• 제목/요약/키워드: Building registration

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Automatic Co-registration of Existing Building Models and Digital Image (건물 모델과 디지털 영상간의 자동정합 방법)

  • Jung, Jae-Wook;Sohn, Gun-Ho;Armenakis, Costas
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.28 no.1
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    • pp.125-132
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    • 2010
  • With recent advancement of remote sensing technology, a variety of data acquisition over the same area is achievable. An automated co-registration of heterogeneous airborne images is a critical step for change detection. This paper describes an automatic method for co-registration between digital image and existing building model. Optimal building models for co-registration purpose are extracted as primitives from existing building model database. A set of homologous features between straight lines extracted from aerial digital image and model primitive are computed based on geometric similarity function. With obtained homologous features, EO parameter is recomputed using least square method. The result shows that die suggested method automatically co-register two data set in a reliable manner.

Registration-free 3D Point Cloud Data Acquisition Technique for as-is BIM Generation Using Rotating Flat Mirrors

  • Li, Fangxin;Kim, Min-Koo;Li, Heng
    • International conference on construction engineering and project management
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    • 2020.12a
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    • pp.3-12
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    • 2020
  • Nowadays, as-is BIM generation has been popularly adopted in the architecture, engineering, construction and facility management (AEC/FM) industries. In order to generate a 3D as-is BIM of a structural component, current methods require a registration process that merges different sets of point cloud data obtained from multiple locations, which is time-consuming and registration error-prone. To tackle this limitation, this study proposes a registration-free 3D point cloud data acquisition technique for as-is BIM generation. In this study, small-size mirrors that rotate in both horizontal and vertical direction are used to enable the registration-free data acquisition technique. First, a geometric model that defines the relationship among the mirrors, the laser scanner and the target component is developed. Second, determinations of optimal laser scanner location and mirror location are performed based on the developed geometrical model. To validate the proposed registration-free as-is BIM generation technique, simulation tests are conducted on key construction components including a PC slab and a structural wall. The result demonstrates that the registration-free point cloud data acquisition technique can be applicable in various construction elements including PC elements and structural components for as-is BIM generation.

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A Study on the Action Plan for the Building Registration on the Cadastral Map (지적도상 건축물 등록을 위한 실행방안 연구)

  • Jeong, Dong Hoon;Bae, Sang Keun;Kim, Jin
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • v.22 no.5
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    • pp.77-85
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    • 2014
  • As In spite of a close relationship between the land and the building administration, the registration information have been managed separately, because of the different department and the different working area as a national office. To record and manage the exact location of the building within the land we should oblige to submit a status survey results and also register them on the cadastral map. Even now we should make a business cooperation system by building a co-construction of information. The purposes of this study are to suggest ways to improve the legal system for the exact registration of a building on the cadastral map and to look for ways to increase the confidence of building information by reducing the inconvenience of the people through the analysis of a current building administration.

A Study on Registering Buildings Into LIS (건축물을 토지정보시스템에 등록하는 방법의 연구)

  • 이승규;김정희;송연경
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.383-392
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    • 2003
  • In this study, we investigated 3 methods for precise registration of buildings into LIS. They are : 1. using digital topographic maps, 2. using registered building maps, 3. cadastral surveyings on sites. The first method was found that it hardly met required precision, and the second one was also lack of precision because of unmatched actual buildings with registered ones and many unregistered buildings. The last method produced the most precise results, although it required laborious cadastral surveyings on sites. Considering the importance of building registration as it shows the ownerships of properties, the third method was thou인t to be desirable.

Design and Implementation of Builder Based on Web for Conference Registration and Publicity (컨퍼런스 등록 및 홍보를 위한 웹 기반의 생성 도구 설계 및 구현)

  • Kang, Min-Sung;Kang, Sung-Chul;Kim, Do-Hyeun
    • Proceedings of the Korea Contents Association Conference
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    • 2006.11a
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    • pp.584-588
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    • 2006
  • Recently, the conference is increase continuously, and the public relations and administration are increasing. Therefore, the many expense of small academic society and official overhead are generated for supporting the service of conference registration and announcement. Accordingly, in this paper, the building tool designs and implements for the registration and public relations of a small-scale conference on Internet. This tool supports an automatic building of a conference homepage and easily operation of the conference. And, the building tool provides the paper submission function, the pre-registration function and the email sending function using the conference homepage on Internet.

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Accuracy Evaluation by Point Cloud Data Registration Method (점군데이터 정합 방법에 따른 정확도 평가)

  • Park, Joon Kyu;Um, Dae Yong
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.38 no.1
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    • pp.35-41
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    • 2020
  • 3D laser scanners are an effective way to quickly acquire a large amount of data about an object. Recently, it is used in various fields such as surveying, displacement measurement, 3D data generation of objects, construction of indoor spatial information, and BIM(Building Information Model). In order to utilize the point cloud data acquired through the 3D laser scanner, it is necessary to make the data acquired from many stations through a matching process into one data with a unified coordinate system. However, analytical researches on the accuracy of point cloud data according to the registration method are insufficient. In this study, we tried to analyze the accuracy of registration method of point cloud data acquired through 3D laser scanner. The point cloud data of the study area was acquired by 3D laser scanner, the point cloud data was registered by the ICP(Iterative Closest Point) method and the shape registration method through the data processing, and the accuracy was analyzed by comparing with the total station survey results. As a result of the accuracy evaluation, the ICP and the shape registration method showed 0.002m~0.005m and 0.002m~0.009m difference with the total station performance, respectively, and each registration method showed a deviation of less than 0.01m. Each registration method showed less than 0.01m of variation in the experimental results, which satisfies the 1: 1,000 digital accuracy and it is suggested that the registration of point cloud data using ICP and shape matching can be utilized for constructing spatial information. In the future, matching of point cloud data by shape registration method will contribute to productivity improvement by reducing target installation in the process of building spatial information using 3D laser scanner.

AR system for FAB construction management using BIM data under fast track condition (패스트트랙 환경에서 FAB신축을 지원하는 BIM기반 AR 시스템 개발)

  • Lee, Sang-Won;Lee, Kwang-Soo;Choi, Sung-In;Ryu, Seong-Chan;Park, Jung-Seo
    • Journal of KIBIM
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    • v.12 no.4
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    • pp.1-18
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    • 2022
  • New Fabrication Facility (FAB) construction is performed with Building Information Modeling (BIM) based design. The BIM design data keep updated during the FAB construction. To improve fast-track construction management, a Fabrication Facility Augmented Reality (FABAR) was developed. This study introduces a FABAR system development process and shows performance evaluation results of the FABAR prototype system. The FABAR is implemented with three major modules: Augmented Reality (AR) visualization unit (Room-box) to transfer big BIM data to AR data, AR registration and tracking unit to match AR with real scape and to keep AR coordination in real, and AR data management unit to enhance usability. The prototype performance results were as follows: visualization of design BIM data via AR within 24 hours, precise AR registration and tracking registration, and appropriate usability to support FAB construction management at site. The results indicate that the FABAR is applicable for FAB construction management. Especially, the BIM data transformation method using Room-box in this study signifies a new construction management approach using fluctuating BIM design data in the fast track construction condition.

Analysis of overlap ratio for registration accuracy improvement of 3D point cloud data at construction sites (건설현장 3차원 점군 데이터 정합 정확성 향상을 위한 중첩비율 분석)

  • Park, Su-Yeul;Kim, Seok
    • Journal of KIBIM
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    • v.11 no.4
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    • pp.1-9
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    • 2021
  • Comparing to general scanning data, the 3D digital map for large construction sites and complex buildings consists of millions of points. The large construction site needs to be scanned multiple times by drone photogrammetry or terrestrial laser scanner (TLS) survey. The scanned point cloud data are required to be registrated with high resolution and high point density. Unlike the registration of 2D data, the matrix of translation and rotation are used for registration of 3D point cloud data. Archiving high accuracy with 3D point cloud data is not easy due to 3D Cartesian coordinate system. Therefore, in this study, iterative closest point (ICP) registration method for improve accuracy of 3D digital map was employed by different overlap ratio on 3D digital maps. This study conducted the accuracy test using different overlap ratios of two digital maps from 10% to 100%. The results of the accuracy test presented the optimal overlap ratios for an ICP registration method on digital maps.

Hue-assisted automatic registration of color point clouds

  • Men, Hao;Pochiraju, Kishore
    • Journal of Computational Design and Engineering
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    • v.1 no.4
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    • pp.223-232
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    • 2014
  • This paper describes a variant of the extended Gaussian image based registration algorithm for point clouds with surface color information. The method correlates the distributions of surface normals for rotational alignment and grid occupancy for translational alignment with hue filters applied during the construction of surface normal histograms and occupancy grids. In this method, the size of the point cloud is reduced with a hue-based down sampling that is independent of the point sample density or local geometry. Experimental results show that use of the hue filters increases the registration speed and improves the registration accuracy. Coarse rigid transformations determined in this step enable fine alignment with dense, unfiltered point clouds or using Iterative Common Point (ICP) alignment techniques.

Map registration of building construction plan drawing with shape matching of cadastral parcel polygon (필지 객체의 형상 정합을 이용한 건물 설계도면의 좌표 등록)

  • Huh, Yong;Yu, Kiyun;Yang, Sungchul
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.31 no.3
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    • pp.193-198
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    • 2013
  • This study proposed a map registration method of a building construction plan drawing with shape matching of cadastral parcel polygon. In general, the drawing contains information about a building boundary and a cadastral parcel boundary. The shape of this cadastral parcel boundary should be same as that of the corresponding parcel polygon object in the KLIS continuous cadastral map. Thus, shape matching between two parcel boundary polygons from the drawing and cadastral map could present transformation parameters. Translation and scaling amounts could be obtained by difference of centroid coordinates and area ratio of the polygons, respectively. Rotation amount could be obtained by the rotation that presents the minimum Turning function dissimilarity of the polygons. The proposed method was applied for building construction plan drawings in eAIS for an urban area in Suwon. To assess positional accuracy of map registration, building polygons in registered drawings and aerial photos were compared. According to the accuracy of the cadastral map which is the reference dataset of the proposed method, the RMSE of corresponding buildings' corners was 0.95m and 2.37m in new and old urban areas, respectively.