• Title/Summary/Keyword: Breeding by selection

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Genetic Variation in Physiological Traits of Gynogenetic Diploid and Clonal Ayu, Plecoglosse altivelis : Tolerance to the Water Temperature and Salinity (은어의 자성발생 2배체와 Clone의 생리적 형질에 대한 유전적 변이성 : 수온과 염분내성)

  • 한현섭
    • Development and Reproduction
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.153-160
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    • 2000
  • In this study, genetic variation in the 5 strains of 2N-cont, meiotic-G2N, mitotic-G2N and two types of clones with different genetic backgrounds was investigated by developing their tolerance to water temperature and salinity, which is a physiological trait, into a quantitative trait. The temperature was set at 19$^{\circ}C$, 22.5$^{\circ}C$, 25$^{\circ}C$ and 30$^{\circ}C$, each of which was combined with 0$\textperthousand$, 15$\textperthousand$ and 30$\textperthousand$ of salinity respectively, making 12 groups in all. In the mean survival time (MST), samples with 15$\textperthousand$ of salinity showed the longest survival time at all temperatures. The 2N-cont had the longest 126.16 h followed by clone-11 and clone-15 surviving for 113.22 h and 91.05 h respectively. Gynogenetic diploids showed the shortest 87,32 h and 36.56 h. At 22.5 and 25$^{\circ}C$, MST of each strain was significantly short, showing similar results to those of the groups at 19$^{\circ}C$. The 2N-cont had the longest MST while clones had a longer MST than gynogenetic diploids. This could be due to gynogenesis which causes homozygosis among malignant harmful genes, leading to its appearance in populations and resulting in early death in individuals with such genes. On the other hand, MST of clones was longer than that of gynogenetic fish. This could be because the 1st gynogenetic generation, which is a parental population, has already had its malignant genes removed, while the clones of the 2nd gynogenetic generation have had their superior genes fixed as well as their tolerance and survival improved. When temperature was raised to 22.5$^{\circ}C$ and 25$^{\circ}C$, increase in variation was observed in gynogenetic diploids and decrease in clones in 15$\textperthousand$ of salinity. This shows that such a trait is genetic to a certain extent. Consequently, if this character is developed into a quantitative trait and applied to selective breeding, it could be a useful character to secure superior strains and individuals, and also it would be possible to improve populations genetically through selection.

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A Study on Improvement of Dual Purpose Breeder Stocks - Selection of Superior Fowl by Means of Cross Breeding - (겸용종계 개량에 관한 연구 - 우량 교배조합선발시험 -)

  • 상병찬;김동곤;박상문;한성욱
    • Korean Journal of Poultry Science
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.75-81
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    • 1979
  • This study was carried out to select superior dual purpose hens which could spread to poultry farming for subsidiary work and general farmhouse. Three hundred and fifty chicks of 7 kinds of 2-way crossbred from mating of Rhode Island Red, New Hampshire and Australorps were tested for dual purpose performance. The results obtained were as follows: 1. The average viability of brooding, rearing and laying Period hen were 92.3% 98.3% and 93.1% respectively. There was significant difference at 1% level among crossbreds for brooding viability, but other viabilitys were no significant difference. 2. The average body weight of 8 weeks was 854.41g, but there was no significant difference among crossbreds, respectively. Average body weight at 300 days, 500 days were 2507.15g, 2632.25g respectively, but there was significant difference at 1% level among crossbreds. 3. Sexual maturity of individual and 50% egg production were 173.7 days and 199.4 days, respectively. There was significant difference at 5% level among crossbreds. 4. The average hen day egg production was 65.3% and the highest was R.N crossbred (70.5%). There was significant difference at 5% level among crossbreds and average hen housed egg Production was 20.2 eggs and the highest was 220.4 eggs in R.A. crossbred. 5. The average egg weight was 57.36g and the highest was A.N crossbred (58.3g). Therc was no significant difference among crossbreds. 6. The average feed consumption per hen per day by stag. was 42.9g (brooding period), 83.7g (rearing period), 131.1g (laying period). Average feed requirement per 1kg. egg production was 3.79 and th. R.A. crossbred was superiority (3.42). 7. On the basis of the results of this study, the R.A and R.N crossbreds were best for superior dual commercial chicks under farming management conditions.

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Estimation of Genetic Parameters for Economic Traits in Yorkshire (요크셔종에 대한 경제형질의 유전모수 추정)

  • Song, K.L.;Kim, B.W.;Kim, S.D.;Choi, C.S.;Kim, M.J.;Lee, J.G.
    • Journal of Animal Science and Technology
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    • v.44 no.5
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    • pp.499-506
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    • 2002
  • This study was conducted to estimate the heritabilities and genetic and phenotypic correlations among average daily gain, age at 90kg and backfat thickness in Yorkshire pigs. The data were obtained from 2,111 heads of Yorkshire tested at National Livestock Research Institute from May, 1994 to April, 2000. Genetic parameters were estimated with a multiple trait animal model by using DF-REML (Deri- vative-Free REstricted Maximum Likelihood). The results obtained are summarized as follows ; The means of traits studied were 0.871${\pm}$0.124 kg for average daily gain, 145.397${\pm}$11.718 days for age at 90kg and 1.476${\pm}$0.241 cm for backfat thickness. The estimated heritabilities were 0.55 for average daily gain, 0.56 for age at 90kg and 0.55 for backfat thickness. The genetic correlation of average daily gain with age at 90kg and backfat thickness were -0.82, 0.10, respectively. The genetic correlation of age at 90kg with backfat thickness was -0.25. The phenotypic correlations of average daily gain(ADG) with age at 90kg and backfat thickness and age at 90kg with backfat thickness were -0.77, 0.02 and -0.05 respectively. Though phenotypic correlation of ADG and age at 90kg was low, breeding project should be carefully considered by high genetic correlation. High heritabilities on all economic traits were obtained. Therefore, it is considered that suitable selection and management is needed successful improvement.

'Joseong', a New Early-Heading Forage Triticale Cultivar for Paddy Field of Double Cropping (이모작 재배에 적합한 조숙성 조사료용 트리티케일 신품종 '조성')

  • Han, Ouk-Kyu;Park, Tae-Il;Park, Hyung-Ho;Song, Tae-Hwa;Ju, Jung-Il;Jeung, Jae-Hyun;Kang, Sung-Joo;Kim, Dae-Ho;Choi, Hong-Jib;Park, Nam-Geon;Kim, Kee-Jong;Hwang, Jong-Jin;Baek, Seong-Beum;Kwon, Young-Up
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Grassland and Forage Science
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    • v.32 no.3
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    • pp.193-202
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    • 2012
  • 'Joseong', a winter forage triticale cultivar (X Triticosecale Wittmack), was developed by the breeding team at the Department of Rice and Winter Cereal Crop, NICS, RDA in 2010. The cultivar 'Joseong' was selected from the cross FAHAD_5/RHINO1R.1D 5+10 5D'5B'//FAHAD_5 by CIMMYT (Mexico) in 1992. Subsequent generations were handled in pedigree selection program at Mexico from 1993 to 1998, and a line 'CTSS92Y-A-4Y-0M-5Y-0B' was selected for earliness and good agronomic characteristics. After preliminary and advance yield test in Korea for 2 years, the line designated as a line name of 'Iksan26'. The 'Iksan26' was subsequently evaluated for earliness and forage yield in 7 different locations such as Jeju, Iksan, Cheongwon, Yesan, Naju, Daegu, and Jinju from 2008 to 2010 and finally named as 'Joseong'. The cultivar 'Joseong' has characteristics of dark green leaf, yellow culm and spike, and large grain of yellowish brown color. The heading date of cultivar 'Joseong' was April 24, which was 5 days earlier than that of check cultivar 'Shinyoung'. It showed better tolerance or resistance to lodging, wet injury, powdery mildew, and leaf rust than those of the check cultivar 'Shinyoung'. The average forage dry matter yield of cultivar 'Joseong' at milk-ripe stage was 14.5 MT $ha^{-1}$, which was lower than 16.5 MT $ha^{-1}$ of the check cultivar 'Shinyoung'. The silage quality of 'Joseong' (5.3%) was lower to the check cultivar 'Shinyoung' (6.0%) in crude protein content, while was 2.1% superior to the check cultivar 'Shinyoung' (61.9%) in TDN (total digestible nutrients). It showed 5.1 MT $ha^{-1}$ of grain yield, which was 40% higher than that of the check cultivar 'Shinyoung' (3.65 MT $ha^{-1}$). This cultivar is recommended for fall sowing crop in the area where daily minimum mean temperatures are averaged higher than $-10^{\circ}C$ in January, and as a winter crop using whole crop forage before planting rice in around Korea.

A New High-yielding Winter Oat Cultivar for Whole Crop Forage, 'Dahan' (내한 다수성 추파 조사료용 총체 귀리 신품종 '다한')

  • Han, Ouk-Kyu;Park, Tae-Il;Park, Hyung-Ho;Song, Tae-Hwa;Kim, Kee-Jong;Park, Nam-Geon;Ju, Jung-Il;Jang, Young-Jik;Hwang, Jong-Jin;Kwon, Young-Up
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Grassland and Forage Science
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    • v.34 no.1
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    • pp.26-32
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    • 2014
  • 'Dahan' (Avena sativa L.), a winter oat cultivar for forage use, was developed by the breeding team at the Department of Rice and Winter Cereal Crop, National Institute Crop Science (NICS), Rural Development Administration (RDA) in 2011. It was derived from an original cross between $F_1$[Sprinter/73625] and 'Gwiri26'. Subsequent generations followed by the cross were handled in bulk and pedigree selection programs at Suwon. A line, 'SO99027-GB-B-113-4-4-3', was selected for cold tolerance and good agronomic characteristics and as a line name of 'Gwiri75'. The line 'Gwiri75' was subsequently evaluated for cold tolerance and forage yield during 3 years in four region such as Yesan, Iksan, Kimjae, and Jeju, from 2009 to 2011 and finally named as 'Dahan'. Though similar in heading date to the check cultivar Samhan, 'Dahan' had tall plant length and lodging resistance. It's average forage dry matter yield harvested at milk-ripe stage was 15.6 ton $ha^{-1}$, compared with 14.1 ton $ha^{-1}$ of check cultivar. Cultivar 'Dahan' was lower to the check cultivar 'Samhan' in protein content (8.4% and 9.9%, respectively), while it was superior to the check cultivar in total digestible nutrients (TDN) (60.8% and 59.3%, respectively), and in TDN yield $ha^{-1}$ (9.5 ton and 8.4 ton, respectively). Fall sowing of 'Dahan' is recommended only in the areas where daily minimum mean temperatures are averaged higher than $-7^{\circ}C$ in January, and excluded in mountain area where frost damage is presumable.

An Evaluation of Polycross Progenies for Leaf and Plant Characteristics in Winter Active Tall Fescue (Festuca arundinacea Schreb.) - I. Summer Forage Phase (동기생육형(冬期生育型) 톨페스큐의 엽(葉)및 지상부형질(地上部形質)에 관(關)한 다교배(多交配) 후대검정(後代檢定))

  • Kim, Dal Ung
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural Science
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    • v.2 no.2
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    • pp.357-373
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    • 1975
  • This study was conducted to evaluate the winter active polycross progenies of 10 genotypes selected at the hot and dry climate of the Southern Oregon in their performance in the progeny test comparing with a high yielding variety, 'Fawn', and a winter active variety, 'TFM', as the control varieties at Daejon, Korea. Various plant and leaf characteristics, especially which related to photosynthesis, and forage production during the first summer after their establishment, were examined. The important conclusions of this study are summarized as follows: 1. The winter active genotypes and variety had less leaf fresh weight and dry weight per leaf than variety 'Fawn'. Variations among polycross progenies of genotypes for these characteristics were great. 2. The winter active genotypes and variety had less leaf area per leaf than variety 'Fawn'. Leaf area among polycross progenies of genotypes deviated greatly and poly cross progenies of 'genotype-16' had the same average leaf area as 'Fawn'. 3. Differences of specific leaf weight (S. L. W.) in the winter active genotypes and variety were not significant. Probably the genetic diversity for S. L. W were not big and were narrowed down already in this genetic population. It was suggested that the photosynthate production within the population might not be different and there might be differences in the photosynthate production-translocation balance. Further study for the diurnal change in S. L. W. within the population might be useful. 4. The winter active variety and genotypes had less leaf width than 'Fawn' does. Leaf width among polycross progenies of genotypes deviated significantly. 5. Differences among controls and polycross progeny group in the initial plant height were significant and variety 'Fawn' was taller than the winter active genotypes and variety. But the differences were not significant in the regrowth of plant height after the first forage harvest. On the contrary. the differences among polycross progenies of genotypes were not significant in the initial plant but the differences in their polycross progeny performance became obvious and great in the regrowth ability which is an improtent agronomic characteristics for forage crops produced in the pasture and for hay and silage. 6. Plant width of the winter active genotypes and variety was lesser than 'Fawn' variety. 7. Differences of tiller number became evident and variety 'Fawn' had higher tiller number than the winter active genotypes and variety after the first forage cutting. There, deviations among polycross progenies of genotypes were great for this characteristic. It was obvious that the genetic differences became more evident in the second measurement after the first cutting of forage probably because this characteristic were stimulated by defoliation in the cartain genotypes and variety. 8. The winter active genotypes and variety on the initial growth. the regrowth ability andtotal yield had lesser forage yield than variety 'Fawn'. Deviation of forage yield among polycross progenies of genotypes were great and gave basis for selection according to their polycross progeny performance improving the forage yield of these winter active tall fescue population during summer. 9. It was concluded that the winter active variety and genotypes in this study was poorer than variety 'Fawn' for the most of leaf and plant characteristics including forage yield. For these measurements, the variations among polycross progenies of genotypes were great. and plant breeding might able to improve further this winter active tall fescue through the polycross progeny testing method for the higher forage production during summer in Korea. 10. The result of the associations among various characteristics under study were quite agreeable with the results of the analysis of variance and woul be useful in the selection of desirable genotypes for the development of a new variety.

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The Effect of Non-genetic Factors on Birth Weight and Weaning Weight in Three Sheep Breeds of Zimbabwe

  • Assan, N.;Makuza, S.M.
    • Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.151-157
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    • 2005
  • Sheep production is affected by genetic and non-genetic factors. A knowledge of these factors is essential for efficient management and for the accurate estimation of breeding values. The objective of this study was to establish the non-genetic factors which affect birth weight and weaning weight in Dorper, Mutton Merino and indigenous Sabi sheep breeds. A total of 2,625 birth and weaning weight records from Grasslands Research Station collected from 1991 through 1993, were used. The records were collected from indigenous Sabi (939), Dorper (807) and Mutton Merino (898) sheep. A mixed classification model containing the fixed effects of year, birth status and sex was used for identification of non-genetic factors. Sire within breed was included as a random effect. Two factor interactions and three factor interactions were important in indigenous Sabi, Mutton Merino and Dorper sheep. The mean birth weights were 4.37${\pm}$0.04 kg, 4.62${\pm}$0.04 kg and 3.29${\pm}$0.04 kg for Mutton Merino, Dorper and Sabi sheep, respectively. Sire had significant effects (p<0.05) on birth weight in Mutton Merino and indigenous Sabi sheep. Year of lambing had significant effects (p<0.05) on birth weight in indigenous Sabi, Mutton Merino and Dorper sheep. The effect of birth status was non significant in Dorper and Mutton Merino sheep while effect of birth status was significant on birth weight in indigenous Sabi sheep. In Indigenous Sabi sheep lambs born as singles (3.30${\pm}$0.05 kg) were 0.23 kg heavier than twins (3.07${\pm}$0.05 kg), in Mutton Merino lambs born as singles (3.99${\pm}$0.08 kg) were 0.07 kg heavier than twins (3.92${\pm}$0.08 kg) and in Dorper lambs born as singles (4.41${\pm}$0.04 kg) were 0.02 kg heavier than twins (4.39${\pm}$0.04 kg). On average males were heavier than females (p<0.05) weighing (3.32${\pm}$0.04 kg vs. 3.05${\pm}$0.07 kg) in indigenous Sabi, 4.73${\pm}$0.03 kg vs. 4.08${\pm}$0.05 in Dorper and 4.26${\pm}$0.07 kg vs. 3.66${\pm}$0.09 kg in Mutton Merino sheep. Two way factor interactions of sire*year, year*sex and sex*birth status had significant effects (p<0.05) on birth weight in indigenous Sabi, Mutton Merino and Dorper sheep while the effect of year*birth status was non significant on birth weight in Indigenous Sabi sheep. The three way factor interaction of year*sex*birth status had a significant effect (p<0.01) on birth weight in indigenous Sabi and Mutton Merino. Tupping weight fitted as a covariate had significant effects (p<0.001) on birth weight in indigenous Sabi, Mutton Merino and Dorper sheep. The mean weaning weights were 17.94${\pm}$0.31 kg, 18.19${\pm}$0.28 kg and 14.39${\pm}$0.28 kg for Mutton Merino, Dorper and Indigenous Sabi sheep, respectively. Effects of sire and sire*year were non significant on weaning weight in Dorper and Mutton Merino while year, sex and sex*year interaction had significant effects (p<0.001) on weaning weight. On average males were heavier than females (p<0.001) at weaning. The respective weaning weights were 18.05${\pm}$0.46 kg, 18.68${\pm}$0.19 kg, 14.14${\pm}$0.15 kg for males and 16.64${\pm}$0.60 kg, 16.41${\pm}$0.31 kg, 12.64${\pm}$0.32 kg for females in Mutton Merino, Dorper and Indigenous Sabi sheep. Lambs born as singles were significantly heavier at weaning than twins, 0.05 kg, 0.06 kg and 0.78 kg for Mutton Merino, Dorper and Indigenous Sabi sheep, respectively. Effect of tupping weight was highly significant on weaning weight. The three way factor interaction year*sex*birth status had a significant effect (p<0.01) on weaning weight. Correction for environmental effects is necessary to increase accuracy of direct selection for birth weight and weaning weight.

Nitrogen Efficiency and its Relation to Various Physiological Characteristics among Rice Varieties (수도품종간(水稻品種間) 질소효율(窒素効率) 및 수종(數種) 생리적특성(生理的特性)과의 관계(關係))

  • Park, Hoon;Mok, Sung Kyun
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.105-111
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    • 1975
  • Nitrogen efficiency for grain yield(E) and its relation to grain yield(Y), harvesting index(HI), percent translocation of nitrogen from straw to grain(T), nitrogen uptake amount(N), concentration in grain (GN%) or straw (SN%) and total dry matter yield (TY) among rice varieties (Oryza sativa, old and new varieties) were investigated at four nitrogen nutritional status (high and low fertilizer levels in high and low fertility fields) by simple correlation analysis. Relation between any two of above parameters or total dry matter yield (TY) and nitrogen efficiency for total dry matter yield (TE) was also investigated. 1. E is significantly and positively correlated with T, Y, HI but negatively with SN%, N, GN% and in negative trend with TY. 2. T is significantly and positively with GN% or Y, but negatively with SN%. 3. TE is significantly and positively correlated with TY but negatively with N. 4. The order of E among varieties showed consistency among different nitrogen nutritional environments. 5. From the above facts it was concluded that high yielding varieties have high nitrogen efficiency due to high percent translocation of nitrogen from straw to grain, subsequent low nitrogen concentration in straw and that translocated nitrogen in grain is greatly diluted with photosynthates. 6. Reported physiological characteristics of newly bred high yielding IR lines are well accordance with their high nitrogen efficiency and rice breeding was a selection on the basis of nitrogen efficiency. 7. It is postulated that high nitrogen efficiency varieties for yields have high nitrogen efficiency for root growth in early stage so that uptake more efficient soil nitrogen in later growth stage.

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Identification of White Hanwoo Breed Using Single Nucleotide Polymorphism Markers (단일염기다형성 마커를 이용한 백우 품종 식별 방법)

  • Kim, Seungchang;Kim, Kwanwoo;Roh, Heejong;Kim, Dongkyo;Kim, Sungwoo;Kim, Chalan;Lee, Sanghoon;Ko, Yeounggyu;Cho, Changyeon
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.240-246
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    • 2020
  • This study was conducted to develop specific Single Nucleotide Polymorphism (SNP) markers to identify the genetic characteristics and breed of White Hanwoo (WH) using a molecular biological method. SNP genotyping was performed with an Illumina Bovine HD 777K SNP chip using DNA extracted from 48 Hanwoo and 22 WH. The minor allele frequency (MAF) difference of each SNP was calculated and the statistical significance (P-value) of the MAF difference was calculated through Fisher's Exact test (Genotype). SNPs with 100% difference in the MAF difference were selected based on marker selection criteria. The nine SNP markers with genetic differences were selected. The selected markers have different alleles as being Hanwoo- and WH- specific. Therefore, based on these results, it can be concluded that the Hanwoo and WH varieties can be clearly distinguished by using these SNPs. So, the patent of the WH breed identification markers was registered. WH is a breed that shows the characteristics of a Korean native species that is separate from the native Hanwoo. It is expected that genetic characteristics research on the WH can be used to identify the breed and as a knowledge base for enhancing the value of breeding stock.

Development of salt-tolerant transgenic chrysanthemum (Dendranthema grandiflorum) lines and bio-assay with a change of cell specificity (내염성 국화 형질전환 계통 육성 및 저항성 검정과 세포특성 변화)

  • Kang, Chan-Ho;Yun, Seung-Jung;Han, Bum-So;Lee, Gong-Joon;Choi, Kyu-Hwan;Park, Jong-Suk;Shin, Yong-Kyu
    • Journal of Plant Biotechnology
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    • v.38 no.1
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    • pp.1-8
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    • 2011
  • Recently the increasing of vinyl and green houses and development of reclaimed land including Saemangeum induced the need for breeding salt-tolerant crops which can survive and grow in high salinity soil. So we try to develop salt-tolerant transgenic chrysanthemum (Dendranthema grandiflorum.) lines by using anti-porter gene TANHX and HVNHX. Through marker selection and plant regeneration step, we could get 284 putative transgenic chrysanthemum lines. On selected putative transgenic plants, 40 candidates were used for genetic analysis and 30 lines could be made up of target size band on PCR, so about 75% of marker selected lines were decided as real transgenic lines. Selected 284 transgenic lines were also used for salt-tolerance test as a range of NaCl 0.2 ~ 1.2% (300 mM). As a result of salt-tolerance test, 15 selected transgenic lines could live and grow on the continuous supply of 0.8% (200 mM) NaCl solution and another 7 lines were could survive under 1.2% (300 mM) NaCl solution. This salt-tolerant transgenic lines under salt stress also lead a cell alternation especially a guard cell. A stressed guard cell be swelled and grow larger in proportion to NaCl concentration. TTC test for cell viability on transgenic chrysanthemum lines pointed out that more strong salt-tolerant lines can be live more than another under same salt stress. The numerical value of strong salt-tolerant 7 transgenic lines were 0.206 ~ 0.331 under 1.2% NaCl stress, and then it's value is more larger than middle salinity lines' 0.114 ~ 0.193 and non-transgenic's 0.046. And the proline contents as indicated stress compound also pointed out that HVNHX introduced salt-tolerant transgenic lines were less stressed than other under same salt stress. The contents of strong salt-tolerant transgenic lines were 2.255 ~ 2.638 mg/kg and it is much higher than that of middle salinity lines' 1.496 ~ 2.125.