• Title/Summary/Keyword: Blood clearance

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Pharmacological Activities of Paecilomyces japonica, A New Type Cordyceps sp. (눈꽃 동충하초의 약물활성)

  • Shim, Jin-Young;Lee, Yeon-Sil;Lim, Soon-Sung;Hyun, Jin-Ee;Kim, Seung-Yeun;Lee, Eun-Bang;Shin, Kuk-Hyun
    • Korean Journal of Pharmacognosy
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    • v.31 no.2
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    • pp.163-167
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    • 2000
  • Cordyceps is reputed for its broad biological activities and as a tonic for replenishing vital function in Chinese traditional medicines. As an attempt to obtain fundamental data for the development of a new type Cordyceps, the effects of the fruiting bodies of cultivated fungus of Paecilomyces japonica grown on silkworm larvae on hyperglycemia induced by streptozotocin(STZ) and by epinephrine in rats and in mice as well as on immunological functions in mice were investigated. The 70% methanol extract of the fungus, when administered orally at 100 and 300 mg/kg in STZ-induced hyperglycemic rats, caused a significant decrease in blood glucose level 3hr after sample treatments. The methanol extract, when administered p.o. at the same dose levels in epinephrine-induced hyperglycemic mice, also caused a significant decrease in serum glucose levels as well as a significant reversal of the liver glycogen contents suggesting its hypoglycemic activity might be due to glycogen breakdown in the liver. Treatment of normoglycaemic mice with the methanol extract of the fungus exhibited a significant glucose tolerance up to 3hr after oral glucose load(2.0 g/kg). The methanol extract also showed immuno-stimulating activity as measured by carbon clearance in mice and a significant antifatigue effect as measured by weight loaded forced swimming performance in mice.

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Effects of Diabetes Mellitus on the Disposition of Tofacitinib, a Janus Kinase Inhibitor, in Rats

  • Gwak, Eun Hye;Yoo, Hee Young;Kim, So Hee
    • Biomolecules & Therapeutics
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    • v.28 no.4
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    • pp.361-369
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    • 2020
  • Tofacitinib, a Janus kinase inhibitor, was developed for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis. Recently, it has been associated with an increased change in arthritis development in patients with diabetes. Herein, we evaluated the pharmacokinetics of tofacitinib after intravenous (10 mg/kg) and oral (20 mg/kg) administration to rats with streptozotocin-induced diabetes mellitus and control rats. Following intravenous administration of tofacitinib to rats with streptozotocin-induced diabetes mellitus, area under the plasma concentration-time curve from time zero to infinity of tofacitinib was significantly smaller (33.6%) than that of control rats. This might be due to the faster hepatic intrinsic clearance (112%) caused by an increase in the hepatic cytochrome P450 (CYP) 3A1(23) and the faster hepatic blood flow rate in rats with streptozotocin-induced diabetes mellitus than in control rats. Following oral administration, area under the plasma concentration-time curve from time zero to infinity of tofacitinib was also significantly smaller (55.5%) in rats with streptozotocin-induced diabetes mellitus than that in control rats. This might be due to decreased absorption caused by the higher expression of P-glycoprotein and the faster intestinal metabolism caused by the higher expression of intestinal CYP3A1(23), which resulted in the decreased bioavailability of tofacitinib (33.0%) in rats with streptozotocin-induced diabetes mellitus. In summary, our findings indicate that diabetes mellitus affects the absorption and metabolism of tofacitinib, causing faster metabolism and decreased intestinal absorption in rats with streptozotocin-induced diabetes mellitus.

Renal Action of Raclopride, a Dopamine $D_2$ Receptor Antagonist, in Dogs (Dopamine $D_2$ Receptor 차단제인 Raclopride의 신장작용)

  • 고석태
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    • v.45 no.6
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    • pp.683-693
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    • 2001
  • This study was attempted to investigate the effect of raclopride, a dopamine $D_2$ receptor antagonist, on renal function in dog. Raclopride (70-220$\mu\textrm{g}$/kg), when given intravenously, Produced antidiuresis along with the decrease in free water clearance ( $C_{H_2O}$), urinary excretion of sodium and potassium ( $E_{Na}$ , $E_{K}$), partially decreased osmolar clearance ( $C_{osm}$) and increased reabsorption rates of sodium and potassium in renal tubules ( $R_{Na}$ , $R_{K}$). Raclopride administered into a renal artery did not influence on renal function in small doses (10 and 30$\mu\textrm{g}$/kg), whereas exhibited the decrease of urine volume (Vol) and $C_{H_2O}$ both in experimental and control kidney in much dose (100$\mu\textrm{g}$/kg), at this time, the decreased rates of both Vol. and $C_{H_2O}$) were more prominent in control kidney rather than that elicited in experimental kidney, and then only via was decreased in control kidney but increased in experimental kidney. Raclopride administered via carotid artery (30-200$\mu\textrm{g}$/kg) did not influence at all on renal function. Antidiuretic action induced by raclopride given intravenously was not affected by renal denervation. Raclopride given into carotid artery was little effect on renal function without relation to renal denervation. Above results suggest that raclopride produces antidiuresis by potentiation of antidiuretic hormone (ADH) action in blood without increase of ADH secretion in posterior pituitary gland, it is not related to renal nerve function in dogs.ogs.s.

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Enviromental Influences on Gentamicin Pharmacokinetics by Using Population Pharmacokinetic Methods (모집단 약물동태학 방법에 의한 겐타마이신 약물동태에 미치는 환경의 영향)

  • Burm, Jin-Pil
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    • v.56 no.1
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    • pp.48-54
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    • 2012
  • Enviromental differences in gentamicin pharmacokinetics by using population pharmacokinetic methods were compared with 20 Korean patients and 24 Korean-American appendicitis patients. Two to six blood specimens were collected from all patients at the following times : just before a regularly scheduled infusion and at 0.5 hour after the end of a 0.5 hour infusion. Nonparametric expected maximum (NPEM) algorithm for population modeling was used. The estimated parameters were the elimination rate constant (K), the slope (KS) of the relationship between K versus creatinine clearance ($C_{cr}$), the apparent volume of distribution (V), the slope (VS) of the relationship between V versus weight, gentamicin clearance (CL) and the slope (CS) of the relationship between CL versus $C_{cr}$ and the V. The output includes two marginal probability density function (PDF), means, medians, modes, variance and CV%. The mean K (KS) were $0.402{\pm}0.129\;h^{-1}(0.00486{\pm}0.00197\;[h{\cdot}ml/min/1.73\;m^2]^{-1})$ and $0.411{\pm}0.135\;h^{-1}(0.00475{\pm}0.00180\;[h{\cdot}ml/min/1.73\;m^2]^{-1})$ for Korean and Korean-American populations, respectively. The mean V (VS) were not different at $14.3{\pm}3.6l(0.241{\pm}0.0511l/kg)$ and $15.1{\pm}3.84l(0.239{\pm}0.0492l/kg)$ for Korean and Korean-American populations, respectively (p>0.2). The mean CL (CS) were $5.68{\pm}1.69l/h(0.0714{\pm}0.0222l/kg[h{\cdot}ml/min/1.73\;m^2])$ and $5.70{\pm}1.77l/h(0.0701{\pm}0.0215l/kg[h{\cdot}ml/min/1.73\;m^2])$ for Korean and Korean-American populations, respectively. There were no enviromental differences in gentamicin pharmacokinetics between Korean and Korean-American appendicitis patients.

Effects of Ethanol-Extract of Lotus Root on the Renal Function and Blood Pressure of Fructose-Induced Hypertensive Rats (연근의 에탄올 추출물이 과당으로 유도된 고혈압 흰쥐의 혈압과 신장 기능에 미치는 효과)

  • Park Sung-Hye;Ham Tae-Sick;Han Jong-Hyun
    • Journal of the East Asian Society of Dietary Life
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.165-170
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    • 2005
  • The present study was aimed to investigate whether ethanol-extract of Nelumbo nucifera has an ameliorative effect on the renal function in high fructose-diet induced hypertensive rats. The urine osmolality (Uosmel) was decreased in rats with high fructose-diet ($60\%$) during the whole experiment period without change of the urine volume (UV). The urinary excretion of sodium and chloride were decrease significantly in rats with fructose induced hypertensive rats, wheras urinary excretion of potassium was increased. The creatinine clearance (CCr) and solute-free water reabsorption were also decreased by treatment of fructose rich diet. Among these renal functional parameters, CCr was partially restored by the administration of ethanol-extract of Nelumbo nucifera. The Uosmol was also partially restored by the administration ethanol-extract of Nelumbo nucifera at the end of the experimental period. Taken together, ethanol-extract of Nelumbo nucifera has the ameliorative effect on glomerular filtration rate in rats with high fructose-diet induced hypertension.

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The Effects of D-Ribose Supplementation on the Production of Blood Fatigue Factors after Maximal Intensity Exercise (리보오스 보충이 최대강도 운동 후 혈중 피로물질 생성에 미치는 영향)

  • Lee, Yul-Hyo;Shin, Ki-Ok;Kim, Keun-Soo;Kim, Young-Il;Woo, Jin-Hee
    • Journal of Life Science
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    • v.21 no.5
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    • pp.729-733
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    • 2011
  • The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of D-ribose supplementation on the changes of blood fatigue substances (lactate, ammonia, phosphate and hypoxanthine) after maximal exercise performance in college male students. The experimental trials of each subject were divided into the following conditions: placebo supplement trial and D-ribose supplement trial. The subjects exercised using a Concept II Indoor rowing ergometer for 2,000 m Single Skull event. The subjects ingested 200 mg/kg of D-ribose after breakfast, lunch, dinner, as well as thirty minutes before exercising, for six days. Blood fatigue substances were continuously measured before exercise, immediately after exercise, and thirty minutes after exercise. The results indicated a significant difference in blood phosphate and hypoxanthine levels between the two experimental trials in the 30 minute recovery period (p<0.05). However, there were no significant differences in blood lactate and phosphate levels between the two experimental trials. The results of our study suggest that D-ribose supplementation during maximal rowing exercise for 7~8 minutes may contribute to the improvement of metabolic responses as a beneficial ergogenic aid accelerating fatigue clearance.

Effect of ACE Inhibitor on Nephrotic Proteinuria in the Children (ACE inhibitor가 소아 신증후군에서 단백뇨 소실에 미치는 영향)

  • Park, Eun-Hye;Kim, Ji-Hong;Kim, Pyung-Kil
    • Childhood Kidney Diseases
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.42-47
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    • 1999
  • Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors lower urinary protein excretion in hypertensive and normotensive patients with renal disease. Most children with nephrotic syndrome have minimal change histology and the great majority of these patients respond to the treatment with oral prednisone. Here we have studied the effects of combination of Inhibace and oral prednisone in pediatric patients with nephrotic syndrome. 45 patients with nephrotic syndrome were selected. Of these, 29 patients were treated with prednisone(2mg/kg/day) and 16 children were treated with prednisone and Inhibace(2.5mg/day). Urinary protein, blood pressure, creatinine clearance, serum creatinine, serum albumin and serum cholesterol were measured in both control and Inhibace group. Also the duration to remission after treatment was compared in both groups. The amounts of proteinuria before and after treatment were not significantly different in both group. The duration to remission of proteinuria was significantly shorter in Inhibace group compared to that in control group. The changes of blood pressure and creatinine clearance were not significant in Inhibace group. In conclusion, the combination therapy of oral prednisone and ACE inhibitor have shortened the duration to remission of proteinuria in nephrotic syndrome of children.

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Effect of chelating agent and organic acid on strontium distribution in Wistar rats (착화제와 유기산이 Wistar rat체내의 Sr 분포에 미치는 영향)

  • Lee, Kee-Ho;Lee, Je-Ho;Park, Sang-Yoon;Lee, Seung-Hoon;Ryu, Yong-Wun;Yun, Taik-Koo
    • Journal of Radiation Protection and Research
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.41-49
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    • 1990
  • $^{88}SrCl_2$ was injected to the tail vein of Wistar rats and investigated its distribution and clearance in the tissues and blood. We also measured the changes in Sr binding to the blood plasma protein by administrating chelating agents and organic acids. For the blood, 60% of the Sr occurred in the plasma and 40% on the cell membrane. Fifty percent of Sr in the blood plasma was bound to plasma protein. Sr on the cell membrane seemed to be bound loosely. The binding in the lymphocyte was higher than in the erythrocyte .and granulocyte. Within one hour Sr was quickly disappeared from the blood stream, to be accumulated in the bone. Twenty four hours after the injection, Sr decreased rapidly in the organs of soft tissue, but slowly in the bone. The binding of Sr to plasma protien decreased from 57% of the control to 27-33% in the group treated with chelating agents, EDTA, EGTA and DTPA and to 19% and 40% in the groups treated with organic acids, citrate and oxalate, respectively.

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Studies on the Hemodynamic Changes in Cirrhosis of the Liver (간경변증(肝硬變症)에서의 혈역학적(血力學的) 변화(變化)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究))

  • Kim, Jung-Il;Lee, Jung-Sang;Koh, Chang-Soon
    • The Korean Journal of Nuclear Medicine
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.11-27
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    • 1970
  • Cardiac output, plasma volume and renal plasma flow were determined to evaluate hemodynamic changes in 29 patients with cirrhosis of the liver. The results obtained were as follows. 1. The mean plasma volume was 3793+895ml and it was significantly higher than the normal controls. The mean blood volume ($5266{\pm}1222ml$) and blood volume per kg body weight ($95.7{\pm}23.41ml$) were also increased significantly. The mean plasma volume per kg body weight ($69.1{\pm}19.1ml$) showed increased tendency and the mean difference between blood volume and plasma volume per kg body weight ($26.4{\pm}7.05ml$) was in lower limit of normal range. 2. The mean cardiac output was $7708{\pm}2652ml/min$ and it was significantly increased. The mean cardiac index ($4924{\pm}1998ml/min/M^2$), stroke volume ($96.2{\pm}34.2ml/beat$), stroke index ($62.3{\pm}27.34ml/M^2$) and fractional cardiac index ($1.54{\pm}0.577$) were also increased significantly. The mean total -peripheral resistance was $1664{\pm}753.8\;dynes\;sec\;cm^{-5}M^2$ and it was significantly lower than the normal controls. 3. The mean renal plasma flow was $537{\pm}146.8ml/min/1.73M^2$ and it was normal to decreased tendency. The mean endogenous creatinine clearance ($66.7{\pm}23.0ml/min/1.73M^2$) was significantly decreased. Filtration fraction was variable, but it was slightly lower than normal in most cases. The mean renal fraction of cardiac output ($11.4{\pm}6.27%$) was relatively decreased. 4. Although renal plasma flow was normal or decreased in general, it was definitely diminished in patients with creatinine clearance less than $60ml/min/1.73M^2$, resistant ascites, and signs of azotemia (elevated BUN and serum creatinine). 5. Diminished glomrular filtration rate with low filtration fraction and decreased renal fraction of cardiac output observed strongly supported increased renal afferent arteriolar resistance. 6. Renal circulatory impairment preceded azotemia or oroliguria in cirrhosis. 7. Clinical findigns and liver function were not correlated with hemodynamic changes, except for esophageal varices associated with high cardiac output obsedved. 8. No definite correlation of renal hemodynamics with plasma volume or cardiac output was found.

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Effects of the Fermented Extract Using the Leaves of Pinus densiflora on Hyperlipidemia Rats (솔잎 발효액이 백서의 고지혈증 미치는 영향)

  • Kang Dae Gill;Lee Yun Mi;Oh Hyun Cheol;Mun Yeun Ja;Lee Ho Sub;Woo Won Hong
    • Journal of Physiology & Pathology in Korean Medicine
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.140-145
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    • 2003
  • The present study was designed to examine whether the fermented extract using the leaves of Pinus densiflora (FPD), has an ameliorative effect on the lipid metabolism in rats with hyperlipidemia. The body weight gain was attenuated by the adminstration of either 1-dose (2 ml/kg/day) or 2-dose (4 ml/kg/day) of FPD for 2 weeks compared with that of control or hyperlipidemia rats, while blood glucose, systolic blood pressure, sGOT, and sGPT were not altered. Serum total cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol, and athelosclerotic index were partially restored by the administration of 2-dose of FPD in rats with hyperlipidemia without changes of serum HDL-cholesterol, total lipid, and triglyceride concentration. The FPD also partially ameliorated renal functional parameters including plasma cleatinine and creatinine clearance which were attenuated in rats with hyperlipidemia. These results suggest that FPD has an ameliorative effect on the lipid metabolism and renal function in rats with hyperlipidemia.