• Title/Summary/Keyword: COVID-Pandemic

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A Study on the Determinants of Apartment Price during COVID-19 Pandemic Using Dynamic Panel Model: Focusing on the Large-scale Apartment Complex of More than 3,000 Households in Seoul (동적패널모형을 활용한 코로나19 팬데믹 기간 아파트가격 결정요인 연구: 서울특별시 3000세대 이상 대규모 아파트 단지를 중심으로)

  • Jung-A, Park;Jong-Jin, Kim
    • Land and Housing Review
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.33-46
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    • 2023
  • This study investigated price factors for large apartment complexes in Seoul during the COVID-19 pandemic and compared Gangnam and non-Gangnam areas, which have been recognized as heterogeneous markets. We find that the change in apartment prices in large-scale complexes did not significantly affect the individual characteristics of apartments, unlike previous studies, but was affected by macroeconomic variables such as interest rates and money. On the other hand, considering the units of the interest rate and total monetary volume variables, the effects of two variables on the apartment sales price is significantly high. In addition, the Gangnam area model analysis shows that apartment prices are greatly affected by interest rates and currency volume, and, the non-Gangnam area model analysis shows that apartment prices are greatly affected by interest rates and currency volume, but the degrees are different from the Gangnam area model. Overall, our study shows that interest rates and money supply were the main factors of apartment price changes, but apartment prices in non-Gangnam areas are more sensitive to changes in interest rates and money supply.

The Effect of Empathy on Anxiety and Depression in COVID-19 Disaster : through Risk Perception and Indirect Trauma (코로나19 재난 상황에서 공감이 불안과 우울에 미치는 영향 : 위험지각과 간접외상을 통하여)

  • Han, Jeong-Soo;Choi, Ju-Hee;Lee, Sang-Ok;Kim, Yoo-Ri;Kim, Sung-Soo
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.21 no.11
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    • pp.609-625
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    • 2021
  • It has now been more than a year since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic in Korea, which has claimed thousands of lives and changed every aspect of life. The corona pandemic not only caused physical damages but also psychological one which is a collective social stress phenomenon often termed as 'corona blue'. The purpose of this study is to examine how empathy affects anxiety and depression through risk perception and indirect trauma, which are psychological variables related to the corona pandemic as a disaster. The survey data from 214 people were analyzed with a structural equation modelling. The results shows that 53.3 % of the participants experienced anxiety and 35.7% suffered from depression, which were about 6 times higher than ones from the 2019 government data. Affective empathy had a significant effect on risk perception, and cognitive empathy had a significant effect on indirect trauma. Risk perception and indirect trauma both had a significant effect on anxiety, and anxiety had a significant impact on depression. Only cognitive empathy had a significant indirect effect on anxiety and depression. This study provides an important insight into understanding a social phenomenon of 'corona blue' from a empathic perspective.

A Study on Demand Forecasting Change of Korea's Imported Wine Market after COVID-19 Pandemic (코로나 팬데믹 이후 국내 수입와인 시장의 수요예측 변화 연구)

  • Jihyung Kim
    • The Journal of Bigdata
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.189-200
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    • 2023
  • At the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, Korea's wine market had shrunk as other countries. However, right after the pandemic, Korea's imported wine consumption had been increased 69.6%. Because of the ban on overseas travel, wine was consumed in the domestic market. And consumption of high-end wines were increased significantly due to revenge spending and home drinking. However, from 2022 Korea's wine market has begun to shrink sharply again. Therefore this study forecasts the size of imported wine market by 2032 to provide useful information to wine related business entities. KITA(Korea International Trade Association)'s 95 time-series data per quarter from Q1 of 2001 to Q3 of 2023 was utilized in this research. The accuracy of model was tested based on value of MAPE. And ARIMA model was chosen to forecast the size of market value and Winter's multiplicative model was used for the size of market volume. The result of ARIMA model for the value (MAPE=10.56%) shows that the size of market value in 2032 will be increased up to USD $1,023,619, CAGR=6.22% which is 101% bigger than its size of 2023. On the other hand, the volume of imported wine market (MAPE=10.56%) will be increased up to 64,691,329 tons, CAGR=-0.61% which is only 15.12% bigger than its size of 2023. The result implies that the value of Korea's wine market will continue to grow despite the recent decline. And the high-end wine market will account for most of the increase.

New Perspectives on Sunday School of Korean Church for Next Generation (다음 세대와 한국교회 주일학교의 새 전망)

  • Kim, Jeong Joon
    • Journal of Christian Education in Korea
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    • v.67
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    • pp.11-44
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    • 2021
  • In the early 21st century, the global COVID-19 pandemic, which has arisen during the development of the technological science of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, has been a great challenge in all fields including politics, economy, industry, education and religion in Korean society. To prevent the spread of the COVID-19 epidemic, the Korean government announced 'social distancing guidelines,' focused on the 'prohibition of three conditions'(crowd, closeness, airtight) for safety reasons. These quarantine guidelines made it more difficult for Korean churches and Sunday schools to operate. In general, looking at the statistical data of the major denominations of the Korean Church in the second half of the 20th century, shows that the Church has entered a period of stagnant or declining growth. Data also show that the number of students attending Sunday School is decreasing. The researcher identified four causes of the crisis faced by the Korean church and Korean Sunday school entering the 21st century. These trends are influenced by the tendencies of postmodernism, the deconstruction of modern universalism, the certainty and objectivity of knowledge, and the grand narrative and worldview of diffusion. Moreover, it is a phenomenon in which the young population decreases in contrast to the increasing elderly population in the age of population cliff in Korean society. Sunday Schools are also facing a crisis, as the youth population, who will become the future heroes of the Korean church, is declining. Finally, constraints of Church and Sunday school education activities are due to COVID-19 Pandemic. As analysis shows the loss of the Church's educational vision and a decrease in the passion for education. Accordingly, the researcher suggests four new strategies for the next generation of Korean Sunday schools, whose ranges from 200 members or less; this range covers the majority of Sunday School program run by churches in Korea. First, in the age of postmodernism, a time of uncertainty and relativism, Christian Societies requires teachers who are certain of absolute Christian truth and faith. Second, in an era of declining population cliffs for younger generations, a shift to a home-friendly Sunday school paradigm is needed. Third, during the COVID-19 pandemic, educational activities must appropriately utilize face-to-face and non-face-to-face communication. Finally, even in difficult times, Korean Sunday school should nevertheless remember the Lord's great commandment(Matthew 28:18-20) and restore the vision and passion of education to announce and teach the gospel. The researcher hopes that this study will provide small, positive steps in rebuilding Korean Sunday school educational activities for future generations in difficult times.

Comparative Analysis of COVID-19 Pandemic Crisis Response Capacities by Countries (코로나19 팬데믹 위기 대응 역량의 국가별 비교분석)

  • Yoon Hyeon Lee
    • The Journal of Korean Society for School & Community Health Education
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.59-70
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    • 2024
  • Objectives: The purpose of this study is to analyze each country's infectious disease response capacities and, based on this, find areas for improvement in Korea's infectious disease management response. Methods: First, the capacity to respond to the COVID-19 infectious disease was analyzed by country using the SPAR scores of 96 countries around the world released by WHO in 2022. Second, we analyzed each country's specific COVID-19 quarantine performance using Our World in Data and the Global Health Security Index (GHSI). Results: First, the quarantine intensity index on January 24, 2021 was the highest in the Southeast Asia branch at 67.6, which had strong quarantine measures, and the lowest at 44.5 in the Africa branch. As of December 31, 2022, the quarantine intensity index in Europe was significantly lowered to 11.6. Second, the factor that influenced the SPAR indicator on the total number of patients per million population was national laboratory (C4), p=.027, and the factor that influenced the total number of deaths per million population was infection prevention and control (C9), p=.005., Risk Communication and Community Participation (C10) p=.040. The influential factor on GDP per capita was infection prevention and control (C9) p=.009, and the influential factor on GHSI was infection prevention and control (C9) p=.002. Conclusion: The research findings indicate that it was difficult to find a correlation between the SPAR, which is each country's self-assessment of their infectious disease capacities, and the number of COVID-19 cases or the intensity of pandemic responses. However, mortality rates, as well as factors such as the Global Health Security Index (GHSI) and national income, appear to be somewhat influenced. For future improvements in infectious disease management and response in our country, it is necessary to develop pandemic strategies that can reduce socio-economic costs based on more scientific and reliable data like JEE or GHSI, especially in preparation for potential unknown emerging infectious diseases. Based on this, proactive decision-making led by a control tower of experts and effective health communication are also required to respond to public health crises at a national level.

Corona Blue and Leisure Activities : Focusing on Korean Case (코로나 블루와 여가 활동 : 한국 사례를 중심으로)

  • Sa, Hye Ji;Lee, Won Sang;Lee, Bong Gyou
    • Journal of Internet Computing and Services
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.109-121
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    • 2021
  • As the global COVID-19 pandemic is prolonged, the Corona Blue phenomenon, combined with COVID-19 and blue, is intensifying. The purpose of this study is to analyze the current trend of Corona Blue in consideration of the possibility of increasing mental illness and the need for countermeasures, especially after COVID-19. This study tried to find out the relationship between stress and leisure activities before and after COVID-19 by using Corona Blue news article analysis through the topic modeling method, and questionnaire find out the help of stress and leisure activities. This study was compared and analyzed using two research methods. First, a total of 363 news articles were analyzed through topic modeling based on newspaper articles from January 2020, when COVID- 19 was upgraded to the "border" stage, until September, where the social distancing stage was strengthened to stage 2.5 in Korea. As a result of the study, a total of 28 topics were extracted, and similar topics were grouped into 7 groups: mental-demic, generational spread, causes of depression acceleration, increased fatigue, attitude to coping with long-term wars, changes in consumption, and efforts to overcome depression. Second, the SPSS statistical program was used to analyze the level of stress change according to leisure activities before/after COVID-19 and the main help according to leisure activities. As a result of the study, it was confirmed that the average difference in stress reduction according to participation in leisure activities before COVID-19 was larger than after COVID-19. Also, leisure activities were found to be effective in stress relief even after COVID-19. In addition, if the main help from leisure activities before COVID-19 was the meaning of relaxation and recharging through physical and social activities. After COVID-19, psychological roles such as mood swings through nature, outdoor activities, or intellectual activities were found to play a large part. As such, in this study, it was confirmed that understanding the current status of Corona Blue and coping with leisure in extreme stress situations has a positive effect. It is expected that this research can serve as a basis for preparing realistic and desirable leisure policies and countermeasures to overcome Corona Blue.

Democratic Values, Collective Security, and Privacy: Taiwan People's Response to COVID-19

  • Yang, Wan-Ying;Tsai, Chia-hung
    • Asian Journal for Public Opinion Research
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    • v.8 no.3
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    • pp.222-245
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    • 2020
  • In the pandemic crisis, many governments implemented harsh interventions that might contradict democratic values and civil liberties. In Taiwan, the debate over whether or not to reveal personal information of infected persons to limit the coronavirus's spread poses the democratic dilemma between public health and civil liberties. This study examines whether and explains how Taiwan's people respond to the choice between individual privacy and collective security. We used survey data gathered in May 2020 to show that, first, the democratic values did not deter the pursuit of collective safety at the cost of civil liberty; rather, people with higher social trust were more likely to give up their civil liberties in exchange for public safety. Second, people who support democratic values and pursue collective security tend to avoid violating privacy by opposing the release of personal information. This study proves that democratic values do not necessarily threaten collective safety and that the pursuit of common good can co-exist with personal privacy.

Asymmetric Interdependence and the Selective Diversification of Supply Chains

  • Nagy, Stephen R.;Nguyen, Hanh
    • Journal of Contemporary Eastern Asia
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.237-258
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    • 2021
  • The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the risks of an over-concentration of supply chains in one country. It has motivated stakeholders to pursue diversification strategies. However, a paradox exists. Stakeholders have shied away from a complete decoupling and preferring to selectively enhance economic ties with China. This article explores this paradox by examining supply chain concentration in China as a form of asymmetric interdependence and the countermeasures from the U.S., Japan, Australia, and India to minimize vulnerabilities. It argues that while the COVID-19 disruptions have brought to light the risk of supply chain overconcentration in China, countermeasures are also driven by coercive diplomacy and the deepening U.S.-China rivalry. The paper also examines the feasibility of diversification efforts by focusing on the capacity and capabilities of alternative supply chain hubs. It finds that while states are actively seeking ways to prevent China from using asymmetric interdependence of supply chains and trade to gain political leverage, there are structural limits to the degree of diversification in the short to mid-term.

A study on Innovation Methods for the Content Industry in the post-COVID-19 Era

  • Lee, Gun-Woong;Bang, Mee-Young
    • International Journal of Advanced Culture Technology
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    • v.9 no.3
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    • pp.142-151
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    • 2021
  • The content industry was greatly affected by the pandemic that hit the world in 2020. The release and production of major Hollywood films were postponed. Performances, festivals, and mega-events such as tourism and the Olympic Games were also canceled or postponed. The innovation of the content industry became inevitable in line with these rapid environmental changes, and the industry had to undergo internal changes according to these external environmental changes. Representative examples are talent fostering and job creation for young people. This study conducts both SWOT analysis and PEST analysis on the South Korean content industry, thereby analyzing cases of talent fostering and job creation suitable for the new environment.

Tourist Transition Model among Tourist Attractions based on GPS Trajectory

  • Kasahara, Hidekazu;Watabe, Takeshi;Iiyama, Masaaki
    • Journal of Smart Tourism
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    • v.1 no.2
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    • pp.19-25
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    • 2021
  • Before COVID-19, tourist destinations have experienced problems with congestion of both famous tourist attractions and public transportation. Over-tourism is not an issue at this time, but it is likely to rekindle after the COVID-19 pandemic ends. One method of mitigating over-tourism is to estimate tourist behavior using a tourist transition model and consequently adjust public transportation operations. In this study, we propose a construction method for a model of tourist transitions among tourist attractions based on tourist GPS trajectory data. We construct tourist transition models using actual trajectory data for tourists staying in the vicinity of Kyoto City. The results verify the model performance.