• Title/Summary/Keyword: Bone, tumors

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Diffusion-weighted and Dynamic Contrast-enhanced MRI of Metastatic Bone Tumors: Correlation of the Apparent Diffusion Coefficient, $K^{trans}$ and $v_e$ values (골전이암의 확산강조영상과 역동적 조영증강 자기공명영상: 겉보기 확산계수, $K^{trans}$$v_e$ 값들의 상관관계)

  • Koo, Ji Hyun;Yoon, Young Cheol;Kim, Jae Hoon
    • Investigative Magnetic Resonance Imaging
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.25-33
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    • 2014
  • Purpose : To investigate whether quantitative parameters derived from Diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging (DW-MRI) correlate with those of Dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI (DCE-MRI). Materials and Methods: Thirteen patients with pathologically or clinically proven bony metastasis who had undergone MRI prior to treatment were included. The voxel size was $1.367{\times}1.367{\times}5mm$. A dominant tumor was selected and the apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) value and DCE-MRI parameters were obtained by matching voxels. DCE-MRI data were analyzed yielding estimates of $K^{trans}$ (volume transfer constant) and $v_e$. (extravascular extracellular volume fraction). Statistical analysis of ADC, $K^{trans}$, and $v_e$ value was conducted using Pearson correlation analyses. Results: Fifteen lesions in pelvic bones were evaluated. Of these, 11 showed a statistically significant correlation (P<0.05) between ADC and $K^{trans}$. The ADC and $K^{trans}$ were inversely related in 7 lesions and positively related in 4 lesions. This did not depend on the primary cancer or site of metastasis. The ADC and $v_e$ of 9 lesions correlated significantly. Of these, 4 lesions were inversely related and 5 lesions were positively related. Conclusion: Unlike our theoretic hypothesis, there was no consistent correlation between ADC values and $K^{trans}$ or between ADC values and $v_e$ in metastatic bone tumors.

The Analysis and Treatment of Benign Bone Tumor by Curettage and Debridement with Bone Graft Substitutes (양성 골종양의 절제 및 소파술 후 사용한 골이식 대체물의 결과 및 분석)

  • Jung, Sung-Taek;Seo, Hyoung-Yeon;Seon, Jong-Keun;Lee, Jae-Joon;Kim, Seung-Sik
    • The Journal of the Korean bone and joint tumor society
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.139-147
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    • 2003
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to determine if bony union can be obtained when a bone graft substitute is transplanted in order to treat a benign bone tumor and if there is a difference between calcium sulfate and hydroxyapatite in the healing procedure when the degree of the bony union after the bone graft are compared. Materials and Methods: This study selected 20 cases, in which a curettage on the benign bone tumors was conducted and a bone graft substitute was transplanted. The area of the focus, the new bone formation, the recurrence of the focus in the plain radiographs and histological findings were observed. Results: Twenty cases (13 males, 7 females) were evaluated. Their mean age at surgery was 15.8 years (2~45), and the mean follow-up period was 3 years. The mean area of focus was 30.7 $cm^3$ in the radiographs, and 19 cases showed successful results in the ultimate visit, while 1 case has a recurrence of the focus. Conclusion: Calcium sulfate has osteoconduction and superior bioavailability, and is absorbed in vivo in proportion to the new bone formation. On the other hand, hydroxyapatite has good osteoconduction. It can result in better bone formation when it is combined with an autologous bone graft, autologous bone marrow, and an allogenic bone graft, but is absorbed in vivo more slowly than the former.

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Quantitative Analysis of Thallium-201 Scintigraphy in Bone Tumor (골종양에서 탈륨 스캔의 정량적 분석)

  • Shin, Duk-Seop;Cho, Ihn-Ho
    • The Journal of the Korean bone and joint tumor society
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.45-51
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    • 2003
  • Purpose: This study was designed to know the ability of thallium-201 scintigraphy to discriminate malignant bone tumor from benign by analysing the quantitative thallium uptake ratio. Materials and Methods: We took thallium-201 scintigraphy prospectively with other imaging studies in 82 bone tumor suspecting patients. The results of scintigraphy were read qualitatively and calculated quantitatively, and retention indexes were estimated. For the statistical analysis the patients were divided as four group; high grade malignant bone tumor, benign bone tumor, giant cell tumor and low grade malignant bone tumor. Results: The mean thallium uptake ratio was 4.14 in early phase and 2.26 in delayed phase in high grade malignant bone tumor group, 1.16 and 1.09 in benign bone tumor, 3.15 and 1.94 in giant cell tumor, and 1.41 and 1.31 in low grade malignant bone tumor. Retention indexes were 0.62, 0.97, 0.66, 0.93 in same order. The thallium uptake ratio and retention indexes were statistically correlated in high grade malignant bone tumor and benign bone tumor group(p<0.001). Conclusion: Thallium-201 scintigraphy proved as useful imaging study to discriminate malignant bone tumor from benign, but had exception in giant cell tumor and low grade malignant bone tumors.

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Surgical Treatment of Malignant Tumors in Shoulder Girdle (견갑관절 주위 악성종양의 치료경험)

  • Song, Seok-Whan;Chang, Ju-Hai;Kang, Yong-Koo;Kim, Jung-Man;Kim, Hyoung-Min;Rhee, Seung-Koo;Woo, Young-Kyun;Bahk, Won-Jong;Moon, Myung-Sang;Kim, Yang-Soo
    • The Journal of the Korean bone and joint tumor society
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.68-76
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    • 1995
  • To evaluate the clinical result of surgical treatment of malignant tumors in shoulder girdle, nine patients who were treated in Department of Orthopedics, Catholic University Medical College between January 1991 and December 1993, were evaluated. There were 5 men, 4 women. The mean age at operation was 47 years(range from 22 to 64 years). Of 9 patiens, 2 were soft tissue tumors(1 MFH, 1 dermatofibrosarcoma protuberance); one was treated with forequarter amputation, and the other with wide excision, Seven were bone tumor(2 chondrosarcoma, 1 osteosarcoma, 1 MFH, 1 plasmacytoma, 1 thyroid carcinoma metastasis, 1 malignant schwannoma); one patient was treated with segmental excision of proximal humerus, 4 with Malawer type I-A resection and arthroplasty or arthrodesis, 1 with Malawer type V-B resection and arthrodesis. Five patients received adjuvant chemotherapy, with or without local radiation therapy, and one patient received radiation therapy alone. All patients have survived now, but I had local recurrence. Functional results of arthrodesis and arthroplasty were similar.

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Heterotopic bone formation in normal gastric cardiac mucosa (정상 위 분문부 점막에서 발견된 이소성 골 형성)

  • Eom, Seok Hyeon;Park, Chang Hwan;Chung, Duk Won;Lee, Sang Hyeok;Seo, Ji Young;Kim, Yeong Sung;Kwak, Dong Hyup;Kim, Jung Hee
    • Journal of Yeungnam Medical Science
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    • v.33 no.2
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    • pp.146-149
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    • 2016
  • Heterotopic bone formation in the gastrointestinal tract is a rare phenomenon. Most reported cases were associated with benign and malignant neoplasms, except for a case in which heterotopic bone formation was found in a patient with Barrett's esophagus. The exact pathogenesis of the disease has not yet been established. However, most heterotopic bones found in the gastrointestinal tract were associated with mucinproducing tumors of the appendix, colon, and rectum. Inflammation may also play a role in osseous metaplasia in a case with bone formation at the base of an ulcer in Barrett's esophagus. Here, we report on a patient with heterotopic bone formation in normal gastric cardiac mucosa. A 50-year-old female visited our hospital for a routine health examination. She had no gastrointestinal symptoms, and her physical examination, blood test, X-ray, urine, and stool examination results were normal. A 0.3 cm sized polypoid lesion located just below the squamocolumnar junction was observed on upper gastrointestinal endoscopy. A piece of biopsy was taken. Histologically, a lamella bone trabecula and chronic inflammatory cells were observed in the gastric cardiac mucosa. The follow-up endoscopy performed one month later showed no residual lesion.

Treatment of Extensive Neurofibromatosis on the Head and Neck (두경부에 발생한 광범위한 신경 섬유종증의 시험례)

  • Lee Shin-Kyu;Choi Hee-Youn
    • Korean Journal of Head & Neck Oncology
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.49-55
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    • 1993
  • Neurofibromatosis is an autosomal deminant neurocutaneous systemic disease characterized by multiple Cafe-au-lait spots. generalized cutaneous neurofibromatosis. central nervous system tumors. skeletal defects and a myriad of somatic and endocrinologic abnormalities. It occurs in about 1:3000 live births and both sexes are equally affected. From 1989 to 1992, 21 patients who admitted to our department were evaluated in clinical aspects. Then we conclude as follows: 1) The onset was usually before 10 years of age. and the incidence between the sexes was approximately the same. 2) The familial tendency was approximately 48%. 3) The head and neck were the usual sites of the disease. 4) Bone changes occurred in about 24%. 5) Most of the tumor could be removed through early diagnosis to prevent recurrence. bone changes and malignant changes. And at the same time, trough reconstructive surgery, results both functionally as well as aesthetically satisfactory could be achieved.

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Endolymphatic Sac Tumors : Report of Four Cases

  • Bae, Chae-Wan;Cho, Young-Hyun;Chung, Jong-Woo;Kim, Chang-Jin
    • Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society
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    • v.44 no.4
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    • pp.268-272
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    • 2008
  • Endolymphatic sac tumor is rare, locally aggressive hypervascular tumor of papillary structure, arising from the endolymphatic duct or sac in the posterior petrous bone. We present four cases with this tumor. Two patients were male and the other two were female. Age of each patient was 15, 52, 58, and 67 years. Three patients presented with progressive hearing loss and sustained vertigo for months to years and another one was referred for the tumor detected in routine medical check-up. Preoperative embolization was performed in 3 patients. Complete excision of the tumor was achieved in all patients using translabyrinthine or retrosigmoid approach. Herein, we describe the clinical and radiographic features, surgical treatment and pathologic findings with a review of the literature.

Giant Cell Tumor of the Patella (슬개골에 발생한 거대세포종 - 증례보고 -)

  • Hahn, Soo-Bong;Kim, Ju-Young;Shin, Kyu-Ho
    • The Journal of the Korean bone and joint tumor society
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.217-222
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    • 2003
  • The giant cell tumor comprises approximately 5% of all bone tumors especially in the long tubular bones, particularly in proximity to the epiphysis. A rare case of giant cell tumor involving the patella was recently experienced by authors. Case summary with brief review of reference is presented.

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Arthroscopic Excision of Intra-articular Osteochondroma of the Elbow: A Case Report

  • Jang, Suk-Hwan;Song, Han-Eui
    • Clinics in Shoulder and Elbow
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.172-175
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    • 2016
  • Osteochondromas are one of the most common benign bone tumors usually involving extraarticular metaphysis of long bone. Solitary intra-articular osteochondroma arising from the elbow joint has rarely been reported. We present a case of 23-year-old female who had pain and limited motion of the left elbow as a result of intraarticular osteochondroma of the distal humerus. Arthroscopic excision of the osteochondroma yielded complete relief of symptoms. Absence of recurrence was confirmed radiographically at two years after surgery. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report of osteochondroma of the elbow successfully treated arthroscopically.

Intracranial Chloroma(Granulocytic Sarcoma) by Lymphocytic Leukemia

  • Jeong, Ho-Seok;Kim, Moo-Seong;Jung, Yong-Tae;Sim, Jae-Hong
    • Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society
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    • v.38 no.1
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    • pp.65-67
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    • 2005
  • Intracranial chloroma may occur in leukemia, although they are rare. A 23-year-old female complained diplopia. Brain magnetic resonance MR imaging showed tumors in the both cavernous sinus, both tentorial and anterior falx. Gamma-Knife radiosurgery was performed with maximal dose; 20Gy, marginal dose; 10Gy. Peripheral blood smear revealed leukemia, and bone marrow aspiration biopsy showed acute lymphocytic leukemia. Two weeks later, MR image for the stereotactic biopsy noticed markedly decreased tumor size. Biopsy result was lymphocytic leukemia. She received conventional radiation therapy, chemotherapy, and bone marrow transplantation. Brain involvement by acute lymphocytic leukemia is very rare. Even though chloroma are sensitive to radiation therapy, prognosis is poor because of the gravity of the underlying disease and association with impending blast transformation. The authors reports a intracranial chloroma by acute lymphocytic leukemia.