계를 중심으로- (A Study on Improvements on Legal Structure on Security of National Research and Development Projects)

  • 강선준;원유형;최산;김준혁;김슬기
    • 한국기술혁신학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국기술혁신학회 2015년도 춘계 학술대회 논문집
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    • pp.545-570
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    • 2015
  • 현대의 지식정보화 사회에서는 과학기술 및 학술적인 저작물은 문화적 경제적 부가가치를 창출할 것으로 기대된다. 국민의 세금이 투입된 공공기관 특히 출연(연)의 공공저작물은 지식재산권 상의 제약 혹은 국가의 안전 등에 영향이 없는 한 국민들에게 무상의 자유로운 접근과 이용을 보장해야 한다. 이러한 사회적 요구와 시대적 추세에 따라 학술정보의 오픈 엑세스 운동이 확산되어 가고 있다. 우리 정부는 NDSL, NTIS 등 과학기술정보서비스를 통하여 R&D과제 기획, 또는 관련 사업을 조정 평가할 때 중복투자를 사전에 방지할 수 있고 연구자가 R&D 관련 정보 활용을 극대화 하여 국가연구개발사업의 효율적인 관리 및 투자 효율성 향상이 가능하도록 하고 있다. 스마트폰, 태블릿 PC 등 뉴미디어의 확산은 새로운 형태의 전자적 정보서비스의 제공을 요구하고 있으며 공공기관인 출연(연) 등에서 국가연구개발사업 등으로 수행한 연구보고서 등을 과학기술정보서비스를 통해 제공하는 경우 창작자의 권리(author's right)뿐만 아니라 이용자의 권리(user's right)도 동시에 보장하는 것이 기본원칙이자 중요한 당면과제 이다. 공공기관인 출연(연)의 연구보고서는 지식재산권, 연구보안 등과 관련하여 특별한 경우가 아니고는 공익적 목적을 위해 민간에서 활용이 가능하도록 제도화 되어야 하지만 현행 관련 법령상 공공저작물의 권리처리 등 관리가 미흡하여 활용과 자유이용이 제한되고 있는 실정이다. 따라서, 국민의 세금에 의해 작성된 출연(연)의 연구보고서 및 과학기술정보서비스 부분은 공공저작물의 범주에서 선진적 유통체계 마련을 위한 법적 인프라 구축이 필요하다. 입법론과 제도개선으로는 다음과 같은 방안을 검토해야 한다. 첫 번째로 사적자치 등의 이념을 활용하여 저작재산권 귀속 가이드라인 및 계약서 표준(안)을 제시해야 한다. 둘째로 개별법률 혹은 단일 별도법률로 입법화 하는 방안이다. 오픈 엑세스를 저작권 내에 법제화 방안을 검토하고 독일의 입법례를 참조하여 공공재원의 지원을 받는 출연(연)의 연구보고서 등은 학술저작물을 작성한 저작자에게 2차적 이용권을 부여해야 한다. 단일 법률로 "학술 과학기술 연구 성과물에 대한 공공적 접근 및 이용 활성화에 관한 법률"을 제정하여 별도의 내용에 대하여 상세하고 자세한 입법을 해야 한다. 출연(연)이 수행하는 대부분의 연구사업은 국가연구개발사업 관리규정의 적용을 받으며 특히, 과학기술정보 서비스 및 연구보고서와 관련된 조항은 이미 상당부분 제도적으로 정착이 된 점 제반사항을 고려해볼 때, 저작권법과의 조화로운 입법이 필요하다. 장기적으로는 기존에 과학기술정보서비스 및 연구보고서 관련 조항을 개정하고 국가연구개발사업 관리규정을 법률로 승격시켜 저작권법상 공공저작물 자유이용 제도와 오프 엑세스 조항과 유기적으로 연계될 수 있도록 조항을 제정하는 입법방식이 바람직하다.

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캠페인 효과 제고를 위한 자기 최적화 변수 선택 알고리즘 (Self-optimizing feature selection algorithm for enhancing campaign effectiveness)

  • 서정수;안현철
    • 지능정보연구
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    • 제26권4호
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    • pp.173-198
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    • 2020
  • 최근 온라인의 비약적인 활성화로 캠페인 채널들이 다양하게 확대되면서 과거와는 비교할 수 없을 수준의 다양한 유형들의 캠페인들이 기업에서 수행되고 있다. 하지만, 고객의 입장에서는 중복 노출로 인한 캠페인에 대한 피로감이 커지면서 스팸으로 인식하는 경향이 있고, 기업입장에서도 캠페인에 투자하는 비용은 점점 더 늘어났지만 실제 캠페인 성공률은 오히려 더 낮아지고 있는 등 캠페인 자체의 효용성이 낮아지고 있다는 문제점이 있어 실무적으로 캠페인의 효과를 높이고자 하는 다양한 연구들이 지속되고 있다. 특히 최근에는 기계학습을 이용하여 캠페인의 반응과 관련된 다양한 예측을 해보려는 시도들이 진행되고 있는데, 이 때 캠페인 데이터의 다양한 특징들로 인해 적절한 특징을 선별하는 것은 매우 중요하다. 전통적인 특징 선택 기법으로 탐욕 알고리즘(Greedy Algorithm) 중 SFS(Sequential Forward Selection), SBS(Sequential Backward Selection), SFFS(Sequential Floating Forward Selection) 등이 많이 사용되었지만 최적 특징만을 학습하는 모델을 생성하기 때문에 과적합의 위험이 크고, 특징이 많은 경우 분류 예측 성능 하락 및 학습시간이 많이 소요된다는 한계점이 있다. 이에 본 연구에서는 기존의 캠페인에서의 효과성 제고를 위해 개선된 방식의 특징 선택 알고리즘을 제안한다. 본 연구의 목적은 캠페인 시스템에서 처리해야 하는 데이터의 통계학적 특성을 이용하여 기계 학습 모델 성능 향상의 기반이 되는 특징 부분 집합을 탐색하는 과정에서 기존의 SFFS의 순차방식을 개선하는 것이다. 구체적으로 특징들의 데이터 변형을 통해 성능에 영향을 많이 끼치는 특징들을 먼저 도출하고 부정적인 영향을 미치는 특징들은 제거를 한 후 순차방식을 적용하여 탐색 성능에 대한 효율을 높이고 일반화된 예측이 가능하도록 개선된 알고리즘을 적용하였다. 실제 캠페인 데이터를 이용해 성능을 검증한 결과, 전통적인 탐욕알고리즘은 물론 유전자알고리즘(GA, Genetic Algorithm), RFE(Recursive Feature Elimination) 같은 기존 모형들 보다 제안된 모형이 보다 우수한 탐색 성능과 예측 성능을 보임을 확인할 수 있었다. 또한 제안 특징 선택 알고리즘은 도출된 특징들의 중요도를 제공하여 예측 결과의 분석 및 해석에도 도움을 줄 수 있다. 이를 통해 캠페인 유형별로 중요 특징에 대한 분석과 이해가 가능할 것으로 기대된다.

고려상표군을 이용한 내구재 시장구조 분석에 관한 연구: 자동차 시장에 대한 탐색적 분석방법 (A Study on the Market Structure Analysis for Durable Goods Using Consideration Set:An Exploratory Approach for Automotive Market)

  • 이서구
    • Asia Marketing Journal
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    • 제14권2호
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    • pp.157-176
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    • 2012
  • 시장구조 분석에서 흔히 사용되는 상표전환 자료는 비내구재 분석에 적절한 방법이 될 수 있으나 자동차 같이 사용연한이 장시간인 내구재의 경우에는 소비자의 상표에 대한 선호도가 변할 수 있어 상표전환 자료의 사용에 문제가 있다. 따라서 경쟁을 잘 포착할 수 있는 다른 접근이 필요하다. 본 연구는 이에 대한 대안으로 상표간 경쟁 자료로써 고려상표군을 이용하여 자동차 시장의 구조를 Latent Class 군집분석을 활용한 탐색적 검증방법으로 분석하였다. 또한 소비자 행동분석에 근거하여 상표간 경쟁의 근간을 이루는 고려상표군 형성에 영향을 미치는 인자들을 밝히는데 중점을 두었다. 미국 자동차 시장을 대상으로 분석한 결과, 시장은 상표 원산지 효과에 의해 구분되었다. 즉, 미국 상표, 유럽 상표, 그리고 아시아 상표 등으로 시장이 구분되었다. 또한 각 시장구조 내 소비자들의 고려상표군 형성에 신뢰성/안전, 이미지/즐거움, 경제성 등의 편익과 성별, 소득 등 개인적 요인이 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다.

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도서관경영(圖書館經營)에 있어서의 시스팀 분석기법응용(分析技法應用)에 관한 연구(硏究) (A Study on Systems Analysis Applied to Library Management)

  • 권기원
    • 한국비블리아학회지
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    • 제2권1호
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    • pp.178-210
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    • 1974
  • It needs to put into practice the systems analysis in the analysis of some operations and status of library for the purpose of systematizing the work of reforming in the new easier form to process, to storage, to retrieve and to make use of the increasing informations and data of library. In this study, some of systems which are generally using in every library was caught in the case study of K university library. Having analyzed them with the two methods of the flowcharting and mathematical analysis, we found the obstructive factors in operation. As the result of this research, it was gained the new system as the alternative one. A. Alternative System B. Advantages of alternative systems 1. In the reference room When it converts the present system into the new system, it can profit 6.771 won/user (13.815won-7.044won=6.771 won). Therefore, a half the average required cost of the present system can be saved. If this saving would be alloted for the cost 33,000won required to make the cataloging cards, it would be taken for 94 days (33,000 won ${\div}$ 6,771 won/user=4,874users. 4,874users ${\div}$ 52users/day=94days) to get it. The saving cost/year by the new system will be 95,417 won, and in the first year the initial cost (33,000won) reduces the saving cost to 62,417won. 2. In the periodical room The average required time for using the materials of the present system is 17 minutes/user and the average required cost/user is 23.775won, while the average required time of the new system is 4 minutes and the average required cost/user is 5.33won. Therefore, the new system has profit 4 times of the present system. Accordingly, it occurs when the dispersed periodical materials get together. 3. In the classification and cataloging When one processes - the oriental books - by the Linear Programming Technique, the maximum of the process can be increased from 11.6 volumes per librarian of the present system to 12 volumes per librarian of the new system increased 0.4 volume in a day, and cataloging by the manual printer can be shorten from 3 minutes per card of the present system to 1.5 minutes per card of the new system. Consequently, we can complete the other operations (books equipment, updating of cataloging cards, etc.) with 141 minutes which are saved in the course of the afore-mentioned works. 4. In the status of collections The average growth rate of 4 years from 1968 to 1971 is 9.825 %, and that of the purchased materials is 6.2% similar to the advanced nations, but it has the different position from 215,000 volumes by the Standard Degree for Establishment of College and University, and the difference between the total collections 151,671 volumes and Dunns' growth model ($N_t=N_oe^{-at}$) claimed by Leimkuhler 155,297 volumes in 1971 is 3,626 volumes, and for the purpose of compensation the difference, we found the fact that it needs to have the increased budget of 24~30% per year, Thus, if the budget of 24~30 % per year. Thus, if the budget would be increased per year as the rate of the afore-mentioned figure, it would be reached at the Standard Degree for Establishment of College and University in 1975, and thereafter, it can be decreased to the lebel which is able to maintain the growth rate of 5~6% per year.

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산업기술 보호 관리실태 및 발전방안에 관한 연구 (A Study on the Real Condition and the Improvement Directions for the Protection of Industrial Technology)

  • 정태황;장항배
    • 시큐리티연구
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    • 제24호
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    • pp.147-170
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    • 2010
  • 본 연구는 산업기술 보호를 위한 관리적 발전방안을 마련하기 위하여 공공기관, 대기업, 중소기업 등을 대상으로 관리적 보안실태에 대해 조사 분석을 실시하였으며, 그 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 보안정책을 효과적으로 실행할 수 있는 기반 구축이 필요하다. 조사대상 대부분이 보안규정을 잘 관리하고 있으나 보안규정을 지키거나 지속적으로 개선하려는 노력이 부족한 것으로 나타났다. 이를 개선하기 위하여 보안전담조직과 보안담당자 운영방법을 개선할 필요가 있으며, 보안규정을 모든 구성원에게 알리고 보안업무 수행을 위한 팀 간 업무 공조체계를 이룰 수 있는 조직문화를 활성화 할 필요가 있다. 이와 함께 지속적인 보안점검과 보안감사를 통해 보안의식을 향상시키고, 보안규정 준수 여부를 직원업무평가에 반영함으로써 보안정책을 가시화 할 필요가 있다. 둘째, 보안활성화를 위한 보안투자가 필요하다. 기술 유출경로와 수단이 다양화 첨단화 되어가고 있을 뿐 아니라 복잡하고 빠른 속도로 변화하기 때문에 관련 전문기관인 국가정보원, 한국인터넷진흥원, 정보보호 컨설팅 전문기업, 관련 대학 및 연구소 등과의 협조채널 유지하고, 필요에 따라서는 보안 전문기관으로부터 outsourcing 도입을 검토할 필요가 있다. 특히 공공기관이나 대기업에 비해 보안정책 운영실태가 미흡한 중소기업은 조직 규모나 재정적 여건을 감안하여 보안관리 능력을 보강할 수 있도록 국가적인 차원의 지원시스템을 증가할 필요가 있다. 셋째, 산업기술 유출의 주체는 사람으로 인력관리가 중요하다. 신규 입사자와 임직원을 대상으로 하는 정기적인 교육률은 높은 것으로 평가되나 핵심기술에 접근하는 임직원과 제3자로부터의 보안서약서 작성과 중요자산에 대한 접근권한이 변경될 때 접근권한 변경 적용과 같은 업무의 활성화가 필요하다. 중요기술을 다루는 사람에 한하여 신원조사를 실시할 수 있는 여건조성이 필요하며, 퇴사자에 대한 보안서약서 징구와 정보시스템에 대한 접근권한 제거, 계정삭제와 같은 퇴직자 관리를 강화할 수 있어야 한다. 넷째, 중요한 자산에 대한 관리와 통제를 강화해야 한다. 자산에 대한 목록과 관리기준은 비교적 잘 정리되어 있으나 자산의 중요성에 따른 등급화작업의 활성화와 자산의 유출 및 손상의 경우를 대비한 영향 정도를 평가할 수 있는 작업이 필요하다. 자산에 대한 중요도는 시간흐름 및 업무특성에 따라 변화되기 때문에 주기적인 자산평가 작업과 분류작업을 통해 사용자별로 권한을 설정할 수 있어야 한다.

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디지털미디어 환경(環境)에서 디자인 특성(特性)에 관한 연구(硏究) - 실내제품(室內製品) 디자인을 중심으로 - (A Destructive Method in the Connection of the Algorithm and Design in the Digital media - Centered on the Rapid Prototyping Systems of Product Design -)

  • 김석화
    • 조형예술학연구
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    • 제5권
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    • pp.87-129
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    • 2003
  • The purpose of this thesis is to propose a new concept of design of the 21st century, on the basis of the study on the general signification of the structures and the signs of industrial product design, by examining the difference between modern and post-modern design, which is expected to lead the users to different design practice and interpretation of it. The starting point of this study is the different styles and patterns of 'Gestalt' in the post-modern design of the late 20th century from modern design - the factor of determination in industrial product design. That is to say, unlike functional and rational styles of modern product design, the late 20th century is based upon the pluralism characterized by complexity, synthetic and decorativeness. So far, most of the previous studies on design seem to have excluded visual aspects and usability, focused only on effective communication of design phenomena. These partial studies on design, blinded by phenomenal aspects, have resulted in failure to discover a principle of fundamental system. However, design varies according to the times; and the transformation of design is reflected in Design Pragnanz to constitute a new text of design. Therefore, it can be argued that Design Pragnanz serves as an essential factor under influence of the significance of text. In this thesis, therefore, I delve into analysis of the 20th century product design, in the light of Gestalt theory and Design Pragnanz, which have been functioning as the principle of the past design. For this study, I attempted to discover the fundamental elements in modern and post-modern designs, and to examine the formal structure of product design, the users' aesthetic preference and its semantics, from the integrative viewpoint. Also, with reference to history and theory of design my emphasis is more on fundamental visual phenomena than on structural analysis or process of visualization in product design, in order to examine the formal properties of modern and post-modern designs. Firstly, In Chapter 1, 'Issues and Background of the Study', I investigated the Gestalt theory and Design Pragnanz, on the premise of formal distinction between modern and post-modern designs. These theories are founded upon the discussion on visual perception of Gestalt in Germany in 1910's, in pursuit of the principle of perception centered around visual perception of human beings. In Chapter 2, I dealt with functionalism of modern design, as an advance preparation for the further study on the product design of the late 20th century. First of all, in Chapter 2-1, I examined the tendency of modern design focused on functionalism, which can be exemplified by the famous statement 'Form follows function'. Excluding all unessential elements in design - for example, decoration, this tendency has attained the position of the international style based on the spirit of Bauhause - universality and regularity - in search of geometric order, standardization and rationalization. In Chapter 2-2, I investigated the anthropological viewpoint that modern design started representing culture in a symbolic way including overall aspects of the society - politics, economics and ethics, and its criticism on functionalist design that aesthetic value is missing in exchange of excessive simplicity in style. Moreover, I examined the pluralist phenomena in post-modern design such as kitsch, eclecticism, reactionism, hi-tech and digital design, breaking away from functionalist purism of modern design. In Chapter 3, I analyzed Gestalt Pragnanz in design in a practical way, against the background of design trends. To begin with, I selected mass product design among those for the 20th century products as a target of analysis, highlighting representative styles in each category of the products. For this analysis, I adopted the theory of J. M Lehnhardt, who gradated in percentage the aesthetic and semantic levels of Pragnantz in design expression, and that of J. K. Grutter, who expressed it in a formula of M = O : C. I also employed eight units of dichotomies, according to the G. D. Birkhoff's aesthetic criteria, for the purpose of scientific classification of the degree of order and complexity in design; and I analyzed phenomenal aspects of design form represented in each unit. For Chapter 4, I executed a questionnaire about semiological phenomena of Design Pragnanz with 28 units of antonymous adjectives, based upon the research in the previous chapter. Then, I analyzed the process of signification of Design Pragnanz, founded on this research. Furthermore, the interpretation of the analysis served as an explanation to preference, through systematic analysis of Gestalt and Design Pragnanz in product design of the late 20th century. In Chapter 5, I determined the position of Design Pragnanz by integrating the analyses of Gestalt and Pragnanz in modern and post-modern designs In this process, 1 revealed the difference of each Design Pragnanz in formal respect, in order to suggest a vision of the future as a result, which will provide systemic and structural stimulation to current design.

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pT1N3 위암 (pT1N3 Gastric Cancer)

  • 안대호;권성준;윤효영;송영진;목영재;한상욱;김욱
    • Journal of Gastric Cancer
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    • 제6권2호
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    • pp.109-113
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    • 2006
  • 목적: 위내시경의 보급으로 조기위암의 빈도가 증가하고 축소치료가 활성화되고 있다. 이러한 치료는 장점도 있으나 림프절 곽청의 측면에서 제한점이 있다. 림프절 전이를 동반하는 조기위암의 대부분은 UICC-TNM 분류의 N1 또는 N2이지만 드물게 N3의 보고도 있다. pT1N3 위암은 증례보고는 있지만 review논문은 없어서 특성을 이해하거나 치료방침을 세우기가 어렵고 UICC-TNM에서 4기로 예후가 나쁜 위암으로 분류되어 있으나 객관적인 증거는 없다. 저자들은 국내 6개 대학에서 9예의 pT1N3 위암 치험예를 모아서 문헌 고찰과 함께 분석하였다. 대상 및 방법: 분당차병원,한양의대,충북의대,고려의대 구로병원, 아주의대, 가톨릭의대 성가병원의 6개 병원에서 기간은 서로 다르지만 의무기록 분석이 가능하였던 기간동안 수술을 받았던 2,772예의 조기위암 중에서 UICC-TNM의 pT1N3 위암 9예를 분석하였다. 비교 대조군은 분당 차병원에서 수술을 받은 210예의 조기위암 환자이다. 결과: 9예는 전체 조기 위암 2,772예의 0.32%이며 남자는 3명, 여자는 6명이었고 평균연령은 57세였다. 점막암이 2예, 점막하층암이 7예이고 전이된 림프절의 수는 18에서 52개로 평균 27개였다. 5예는 표층 팽창형으로 대조군에 비해서 많았고 종양의 크기도 N3군이 N0, N1, N2군보다 컸다. 7예에서 림프관 침윤이 있었으며 대조군에 비하여 높았다. 1예는 대동맥주위 림프절 전이가 있어서 비치유 절제가 되었고 2예에서 조기재발이 있는 등 예후가 불량하였다. 결론: pT1N3 위암의 위험 인자로는 여성, 점막하층암, 종양의 크기, 림프관 침윤을 들 수 있다. pT1N3 위암의 존재는 조기위암의 축소 치료 시 주의를 요하며 예후가 불량하기 때문에 적극적인 항암 보조 요법이 필요할 것으로 생각된다.

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수치 정밀토양에 기초한 전국 토양유실량의 평가를 위한 USLE/RUSLE 인자의 산정 (USLE/RUSLE Factors for National Scale Soil Loss Estimation Based on the Digital Detailed Soil Map)

  • 정강호;김원태;허승오;하상건;정필균;정영상
    • 한국토양비료학회지
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    • 제37권4호
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    • pp.199-206
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    • 2004
  • 국가 전체의 토양유실량을 산정하기 위하여 범용토양유실예측공식 (USLE)과 개정 범용토양유실예측공식(RUSLE)의 각 인자를 재평가하였다. 정 외 (198,B)과 박 외 (2000)의 연구결과를 거리역산가중치법으로 계산하여 전국 150개 시군의 강우유출인자 (R)를 평가하였고, 한국토양총설 (1992), Taxonomical Classification of Korean Soils (2000), 농업환경변동조사사업 보고서 (2003)에 수록되어 있는 정보를 이용하여 390개 토양통, 1321개 토양상에 대한 토양침식성인자 (K)를 산출하였다. 지형인자 (LS)는 1 25,000 토양도를 이용하여 경사도, 경사장, 토지이용에 따른 대표 값을 산정하였으며 식생피복인자 (C)와 침식조절인자 (P)는 지난 27년간 농업과학기술원 토양보전분야의 연구결과를 종합하여 정리하였다 강우유출인자는 시군에 따라 2322-6408 MJ mm $ha^{-1}$ $yr^{-1}$ $hr^{-1}$이었으며 전체평균은 4276 MJ mm ha $yr^{-1}$ $hr^{-1}$이었다. 우리나라의 평균 토양침식성인자는 0.027 MT $r^{-1}$ $MJ^{-1}$ $mm^{-1}$이었으며 강 상류 및 내륙에 위치한 충북. 경북, 강원 등에서 낮았고, 경기, 충남, 전남등에서 높았다 토지이용별로 보면 논이 0.034 MT hr $MJ^{-1}$ $mm^{-1}$로 가장 컸고 밭, 임지, 초지가 각각 0.026, 0.019, 0.020 MT hr $MJ^{-1}$ $mm^{-1}$이었다. 밭의 작물인자는 0.06-0.45였으며 초지는 0.003이었다. 침식조절인자는 토양보전농법에 따라 0.01-0.85로 평가되었다.

MIS 논문의 '게재 불가' 및 '수정 후 재심사' 사유: Asia Pacific Journal of Information Systems 심사소견서 분석 (Why Your Manuscripts Were Rejected or Required a Major Revision: An Analysis of Asia Pacific Journal if Information Systems)

  • 이중정;윤혜정;황성훈
    • Asia pacific journal of information systems
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    • 제19권2호
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    • pp.179-193
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    • 2009
  • As the common saying attests, a publish-or-perish world, publishing is absolutely critical for academic researchers' successful careers. It is the most objectively-accepted academic performance criteria and the most viable way to attain public and academic recognition. Asia Pacific Journal of Information Systems(APJIS) has been recognized as the most influential domestic journal in Korean MIS field since July, 1991. Therefore, publishing in APJIS means your research is original, valid, and contributive. While most researchers learn how to publish an article in APJIS through a repetitive review process, thereby improving their chance of the' accepted' through their personal trial and error experiences, such valuable lessons and know-how tend to be kept personally and rarely shared. However, useful insights into research and publication skills could be also gained from sharing others' errors, neglect, and misjudgments which are equally critical in improving researchers' knowledge in the field (Murthy and Wiggins, 2002). For this reason, other academic disciplines make systematic efforts to examine the paper review process of major journals and share the findings from these studies with the rest of the research community members (Beyer et al., 1995; Cummings et al, 1985; Daft, 1995; Jauch and Wall, 1989; Murthy and Wiggins, 2002). Recognizing the urgent need to provide such type of information to MIS research community in Korea, we have chosen the most influential academic journal, APJIS with an intention to share the answer to the following research question: "What are the common problems found in the manuscripts either 'rejected' or 'required a major revision' by APJIS reviewers?" This study analyzes the review results of manuscripts submitted to APJIS (from January, 2006 to October, 2008), particularly those that were 'rejected' or required a 'major revision' at the first round. Based on Daft's(1995) study, twelve most-likelihood problems were defined and used to analyze the reviews. The twelve criteria for classification, or "twelve problems", are as follows: No theory, Concepts and operationalization not in alignment, Insufficient definition--theory, Insufficient rationale--design, Macrostructure--organization and flow, Amateur style and tone, Inadequate research design, Not relevant to the field, Overengineering, Conclusions not in alignment, Cutting up the data, and Poor editorial practice. Upon the approval of the editorial board of APJIS, the total 252 reviews, including 11 cases of 2005 and 241 cases from July, 2006 to October, 2008, were received without any information about manuscripts, authors, or reviewers. Eleven cases of 2005 were used in the pilot test because the data of 2005 were not in complete enumeration, and the 241 reviews (113 cases of 'rejection' and 128 ones of 'major revision') of 2006, 2007, and 2008 were examined in this study. Our findings show that insufficient rationale-design(20.25%), no theory(18.45%), and insufficient definition--theory(15.69%) were the three leading reasons of 'rejection' and 'major revision.' Between these two results, the former followed the same order of three major reasons as an overall analysis (insufficient rationale-design, no theory, and insufficient definition-theory), but the latter followed the order of insufficient rationale--design, insufficient definition--theory, and no theory. Using Daft's three major skills-- 'theory skills', 'design skills', and 'communication skills'-- twelve criteria were reclassified into 'theory problems', 'design problems', and 'communication problems' to derive more practical implications of our findings. Our findings show that 'theory problems' occupied 43.48%, 'design problems' were 30.86%, and 'communication problems' were 25.86%. In general, the APJIS reviewers weigh each of these three problem areas almost equally. Comparing to other disciplines like management field shown in Daft's study, the portion of 'design problems' and 'communication problems' are much higher in manuscripts submitted to the APJIS than in those of Administrative Science Quarterly and Academy of Management Journal even though 'theory problems' are the most predominant in both disciplines.