• 제목/요약/키워드: Campbell

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    • Journal of applied mathematics & informatics
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    • v.19 no.1_2
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    • pp.231-240
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    • 2005
  • We examine the Fibonacci length of certain centro-polyhedral groups and show that in some cases the lengths depend on tribonacci sequences. Further we obtain specific examples of infinite families of three-generator groups with constant, linear and (3-step) Wall number dependent Fibonacci lengths.

Transcriptomic analysis of 'Campbell Early' and 'Muscat Bailey A' grapevine shoots exposed to freezing cold stress (영하의 저온에 노출된 'Campbell Early'와 'Muscat Bailey A' 포도나무 신초의 전사체 비교)

  • Kim, Seon Ae;Yun, Hae Keun
    • Journal of Plant Biotechnology
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    • v.43 no.2
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    • pp.204-212
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    • 2016
  • To understand the responses of grapevines in response to cold stress causing the limited growth and development, differentially expressed genes (DEGs) were screened through transcriptome analysis of shoots from 2 grapevine cultivars ('Campbell Early' and 'Muscat Baily A') kept at -$2^{\circ}C$ for 4 days. In gene ontology analysis of DEGs from 'Campbell Early', there were 17,424 clones related with biological process, 28,954 with cellular component, and 6,972 with molecular function genes in response to freezing temperature. The major induced genes included dehydrin xero 1, K-box region and MADS-box transcription factor family protein, and MYB domain protein 36, and inhibited genes included light-harvesting chlorophyll B-binding protein 3, FASCICLIN-like arabinoogalactan 9, and pectin methylesterase 61 in 'Campbell Early' grapevines. In gene ontology analysis of DEGs from 'Muscat Baily A', there were 1,157 clones related with biological process, 1,350 with cellular component, and 431 with molecular function gene. The major induced genes of 'Muscat Baily A' included NB-ARC domain-containing disease resistance protein, fatty acid hydrozylase superfamily, and isopentenyltransferase 3, and inhibited genes included binding, IAP-like protein 1, and pentatricopeptide repeat superfamily protein. All major DEGs were shown to be expressed differentially by freezing temperature in real time-PCR analysis. Protein domain analysis using InterPro Scan revealed that ubiquitin-protein ligase was redundant in both tested grapevines. Transcriptome profile of shoots exposed to cold can provide new insights into the molecular basis of tolerance to low-temperature in grapevines, and can be used as resources for development new grapevines tolerant to coldness.

Quality Improvement of Campbell Early Wine by Mixing with Different Fruits (타 과실 혼합에 따른 국내산 캠벨 포도주의 품질개선)

  • Seo, Myeong-Hyeon;Yook, Cheol
    • Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology
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    • v.39 no.4
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    • pp.390-399
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    • 2007
  • Moru (wild grape), blueberry, bokbunja (blackberry), and blackcurrant were mixed with domestic Campbell Early grapes to improve the quality of domestic wines made from the grape. The color of the Campbell wine was greatly darkened by mixing it with the fruits. The L-value of the wine color during fermentation was lowered from 34 to $6{\sim}13$ by mixing it with 20% bokbunja or blackcurrant. In addition, the a-value of the wine color during fermentation was lowered from 54 to $36{\sim}46$ by mixing it with 20% bokbunja or blackcurrant. The mixing of moru or blueberry also lowered the L- and a-values, but this darkening effect was not higher than that of the Campbell wine that was mixed with bokbunja and black currant. The polyphenol concentration of the wine was greatly increased by mixing it with black currant and bokbunja. The blackcurrant mixed wine had a polyphenol concentration as high as 1.87 mg/mL, whereas the wine made from the Campbell Early grapes alone contained only 1.02 mg/mL of polyphenols after 15 days of fermentation. A sensory evaluation showed that the quality of Campbell wine was the least favorable among different grapes, but its quality was greatly improved by mixing it with bokbunja, black currant, and moru.

Development of Red Wine Using Domestic Grapes, Campbell Early. Part (I) - Chracteristics of Red Wine Fermentation Using Campbell Early and Different Sugars - (국산 포도(Campbell Early)를 이용한 적포도주의 개발(I) - 첨가되는 당을 달리한 Campbell Early 포도주의 발효특성 -)

  • Kim, Jae-Sik;Sim, Ji-Young;Yook, Cheol
    • Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology
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    • v.33 no.3
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    • pp.319-326
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    • 2001
  • Red wines were prepared with Campbell Early harvested at Youngdong, Chungbuk Province in 1999 of which average sugar content and total acidity(tartaric acid %) were $12^{\circ}Brix$ and 0.7%, respectively. In order to investigate the effect of addition of various sugars on the quality of red wine, sucrose, xylitol, glucose, corn syrup, high fructose corn syrup(HFCS) and isomaltooligosaccharide(IMO) were added to musts to have $21^{\circ}Brix$ of sugar content. Fermentation of red wine in which glucose was added was faster than any other sugars with the final ethanol content of 12%(v/v). Wines to which sucrose and HFCS were added showed similar fermentation rates to glucose added one but alcohol contents were 10.3%(v/v) and 11.2%(v/v), respectively. Alcohol contents of wines made with xylitol, corn syrup and IMO was relatively low to about 7% (v/v) after fermentation. The pH values of wines were almost unchanged in all treatments during fermentation and the total acidities of wines were decreased from 0.7% to lower than 0.3%. The colors of wines were changed to redder and darker during fermentation. In sensory evaluation xylitol added wine showed the best preference and kept xylitol unfermented in it.

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Influence of Additions of Seeds and Stems on the Properties of Processed Campbell Grape Juice (Campbell 포도주스의 제조에 있어서 포도 씨와 줄기의 첨가가 포도주스의 품질에 미치는 영향)

  • Cabrera, Shirley G.;Lee, Yun-Rae;Kim, Sang-Tae;Moon, Kwang-Deog
    • Food Science and Preservation
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.256-262
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    • 2007
  • Grape juice, one of the most valuable fruit derived product has large amounts of phenolic compounds which provide many of the health benefits. Campbell grape juice, divided into Sample A(without seeds and stems), Sample B(with seeds only), Sample C(with seeds and stems) were processed and assessed for its components, sensorial attributes and functional properties as influenced by the addition of seeds and stems. The presence of seeds and stems in the processing of Campbell grape juice has significant effects on pH and total soluble solids($^{\circ}Brix$) but showed no significant effects on other physicochemical and color properties and corresponds to an increase in total phenolics, radical scavenging activity, total anthocyanin and total flavonoid The sensory evaluation showed that there is no significant differences among the samples but were all liked moderately to very much by the panelists. The result of this study demonstrated that seeds and stems can be included in the processing of Campbell grape juice as it enhances the juice functional properties without altering its physicochemical and sensorial properties.

Investigation on the 12 Phases of Hero's Journey in RCT3 Game Story (RCT3 게임스토리에 나타난 영웅의 모험(Hero's Journey)의 12가지 단계)

  • Roh Chang-Hyun;Lee Wan-Bok
    • Proceedings of the Korea Contents Association Conference
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    • 2005.05a
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    • pp.64-69
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    • 2005
  • Recently, grafting of a story into a game has attracted ever increasing attention. In this study, the 12 phases of Hero's Journey by Joseph Campbell highlighted in movies and myths was analysed from a point of Christoper Vogler to be correlated with a game. Since a story-teller Is a player in a game, the story experienced by the player enjoying the game was examined and correlated with the 12 phases of Campbell. As the game, a construction/management simulation game, RCT3 produced by Atari was studied. The 12 phases of Campbell was applicable to game story.

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Stimulating Effects of Far-infrared Ray Radiation on the Release of Antioxidative Phenolics in Grape Berries

  • Eom, Seok-Hyun;Park, Hyung-Jae;Seo, Dong-Wan;Kim, Won-Woo;Cho, Dong-Ha
    • Food Science and Biotechnology
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.362-366
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    • 2009
  • This research was conducted to determine the effect of far-infrared ray (FIR) irradiation of grape berries as a potential application for manufacturing grape products with a high amount of antioxidant chemicals. Two grape cultivars, the red grape cv. Campbell Early and the white grape cv. Thompson Seedless, produced increased amounts of crude extracts, in the FIR treatments compared to a non-FIR treatment control with same temperature. However, total phenolic concentrations and antioxidant activity in a 'Campbell Early' increased in the extracts following FIR treatment, whereas those of 'Thompson Seedless' did not increase significantly. High performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) analysis indicated that functional components affecting antioxidant activity were significantly increased in the extract of 'Campbell Early' following FIR treatment. Our results indicate that application of FIR treatment in heat process of grapes increases levels of antioxidative phenolic chemicals and it may help to enhance the availability of antioxidative compounds in various grape food products.

Effect of Pressing Methods on the Quality of Grape Juices (압착방법별 포도 착즙액의 품질특성)

  • 최희돈;김성수;김경탁;홍희도;김상희
    • The Korean Journal of Food And Nutrition
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.203-208
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    • 2002
  • The physicochemical and sensory properties of Campbell Early and Gerbong juices prepared by various pressing methods were studied. The yields of these juices by mixed method were 83.5% and 87.5%, the highest value of various pressing methods. And soluble solids and amino nitrogens of them decreased as heating temperature increased and was lowest when mixed method was performed. Titratable acidities of Campbell Early juice was 0.86∼1.00%, higher than that of Gerbong juice, 0.60~o.69%. Also the strength of astringent taste and sour taste of Campbell Early and Gerbong juice increased as heating temperature increased, and increased strength of these tastes gave good sensory evaluation to grape juices.

Investigation on 12 Phases of Hero's Journey in RCT3 Game Story (게임스토리에 나타난 영웅의 모험(Hero's Journey)의 12가지 단계 분석)

  • Roh, Chang-Hyun;Lee, Wan-Bok
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.6 no.11
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    • pp.104-109
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    • 2006
  • Recently, embedding method of a story into a game has gathered much attention than ever. In this study, the 12 phases of Hero's Journey, which was suggested by Joseph Campbell and was highlighted in the area of movies and myths, has been analysed at a point of Christoper Vogler. Since a gamer is not just only a player but also a story-teller in a game, the story experienced by the player enjoying the game was examined and correlated with the 12 phases of Campbell. The game RCT3, a construction/management simulation game ,produced by Atari, was studied. The 12 phases of Campbell was applicable to game story.

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  • Thongwittaya, N.;Pleusamran, P.;Choktaworn, N.;Tasaki, I.
    • Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.357-363
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    • 1992
  • The experiment was carried out to estimate the energy and protein requirements of Khaki Campbell $\times$ Thai Native growing ducks. The growing stage was divided into 2: the first was a starting stage from 0 to 4 weeks of age and the second was a growing stage from 4 to 18 weeks of age. In the starting stage, the birds were given diets containing 2.70, 2.75, 2.80, 2.85 and 2.90 Mcal ME/kg and ME/protein ratio of 150/l for the energy requirement trial, and diets containing 17.0%, 18.5%, 20.0% and 21.5% protein and 2.8 Mcal ME/kg for the protein requirement trial. It was found that there were no significant differences in body weight gain of feed efficiency among the energy or protein levels. In the growing stage, no significant differences in body weight gain or feed efficiency were found among the energy levels from 2.70 to 2.90 Mcal ME, or protein levels from 15.5% to 20.0%. The age at first lay was 105-117 days and this is earlier than that observed in purebred Khaki Campbell ducks. The feed cost for raising ducks was lower in the low energy and low protein diets. In conclusion, Khaki Campbell $\times$ Thai native ducks can be raised with a diet low in ME as 2.7 Mcal/kg during the whole growing period. As for the protein. 7.0% in the starting stage and 15.5% in the growing stage is practical.