• Title/Summary/Keyword: Channel Distribution

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Relation of Breakdown Voltage and Channel Doping Concentration of Sub-10 nm Double Gate MOSFET (10 nm 이하 DGMOSFET의 항복전압과 채널도핑농도의 관계)

  • Jung, Hakkee
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.21 no.6
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    • pp.1069-1074
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    • 2017
  • Reduction of breakdown voltage is serious short channel effect (SCE) by shrink of channel length. The deviation of breakdown voltage for doping concentration is investigated with structural parameters of sub-10 nm double gate (DG) MOSFET in this paper. To analyze this, thermionic and tunneling current are derived from analytical potential distribution, and breakdown voltage is defined as drain voltage when the sum of two currents is $10{\mu}A$. As a result, breakdown voltage increases with increase of doping concentration. Breakdown voltage decreases by reduction of channel length. In order to solve this problem, it is found that silicon and oxide thicknesses should be kept very small. In particular, as contributions of tunneling current increases, breakdown voltage increases.

Analysis for Breakdown Voltage of Double Gate MOSFET according to Device Parameters (소자파라미터에 따른 DGMOSFET의 항복전압분석)

  • Jung, Hakkee
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.372-377
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    • 2013
  • This paper have presented the breakdown voltage for double gate(DG) MOSFET. The analytical solution of Poisson's equation and Fulop's breakdown condition have been used to analyze for breakdown voltage. The double gate(DG) MOSFET has the advantage to reduce the short channel effects as improving the current controllability of gate. But we need the study for the breakdown voltage of DGMOSFET since the decrease of the breakdown voltage is unavoidable. To approximate with experimental values, we have used the Gaussian function as charge distribution for Poisson's equation, and the change of breakdown voltage has been observed for device geometry. Since this potential model has been verified in the previous papers, we have used this model to analyze the breakdown voltage. As a result to observe the breakdown voltage, the smaller channel length and the higher doping concentration become, the smaller the breakdown voltage becomes. Also we have observed the change of the breakdown voltage for gate oxide thickness and channel thickness.

Efficient Performance Evaluation Method for Digital Satellite Broadcasting Channels (효율적인 디지틀 위성방송채널 성능평가 기법)

  • 정창봉;김준명;김용섭;황인관
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.25 no.6A
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    • pp.794-801
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    • 2000
  • In this paper, the efficient new performance evaluation method for digital communication channels is suggested and verified its efficiency in terms of simulation run-tim for the digital satellite broadcasting satellite TV channel. In order to solve the difficulties of the existing Importance Sampling(IS) Technics, we adopted the discrete probability mass function(PMF) in the new method for estimating the statistical characteristics of received signals from the measured Nth order central moments. From the discrete probability mass function obtained with less number of the received signal than the one required in the IS technic, continuous cumulative probability function and its inverse function are exactly estimated by using interpolation and extrapolation technic. And the overall channel is simplified with encoding block, inner channel performance degra-dation modeing block which is modeled with the Uniform Random Number Generator (URNG) and concatenated Inverse Cummulative Pr bility Distribution function, and decoding block. With the simplified channel model, the overall performance evaluation can be done within a drastically reduced time. The simulation results applied to the nonlinear digital satellite broadcasting TV channel showed the great efficiency of the alogrithm in the sense of computer run time, and demonstrated that the existing problems of IS for the nonlinear satellite channels with coding and M-dimensional memory can be completely solved.

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  • Kim, Tae-Joo;Kim, Jong-Rok;Sim, Cheul-Muu;Lee, Sung-Ho;Son, Young-Jin;Kim, Moo-Hwan
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.41 no.1
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    • pp.135-142
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    • 2009
  • In this investigation, we prepared a 1 and 3-parallel serpentine single PEMFC, which has an active area of $100\;cm^2$ and a flow channel cross section of $1{\times}1mm$. Distribution and transport of water in a non-operating PEMFC were observed by varying flow types and the flow rates (250, 400, and 850 cc/min). This investigation was performed at the neutron imaging facility at the CO1d Neutron RAdiography facility (CONRAD), HMI, Germany of which the collimation ratio and neutron fluence rate are 250, $1{\times}10^{6}n/s/cm^2$, respectively. The neutron image was continuously recorded by a scintillator and lens-CCD coupled detector system every 10 seconds. It has been observed that although the distilled water was supplied into the cathode channel only, the neutron image showed a water movement from the cathode to the anode channel. The water at the cathode channel was completely discharged as soon as the pressurized air was supplied. But the water at the anode channel was not easily removed by the pressurized air except for the 3-parallel serpentine type with 850cc/min of air flow rate. Moreover, the water at the MEA wasn't removed for any of the cases.

Analysis of Relation between Conduction Path and Threshold Voltages of Double Gate MOSFET (이중게이트 MOSFET의 전도중심과 문턱전압의 관계 분석)

  • Jung, Hakkee;Han, Jihyung;Lee, Jongin
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 2012.10a
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    • pp.818-821
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    • 2012
  • This paper have analyzed the change of threshold voltage for conduction path of double gate(DG) MOSFET. The threshold voltage roll-off among the short channel effects of DGMOSFET have become obstacles of precise device operation. The analytical solution of Poisson's equation have been used to analyze the threshold voltage, and Gaussian function been used as carrier distribution to analyze closely for experimental results. The threshold voltages for conduction path have been analyzed for device parameters such as channel length, channel thickness, gate oxide thickness and doping concentration. Since this potential model has been verified in the previous papers, we have used this model to analyze the threshold voltage. Resultly, we know the threshold voltage is greatly influenced on the change of conduction path for device parameters of DGMOSFET.

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Analysis of Relation between Conduction Path and Breakdown Voltages of Double Gate MOSFET (DGMOSFET의 전도중심과 항복전압의 관계 분석)

  • Jung, Hakkee;Han, Jihyung;Kwon, Ohshin
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 2012.10a
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    • pp.825-828
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    • 2012
  • This paper have analyzed the change of breakdown voltage for conduction path of double gate(DG) MOSFET. The low breakdown voltage among the short channel effects of DGMOSFET have become obstacles of device operation. The analytical solution of Poisson's equation have been used to analyze the breakdown voltage, and Gaussian function been used as carrier distribution to analyze closely for experimental results. The change of breakdown voltages for conduction path have been analyzed for device parameters such as channel length, channel thickness, gate oxide thickness and doping concentration. Since this potential model has been verified in the previous papers, we have used this model to analyze the breakdown voltage. Resultly, we know the breakdown voltage is greatly influenced on the change of conduction path for device parameters of DGMOSFET.

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Deviation of Threshold Voltages for Conduction Path of Double Gate MOSFET (이중게이트 MOSFET의 전도중심에 따른 문턱전압의 변화)

  • Jung, Hakkee
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.16 no.11
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    • pp.2511-2516
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    • 2012
  • This paper have analyzed the change of threshold voltage for conduction path of double gate(DG) MOSFET. The threshold voltage roll-off among the short channel effects of DGMOSFET have become obstacles of precise device operation. The analytical solution of Poisson's equation have been used to analyze the threshold voltage, and Gaussian function been used as carrier distribution to analyze closely for experimental results. The threshold voltages for conduction path have been analyzed for device parameters such as channel length, channel thickness, gate oxide thickness and doping concentration. Since this potential model has been verified in the previous papers, we have used this model to analyze the threshold voltage. Resultly, we know the threshold voltage is greatly influenced on the change of conduction path for device parameters of DGMOSFET.

Thrust Performance and Plasma Acceleration Process of Hall Thrusters

  • Tahara, Hirokazu
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Propulsion Engineers Conference
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    • 2004.03a
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    • pp.262-270
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    • 2004
  • Basic experiments were carried out using the THT-IV low-power Hall thruster to examine the influences of magnetic field shape and strength, and acceleration channel length on thruster performance and to establish guidelines for design of high-performance Hall thrusters. Thrusts were measured with varying magnetic field and channel structure. Exhaust plasma diagnostic measurement was also made to evaluate plume divergent angles and voltage utilization efficiencies. Ion current spatial profiles were measured with a Faraday cup, and ion energy distribution functions were estimated from data with a retarding potential analyzer. The thruster was stably operated with a highest performance under an optimum acceleration channel length of 20 mm and an optimum magnetic field with a maximum strength of about 150 Gauss near the channel exit and with some shape considering ion acceleration directions. Accordingly, an optimum magnetic field and channel structure is considered to exist under an operational condition, related to inner physical phenomena of plasma production, ion acceleration and exhaust plasma feature. A new Hall thruster was designed with basic research data of the THT-IV thruster. With the thruster with many considerations, long stable operations were achieved. In all experiments at 200-400 V with 1.5-3 mg/s, the thrust and the specific impulse ranged from 15 to 70 mN and from 1100 to 2300 see, respectively, in a low electric power range of 300~1300 W. The thrust efficiency reached 55 %. Hence, a large map of the thruster performance was successfully made. The thermal characteristics were also examined with data of both measured and calculated temperatures in the thruster body. Thermally safe conditions were achieved with all input powers.

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Analysis of Tunneling Current for Bottom Gate Voltage of Sub-10 nm Asymmetric Double Gate MOSFET (10 nm이하 비대칭 이중게이트 MOSFET의 하단 게이트 전압에 따른 터널링 전류 분석)

  • Jung, Hakkee
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.163-168
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    • 2015
  • This paper analyzed the deviation of tunneling current for bottom gate voltage of sub-10 nm asymmetric double gate MOSFET. The asymmetric double gate MOSFET among multi gate MOSFET developed to reduce the short channel effects has the advantage to increase the facts to be able to control the channel current, compared with symmetric double gate MOSFET. The increase of off current is, however, inescapable if aymmetric double gate MOSFET has the channel length of sub-10 nm. The influence of tunneling current was investigated in this study as the portion of tunneling current for off current was calculated. The tunneling current was obtained by the WKB(Wentzel-Kramers-Brillouin) approximation and analytical potential distribution derived from Poisson equation. As a results, the tunneling current was greatly influenced by bottom gate voltage in sub-10 nm asymmetric double gate MOSFET. Especially it showed the great deviation for channel length, top and bottom gate oxide thickness, and channel thickness.

Surface Charge and Morphological Characterization of Mesoporous Cellular Foam Silica/Nafion Composite Membrane by Using EFM (정전기력 현미경을 사용한 메조포러스 실리카/나피온 합성 이온교환막의 표면 전하 및 모폴로지 연구)

  • Kwon, Osung
    • New Physics: Sae Mulli
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    • v.68 no.11
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    • pp.1173-1182
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    • 2018
  • Mesoporous silica allows proper hydration of an ion exchange membrane under low relative humidity due to its strong hydrophilicity and structural characteristic. A mesoporous silica and Nafion composite membrane shows good proton conductivity under low relative humidity. An understanding of ion-channel formation and proton transfer through an ion-channel network in mesoporous silica and Nafion composite membranes is essential for the development and the optimization of ion exchange membranes. In this study, a mesoporous cellular foam $SiO_2/Nafion$ composite membrane is fabricated, and its proton conductivity and performance are measured. Also, the ion-channel distribution is analyzed by using electrostatic force microscopy to measure the surface charge density of the mesoporous cellular foam $SiO_2/Nafion$ composite membrane. The research reveals a few remarkable results. First, the composite membrane shows excellent proton conductivity and performance under low relative humidity. Second, the composite membrane is observed to form ion-channel-rich and ion-channel-poor region locally.