• 제목/요약/키워드: Blood Progesterone

검색결과 156건 처리시간 0.018초

한국재래산양(韓國在來山羊)에 있어서 Prostaglandin $F_{2{\alpha}}$의 투여(投與)가 난소(卵巢) 및 뇌하수체(腦下垂體) Hormone의 함량(含量)에 미치는 영향(影響) (Effects of Prostaglandin $F_{2{\alpha}}$ on the Concentrations of Ovarian and Pituitary Hormones in Korean Native Goats)

  • 권춘수;변명대;장인호
    • Current Research on Agriculture and Life Sciences
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    • 제6권
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    • pp.181-186
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    • 1988
  • 재래산양(在來山羊)에 있어서 prostaglandin $F_{2{\alpha}}$의 투여(投與)가 황체퇴행(黃體退行)시에 야기되는 호르몬 함량의 변화(變化)를 구명(究明)하기 위하여 발정주기의 10일에 $PGF_{2{\alpha}}$(Lutalyse) 5mg을 3시간 간격으로 2회 주사(注射)한 다음 경시적(經時的)으로 혈중(血中) 난소(卵巢) 및 뇌하수체(腦下垂體) hormone의 함량을 조사하였다. 본 연구에서 얻어진 결과(結果)를 요약(要約)하면 다음과 같다. 재래산양(在來山羊)에 있어서 발정주기(發情週期)의 10일에 $PGF_{2{\alpha}}$를 주사한 결과 혈중(血中) progesterone의 평균농도는 주사직전에 $4.15{\pm}1.8ng/ml$였으며 주사후(注射後) 3시간에 $2.52{\pm}1.2ng/ml$로 약 60% 감소(減少)하였으며 12시간에는 $0.81{\pm}0.3ng/ml$로 감소(減少)하여 72시간까지 1.02ng/ml 이하로 감소(減少)하였다. 혈중(血中) estradiol-$17{\beta}$ 함량은 $PGF_{2{\alpha}}$ 투여후(投與後) 6시간부터 유의(有意)하게(p < 0.05) 증가(增加)하여 72시간까지 유지되었다. 혈중(血中) LH함량은 주사직전에 $3.0{\pm}0.3{\mu}IU/ml$였으며 $PGF_{2{\alpha}}$ 투여후 3~12시간에는 증가(增加)하였으나 그후 24~72시간 사이에는 $4.1{\mu}IU/ml$에서 $2.5{\mu}IU/ml$로 감소(減少)하는 경향(傾向)을 보였다. 혈중(血中) FSH 함량은 투여전 $3.5{\pm}0.5{\mu}IU/ml$였으며 $PGF_{2{\alpha}}$ 투여후(投與後) 3시간부터 감소하기 시작하여 72시간까지 유의차없이 약간 감소(減少)를 나타내었다. 혈중(血中) prolactin의 함량은 유의성(有意性)은 없었으나 $PGF_{2{\alpha}}$ 투여후 약간 증가(增加)하는 경향(傾向)을 보였다. 이상의 결과(結果)에서 LH함량의 최초 증가는 혈장중(血漿中) progesterone의 감소로 기인된 것이며 성선척극(性腺刺戟) hormone의 분비형태(分泌形態)는 황체(黃體)의 퇴행시에 progesterone 또는 progesterone과 estradiol-$17{\beta}$의 함량비의 차이로 인하여 상위되었다고 본다.

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  • Dabas, Y.P.S.;Sud, S.C.
    • Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences
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    • 제2권4호
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    • pp.575-578
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    • 1989
  • Estradiol-$17{\beta}$ and progesterone at the rate of 0.1 and 0.25 mg respectively, per kg body weight per day were administered s/c to each of the five infertile feifers for 3 consecutive days i.e. days 1 to 3, and 2 mg of reserpine were followed twice daily on days 8 to 11. Results indicated that three of the treated heifers were successfully induced into lactation. Progesterone concentrations in the blood plasma and defatted milk exhibited considerable variations.

반하(半夏)가 자궁내막증 유발 흰쥐에 미치는 영향 (Effects of Pinelliae Tuber on the Surgical Induction of Endometriosis in the Rat)

  • 임은미;송미선
    • 대한한방부인과학회지
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    • 제20권2호
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    • pp.107-123
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    • 2007
  • Purpose: Endometriosis has been thought to be related with blood stasis in uterus. Pinelliae Tuber is a herb which has effectiveness of dispelling phlegm which can be transformed into blood stasis, so is used in gynecology blood stasis-desease. Therefore in the present study, the effects of Pinelliae Tuber on endometriosis were investigated. Also retention enema therapy acts on the limited part directly, so is used frequently in gynecology clinic. This study was to examine the comparative effects on the surgical induction of endometriosis in the rat between orally and rectally administered with Pinelliae Tuber extract. Methods: The endometrial tissue was autografted to Rat's small intestine. Rats with surgically induced endometriosis were orally and rectally administerd with Pinelliae Tuber extract for 40 days. Size of ectopic uterine implants at the serosal wall and concentration of progesterone, estradiol, $TNF-{\alpha}$ and IL-2, IL-4, IL-6, IL-I0 in serum were examined and compared with the control group. Results: There was no difference in the size of ectopic uterine implants of experimental group compared with control group. The concentration of IL-10 level was significantly decreased in orally administered experimental group and the concentration of progesterone, IL-6 level was significantly decreased in rectally administered experimental group. There was no significant difference between orally and rectally administerd with Pinelliae Tuber. Conclusion: Judging from the above results, it can be suggested that Pinelliae Tuber should be not a useful agent for inhibiting the proliferation of uterine endometrial tissue. There is no difference between orally and rectally administerd with Pinelliae Tuber extract.

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대영전(大營煎) 백서(白鼠)의 배란(排卵)과 난소(卵巢)에 미치는 영향(影響) (Effects of Daeyeongjeon on the Ovulation and Ovary in Rats)

  • 이수정;고정민;최창민;조한백
    • 대한한방부인과학회지
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    • 제18권4호
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    • pp.106-118
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    • 2005
  • Purpose : Deoyeongjeon(DYJ : 大營煎) is used in female infertility, caused by ovulation disorder. so this study is to examine what are the effects of the Deoyeongjeon(DYJ) on the vulation and Ovary in Rats Methods : 4weeks Female Sprague-Dawley 12 rats of weighting 160-l80g, were divided into three groups including the DYJ oral administration(4ml/kg) groups(4heads) and DYJ oral administration(8m/lkg) groups(4heads). then we observed changes in the serum concentrations of FSH, LH, and estradiol(E2) and the histological changes of ovary and the immunohistochemical staining for progesterone receptor in ovary of rats. Results : 1. Blood FSH level significantly increased in experimental group as compared with control group. 2. In blood LH level, experimental group showed no efficacy as compared with control group. 3. In blood estradiol(E2) level, experimental group showed no efficacy as compared with control group. 4. In histological observations of ovary, ovulation increased in experimental group as compared with control group, which showed no efficacy. 5. In observations of immunohistochemical staining for progesterone receptor in ovary, immunohistochemical staining score (ISS) of atretic follicles significantly showed a tendency to decrease in experimental group as compared with control group. Conclusion : DYJ influences the pituitary gland and ovary to increase the ovulation of rats.

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Twelve-oxoeicosatetraenoic acid-induced fetal membrane release improves postpartum ovarian function, milk production, and blood plasma biochemical parameters in cows

  • Hachiro Kamada;Yoshitaka Matsui
    • Animal Bioscience
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    • 제36권9호
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    • pp.1376-1383
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    • 2023
  • Objective: We aimed to determine the effects of 12-oxoeicosatetraenoic acid (12-KETE)-induced placenta release on the performance of mother cows (milk yield, ovarian function, and blood plasma biochemical properties). Methods: Experimental treatments were as follows: i) natural delivery including natural placental release (control cows); ii) induced calf delivery with placental retention (RP cows); and iii) induced calf delivery and 12-KETE-induced placental release (KE cows). Delivery in pregnant KE cows was induced with dexamethasone and prostaglandin. These cows were injected with 12-KETE after calf discharge, resulting in the release of the fetal placenta. RP cows were not treated with 12-KETE after inducing delivery, resulting in placental retention. Results: The milk yield in RP cows during the first 50 days after delivery was significantly lower than that in control cows (p<0.05), whereas KE cows exhibited a similar milk yield to that of control cows. The postpartum plasma progesterone levels of control cows increased 14 days after delivery on average; however, its increase was delayed by 10 days in RP cows. Meanwhile, the 12-KETE treatment (KE cows) brought the timing of progesterone increase forward to the normal level (control cows). Among the 20 biochemical parameters examined, the total cholesterol levels in blood plasma 14 days after delivery were lower in RP cows than that in the other two treatment groups (control cows and KE cows) (p<0.05). In addition, the plasma level of haptoglobin tended to be low in cows that discharged their placentas shortly after delivery. Conclusion: These findings indicate that 12-KETE treatment can alleviate the disorder caused by placental retention.

Hypophyseal and Gonadal Response to GnRH in Buffalo Heifers (Bubalus bubalis)

  • Singh, C.;Madan, M.L.
    • Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences
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    • 제11권4호
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    • pp.416-421
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    • 1998
  • The objective of this study was to investigate the responsiveness of hypophysis and gonads to synthetic GnRH among noncycling Murrah buffalo heifers at 24 months of age. The plasma FSH, LH, estradiol and progesterone levels were measured in blood samples collected at 1 hour before and upto 18th day subsequent to the administration of GnRH ($(200 {\mu}g)$) or saline (2 ml). The pretreatment levels of plasma FSH, LH estradiol and progesterone among GnRH treated heifers (N = 6) were $11.55{\pm}0.57ng/ml$, $0.68{\pm}0.06ng/ml$, $19.84{\pm}0.82pg/ml$ and $0.45{\pm}0.07ng/ml$ respectively. A quick elevation of FSH (p < 0.01) and LH (p < 0.05) within 5 min of GnRH administration was observed in all the heifers. The peak FSH ($74.97{\pm}18.63ng/ml$) and LH ($3.09{\pm}0.54ng/ml$) level was obtained at 30 min of GnRH administration. The elevated level of plasma estradiol on 5th to 18th day, FSH on 7th to 9th day (n = 3) and the progesterone on 13th to 18th day (n = 2) of GnRH injection was obtained. The study indicates that gonads of buffalo heifers at 24 months of age are responsive of GnRH induced gonadotropin release for folliculogenesis and luteal tissue formation

Influence of 2-bromo-α-ergocryptine on Plasma Prolactin, Oestradiol-17β and Progesterone Levels in Domestic Hen

  • Reddy, I.J.;David, C.G.;Singh, Khub
    • Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences
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    • 제15권8호
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    • pp.1103-1109
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    • 2002
  • This study investigated the effect of 2-bromo-$\alpha$-ergocryptine (anti prolactin agent) on plasma levels of prolactin, oestradiol-17$\beta$ and progesterone in domestic hen during the active period of lay. Fifty healthy female White Leghorn birds were administered with anti prolactin agent (2-bromo-$\alpha$-ergocryptine, Sigma-USA., methane sulphonate salt, $C_{32}H_{40}BrN_5O_5.CH_4SO_3$) subcutaneously @100$\mu$g/kg body weight at weekly intervals from 17th to 36th week of age. Another group of fifty birds as controls were given placebo in place of bromocriptine. The level of prolactin remained lower in treated birds than in the control birds from 19 to 36 weeks of age. Level of prolactin even in the control group was found to decrease during the peak production period. Oestradiol-$17{\beta}$ and progesterone concentration in treated birds were significantly (p<0.01) higher than the controls during the treatment. Egg production, is positively correlated with oestradiol-$17{\beta}$ (r=0.02; r=0.67) and progesterone (r=0.49; r=0.90) in control and treated groups respectively where as prolactin level is positively correlated with egg production in the control birds (r=0.07). Prolactin levels were negatively correlated with egg production (r=-0.55) in treated birds; and oestradiol-$17{\beta}$ (r =-0.71; r=-0.53) and progesterone (r=-0.22; r=-0.27) respectively in control and treated groups. The total number of pause days during the treatment period decreased significantly (p<0.01) in the treated group compared to the control group. The reduction in pause days in treated group resulted in 1.76% increase in egg production over that in control group. The increase in egg laying days and the total egg production were found to be significant (p<0.01). These results indicate that a lower level of prolactin in circulatory blood enhances egg production in the domestic hen.

Concentrations of Progesterone and Estradiol in Peripheral Plasma during the Estrous Cycle and after Ovariectomy in Huanghuai Goats of High or Poor Prolificacy

  • Pang, X.S.;Wang, Z.Y.;Zhu, T.G.;Yin, D.Z.;Zhang, Y.L.;Meng, L.;Wang, F.
    • Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences
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    • 제23권2호
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    • pp.188-196
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    • 2010
  • The objective of this study was to characterize the litter sizes in Huanghuai goats with high prolificacy (HP, five or more kids born per litter on at least one occasion), and to compare their peripheral blood concentrations of progesterone and estradiol with those of goats with poor prolificacy (PP, up to three kids born per litter on any occasion). The circulating concentrations of progesterone and estradiol were measured by radioimmunoassay from daily blood samples taken during natural estrus cycles and at 1-5 days after ovariectomy. Estrus was synchronized using two doses of a prostaglandin analog. Litter size for the HP goats increased up to a parity of five and decreased thereafter. The percentage of goats with litter sizes of $\geq$4 from parities 3 to 6 ranged from 44.5% to 58.3%. Although small differences in litter size were obtained for goats of parities three, four and six relative to five, parity five does had the highest mean litter size. Progesterone concentrations began to rise earlier and were higher in the HP than in the PP goats on most days of the luteal phase, but not during the follicular phase of the cycle or after ovariectomy. There was a significant difference between the two groups (p<0.05) in the magnitude of the progesterone plateau. Mean estradiol concentrations in the HP group remained significantly higher than in the PP group (p<0.05) during the estrus cycle. There were two estradiol peaks in the HP goats during the early luteal phase, but only one in the PP group. Measurements of individual corpora lutea (CL) in vitro showed that there was a greater prevalence of small CL (<6 mm in diameter) in the HP group than in the PP group (p<0.05). After ovariectomy, the estradiol level on day 1 was significantly higher than at the nadir during the estrus cycle in both the HP (p<0.01) and PP (p<0.05) goats, while levels decreased by 12.3% and 26.2% respectively compared with the mid-luteal period in HP and PP goats (p<0.05). The overall mean estradiol concentrations in HP goats were lower than in the PP group, but no significant differences were found between groups at 1-5 days after ovariectomy.

제주 흑우에서 다배란 처리 후 호르몬 수준과 혈액 생화학치의 변화 (Changes of Hormonal Level and Blood Biochemistry Following Superovulation Treatments of Jeju Black Cow)

  • 이태훈;강승률;김희석;강민수;윤영민;이주명;강태영
    • 한국수정란이식학회지
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    • 제21권3호
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    • pp.225-231
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    • 2006
  • 본 연구는 제주도의 흑우에서 다배란을 유기한 후 발정기 동안 혈중 호르몬의 농도 검사, 혈액 생화학 검사, 체내 수정란 회수율 등을 관찰하였다. FSH를 4일간 8회 50 mg씩 주사하여 다배란을 유기하였다. 성호르몬의 측정은 radioimmunoassay (RIA)법으로 측정하였으며 혈액 생화학치는 자동혈청 분석기로 측정하였다. 인공 수정 후 7일에 수정란을 비외과적 방법으로 회수하였다. 본 연구의 결과는 다음과 같았다. 1. 혈중 호르몬의 농도를 측정한 결과 progesterone농도는 day -11에 $7.2{\pm}3.8ng/ml$ 이었으며 day -2에 급격히 감소하여 day 0에는 $0.2{\pm}0.1ng/ml$로 최저치를 유지하다가 day 2 후 상승하였다. Estradiol의 농도는 day -11에 $10.6{\pm}4.3pg/ml$였으며 day 0에는 $15.0{\pm}2.1pg/ml$ 로 최고치를 기록했다. 2. 다배란처리 후 발정 주기 동안의 AST, ALT, BUN, creatine, cholesterol, albumin 및 total protein등 혈액 생화학치의 변화를 측정한 결과 각 혈액 생화학치의 변화는 정상 소의 정상 범위 내 있었으며 유의적 차이는 없었다. 3. 공란우 12두에서 총 62개의 수정란을 회수하였다. 이중 이식 가능한 수정란은 37개(59.7%)였다. 본 연구의 결과로 제주흑우에서 다배란을 유도한 후 발정기 중 호르몬과 혈액생화학치의 변화양상을 알 수 있었다.

Effect of Post Insemination Progesterone Supplement on Pregnancy Rates of Repeat Breeder Friesian Cows

  • Ababneh, Mohammed M.;Alnimer, Mufeed A.;Husein, Mustafa Q.
    • Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences
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    • 제20권11호
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    • pp.1670-1676
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    • 2007
  • Fifty repeat breeder (RB) Friesian cows were allocated to five groups of 10 cows each, to determine the effect of progesterone (P4) supplement on P4 concentrations and pregnancy rates during the periods of corpus luteum (CL) formation and development between days 2-7 and 7-12 following a spontaneous or $PGF_{2{\alpha}}$-induced estrus. Cows were artificially inseminated during $PGF_{2{\alpha}}$-induced (PGF-P4-d2 and PGF-P4-d7 groups) or spontaneous (S-P4-d2, S-P4-d7, and control groups) estrus. Progesterone-releasing intravaginal device (PRID) devoid of estrogen capsule were inserted either on d 2 (PGF-P4-d2 and S-P4-d2 groups) or d 7 (PGF-P4-d7 and S-P4-d7 groups) post-insemination and left in place for 5 days. Control cows did not receive any treatment. Blood samples were collected for progesterone analysis from all cows once daily for 4 days starting on the day of estrus (d 0) and once every 3 days thereafter until d 22. Progesterone treatment by day interaction accounted for higher plasma P4 in treated than non-treated control cows. Progesterone concentrations differed significantly (p<0.05) during metestrus (d 2 to d 7) but not during diestrus (d 7 to d 12). $PGF_{2{\alpha}}$ treatment, lactation number, service number or their interactions did not affect progesterone concentrations and pregnancy rates. Therefore, cows were grouped according to the day of P4 supplement irrespective of the $PGF_{2{\alpha}}$ treatment. Progesterone supplement on d 7 but not d 2 significantly increased (p<0.03) pregnancy rates in repeat breeding cows with four or more previous services but not in cows in their third service. In conclusion, post-insemination P4 supplement to repeat breeding cows with four or more previous services improved pregnancy rates and should be advocated when no specific reason for infertility is diagnosed. Further studies with larger numbers of repeat breeding cows under field conditions are needed to ascertain the findings of this study.