• Title/Summary/Keyword: CLASSIFICATION TABLE

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A Study on Automatic Classification Model of Documents Based on Korean Standard Industrial Classification (한국표준산업분류를 기준으로 한 문서의 자동 분류 모델에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Jae-Seong;Jun, Seung-Pyo;Yoo, Hyoung Sun
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.24 no.3
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    • pp.221-241
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    • 2018
  • As we enter the knowledge society, the importance of information as a new form of capital is being emphasized. The importance of information classification is also increasing for efficient management of digital information produced exponentially. In this study, we tried to automatically classify and provide tailored information that can help companies decide to make technology commercialization. Therefore, we propose a method to classify information based on Korea Standard Industry Classification (KSIC), which indicates the business characteristics of enterprises. The classification of information or documents has been largely based on machine learning, but there is not enough training data categorized on the basis of KSIC. Therefore, this study applied the method of calculating similarity between documents. Specifically, a method and a model for presenting the most appropriate KSIC code are proposed by collecting explanatory texts of each code of KSIC and calculating the similarity with the classification object document using the vector space model. The IPC data were collected and classified by KSIC. And then verified the methodology by comparing it with the KSIC-IPC concordance table provided by the Korean Intellectual Property Office. As a result of the verification, the highest agreement was obtained when the LT method, which is a kind of TF-IDF calculation formula, was applied. At this time, the degree of match of the first rank matching KSIC was 53% and the cumulative match of the fifth ranking was 76%. Through this, it can be confirmed that KSIC classification of technology, industry, and market information that SMEs need more quantitatively and objectively is possible. In addition, it is considered that the methods and results provided in this study can be used as a basic data to help the qualitative judgment of experts in creating a linkage table between heterogeneous classification systems.

한강하류지형면의 분류와 지형발달에 대한 연구 (양수리에서 능곡까지)

  • Park, No-Sik
    • Journal of the Speleological Society of Korea
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    • no.68
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    • pp.23-73
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    • 2005
  • Purpose of study; The purpose of this study is specifically classified as two parts. The one is to attempt the chronological annals of Quaternary topographic surface through the study over the formation process of alluvial surfaces in our country, setting forth the alluvial surfaces lower-parts of Han River area, as the basic deposit, and comparing it to the marginal landform surfaces. The other is to attempt the classification of micro morphology based on the and condition premising the land use as a link for the regional development in the lower-parts of Han river area. Reasons why selected the Lower-parts of Han river area as study objects: 1. The change of river course in this area is very serve both in vertical and horizontal sides. With a situation it is very easy to know about the old geography related to the formation process of topography. 2. The component materials of gravel, sand, silt and clay are deposited in this area. Making it the available data, it is possible to consider about not oかy the formation process of topography but alsoon the development history to some extent. 3. The earthen vessel, a fossil shell fish, bone, cnarcoal and sea-weed are included in the alluvial deposition in this area. These can be also valuable data related to the chronological annals. 4. The bottom set conglometate beds is also included in the alluvial deposits. This can be also valuable data related to the research of geomorphological development. 5. Around of this area the medium landform surface, lower landform surface, pediment and basin, are existed, and these enable the comparison between the erosion surfaces and the alluvial surfaces. Approach : 1. Referring to the change of river beds, I have calculated the vertical and horizontal differences comparing the topographic map published in 1916 with that published in 1966 and through the field work 2. In classifying the landform, I have applied the method of micro morphological classification in accordance with the synthetic index based upon the land conditions, and furthermore used the classification method comparing the topographic map published in 1916 and in that of 1966. 3. I have accorded this classification with the classification by mapping through appliying the method of classification in the development history for the field work making the component materials as the available data. 4. I have used the component materials, which were picked up form the outcrop of 10 places and bored at 5 places, as the available data. 5. I have referred to Hydrological survey data of the ministry of Construction (since 1916) on the overflow of Han-river, and used geologic map of Seoul metropolitan area. Survey Data, and general map published in 1916 by the Japanese Army Survbey Dept., and map published in 1966 by the Construction Research Laboratory and ROK Army Survey Dept., respectively. Conclusion: 1. Classification of Morphology: I have added the historical consideration for development, making the component materials and fossil as the data, to the typical consideration in accordance with the map of summit level, reliefe and slope distribution. In connection with the erosion surface, I have divided into three classification such as high, medium and low-,level landform surfaces which were classified as high and low level landform surfaces in past. furthermore I have divided the low level landform surface two parts, namely upper-parts(200-300m) and bellow-parts(${\pm}100m$). Accordingly, we can recognize the three-parts of erosion surface including the medium level landform surface (500-600m) in this area. (see table 22). In condition with the alluvial surfaces I have classified as two landform surfaces (old and new) which was regarded as one face in past. Meamwhile, under the premise of land use, the synthetic, micro morphological classification based upon the land condition is as per the draw No. 19-1. This is the quite new method of classification which was at first attempted in this country. 2. I have learned that the change of river was most severe at seeing the river meandering rate from Dangjung-ni to Nanjido. As you seee the table and the vertical and horizontal change of river beds is justly proportionable to the river meandering rate. 3. It can be learned at seeing the analysis of component materials of alluvial deposits that the component from each other by areas, however, in the deposits relationship upper stream, and between upper parts and below parts I couldn't always find out the regular ones. 4. Having earthern vessel, shell bone, fossil charcoal and and seaweeds includen in the component materials such as gravel, clay, sand and silt in Dukso and Songpa deposits area. I have become to attempt the compilation of chronicle as yon see in the table 22. 5. In according to hearing of basemen excavation, the bottom set conglomerate beds of Dukso beds of Dukso-beds is 7m and Songpa-beds is 10m. In according to information of dredger it is approx. 20m in the down stream. 6. Making these two beds as the standard beds, I have compared it to other beds. 7 The coarse sand beds which is covering the clay-beds of Dukso-beds and Nanjidobeds is shown the existence of so-called erosion period which formed the gap among the alluvial deposits of stratum. The former has been proved by the sorting, bedding and roundness which was supplied by the main stream and later by the branch stream, respectively. 8. If the clay-beds of Dukeo-bed and Songpa-bed is called as being transgressive overlap, by the Eustatic movement after glacial age, the bottom set conglomerate beds shall be called as being regressive overlap at the holocene. This has the closest relationship with the basin formation movement of Seoul besides the Eustatic movement. 9. The silt-beds which is the main component of deposits of flood plain, is regarded as being deposited at the Holocene in the comb ceramic and plain pottery ages. This has the closest relationship with the change of river course and river beds.

Studies on the soybean varieties in Korea -1. Classificiatons of Ecotypes and Maturity groups- (대두의 품종에 관한 연구 -제1보 생태형과 성숙군의 분류-)

  • Kwon-Yawl Chang
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.3-25
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    • 1963
  • Experiments were carried out to classify the ecotypes and maturity groups of soybean varieties, and to make clear the relationships among these ecotypes, maturity groups and some characteristics in the growing and ripening process of soybean varieties in Korea. Soybean varieties used as the material were 138, 57 varieties collected from Japan, America and Canada and 81 local varieties of Korea. These varieties were grown in the Experimental Farms, College of Agriculture, Seoul National University, Suwon, Korea and Chinju Agricultural College, Kyungsang Namdo, Korea. Seed sowing was conducted at 8 times from April15 to July 29, at 15 day-intervals, in 1962. The classification methods of ecotypes and maturity groups applied in this study, and the results obtained are summarized as follows; 1. Ecotypes were classified from the standpoint of the periods from emergence to flowering, the shortened ratio of days from sowing to flowering by delayed sowing, and the periods from flowering to maturity(as shown in Table A). 2. All varieties wer classified into 10 ecotypes of Ia$_1$, Ib$_1$, IIa$_2$, IIb$_1$, IIb$_2$, IIIb$_1$IIIb$_2$, IIIc$_1$and IIIc$_2$ symbols. Korean local varieties, however, belong to 6 ecotypes of IIb$_1$, IIb$_2$, IIIb$_1$, IIIc$_2$, IIIc$_1$ and IIIc$_2$, respectively(table 1). 3. Durations from sowing to maturity were from 120 to 190 days in April sowing plots of all varieties. From the standpoint of the durations, maturity groups were classified into 9 groups from group I, extreme early, to group IX, extreme late, but our local varieties belong to 5 maturity groups of III, IV, V, VI and VII symbols, respectively(Table 2). 4. Kinds of ecotypes and maturity groups, and the number of soybean varieties belonging to those are as shown in Table B. 5. In this study, it was observed that there were some close relations between these ecotypes and maturity groups (Table 3,4), and among the ecotypes, maturity groups and some other characteristics in the growing and ripening process of the soybean varieties(Table 5). 6. Furthermore, it was also observed that the kinds of ecotypes and maturity groups of recommended varieties in the southern Korean provinces are more numerous than those of the northern provinces in Korea.

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A Study on the Menu Structure and Term of Academic Library Web Site (국내 대학도서관 웹사이트 메뉴구조와 용어 분석)

  • 최흥식
    • Journal of the Korean Society for information Management
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.137-161
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    • 2002
  • The purpose of this study is to propose new menu structure and terms to be used by Website design for utilization of academic library Website. The menu structure was analyzed, based on seven menu patterns of Website which is widely used, and terms were analyzed by the frequency appearing at the Website. According to the analyzed result, the menu structure used to more than two menu patterns and the terms appear variety. The profitable menu pattern appears 〈table〉 and 〈frame + table〉 menu structures and the terms needs to systematic re-classification and controlled presentation. It is expected that this study can help a designer to the development and implementation of efficient Website. It helps not only to solve the problem of menu structure and term selection for librarian, but get rid of confusion of library services for users.

Syntactic Analysis of Korean Sentence for Machine Translation (한국어의 Machine translation을 위한 구문 구조 분석)

  • Lee, Ju-Geun;Han, Seong-Guk;Jeon, Byeong-Dae
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Telematics and Electronics
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    • v.18 no.5
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    • pp.15-21
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    • 1981
  • This paper deals with the syntactic analysis algorithms of Korean sentence and system for machine translation. The parts of speech and constituients are syntactically analized at unified view-points and then an effective classification algorithm is proposed. The constituients which are applied an inverse movement transformation algorithm are processed with the concept of attribute. Syntactic analysis system is constructed to generate parsing table including the deep structure of sentence by lexicon proper to the combinational property of Korean and breadth-first searching method. The results obtained from the system program are shown as the parsing table of source sentences.

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A Robust Audio Fingerprinting System with Predominant Pitch Extraction in Real-Noise Environment

  • Son, Woo-Ram;Yoon, Kyoung-Ro
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Broadcast Engineers Conference
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    • 2009.01a
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    • pp.390-395
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    • 2009
  • The robustness of audio fingerprinting system in a noisy environment is a principal challenge in the area of content-based audio retrieval. The selected feature for the audio fingerprints must be robust in a noisy environment and the computational complexity of the searching algorithm must be low enough to be executed in real-time. The audio fingerprint proposed by Philips uses expanded hash table lookup to compensate errors introduced by noise. The expanded hash table lookup increases the searching complexity by a factor of 33 times the degree of expansion defined by the hamming distance. We propose a new method to improve noise robustness of audio fingerprinting in noise environment using predominant pitch which reduces the bit error of created hash values. The sub-fingerprint of our approach method is computed in each time frames of audio. The time frame is transformed into the frequency domain using FFT. The obtained audio spectrum is divided into 33 critical bands. Finally, the 32-bit hash value is computed by difference of each bands of energy. And only store bits near predominant pitch. Predominant pitches are extracted in each time frames of audio. The extraction process consists of harmonic enhancement, harmonic summation and selecting a band among critical bands.

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A Study on Generation Method of Intonation using Peak Parameter and Pitch Lookup-Table (Peak 파라미터와 피치 검색테이블을 이용한 억양 생성방식 연구)

  • Jang, Seok-Bok;Kim, Hyung-Soon
    • Annual Conference on Human and Language Technology
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    • 1999.10e
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    • pp.184-190
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    • 1999
  • 본 논문에서는 Text-to-Speech 시스템에서 사용할 억양 모델을 위해 음성 DB에서 모델 파라미터와 피치 검색테이블(lookup-table)을 추출하여 미리 구성하고, 합성시에는 이를 추정하여 최종 F0 값을 생성하는 자료기반 접근방식(data-driven approach)을 사용한다. 어절 경계강도(break-index)는 경계강도의 특성에 따라 고정적 경계강도와 가변적 경계강도로 세분화하여 사용하였고, 예측된 경계강도를 기준으로 억양구(Intonation Phrase)와 액센트구(Accentual Phrase)를 설정하였다. 특히, 액센트구 모델은 인지적, 음향적으로 중요한 정점(peak)을 정확하게 모델링하는 것에 주안점을 두어 정점(peak)의 시간축, 주파수축 값과 이를 기준으로 한 앞뒤 기울기를 추정하여 4개의 파라미터로 설정하였고, 이 파라미터들은 CART(Classification and Regression Tree)를 이용하여 예측규칙을 만들었다. 경계음조가 나타나는 조사, 어미는 정규화된(normalized) 피치값과 key-index로 구성되는 검색테이블을 만들어 보다 정교하게 피치값을 예측하였다. 본 논문에서 제안한 억양 모델을 본 연구실에서 제작한 음성합성기를 통해 합성하여 청취실험을 거친 결과, 기존의 상용 Text-to-Speech 시스템에 비해 자연스러운 합성음을 얻을 수 있었다.

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Wave Spectrum Based Fatigue Analysis for Mediterranean Sea, Black Sea and Aegean Sea

  • Kabakcioglu, Fuat;Bayraktarkatal, Ertekin
    • International Journal of Ocean System Engineering
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    • v.3 no.2
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    • pp.61-67
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    • 2013
  • In this study, wave spectrum based fatigue analyses are studied for Turkey's adjacent coastal seas by using Maestro finite element analyzing software. Palmgren-Miner's method is used to obtain the fatigue safe life time. Palmgren-Miner's method was selected for the fatigue analyses because of its good acceptance of data from almost all classification societies such as Germanischer Lloyd, the American Bureau of Shipping, Det Norske Veritas, etc. The maximum stress regions of the structures are obtained by using finite element analyses, and the results are compared with the endurance limit of the W$\ddot{o}$hler diagram of AA5059 H321 aluminum alloy. The wave characteristics table given in this article is used to obtain the number of cycles for each sea condition. By using the wave characteristics table, the wave lengths, wave speeds, and cycles are obtained. This study is performed to estimate the lifetimes of a semi-swath type coast guard boat and/or commercial yacht projects, which are produced by using AA5059 H321 aluminum alloy, under different sea environment conditions. Fatigue examinations are performed for both head seas and oblique seas.

Real-time structural damage detection using wireless sensing and monitoring system

  • Lu, Kung-Chun;Loh, Chin-Hsiung;Yang, Yuan-Sen;Lynch, Jerome P.;Law, K.H.
    • Smart Structures and Systems
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    • v.4 no.6
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    • pp.759-777
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    • 2008
  • A wireless sensing system is designed for application to structural monitoring and damage detection applications. Embedded in the wireless monitoring module is a two-tier prediction model, the auto-regressive (AR) and the autoregressive model with exogenous inputs (ARX), used to obtain damage sensitive features of a structure. To validate the performance of the proposed wireless monitoring and damage detection system, two near full scale single-story RC-frames, with and without brick wall system, are instrumented with the wireless monitoring system for real time damage detection during shaking table tests. White noise and seismic ground motion records are applied to the base of the structure using a shaking table. Pattern classification methods are then adopted to classify the structure as damaged or undamaged using time series coefficients as entities of a damage-sensitive feature vector. The demonstration of the damage detection methodology is shown to be capable of identifying damage using a wireless structural monitoring system. The accuracy and sensitivity of the MEMS-based wireless sensors employed are also verified through comparison to data recorded using a traditional wired monitoring system.

Habitat Type Classification System of Korean National Parks (국립공원 서식지 유형 분류 체계 구축)

  • Kim, Jeong Eun;Rho, Paik Ho;Lee, Jung Yun;Cho, Hyung Jin;Jin, Seung Nam;Choi, Jin Woo;Myeong, Hyeon Ho
    • Ecology and Resilient Infrastructure
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.97-111
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    • 2021
  • This study was conducted to develop a habitat type classification system and its map based on the ecological characteristics of species, spatial type, vegetation, topography, and geological conditions preferred by species. To evaluate the relationships between species and their habitats in Korean national parks, we prepared a classification standard table for systematic classification of habitat types. This classification system divides habitats into 6 low-level and 59 mid-level ecological classes based on habitat structure. The mid-level system divided forest ecosystems into 20 subtypes, stream and wetland ecosystems into 8 types, coastal ecosystems into 7 types, arable land into 6 types, development land into 9 types, and 1 type of marine ecosystem. A habitat classification map was drawn utilizing square images, detailed vegetation maps, and forest stand maps, based on the above habitat classification system, and it covered 1,461 plots spanning 21 national parks. The habitat classification system and survey protocol, which consider domestic habitat conditions, should be further developed and applied to habitat assessment, to enhance the utility of this study.