• Title/Summary/Keyword: Calculating model

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Estimating the water supply capacity of Hwacheon reservoir for multi-purpose utilization (다목적 활용을 위한 화천댐 용수공급능력 평가 연구)

  • Lee, Eunkyung;Lee, Seonmi;Ji, Jungwon;Yi, Jaeeung;Jung, Soonchan
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.55 no.6
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    • pp.437-446
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    • 2022
  • In April 2020, the Korean government decided to operate the Hwacheon reservoir, a hydropower reservoir to supply water, and it is currently under pilot operation. Through the pilot operation, the Hwacheon reservoir is the first among the hydropower reservoirs in Korea to make a constant release for downstream water supply. In this study, the water supply capacity of the Hwacheon reservoir was estimated using the inflow data of the Hwacheon reservoir. A simulation model was developed to calculate the water supply that satisfies both the monthly water supply reliability of 95% and the annual water supply reliability of 95%. An optimization model was also developed to evaluate the water supply capacity of the Hwacheon reservoir. The inflow data used as input data for the model was modified in two ways in consideration of the impact of the Imnam reservoir. Calculating the water supply for the Hwacheon reservoir using the two modified inflows is as follows. The water supply that satisfies 95% of the monthly water supply reliability is 26.9 m3/sec and 24.1 m3/sec. And the water supply that satisfies 95% of the annual water supply reliability is 23.9 m3/sec and 22.2 m3/sec. Hwacheon reservoir has a maximum annual water supply of 777 MCM (Million Cubic Meter) without failure in the water supply. The Hwacheon reservoir can supply 704 MCM of water per year, considering the past monthly power generation and discharge patterns. If the Hwacheon reservoir performs a routine operation utilizing its water supply capacity, it can contribute to stabilizing the water supply during dry seasons in the Han River Basin.

Categorizing Quality Features of Franchisees: In the case of Korean Food Service Industry (프랜차이즈 매장 품질요인의 속성분류: 국내 외식업을 중심으로)

  • Byun, Sook-Eun;Cho, Eun-Seong
    • Journal of Distribution Research
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.95-115
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    • 2011
  • Food service is the major part of franchise business in Korea, accounting for 69.9% of the brands in the market. As the food service industry becomes mature, many franchisees have struggled to survive in the market. In general, consumers have higher levels of expectation toward service quality of franchised outlets compared that of (non-franchised) independent ones. They also tend to believe that franchisees deliver standardized service at the uniform food price, regardless of their locations. Such beliefs seem to be important reasons that consumers prefer franchised outlets to independent ones. Nevertheless, few studies examined the impact of qualify features of franchisees on customer satisfaction so far. To this end, this study examined the characteristics of various quality features of franchisees in the food service industry, regarding their relationship with customer satisfaction and dissatisfaction. The quality perception of heavy-users was also compared with that of light-users in order to find insights for developing differentiated marketing strategy for the two segments. Customer satisfaction has been understood as a one-dimensional construct while there are recent studies that insist two-dimensional nature of the construct. In this regard, Kano et al. (1984) suggested to categorize quality features of a product or service into five types, based on their relation to customer satisfaction and dissatisfaction: Must-be quality, Attractive quality, One-dimensional quality, Indifferent quality, and Reverse quality. According to the Kano model, customers are more dissatisfied when Must-be quality(M) are not fulfilled, but their satisfaction does not arise above neutral no matter how fully the quality fulfilled. In comparison, customers are more satisfied with a full provision of Attactive quality(A) but manage to accept its dysfunction. One-dimensional quality(O) results in satisfaction when fulfilled and dissatisfaction when not fulfilled. For Indifferent quality(I), its presence or absence influences neither customer satisfaction nor dissatisfaction. Lastly, Reverse quality(R) refers to the features whose high degree of achievement results in customer dissatisfaction rather than satisfaction. Meanwhile, the basic guidelines of the Kano model have a limitation in that the quality type of each feature is simply determined by calculating the mode statistics. In order to overcome such limitation, the relative importance of each feature on customer satisfaction (Better value; b) and dissatisfaction (Worse value; w) were calculated following the formulas below (Timko, 1993). The Better value indicates how much customer satisfaction is increased by providing the quality feature in question. In contrast, the Worse value indicates how much customer dissatisfaction is decreased by providing the quality feature. Better = (A + O)/(A+O+M+I) Worse = (O+M)/(A+O+M+I)(-1) An on-line survey was performed in order to understand the nature of quality features of franchisees in the food service industry by applying the Kano Model. A total of twenty quality features (refer to the Table 2) were identified as the result of literature review in franchise business and a pre-test with fifty college students in Seoul. The potential respondents of our main survey was limited to the customers who have visited more than two restaurants/stores of the same franchise brand. Survey invitation e-mails were sent out to the panels of a market research company and a total of 257 responses were used for analysis. Following the guidelines of Kano model, each of the twenty quality features was classified into one of the five types based on customers' responses to a set of questions: "(1) how do you feel if the following quality feature is fulfilled in the franchise restaurant that you visit," and "(2) how do you feel if the following quality feature is not fulfilled in the franchise restaurant that you visit." The analyses revealed that customers' dissatisfaction with franchisees is commonly associated with the poor level of cleanliness of the store (w=-0.872), kindness of the staffs(w=-0.890), conveniences such as parking lot and restroom(w=-0.669), and expertise of the staffs(w=-0.492). Such quality features were categorized as Must-be quality in this study. While standardization or uniformity across franchisees has been emphasized in franchise business, this study found that consumers are interested only in uniformity of price across franchisees(w=-0.608), but not interested in standardizations of menu items, interior designs, customer service procedures, and food tastes. Customers appeared to be more satisfied when the franchise brand has promotional events such as giveaways(b=0.767), good accessibility(b=0.699), customer loyalty programs(b=0.659), award winning history(b=0.641), and outlets in the overseas market(b=0.506). The results are summarized in a matrix form in Table 1. Better(b) and Worse(w) index indicate relative importance of each quality feature on customer satisfaction and dissatisfaction, respectively. Meanwhile, there were differences in perceiving the quality features between light users and heavy users of any specific franchise brand in the food service industry. Expertise of the staffs was labeled as Must-be quality for heavy users but Indifferent quality for light users. Light users seemed indifferent to overseas expansion of the brand and offering new menu items on a regular basis, while heavy users appeared to perceive them as Attractive quality. Such difference may come from their different levels of involvement when they eat out. The results are shown in Table 2. The findings of this study help practitioners understand the quality features they need to focus on to strengthen the competitive power in the food service market. Above all, removing the factors that cause customer dissatisfaction seems to be the most critical for franchisees. To retain loyal customers of the franchise brand, it is also recommended for franchisor to invest resources in the development of new menu items as well as training programs for the staffs. Lastly, if resources allow, promotional events, loyalty programs, overseas expansion, award-winning history can be considered as tools for attracting more customers to the business.

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Speed-up Techniques for High-Resolution Grid Data Processing in the Early Warning System for Agrometeorological Disaster (농업기상재해 조기경보시스템에서의 고해상도 격자형 자료의 처리 속도 향상 기법)

  • Park, J.H.;Shin, Y.S.;Kim, S.K.;Kang, W.S.;Han, Y.K.;Kim, J.H.;Kim, D.J.;Kim, S.O.;Shim, K.M.;Park, E.W.
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.153-163
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    • 2017
  • The objective of this study is to enhance the model's speed of estimating weather variables (e.g., minimum/maximum temperature, sunshine hour, PRISM (Parameter-elevation Regression on Independent Slopes Model) based precipitation), which are applied to the Agrometeorological Early Warning System (http://www.agmet.kr). The current process of weather estimation is operated on high-performance multi-core CPUs that have 8 physical cores and 16 logical threads. Nonetheless, the server is not even dedicated to the handling of a single county, indicating that very high overhead is involved in calculating the 10 counties of the Seomjin River Basin. In order to reduce such overhead, several cache and parallelization techniques were used to measure the performance and to check the applicability. Results are as follows: (1) for simple calculations such as Growing Degree Days accumulation, the time required for Input and Output (I/O) is significantly greater than that for calculation, suggesting the need of a technique which reduces disk I/O bottlenecks; (2) when there are many I/O, it is advantageous to distribute them on several servers. However, each server must have a cache for input data so that it does not compete for the same resource; and (3) GPU-based parallel processing method is most suitable for models such as PRISM with large computation loads.

Computational Fluid Dynamics Study of Channel Geometric Effect for Fischer-Tropsch Microchannel Reactor (전산유체역학을 이용한 Fischer-Tropsch 마이크로채널 반응기의 채널 구조 영향 분석)

  • Na, Jonggeol;Jung, Ikhwan;Kshetrimayum, Krishnadash S.;Park, Seongho;Park, Chansaem;Han, Chonghun
    • Korean Chemical Engineering Research
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    • v.52 no.6
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    • pp.826-833
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    • 2014
  • Driven by both environmental and economic reasons, the development of small to medium scale GTL(gas-to-liquid) process for offshore applications and for utilizing other stranded or associated gas has recently been studied increasingly. Microchannel GTL reactors have been prefrered over the conventional GTL reactors for such applications, due to its compactness, and additional advantages of small heat and mass transfer distance desired for high heat transfer performance and reactor conversion. In this work, multi-microchannel reactor was simulated by using commercial CFD code, ANSYS FLUENT, to study the geometric effect of the microchannels on the heat transfer phenomena. A heat generation curve was first calculated by modeling a Fischer-Tropsch reaction in a single-microchannel reactor model using Matlab-ASPEN integration platform. The calculated heat generation curve was implemented to the CFD model. Four design variables based on the microchannel geometry namely coolant channel width, coolant channel height, coolant channel to process channel distance, and coolant channel to coolant channel distance, were selected for calculating three dependent variables namely, heat flux, maximum temperature of coolant channel, and maximum temperature of process channel. The simulation results were visualized to understand the effects of the design variables on the dependent variables. Heat flux and maximum temperature of cooling channel and process channel were found to be increasing when coolant channel width and height were decreased. Coolant channel to process channel distance was found to have no effect on the heat transfer phenomena. Finally, total heat flux was found to be increasing and maximum coolant channel temperature to be decreasing when coolant channel to coolant channel distance was decreased. Using the qualitative trend revealed from the present study, an appropriate process channel and coolant channel geometry along with the distance between the adjacent channels can be recommended for a microchannel reactor that meet a desired reactor performance on heat transfer phenomena and hence reactor conversion of a Fischer-Tropsch microchannel reactor.

Comparison of Radiation Dose in the Measurement of MDCT Radiation Dose according to Correction of Temperatures and Pressure, and Calibration of Ionization Chamber (MDCT 선량측정에서 온도와 압력에 따른 보정과 Ionization Chamber의 Calibration 전후 선량의 비교평가)

  • Lee, Chang-Lae;Kim, Hee-Joung;Jeon, Seong-Su;Cho, Hyo-Min;Nam, So-Ra;Jung, Ji-Young;Lee, Young-Jin;Lee, Seung-Jae;Dong, Kyung-Rae
    • Progress in Medical Physics
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.49-55
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    • 2008
  • This study aims to conduct the comparative analysis of the radiation dose according to before and after the calibration of the ionization chamber used for measuring radiation dose in the MDCT, as well as of $CTDI_w$ according to temperature and pressure correction factors in the CT room. A comparative analysis was conducted based on the measured MDCT (GE light speed plus 4 slice, USA) data using head and body CT dosimetric phantom, and Model 2026C electrometer (RADICAL 2026C, USA) calibrated on March 21, 2007. As a result, the $CTDI_w$ value which reflected calibration factors, as well as correction factors of temperature and pressure, was found to be the range of $0.479{\sim}3.162mGy$ in effective radiation dose than the uncorrected values. Also, under the routine abdomen routine CT image acquisition conditions used in reference hospitals, patient effective dose was measured to indicate the difference of the maximum of 0.7 mSv between before and after the application of such factors. These results imply that the calibration of the ion chamber, and the correction of temperature and pressure of the CT room are crucial in measuring and calculating patient effective dose. Thus, to measure patient radiation dose accurately, the detailed information should be made available regarding not only the temperature and pressure of the CT room, but also the humidity and recombination factor, characteristics of X-ray beam quality, exposure conditions, scan region, and so forth.

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Estimate and Environmental Assessment of Greenhouse Gas(GHG) Emissions and Sludge Emissions in Wastewater Treatment Processes for Climate Change (기후변화를 고려한 하수처리공법별 온실가스 및 슬러지 배출량 산정 및 환경성 평가)

  • Oh, Tae-Seok;Kim, Min-Jeong;Lim, Jung-Jin;Kim, Yong-Su;Yoo, Chang-Kyoo
    • Korean Chemical Engineering Research
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    • v.49 no.2
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    • pp.187-194
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    • 2011
  • In compliance with an international law about the ocean dumping of the sludge, the proper sewage treatment process which occurs from the wastewater treatment process has been becoming problem. Generally the sewage and the sludge are controlled from anaerobic condition when the sewage is treated and land filled, where the methane$(CH_{4})$ and the nitrous oxide $(N_{2}O)$ from this process are discharged. Because these gases have been known as one of the responsible gases for global warming, the wastewater treatment process is become known as emission sources of green house gases(GHG). This study is to suggest a new approach of estimate and environmental assessment of greenhouse gas emissions and sludge emissions from wastewater treatment processes. It was carried out by calculating the total amounts of GHG emitted from biological wastewater treatment process and the amount of the sludgegenerated from the processes. Four major biological wastewater treatment processes which are Anaerobic/Anoxic/Oxidation$(A_{2}O)$, Bardenpho, Virginia Initiative Plant(VIP), University of Cape Town(UCT)are used and GPS-X software is used to model four processes. Based on the modeling result of four processes, the amounts of GHG emissions and the sludge produced from each process are calculated by Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change(IPCC) 2006 guideline report. GHG emissions for water as well as sludge treatment processes are calculated for environmental assessment has been done on the scenario of various sludge treatments, such as composting, incineration and reclamation and each scenario is compared by using a unified index of the economic and environmental assessment. It was found that Bardenpho process among these processes shows a best process that can emit minimum amount of GHG with lowest impact on environment and composting emits the minimum amount of GHG for sludge treatment.

Quantitative Analysis of Digital Radiography Pixel Values to absorbed Energy of Detector based on the X-Ray Energy Spectrum Model (X선 스펙트럼 모델을 이용한 DR 화소값과 디텍터 흡수에너지의 관계에 대한 정량적 분석)

  • Kim Do-Il;Kim Sung-Hyun;Ho Dong-Su;Choe Bo-young;Suh Tae-Suk;Lee Jae-Mun;Lee Hyoung-Koo
    • Progress in Medical Physics
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.202-209
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    • 2004
  • Flat panel based digital radiography (DR) systems have recently become useful and important in the field of diagnostic radiology. For DRs with amorphous silicon photosensors, CsI(TI) is normally used as the scintillator, which produces visible light corresponding to the absorbed radiation energy. The visible light photons are converted into electric signal in the amorphous silicon photodiodes which constitute a two dimensional array. In order to produce good quality images, detailed behaviors of DR detectors to radiation must be studied. The relationship between air exposure and the DR outputs has been investigated in many studies. But this relationship was investigated under the condition of the fixed tube voltage. In this study, we investigated the relationship between the DR outputs and X-ray in terms of the absorbed energy in the detector rather than the air exposure using SPEC-l8, an X-ray energy spectrum model. Measured exposure was compared with calculated exposure for obtaining the inherent filtration that is a important input variable of SPEC-l8. The absorbed energy in the detector was calculated using algorithm of calculating the absorbed energy in the material and pixel values of real images under various conditions was obtained. The characteristic curve was obtained using the relationship of two parameter and the results were verified using phantoms made of water and aluminum. The pixel values of the phantom image were estimated and compared with the characteristic curve under various conditions. It was found that the relationship between the DR outputs and the absorbed energy in the detector was almost linear. In a experiment using the phantoms, the estimated pixel values agreed with the characteristic curve, although the effect of scattered photons introduced some errors. However, effect of a scattered X-ray must be studied because it was not included in the calculation algorithm. The result of this study can provide useful information about a pre-processing of digital radiography.

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Growth Curve Estimation of Stand Volume by Major Species and Forest Type on Actual Forest in Korea (주요 수종 및 임상별 현실림의 재적생장량 곡선 추정)

  • Yoon, Jun-Hyuck;Bae, Eun-Ji;Son, Yeong-Mo
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.110 no.4
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    • pp.648-657
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    • 2021
  • This study was conducted to estimate the volume growth by forest type and major species using the national forest resource inventory and to predict the final age of maturity by deriving the mean annual increment (MAI) and the current annual increment (CAI). We estimated the volume growth using the Chapman-Richards model. In the volume estimation equations by forest type, coniferous forests exhibited the highest growth. According to the estimation formula for each major species, Larix kaempferi will grow the highest among coniferous tree species and Quercus mongolica among broad-leaved tree species. And these estimation formulas showed that the fitness index was generally low, such as 0.32 for L. kaempferi and 0.21 for Quercus variabilis. In the analysis of residual amount, which indicates the applicability of the volume estimation formula, the estimates of the estimation formula tended to be underestimated in about 30 years or more, but most of the residuals were evenly distributed around zero. Therefore, these estimation formulas have no difficulty estimating the volume of actual forest species in Korea. The maximum age attained by calculating MAI was 34 years for P. densiflora, 35 years for L. kaempferi, and 31 years for P. rigida among coniferous tree species. In broad-leaved tree species, we discovered that the maximum age was 32 years for Q. variabilis, 30 years for Q. acutissima, and 29 years for Q. mongolica. We calculated MAI and CAI to detect the point at which these two curves intersected. This point was defined by the maximum volume harvesting age. These results revealed no significant difference between the current standard cutting age in public and private forests recommended by the Korea Forest Service, supporting the reliability of forestry policy data.

Damage of Whole Crop Maize in Abnormal Climate Using Machine Learning (이상기상 시 사일리지용 옥수수의 기계학습을 이용한 피해량 산출)

  • Kim, Ji Yung;Choi, Jae Seong;Jo, Hyun Wook;Kim, Moon Ju;Kim, Byong Wan;Sung, Kyung Il
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Grassland and Forage Science
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    • v.42 no.2
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    • pp.127-136
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    • 2022
  • This study was conducted to estimate the damage of Whole Crop Maize (WCM) according to abnormal climate using machine learning and present the damage through mapping. The collected WCM data was 3,232. The climate data was collected from the Korea Meteorological Administration's meteorological data open portal. Deep Crossing is used for the machine learning model. The damage was calculated using climate data from the Automated Synoptic Observing System (95 sites) by machine learning. The damage was calculated by difference between the Dry matter yield (DMY)normal and DMYabnormal. The normal climate was set as the 40-year of climate data according to the year of WCM data (1978~2017). The level of abnormal climate was set as a multiple of the standard deviation applying the World Meteorological Organization(WMO) standard. The DMYnormal was ranged from 13,845~19,347 kg/ha. The damage of WCM was differed according to region and level of abnormal climate and ranged from -305 to 310, -54 to 89, and -610 to 813 kg/ha bnormal temperature, precipitation, and wind speed, respectively. The maximum damage was 310 kg/ha when the abnormal temperature was +2 level (+1.42 ℃), 89 kg/ha when the abnormal precipitation was -2 level (-0.12 mm) and 813 kg/ha when the abnormal wind speed was -2 level (-1.60 m/s). The damage calculated through the WMO method was presented as an mapping using QGIS. When calculating the damage of WCM due to abnormal climate, there was some blank area because there was no data. In order to calculate the damage of blank area, it would be possible to use the automatic weather system (AWS), which provides data from more sites than the automated synoptic observing system (ASOS).

Analysis of Reinforcement Effect of Hollow Modular Concrete Block on Sand by Laboratory Model Tests (실내모형실험을 통한 모래지반에서의 중공블록 보강효과 분석)

  • Lee, Chul-Hee;Shin, Eun-Chul;Yang, Tae-Chul
    • Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society
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    • v.38 no.7
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    • pp.49-62
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    • 2022
  • The hollow modular concrete block reinforced foundation method is one of the ground reinforcement foundation methods that uses hexagonal honeycomb-shaped concrete blocks with mixed crushed rock to reinforce soft grounds. It then forms an artificial layered ground that increases bearing capacity and reduces settlement. The hollow modular honeycomb-shaped concrete block is a geometrically economical, stable structure that distributes forces in a balanced way. However, the behavioral characteristics of hollow modular concrete block reinforced foundations are not yet fully understood. In this study, a bearing capacity test is performed to analyze the reinforcement effectiveness of the hollow modular concrete block through the laboratory model tests. From the load-settlement curve, punching shear failure occurs under the unfilled sand condition (A-1-N). However, the filled sand condition (A-1-F) shows a linear curve without yielding, confirming the reinforcement effect is three times higher than that of unreinforced ground. The bearing capacity equation is proposed for the parts that have contact pressure under concrete, vertical stress of hollow blocks, and the inner skin friction force from horizontal stress by confining effect based on the schematic diagram of confining effect inside a hollow modular concrete block. As a result of calculating the bearing capacity, the percentage of load distribution for contact force on the area of concrete is about 65%, vertical force on the area of hollow is 16.5% and inner skin friction force of area of the inner wall is about 18.5%. When the surcharge load is applied to the concrete part, the vertical stress occurs on the area of the hollow part by confining effect first. Then, in the filled sand in the hollow where the horizontal direction is constrained, the inner skin friction force occurs by the horizontal stress on the inner wall of the hollow modular concrete block. The inner skin friction force suppresses the punching of the concrete part and reduces contact pressure.