• 제목/요약/키워드: Budget

검색결과 3,771건 처리시간 0.027초

Analysis of Budget Trends related to Creation of Urban Park in Seoul - Focusing on Budgetary Document - (서울시 도시공원조성예산 변동 추세 - 예산서를 중심으로 -)

  • Ko, Ha-jung
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • 제48권3호
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    • pp.1-11
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    • 2020
  • Urban parks are important spaces of ecological and socio-cultural value to citizens who lead busy lives in increasingly complex and densely populated megalopolises. However, creating and maintaining city parks takes the will of the authorities to put it into practice and provide the attendant financial resources. That explains why we are focused on the budget aspects for the Seoul Metropolitan City in relation to creating park spaces. Our findings were as follows: 1) The overall city budget has steadily increased, but the budget allocated to Green Seoul Bureau and new park development has decreased since 2011. 2) As for elected officials, the budget grew during the time of the first, third, and fourth mayors as the creation of parks was considered to be a major priority, but after the sixth popularly elected mayor, the budget was sharply cut. 3) About 10% of the budget was allocated to the parks managed by the self-governing districts, compared to the ones under the direct management of the city. Furthermore, the analysis of the average annual budget for each park and how long (in terms of year) the budget for each park is invested showed that it was classified into three different types of category. Local governments adhere to the principle that their budget must be compiled and expended for a single year, which makes it hard to establish and push ahead with a long-term plan. However, as parks and green areas should not be approached from a short-term perspective for performance but from a long-term perspective, securing the consistent amount of budget is essential. This study has significance in that it attempted to analyze the budget issues related to parks, which has not been studied in depth so far, but the subject in this paper was limited to the budget for Green Seoul Bureau. Therefore, further research is needed because the parks managed by the self-governing districts were not considered.

The Role of State Budget Expenditure on Economic Growth: Empirical Study in Vietnam

  • NGUYEN, Hieu Huu
    • The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business
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    • 제6권3호
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    • pp.81-89
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    • 2019
  • Many authors have examined the impact of public spending on economic growth. This study uses ordinary least-squares technique to test the effect of state budget expenditure with two major components: development investment expenditure and recurrent expenditure on Vietnamese economy for the period 2000-2017. The empirical results show that the state budget expenditure of Vietnam has positive effect on the economy, however each main component has different impacts. Recurrent expenditure has significant positive impact on Vietnamese economy while there has no evidence to affirm the relationship between the development investment expenditure and the economic growth. Vietnamese government should restructure the state budget to enhance the positive effect on the economy. In the short run, Vietnam should not increase development investment expenditure due to low efficency in public investment. In the long run, it is necessary to economize recurrent expenditure to reserve a reasonable proportion of state budget for development investment expenditure to build infrastructure for developing the economy. The state budget expenditure should be restructured towards prioritizing recurrent expenditure on human and social relief, reducing public administration expenditure, allocating investment capital from the state budget for key and pervasive projects, avoiding spreading out investments as well as crowding out private investments.

HSDPA Sector Throughput Analysis With Modified Link Budget (Link budget을 이용한 HSDPA 시스템의 sector throughput 분식)

  • Yi Yo-Serb;Kim Sang-Bum;Hong Dae-Hyung;Jang Byung-Lyerl;Moon Soon-Joo
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • 제31권5A호
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    • pp.469-474
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    • 2006
  • In this paper, we develop a method that derive the average sector throughput of HSDPA system. This proposed method reflects the effects of AMC, scheduling and multi-code transmission, and is performed by simple calculation procedures such as link budget analysis. Link budget table is used to estimate a cell coverage in general. We modify the link budget table in order to calculate C/I of the user according to the location of the user in CDMA packet system employing AMC. Furthermore, we utilize the proposed method to analyze the effects of scheduling and multi-code transmission.

A Study on the Budget Allocation to Public Health Programs Using Matrix Delphi Technique (매트릭스 구성 델파이법을 이용한 공공보건사업 예산배분 연구)

  • 장원기;정경래
    • Health Policy and Management
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    • 제10권4호
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    • pp.99-115
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    • 2000
  • This study was conducted to get a resonable set of budget allocation to public health programs. Matrix Delphi technique was used to obtain the logic of study results and eventually to form a human model which could predict opinion of professionals on budget allocation. Thirty-two professionals in academic and governmental area responded to Delphi survey. Questionnaire was developed using matrix formation, and the matrix was formed by 6 decision criteria on budget allocation and 26 public health programs. The decision criteria are as following: size of problem(morbidity), severity of problem, social equity, importance of prevention, technical feasibility and efficiency of programs. Severity of problem dropped out of the model because it had significant correlation with the size of problem. A total score of each program was obtained by weighting the relative importance of each criteria which also were given by survey respondents. These total scores indicate that the most important public health program is vaccination for infants and children in terms of budget allocation. Monitoring communicable diseases, mental health program, and anti-smoking program are the next. In addition, respondents were asked of the desirable budget size of each program. The result was rearranged by multiple regression model using the scores of each decision criteria. In this process, the current budget size of central government was provided to the respondents, and included in the model. h set of desirable budgets modified using tile model was obtained. Considering the current size of budget, tile results of the model is very different from that of the total score. Managing dementia is ranked the first. Health promotion program for the elderly, rehabilitation of the disabled and monitoring communicable diseases are the next. The need to increase the budget of vaccination for the infants and children was not found as so high. The matrix structure in Delphi survey gave us the precise basis to make optimal decision, and made it possible to develop an opinion predicting model. However the plentifulness and diversity of professional opinions were not fully obtained due to the limited number of decision criteria.

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The Characteristics and Limitations of 'Automatic Submission of Budget Bills to Plenary Session', Article 85-3 of the National Assembly Act (국회법 예산안 자동부의제의 성격과 한계)

  • Jung, Jinwung
    • Korean Journal of Legislative Studies
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    • 제24권1호
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    • pp.103-133
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    • 2018
  • This paper examines whether the budget making process has improved since the Automatic Submission of Budget Bills to Plenary Session Act was enacted. The budget bill was passed before the Dec. 2 deadline from 2014 to 2016. Several researchers, therefore, concluded that the clause is in favor of the ruling party and the majority party. However, this study confirmed that the argument is valid only under the condition of unified government. In other cases, the government party can have a limited impact on the budget-review process, and the aspects of the budget screening process are similar to those before the Act was enforced. Under the conditions of the divided government and two-party system, it is difficult that the budget bill is passed by the legal deadline. In the case of the divided government and multi-party system without majority party, the third party exerts a very significant influence on the budget-review process.

A Study on the Government's R&D Budgeting Evaluation System in Korea (과학기술혁신체제 하에서의 국가연구개발 평가 시스템 개선에 관한 연구 : 연구개발 예산평가 시스템을 중심으로)

  • Bark, Pyeng-Mu;Lee, Ki-Jong
    • Journal of Korea Technology Innovation Society
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    • 제12권4호
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    • pp.819-839
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    • 2009
  • Proposed increases to the government's R&D budget should be discussed based on merits of meeting efficiency and effectiveness criteria. The evaluation of the national R&D budget and related programs are performed in two areas: a system of R&D budget coordination and allocation, and a system of R&D program performance. This paper mainly focuses on the operational areas of R&D budget evaluation system with a focus on their impact to efficiency and effectiveness. The core view point for a R&D budget evaluation system involves two directions: Firstly, to detail the relationships between the later stage (ex. post) activities such as, program survey, analysis, and program performance evaluation, with the budget evaluation. Secondly, to critically oversee all R&D coordination procedures with a different perspective. Budgeting is generally known as a serial process of policy making, planning and executing. It is highly desirable for the budget to be allocated to, and spent by, specific programs as planned, and that each plan be aligned with a specific policy. As such, a strong relevance between the program structure and budget code system is integral to successful execution. It should be performed using a decision making system which closely examines the link between policy and budget. It is also recommended that systematic relationships be maintained among budget coordination and allocation, performance evaluations of policy and program levels, and program survey and analysis system, and that their operational schedule should be reviewed comprehensively as a one integrated system. The National Science and Technology Council is expected to play a major and practical role as the center of policy planning and should be supported by the objective and unbiased system which covers overall process from policy making to program evaluation. Finally, increased utilization of contents, timely program survey and analysis, and accurate of activity scheduling of budget coordination and allocation, and diligent program performance evaluation all contribute towards a more efficient and effective overall evaluation system.

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The Case Study on The Introduction and Practical Application of the Budget Management System -On the Performance Measurement of Standard Work Unit- (예산관리제도의 도입과 실제적 운용에 관한 사례연구 -표준적인 작업의 성과측정을 중심으로-)

  • 윤용운
    • Journal of Korean Society of Industrial and Systems Engineering
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    • 제2권2호
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    • pp.39-51
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    • 1979
  • In introducing and applying the budget management system, the question of how to establish management structure(skelton) representing budget management responsible unit is significantly related to the degree of accuracy and analysis on the performance measurement of standard work unit. We have the following rational process of establishing performance measurement of budget management System ; 1) Standardization of work method 2) Establishment of management structure 3) Institution of budget management system. Especially, this system is based on a premise of efficiency of objectives management, it is assumed that performance measurement in the standard work unit must be enforced according to the basis and categories of performance evaluation based on the evaluating work unit. Therefore, most of all, the following three detail questions(subjects) are to be determined in order to rationalize these above principles to a maximum possible extent of performance measurement system. First, we established respective performance standard unit with respect to such detailed work unit, performance standard unit of which were accurately applicable directly from using the budget ana objectives account data and their supplementary data of the work measurement techniques. Second, by using the above mentioned question, over all evaluation and suggestion are made based on the study of the recording for each work unit development, budget management and production nit (volume of production) Third, the measurement of performance of budget management system is based on the principle of standard work unit, compared with the standard basis and actual work unit by period and activities unit and calculated percentage effectiveness according to the above procedure. and so evaluated the efficiency of performance measurement on the budget management system.

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A Study on the Strategy of Securing the Archival Budget through Qualitative Research Method (기록전문직의 기록관리 사업예산 확보 전략 연구)

  • Suh, Hwayul;Yim, Jinhee
    • Journal of Korean Society of Archives and Records Management
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    • 제22권3호
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    • pp.55-81
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    • 2022
  • The purpose of this study is to explore a budget-securing strategy to enable archival professionals in public institutions to continuously secure the budget for records management projects. This study is an analysis of the results of in-depth interviews with 14 archival professionals who have worked for public institutions and secured budgets for records management projects. As a result of the analysis, 4 upper categories and 10 categories are extracted as factors influencing budget securement. The top four categories are the job environment of archival professionals, umbrella organization and organizational culture, business and budget characteristics, and system and social environment. As the budget-securing strategy for archival professionals, a total of 3 categories and 13 strategic codes are derived. The three categories are utilizing individual-centered competencies, establishing organization-centered relationships, and finding external environment-centered triggers. This study emphasized the perspective of archival professionals and suggested implications such as the role of archival professionals and the direction of improvement in securing budgets.

Nitrogen Budget of South Korea Including Gaseous Nitrogen Oxides from 2012 to 2014 (기체상 질소산화물을 포함한 2012~2014년도 대한민국 질소수지 연구)

  • Lee, Hanuk;Oa, Seyeon;Park, Jae-Woo
    • Journal of Soil and Groundwater Environment
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    • 제22권4호
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    • pp.49-59
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    • 2017
  • This study estimated the nitrogen budget, including gaseous nitrogen oxides ($NO_x$), of South Korea in 2012~2014. The nitrogen budget was classified into three categories: agricultural and livestock, forest, and city. To estimate the nitrogen budget, several input and output parameters were investigated, including deposition, fixation, irrigation, chemical fertilizer use, compost, fuel, denitrification, volatilization, runoff, crop uptake, leaching, and $NO_x$ emissions. The annual nitrogen inputs from 2012 to 2014 were 6,202,828, 6,137,708, and 6,022,379 ton/yr, respectively. The corresponding annual nitrogen outputs were 1,393,763, 1,380,406, and 1,360,819 ton/yr, respectively, signifying a slight decrease from 2012 to 2014. $NO_x$ was the parameter contributing to the nitrogen budget to the greatest extent. The annual ratios of $NO_x$ emissions by vehicles, power plants, and businesses were 0.31, 0.31, and 0.30 in 2012, 2013, and 2014, respectively. A change in government policy that prohibited the disposal of livestock manure and sewage sludge in the ocean from 2012 affected nitrogen budget profile. As a result, the ocean disposal ratio completely diminished, which differs from previous studies.

A Framework for Control of Safety Budget-Industrial Accidents Relationship

  • Choi, Gi-Heung
    • International Journal of Safety
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    • 제7권2호
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    • pp.23-26
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    • 2008
  • This study focuses on the issue of control performance of safety budget for preventing and reducing industrial accidents in Korea. The effect of safety budget such as industrial accident prevention fund on the safety performance is statistically examined first. The role and control performance of industrial accident prevention fund is particularly addressed to reduce the related accidents. The effectiveness of the industrial accident prevention fund-industrial accident relationship is then explained with a simple PI control mechanism.