• Title/Summary/Keyword: CNC controller

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Development of a CNC Machine using a Parallel Mechanism (병렬기구 공작기계의 프로그램 개발)

  • 박근우
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Machine Tool Engineers Conference
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    • 2000.04a
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    • pp.679-684
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    • 2000
  • This paper presents the development of system and program for a Parallel-Typed CNC Machine. The system consists of parallel manipulator, PC (Personal Computer), DMC (DSP Motion Controller), and machining tools. In order to control the manipulator, the program, which is implemented in "c/c++" language, involves inverse/direct kinematics, velocity mapping, Jacobian and etc. A controller computes the kinematic formulation in real-time and generates and motion by the DMC. A monitor, which has access to program and sensory information, displays the status of manipulator.nipulator.

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Feature Based Tool Path Planning and Modification for STEP-NC (STEP-NC의 피쳐 기반 공구경로 생성 및 갱신)

  • 조정훈;서석환
    • Korean Journal of Computational Design and Engineering
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    • v.4 no.4
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    • pp.295-311
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    • 1999
  • An increasing attention is paid to STEP-NC, the next generation CNC controller interfacing STEP-compatible data. In this paper, we first propose an Architecture for the STEP-NC (called FBCC: Feature Baled CNC Controller) accepting feature code compatible with STEP-data, and executing NC motion feature by feature while monitoring the execution status. The main thrust of the paper has been to develop an automatic on-line tool path generation and modification scheme for milling operation. The tool path it generated iota each feature by decomposing into a finite number of primitive features. The key function in the new scheme is haw to accommodate unexpected execution results. In our scheme, the too1 path plinker is designed to have a tracing capability iota the tool path execution so that a new path can be generated from the point where the operation is stopped. An illustrative example is included to show the capability of the developed algorithm.

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DNC System Conversion of CNC Machine Tools for FMS (FMS를 위한 CNC 공작기계의 DNC 시스템 변환)

  • Bae, Yong-Hwan;Oh, Sang-Yeob
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Industry Convergence
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.207-213
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    • 2004
  • This paper describes the development of Behind-Tape-Reader (BTR) type DNC system using CYBER 180-830 as a central computer and IBM PC-AT cell control computer and NC lathe with FANUC 5T NC controller. In this system, the connection between central computer and cell control computer is done via RS-232C serial interface board, and that between cell control computer and FANUC 5T controller is done via parallel interface board. The software consists of two module, central computer communication module for NC program downloading and status uploading, NC machine running module for NC operating.

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Cutting Force Control of a CNC Machine Using Fuzzy Theory (퍼지이론을 이용한 CNC 공작기계의 절삭력제어)

  • Noh, Sang-Hyun;Lee, Sang-Gyu;Park, Un-Hwan;Lim, Yeun-Kyu
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Industry Convergence
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    • v.3 no.2
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    • pp.123-130
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    • 2000
  • Fuzzy control is proposed to regulate cutting force in turning operations under varying cutting conditions. The traditional linear controllers based on crisp mathematical model cannot effectively control cutting force becasue of the nonlinear dynamics of turning operations. The proposed fuzzy controller is based on operator experience and expert knowledge. The membership functions for the inputs and the output of the controller are designed. Cutting force is regulated by adjusting feedrate according to the variation of cutting conditions. The performance of the proposed controller is evaluated by experiments. The results of experiments show that the proposed fuzzy controller has a good cutting force regulation over a wide range of cutting conditions.

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CNC 콘트롤러의 개발사양 결정방법에 관한 연구

  • Kim, Du-Geun
    • IE interfaces
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.5-12
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    • 1994
  • CNC 콘트롤러는 일반적인 공작기계나 특수한 가공기계를 대상으로 위치제어와 속도제어를 하는 장치로서, 기계적인 가공방식은 기본적으로 전통적인 방식에서 고정도화, 고속화, 고생산성화를 추구하는 기술로 발전하고 있으나 이와같은 기술을 뒷받침하는 제어방법은 전자공업의 발전정도에 기반을 두고 있다. 사용자의 요구는 선진 외국제품에 대한 경험을 바탕으로 다양한 기능을 원하면서도 편이성과 단순성을 추구하고 있으며, 이와같은 시장구조하에서는 기술과 가격의 혁신을 전제로 하는 제품만이 생명력을 갖게 된다. 따라서 본 논고에서는 CNC Controller의 개발사양을 도출하여 기술적 접근 방법을 구하는 기법에 대하여 논하고자 한다.

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Integrated Auto-Tuning of a Multi-Axis Cross-Coupling Control System (다축 연동제어 시스템에 대한 통합형 자율동조)

  • Lee, Hak-Chul;Jee, Sung-Chul
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Precision Engineering
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    • v.26 no.12
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    • pp.55-61
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    • 2009
  • Machining systems have been evolved to produce more detailed products of high added value. This has been possible, in large part, due to the development of highly accurate multi-axis CNC machine tools. The conventional CNC of machine tools has individual axis controllers to maximize tracking performance. On the other hand, cross-coupling controllers can be integrated into the conventional CNC to enhance contouring performance. For this multi-axis cross-coupling control system, it is necessary to automatically adjust the controller gains depending on operating conditions and/or other external conditions from an optimization perspective. This paper proposes automatic modeling of feed drive systems that minimizes the difference in behavior between the system model and the actual system. Based on the modeling, an integrated auto-tuning method is also proposed to improve both tracking and contouring accuracy of a 3-axis cross-coupling control system as well as users' convenience. The proposed methods are evaluated by both simulation and experiments.

Evaluation of the CNC grinding machine for ultra-precision machining of advanced materials (신소재 경면가공용 CNC 연삭기의 가공성능평가)

  • 김현석
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Precision Engineering Conference
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    • 1994.10a
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    • pp.92-97
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    • 1994
  • The there axis CNC grinding machine tool for ultra-precison mirror surface grinding of advanced materials such as ceramics and other hard and brittle materials was designed and manufactured. The grinding machine is composed of the air spindle, the high damping resin concrete bed, and the three axis CNC controller with the high resolution AC servo motor. To investigate the dynamic properties of the grinding machine, the natural frequencies of the spindle and the headstock were experimentally measured. The truing method using the break truer to revise the shape of the metal bonded diamond wheel was developed. Form the results of the machining using the prototype three axis CNC grinding machine manufactured, the mirror surface were achieved.

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Simultaneous Control of Cutting Force and Position Using Two Degree-of- Freedom Controller in CNC Ball-end Milling Process (2자유도 제어기를 이용한 CNC볼엔드밀링 공정에서 절삭력과 위치의 동시제어)

  • 양호석;심영복;이건복
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Machine Tool Engineers Conference
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    • 2002.04a
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    • pp.536-542
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    • 2002
  • There are two important variables in machining process control, which are feed and cutting speed. In this work, a two degree-of-freedom controller is designed and implemented to achieve on-line cutting force control and position control based on the modelling of cutting process dynamics which are established through step response test. Two schemes are proposed and implemented. The first is feed control under the constant spindle speed and spindle speed control under the constant feed speed. The second is a simultaneous control of feed and spindle speed. The last performs a position control under the constant cutting force. Those are confirmed to work properly. Especially the latter shows a faster response.

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High performance velocity and position controller for spindle motor (스핀들용 유도 전동기 고성능 속도 및 위치 제어기)

  • 임충혁;유준혁;김동일;김성권
    • 제어로봇시스템학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 1996.10b
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    • pp.648-651
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    • 1996
  • Samsung Electronics has developed high performance velocity and position controller for induction motors, and succeeded in mass production for the first time in Korea. Dynamic performance and final control accuracy of the controller are equivalent to those of AC servo motor controller. At present, we adopted the controller as spindle motor drive for Samsung CNC systems, and expect its wide use in industry as general purpose velocity and position controller for induction motor.

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