• Title/Summary/Keyword: Chinese language

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중국어(中國語)의 복수(複數) 표현법(表現法)과 원대(元代) 상용(常用) 복수표지(複數標志) '매(每)'이 어법화(語法化) 연구(硏究) - 《충의직언(忠義直言)》을 중심으로

  • Lee, Tae-Su
    • 중국학논총
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    • no.61
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    • pp.49-75
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    • 2019
  • Three types of plural forms are discovered in the ancient literature 《Chung-ui-jig-eon》: propositional plural markers placed in front of the main word - either noun or pronoun, postpositional plural markers placed behind the main word, and pro-/postpositional mixed plural markers. The Mongolian Rule in China during Yuan Dynasty caused the osmotic linguistic imperialism of the Mongolian over the Chinese language. Mongolian language - an Altaiian language which is postpositional - dominantly influenced the Chinese language - which is a propositional language. In addition, the previous usage of '輩', '等', '伟', '满' in Ancient Chinese, made it easier for '每' to be accepted and grammaticalized as a plural marker. The grammaticalization of '每' had been progressed through the reinterpretation of '每' in the structure of 'S(NP)+每+VP'. As a result, '每' had started to be widely used as a postpositional plural ending behind noun or pronoun, regardless of its position in the sentence.

Improving Elasticsearch for Chinese, Japanese, and Korean Text Search through Language Detector

  • Kim, Ki-Ju;Cho, Young-Bok
    • Journal of information and communication convergence engineering
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.33-38
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    • 2020
  • Elasticsearch is an open source search and analytics engine that can search petabytes of data in near real time. It is designed as a distributed system horizontally scalable and highly available. It provides RESTful APIs, thereby making it programming-language agnostic. Full text search of multilingual text requires language-specific analyzers and field mappings appropriate for indexing and searching multilingual text. Additionally, a language detector can be used in conjunction with the analyzers to improve the multilingual text search. Elasticsearch provides more than 40 language analysis plugins that can process text and extract language-specific tokens and language detector plugins that can determine the language of the given text. This study investigates three different approaches to index and search Chinese, Japanese, and Korean (CJK) text (single analyzer, multi-fields, and language detector-based), and identifies the advantages of the language detector-based approach compared to the other two.

Error Analysis of Chinese Learners of the Korean Language: Focus on Analysis of Vocabulary (중국어 모어 화자의 한국어 학습자의 쓰기에 나타난 오류 분석 -어휘 오류를 중심으로-)

  • Noh, Byung-ho
    • Journal of the Korea Convergence Society
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    • v.6 no.5
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    • pp.131-142
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    • 2015
  • The aim of study is to present a better teaching strategy to reduce writing errors of Chinese learners of Korean language after finding out what reasons of errors were after analyzing of their writing errors in Korean language. Analyzed contents were writhing in Korean language of 'how I think Korean', 'about Chinese and Korean culture', 'friends' and analyzed what errors were occurred. The vocabulary errors frequencies were counted by the criteria which was set by a researcher. The results were as follows. The frequency of substitute error was the most and were followed by spelling error, wrong type error, omission error and adding error. It is suggested when we teach Korean Language to Chinese learners and develop text for them, the vocabularies should be presented with examples of how to be used in context instead of presenting only vocabulary on the text. It would be a better way to reduce writing errors of Chinese learners of Korean language.

The Philosophy and Linguistics of Dao : the Ancient Chinese Philosophy and Language (도의 철학과 도의 언어학 -고대 중국의 철학과 언어-)

  • 정재현
    • Lingua Humanitatis
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    • v.5
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    • pp.109-126
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    • 2003
  • The aim of this paper is to elucidate ancient Chinese philosophy and linguistics through the concept of the Dao. Ancient Chinese thought had developed together with ancient Chinese theories of language and the linguistic features of Classical Chinese. The concept of the Dao served as an intermediary among them. The Dao which ancient Chinese philosophers sought for has several characteristics: ethical normativity, wholeness, dynamicity, non-reducibility. Linguistic studies also revealed them. The following linguistic features of Classical Chinese are the cause and/or the effect of such Dao-based philosophy and linguistics: No explicit subject-predicate sentential structure, no parts of speech, heavy reliance on the word order and context for meaning determination, no explicit distinction between compound words and a sentence, the pictographic or the ideographic features of Chinese graphs, and non-existence of a copula.

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A Study of the Speaking-Centered Chinese Pronunciation Teaching Method for Basic Chinese Learners. (초급 중국어 학습자를 위한 발음교육 개선방안 - 말하기 중심 발음 교수법 -)

  • Lim, Seung Kyu
    • Cross-Cultural Studies
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    • v.35
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    • pp.339-368
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    • 2014
  • In Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language, phoneme-based pronunciation teaching such as tone, consonants, vowels is the most common teaching methods. Based on main character of Chinese grammar: 'lack of morphological change' in a narrow sense, was proposed by Lv Shuxiang and Zhu Dexi, I designed 'Communicative oriented Chinese pronunciation teaching method'. This teaching method is composed of seven elements: one kind is the 'structural elements': phoneme, word, phrase, sentence; another kind is the 'functional elements': listening, speaking and translation. This pronunciation teaching method has four kinds of practice methods: 1) phoneme learning method; 2) word based pronunciation practice; 3) phrase based pronunciation practice; 4) sentence based pronunciation practice. When the teachers use these practice methods, they can use the dialogue and Korean-Chinese translation. In particular, when the teachers use 'phoneme learning method', they must use Korean and Chinese phonetic comparison results. When the teachers try to correct learner's errors, they must first consider the speech communication.

Acculturative Stresses and Adjustment elements of Chinese students' studying in Korea (중국인 유학생의 대학생활문화에서의 스트레스와 적응)

  • Lim, Choon-Hee
    • Korean Journal of Human Ecology
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.93-112
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    • 2009
  • The purpose of this study is to identify stresses and adjustment elements of Chinese students in Korea. The data analysis was conducted by qualitative method based on interviews with sixteen Chinese students as a focus group by the help of two interpreters. The results were as follows: first, stresses of Chinese students were from 'cultural difference', 'language', and 'financial', 'educational' and 'psychological stress', and 'university culture in Korea'. Those categories were divided into several sub categories. Second, ten helpful elements Chinese students could adapt themselves to Korean university life were such as 'Help of Korean professor and friends', 'Chinese friends' help', 'English-oriented lecture', 'Cultural affinity to Korea', 'Fluency in Korean language', 'Integration to Korean culture', 'Pride in Chinese culture', 'Individual effort', 'Satisfaction with educational environment', 'Perception of self-growth'.

A Study of Chinese Linguistic Taboo (중국 금기어 소고)

  • Han, Yong Su
    • Cross-Cultural Studies
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    • v.34
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    • pp.307-330
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    • 2014
  • To avoid calamities, the Chinese use different euphemisms in various fields of occupation and region. There are a lot of linguistic taboos concerned with Xieyin that shows the special characteristic of chinese characters. If two characters are homophones and one of them is considered offensive or misfortune, the Chinese prefer to substitute another expression for them in the actual conversations. These substitutes are called euphemisms. As an combined expression of psychological insecurity and language, euphemisms were not only used in the past, but also now they are still in common use. Although some of the chinese euphemisms are not used anymore nowadays, some of them are still used. There are a large number of chinese euphemisms in common use, but some special ones are used in particular fields only. This article focused on the linguistic taboos in some special fields like different regions, occupations and some others related with calamities, and tried to make a distinction from other previous studies. Language reflects culture and euphemism is a mirror of culture. The study of chinese linguistic taboos and euphemisms is expected to be some help to understand the chinese customs and linguistic features.

A Probe into the Modernity of Chinese Oil Painting

  • Fu Bao Cui
    • International Journal of Advanced Culture Technology
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.198-203
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    • 2023
  • Art grows with the development of human civilization. Many art forms exist to connect the past and the future. Oil painting, a form of western painting, has flourished in China since its entry into China. In the continuous exploration of artistic language, Chinese artists have formed art forms with Chinese characteristics, permeated Chinese painting ideas and techniques, and formed specialized painting language. Through the oil painting works, the Chinese oriental aesthetic, national spirit, local customs and other times of humanistic features. As one of the many practitioners of oil painting in China, the author starts from the ego and continuously explores and studies in the practice of art. This paper mainly discusses the embodiment of Chinese oil painting modernity in the oriental art context and analyzes the spiritual temperament and painting materials, so as to expand the creative thinking of Chinese oil painting modernity in the oriental art context.

A Study on the Conversation Textbooks with Chinese Culture: an Analysis of the Problems on Talking Culture and Comparison with Textbooks of Korea, Japan (문화 소재 중심의 중국어 회화교재에 대한 일고 - 『설한어(說漢語) 담문화(談文化)』의 문제점 분석과 극복방안으로서의 한·일 교재 검토)

  • Park, Chan-Wook
    • Cross-Cultural Studies
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    • v.40
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    • pp.133-158
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    • 2015
  • This study aims to analyse the conversation structure on Talking Culture("說漢語 淡文化") that is one of the conversation textbooks about Chinese culture and investigate Chinese textbooks published in Korea and Japan from a integration point of view among language, literature and culture for improving upon the problems on Talking Culture. For this purpose, this study, before analysing and investigating, considered the concept of language socialization on learning Chinese as a foreign language, and on the basis of it, analysed the conversation structure of Talking Culture. And then this study examined how we should organize the structures and contents when making conversations in Chinese textbook related with culture in compared with the Chinese textbooks published in Korea and Japan. In conclusion, this study argues that when composing a conversation textbook with culture, we not only need to pay attention not to have an inclination for conversation structure, but need to make use of the contents in Chinese literary and culture works for organizing conversations from the perspective of integration among language, literature and culture.

An Alignment based technique for Text Translation between Traditional Chinese and Simplified Chinese

  • Sue J. Ker;Lin, Chun-Hsien
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society for Language and Information Conference
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    • 2002.02a
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    • pp.147-156
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    • 2002
  • Aligned parallel corpora have proved very useful in many natural language processing tasks, including statistical machine translation and word sense disambiguation. In this paper, we describe an alignment technique for extracting transfer mapping from the parallel corpus. During building our system and data collection, we observe that there are three types of translation approaches can be used. We especially focuses on Traditional Chinese and Simplified Chinese text lexical translation and a method for extracting transfer mappings for machine translation.

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