• Title/Summary/Keyword: Building Performance

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An Experimental Study on the Charring Rate of Solid Sawn Timber Exposed to Fire (화재에 노출된 제재목의 탄화속도에 대한 실험적 연구)

  • Yeo, In-Hwan;Park, Kyung-Hoon;Cho, Kyung-Suk;Min, Byung-Yeol;Yoon, Myung-O
    • Fire Science and Engineering
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    • v.25 no.3
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    • pp.78-84
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    • 2011
  • In this study, we have measured the charring rate of solid sawn timber as a preceding step for develop performance based fire safety design method of wood framed building structures. The follows are the summary of fire test results carried out with $400{\times}400$ mm cross-section Douglas-fir in varied of thickness and grain directions. I) When the timber thickness increase under same dimension, the charring rate decreases gradually. It is seemed the charring layer up on a thickness roles as a insulation, gives combustion delaying time to specimen. 2) The charring rates measured at different depths (10, 20, 30, 40 mm) in timber which varying thickness (20, 40, 80, 120 mm) when exposed maximum 1 hour standard fire increase by 30 mm depth, but decrease at 40 mm. It is seemed the minimum charr layer should be 30 mm for having role of insulation. 3) The charring rate of cross section surface (direction of perpendicular to grain) was more high than that of grain direction. It can be explained by the cracks and gaps from greater charr contraction made more heat flux incident into timber.

Reconstruction of the Experience of Single Mothers in Poverty -The Meaning of Self-Sufficiency, Welfare Dependency, and Work- (빈곤 여성 한부모 자활 경험의 재구성 -자활, 복지의존, 일의 의미-)

  • Chong, Hye-Suk
    • Korean Journal of Social Welfare
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    • v.67 no.4
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    • pp.251-277
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    • 2015
  • This qualitative study is designed for the reconstruction of the experience of single mothers in poverty based on the bottom-up approach. Welfare dependency is identified as vital help to protect their own and children's lives, through their stories telling that welfare services provided by government and community take care of them "in place of their husbands", and "raise them up by hand." What is self-sufficiency to them is more of a process-orientation through welfare dependency than a state out of it, and a way to look through building their self-esteem and working to discover their self-worth except their economic power. Restoring their potential to self-sufficiency through dealing with their psycho-social stresses and expanding services for them related to child-care(education) and occupation ability development for long-term self-sufficiency, rather than hasty focusing on welfare exit, should be built on the foundation of helping them self-sufficient. In order for the self-sufficiency program to overcome the participant's images of "subordination and stigma" and to convey the original meaning of "welfare to work", the performance and evaluation system of self-sufficiency programs that reflects the insider's perspectives on their participation motive and process, and the self-sufficiency program customized for their needs and interests should be encouraged to develop.

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The Role of ADR in the Resolution of the Copyright Disputes (ADR을 통한 저작권분쟁 해결에 관한 검토)

  • Kim, Sun-Jeong
    • Journal of Arbitration Studies
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.85-112
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    • 2011
  • These days utilization of copyright in daily life and economic activities is becoming more important than ever, and IT technology is developing day by day. Along with those fact, copyright infringement and dispute is naturally increasing. This thesis dealt with the 3 different issues of ADR on copyright. The First part, introduce ADR system that was performed by Korea Copyright Committee according to Copyright law. This paper evaluate the committee's efforts to provide resolution of copyright disputes via conciliation was effective. So it needs to be look over several countries' ADR, beside conventional judicial remedy. And Korea's copyright conciliation system which is successfully operating also introduced. Second, In many countries, including South Korea are take advantage of conciliation as the way to settle down the dispute over copyright. Furthermore, looked over if we can use arbitration as tool to settle dispute or not. Currently in Korea, patent dispute is handled by Industrial Property Dispute Conciliation Committee(The Invention Promotion Act Ch.5) and Layout-design Review and Mediation Committee(The Act on the Layout-designs of Semiconductor Integrated Circuits Art.29-34), but using performance of those two committee is still too low. In comparison, the copyright committee, a affiliation organization of the ministry of culture, sports and tourism has much more result in conciliation compare with patent dispute. Copyright disputes has arbitrability of it's subject-matter and many regulating organs are interested in it. (especially, binding of arbitral award and final resolution). Take advantage of both conciliation and arbitration could be good way to resolve copyright disputes. Third, the writer look at the proposal on the creation of Northeast Regional Center for Intellectual Property ADR. Because of the nature of copyright and rapid development of internet technology, international use of work become more frequent and accordingly infringement cases are increasing. The role of commercial arbitration regimes and institutions which has progressed significantly worldwide level, but which has only just begun in the intellectual property ADR area, leads also to a clash of often very different legal cultures and protection in a market economy. International cooperation in regional area with conflict interests becomes an important alternative. But it will depend on the building of regional institutions and mechanisms. The feasibility of this proposal and preconditions were examined. Establishment of new international organization requires a lot of time, cost and efforts. And risk of failure is much too high. Therefore factual, statistical review should be preceded. In addition, technical measures, such as on-line arbitration is necessary to review also. Furthermore in order to establish new organization, the relative law, legal environment, public sentiment and international compliance must be carefully considered with factual review about the needs and economic benefits of each country Yet on complex regulatory matters such as IP and ADR, a great deal of the potential benefits from international standards arises not from the international legal framework nor even the formal content of national legislation, but from the informed and effective use made of the possibilities within the system, including by policymakers and regulators.

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Analytical Study on Hybrid Precast Concrete Beam-Column Connections (하이브리드 프리캐스트 보-기둥 접합부의 해석적 연구)

  • Choi, Chang-Sik;Kim, Seung-Hyun;Choi, Yun-Cheul;Choi, Hyun-Ki
    • Journal of the Korea Concrete Institute
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    • v.25 no.6
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    • pp.631-639
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    • 2013
  • Non-linear finite element analysis for newly developed precast concrete details for beam-to-column connection which can be used in moderate seismic region was carried out in this study. Developed precast system is based on composite structure and which have steel tube in column and steel plate in beam. Improving cracking strength of joint under reversed cyclic loading, joint area was casted with ECC (Engineering Cementitious Composites). Since this newly developed precast system have complex sectional properties and newly developed material, new analysis method should be developed. Using embedded elements and models of non-linear finite element analysis program ABAQUS previously tested specimens were successfully analyzed. Analysis results show comparatively accurate and conservative prediction. Using finite element model, effect of axial load magnitude and flexural strength ratio were investigated. Developed connection have optimized performance under axial load of 10~20% of compressive strength of column. Plastic hinge was successfully developed with flexural strength ratio greater than 1.2.

A Test for Nonlinear Causality and Its Application to Money, Production and Prices (통화(通貨)·생산(生産)·물가(物價)의 비선형인과관계(非線型因果關係) 검정(檢定))

  • Baek, Ehung-gi
    • KDI Journal of Economic Policy
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.117-140
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    • 1991
  • The purpose of this paper is primarily to introduce a nonparametric statistical tool developed by Baek and Brock to detect a unidirectional causal ordering between two economic variables and apply it to interesting macroeconomic relationships among money, production and prices. It can be applied to any other causal structure, for instance, defense spending and economic performance, stock market index and market interest rates etc. A key building block of the test for nonlinear Granger causality used in this paper is the correlation. The main emphasis is put on nonlinear causal structure rather than a linear one because the conventional F-test provides high power against the linear causal relationship. Based on asymptotic normality of our test statistic, the nonlinear causality test is finally derived. Size of the test is reported for some parameters. When it is applied to a money, production and prices model, some evidences of nonlinear causality are found by the corrected size of the test. For instance, nonlinear causal relationships between production and prices are demonstrated in both directions, however, these results were ignored by the conventional F-test. A similar results between money and prices are obtained at high lag variables.

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Application of Non-Alkaline Silica Sol Grouting Method Considering the Eco-Friendliness (친환경 비알칼리성 실리카졸 차수공법의 적용)

  • Jang, Yonggu;Kim, Sugyum;Kang, Injoon
    • Journal of the Korean GEO-environmental Society
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    • v.17 no.9
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    • pp.37-45
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    • 2016
  • This study analyzes the environmental and durability problems of traditional (LW) grouting method. And the proposed method was compared to the others effects by analyzing the in-situ applicability and effect of performance of the method using the silica sol. This study analyzed the eco-friendly, effects of high strength silica sol through laboratory tests. The effects of the construction process were identified through the field tests. The compressive strength was increased by 1.3 times compared to the LW method and the shrinkage is 3~8 times less than that of LW method with water glass. No toxicity, which could affect soil contamination. In particular, it was confirmed that the Toxicity fish also survived with little pH change in the concentration tank. Also it confirmed the construction effects through field test. Field tests are a standard penetration test, permeability test, LLT, BST. Permeability was reduced to $1{\times}10^{-5{\sim}-6}cm/sec$.

Seismic Behavior and Estimation for Base Isolator Bearings with Self-centering and Reinforcing Systems (자동복원 및 보강 시스템과 결합된 면진받침의 지진거동과 평가)

  • Hu, Jong Wan
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.35 no.5
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    • pp.1025-1037
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    • 2015
  • Flexible base isolation bearings that separate superstructure from ground have been widely used in the construction field because they make a significant contribution to increasing the fundamental period of the structure, thereby decreasing response acceleration transmitted into the superstructure. However, the established bearing devices installed to uphold the whole building give rise to some problems involved with failure and collapse due to lack of the capacity as modern structures are getting more massive and higher. Therefore, this study suggests new isolation bearings assembled with additional restrainers enabled to reinforcing and recentering, and then evaluates their performance to withstand the seismic load. The superelastic shape memory alloy (SMA) bars are installed into the conventional lead-rubber bearing (LRB) devices in order to provide recentering forces. These new systems are modeled as component spring models for the purpose of conducting nonlinear dynamic analyses with near fault ground motion data. The LRB devices with steel bars are also designed and analyzed to compare their responses with those of new systems. After numerical analyses, ultimate strength, maximum displacement, permanent deformation, and recentering ratio are compared to each model with an aim to investigate which base isolation models are superior. It can be shown that LRB models with superelastic SMA bars are superior to other models compared to each other in terms of seismic resistance and recentering effect.

A Single Index Approach for Subsequence Matching that Supports Normalization Transform in Time-Series Databases (시계열 데이터베이스에서 단일 색인을 사용한 정규화 변환 지원 서브시퀀스 매칭)

  • Moon Yang-Sae;Kim Jin-Ho;Loh Woong-Kee
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartD
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    • v.13D no.4 s.107
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    • pp.513-524
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    • 2006
  • Normalization transform is very useful for finding the overall trend of the time-series data since it enables finding sequences with similar fluctuation patterns. The previous subsequence matching method with normalization transform, however, would incur index overhead both in storage space and in update maintenance since it should build multiple indexes for supporting arbitrary length of query sequences. To solve this problem, we propose a single index approach for the normalization transformed subsequence matching that supports arbitrary length of query sequences. For the single index approach, we first provide the notion of inclusion-normalization transform by generalizing the original definition of normalization transform. The inclusion-normalization transform normalizes a window by using the mean and the standard deviation of a subsequence that includes the window. Next, we formally prove correctness of the proposed method that uses the inclusion-normalization transform for the normalization transformed subsequence matching. We then propose subsequence matching and index building algorithms to implement the proposed method. Experimental results for real stock data show that our method improves performance by up to $2.5{\sim}2.8$ times over the previous method. Our approach has an additional advantage of being generalized to support many sorts of other transforms as well as normalization transform. Therefore, we believe our work will be widely used in many sorts of transform-based subsequence matching methods.

Evaluation of Dynamic Tensile Strength of HPFRCC According to Compressive Strength Level (압축강도 수준에 따른 HPFRCC의 동적충격 인장강도 평가)

  • Park, Gi-Joon;Kim, Won-Woo;Park, Jung-Jun;Moon, Jae-Heum;Kim, Sung-Wook
    • Journal of the Korea institute for structural maintenance and inspection
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.31-37
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    • 2018
  • This study evaluates the dynamic tensile behavior of HPFRCC according to compressive strength levels of 100, 140 and 180 MPa. Firstly, the compressive stress-strain relationship of 100, 140 and 180 MPa class HPFRCC was analyzed. As a result, the compressive strengths were 112, 150 and 202 MPa, respectively, and the elastic modulus increased with increasing compressive strength. The static tensile strengths of HPFRCC of 100, 140 and 180 MPa were 10.7, 11.5 and 16.5 MPa, and tensile strength also increased with increasing compressive strength. On the other hand, static tensile strength and energy absorption capacity at 100 and 140 MPa class HPFRCC showed no significant difference according to the compressive strength level. It was influenced by the specification of specimen and the arrangement of steel fiber. As a result of evaluating the dynamic impact tensile strength of HPFRCC, tensile strength and dynamic impact factor of all HPFRCCs tended to increase with increasing strain rate from 10-1/s to 150/s. In the same strain rate range, the DIF of the tensile strength was measured higher as the compressive strength of HPFRCC was lower. It is considered that HPFRCC of 100 MPa is the best in terms of efficiency. Therefore, it is advantageous to use HPFRCC with high compressive strength when a high level of tensile performance is required, and it is preferable to use HPFRCC close to the target compressive strength for more efficient approach at a high strain rate such as explosion.

Fuzzy Rule Generation and Building Inference Network using Neural Networks (신경망을 이용한 퍼지 규칙 생성과 추론망 구축)

  • 이상령;이현숙;오경환
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Intelligent Systems
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    • v.7 no.3
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    • pp.43-54
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    • 1997
  • Knowledge acquisition is one of the most difficult problems in designing fuzzy systems. As application domains of fuzzy systems become larger and more complex, it is more difficult to find the relations among the system's input- outpiit variables. Moreover, it takes a lot of efforts to formulate expert's knowledge about complex systems' control actions by linguistic variables. Another difficulty is to define and adjust membership functions properly. Soin conventional fuzzy systems, the membership functions should be adjusted to improve the system performance. This is time-consuming process. In this paper, we suggest a new approach to design a fuzzy system. We design a fuzzy system using two neural networks, Kohonen neural network and backpropagation neural network, which generate fuzzy rules automatically and construct inference network. Since fuzzy inference is performed based on fuzzy relation in this approach, we don't need the membership functions of each variable. Therefore it is unnecessary to define and adjust membership functions and we can get fuzzy rules automatically. The design process of fuzzy system becomes simple. The proposed approach is applied to a simulated automatic car speed control system. We can be sure that this approach not only makes the design process of fuzzy systems simple but also produces appropriate inference results.

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