• 제목/요약/키워드: Blood Deficiency

검색결과 781건 처리시간 0.247초

탈발(脫髮)의 병인병기(病因病機) 및 침구치료(鍼灸治療)에 관한 문헌고찰 (A Philological Study on the Pathology, Acupuncture and Moxibustion of Alopecia)

  • 이상현;조명래
    • Journal of Acupuncture Research
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    • 제32권2호
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    • pp.35-57
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    • 2015
  • Objectives : The purpose of this study is to analyze literature on oriental medicine to investigate the pathology, acupuncture, and moxibustion therapy applicable to alopecia Methods : We searched for the causes of alopecia in the bibliographic data from 41 sources of literature and the acupunctural treatments for alopecia in the bibliographic data from 49 sources of Chinese and Korean literature and from the journals of the acupunctural treatments for alopecia which have been published since 2000. Results : 1. The main causes of alopecia are blood deficiency, blood heat, static blood, depletion of kidney's water, wind excess, seven emotional damage, dietary damage, etc. 2. The acupuncture points frequently used are $GV_{20}$, $GB_{20}$, $ST_{36}$, $SP_6$, $SP_{10}$, $BL_{17}$, $BL_{18}$, $BL_{23}$, $GV_{23}$, $GV_{14}$, $CV_6$, $ST_8$, $KI_3$, $LR_3$, $HT_7$, $LI_{11}$, EX-$HN_1$, and ouch point. 3. New acupuncture therapies, including herbal acupuncture therapy, ear acupuncture therapy, dermal needle therapy, needle-embedding therapy and scalp acupuncture therapy are frequently used to treat alopecia. Conclusions : The acupuncture points frequently used for treating alopecia have characteristics such as tonifying blood, tonifying the liver and kidney, extinguishing wind, activating blood, clearing heat and draining dampness, so they are highly associated with the causes and the mechanisms of alopecia.

한방진단설문지 DSOM (r) S.1.1의 Upgrade를 위한 신뢰도 연구 (Reliability Study for Upgrade of Diagnosis System of Oriental Medicine DSOM(r) S.1.1)

  • 이인선;김종원;지규용;이용태;김규곤
    • 동의생리병리학회지
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    • 제26권1호
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    • pp.88-97
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    • 2012
  • DSOM(Diagnosis System of Oriental Medicine), questionnaire for oriental medical(medicine) diagnosis is an online survey system containing 152 questions for female, 149 questions for male that asking the basic symtoms of 16 pathogenic factors(病機). The result of DSOM denotes reliability according to the level of major symptoms of each pathogenic factor. Standard level of reliability is equal to all 16 pathogenic factor basically except phlegm(痰). In case of phlegm(痰) we give different weight depending on whether the factor includes gray color under the orbit(痰飮氣) or not. To examine reliability of DSOM, statistical analysis has been done to the data of felmale 10101, male 1564 except for bad responses and stored between 1st April 2000 to 3rd June 2011. Based on the study, the conclusions were as follows. Reliability of DSOM. For female, all pathogenic factors showed over 85% confidence level except for phlegm 82.6%. For male, all pathogenic factors showed more than 90% confidence level except two factors, phlegm(痰) indicates 87.% and damp(濕) indicates 89.8%. HH rates among pathogenic factors were more than 50 points. For female, HH rates of other 14 pathogenic factors were all over 80% except for heat(熱) 78.2% and insufficiency of Yang(陽虛) 75.3%. For male HH rates of all pathogenic factors were more than 80% except HH rates of heat 78.2% and damp 77.8%. Research based on a degree of satisfaction of reliability derived from pathogenic factors with scores of HH results in for all 16 pathogenic factors showed over 85% of relatively high level of satisfaction for both sexes whose reliability standard come under 5~4 points. Comparing appearance frequency of pathogenic factors for both sexes. Male only displays higer than female in heat(熱). Whereas female were higher than male for other 15 pathogenic factors and the difference was biggest in heart(心) and least in insufficiency of Yin(陰虛). Comparing appearance frequency order of pathogenic factors for both sexes. Female outdistanced male in blood stasis(血瘀) coldness(寒) blood-deficiency(血虛) phlegm(痰), while male outdistance female in heat(熱) insufficiency of Yin(陰虛) deficiency of qi(氣虛). Male had lower average of each pathogenic factors than female except heat(熱) as well as deficiency of qi(氣虛).

8증례를 통한 사암침법(舍巖鍼法)의 형상의학적(形象醫學的) 운용에 관한 고찰 (A Study of Eight Cases According to Hyeongsang Diagnosis Applying Sa-am Acupuncture Therapy)

  • 최준영;남상수;김용석;이재동
    • Journal of Acupuncture Research
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    • 제29권1호
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    • pp.139-150
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    • 2012
  • 1. 형상의학(形象醫學)에서는 사람을 얼굴형태에 따라 정(精) 기(氣) 신(神) 혈(血)과로 이목구비(耳目口鼻)의 기능에 따라 어(魚) 조(鳥) 주(走) 갑류(甲類)로 분류하며, 이러한 분류에 따른 장부(臟腑)의 특성을 사암침(舍巖鍼) 운용에 활용하면 임상에서 활용도가 높다. 2. 어류(魚類)는 수(水)의 기운(氣運)이 많아 수체(水體)라고도 하며 신장(腎臟)이 발달하여 신장(腎臟)과 관련된 병이 오기 쉽다. 그 본치(本治)가 보정보기(補精補氣)이며 주로 신정격(腎正格)을 운용하고 신양허쇠(腎陽虛衰)인 경우 신열격(腎熱格), 신음허(腎陰虛)인 경우 신한격(腎寒格)을 쓰며 정혈(精血)의 휴손(虧損)이 심한 경우 간정격(肝正格)도 운용할 수 있다. 3. 조류(鳥類)는 화(火)의 기운(氣運)을 많이 받아 화체(火體)라고도 하며 심장(心臟)이 발달하여 심장병(心臟病) 신경성 질환이 잘 온다. 그 본치(本治)가 자음강화(滋陰降火)며 심장(心臟)의 음혈(陰血)을 보(補)하고 화(火)를 내리는 심한격(心寒格)을 위주로 하여, 심화(心火)를 사(瀉)하면서 음혈(陰血)을 보해주고 신지(神志)를 안정시키는 심승격(心勝格), 심기(心氣)가 부족한 경우 심정학(心正格), 심담(心膽)이 모두 허(虛)한 경우 담정격(膽正格)을 운용할 수 있다. 4. 주류(走類)의 목(木)의 기운(氣運)이 많아 목체(木體)라고도 하며 간(肝)이 발달(發達)하여 간(肝)과 관련된 병(病)이 잘 온다. 그 본치(本治)가 청열사습(靑熱瀉濕), 자혈양근(滋血養筋)이므로 간정격(肝正格)을 주로 운용하고, 간화(肝火)가 동(動)하거나 간실증(肝實證)이 나타난 경우 간한격(肝寒格)이나 간승격(肝勝格)을, 간기(肝氣)가 항진(亢進)으로 인해 비기(脾氣)가 허(虛)해져 있는 경우 비정격(脾正格)을, 습열이 너무 성(盛)한 경우 대장정격(大場正格)을 운용할 수 있다. 5. 갑류(甲類)는 금(金)의 기운(氣運)이 많아 금체(金體)라고도 하며 폐(肺)가 발달하여 폐(肺)와 관련된 병이 잘 온다. 그 본치(本治)가 해울소담(解鬱消痰)이므로 폐정격(肺正格)을 통해 보폐순기(補肺順氣)하며 울증(鬱症)이 심한 경우 폐승격(肺勝格)으로 통해 소담(消痰)시켜주고 기울방(氣鬱方)으로 해울(解鬱)하기도 한다. 6. 정과(精科)는 그 특성상 정(精)의 누설(漏泄)에 의한 증상 및 정부족(精不足), 양허증상(陽虛證狀)과 정(精)의 과도한 응집(凝集)에 의한 습열(濕熱)이 기본 병리이며 기본처방은 신기(腎氣)를 강화하는 신정격(腎正格)을 중심으로 하여, 신열격(腎熱格) 신한격(腎寒格) 등을 변증에 따라 운용하며 습열(濕熱)이 성한 경우 대장정격(大腸正格) 비승격(脾勝格) 등 습열(濕熱)을 다스리는 처방과 비정격(脾正格), 습담방(濕痰方) 등 습담(濕痰)을 다스리는 처방이 운용될 수 있다. 7. 기과(氣科)의 기본 병리(病理)는 기울(氣鬱), 기체(氣滯)에 의한 구기(九氣), 칠기(七氣), 중기(中氣), 매핵기(梅核氣), 불면증(不眠症) 등 신경성 질환이 많고 특히 여자의 경우 손발과 하복부가 차고 대소변이 안좋으며 징가(癥痂), 현벽(痃癖) 등의 질환이 많다. 또한 지나친 발산(發散)으로 인하여 기허증(氣虛證)이 나타나기도 한다. 따라서 기본처방은 기울방(氣鬱方), 담음방(痰飮方), 담현방(痰眩方), 기수방(氣嗽方), 폐승격(肺勝格), 삼초정격(三焦正格) 등이며, 기허증(氣虛證)이 나타나는 경우 폐정격(肺正格)을 사용할 수 있다. 8. 신과(神科)의 기본병리는 칠정울결(七情鬱結)이나 담화(痰火), 화성음허(火盛陰虛)이며 대표적인 증상은 경계(驚悸), 정충(怔忡), 건망(健忘), 불면(不眠), 전간(癲癎), 전광(癲狂) 등이다. 따라서 기본처방은 심한격(心寒格), 심승격(心勝格), 심정격(心正格), 담정격(膽正格), 비한격(脾寒格)을 중심으로 열담방(熱痰方), 군화방(君火方), 상화방(相火方), 화울방(火鬱方) 등을 사용할 수 있다. 9. 혈과(血科)의 기본병리는 어혈(瘀血) 및 출혈이며 대표적인 증상은 구규출혈(九竅出血)과 어혈(瘀血), 혈허증(血虛證)이다. 따라서 기본처방은 간정격(肝正格), 손혈방(損血方), 심한격(心寒格) 비한격(脾寒格) 심비한격(心脾寒格), 소장정격(小腸正格), 소장한격(小腸寒格), 어혈방(瘀血方), 뉵혈방(衄血方) 등을 사용할 수 있다.

上胞下垂에 關한 文獻的 考察 (A literatual studies on the Ptosis(上胞下垂))

  • 박수연;최정화
    • 한방안이비인후피부과학회지
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    • 제13권2호
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    • pp.76-111
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    • 2000
  • I examined and referred to literatures of every generations on the nicknames, causes, herb medications and acupucture treatments of ptosis(上胞下垂) And then the results were obtained as follows. 1. The nicknames of ptosis(上胞下垂) are hyumok(휴목), chimpung(侵風), geompye(瞼廢), geompisubok(瞼皮垂覆), posu(胞垂) and bigwon(脾倦) which corresponds to blepharoptosis in Western Medicine. 2. The congenital ptosis(上胞下垂) is mostly caused by innate disposition(稟賦不足). The acquired ptosis(上胞下垂) is mostly caused by Qi sinking of Tri-energizer(中氣下陷). And besides this, there are Blood stasis due to Qi stagnancy(氣滯血瘀), invasion of the eyelid by wind(風邪入絡), Qi and Blood deficiency(氣血不足), Phlegm syndrome due to wind(風痰阻絡), Wind syndrome due to Yang hypertrophy(陽亢動風) and Stagnation of Liver Qi(肝氣鬱結). 3. In herb medication of ptosis(上胞下垂), Bojungikgitang(補中益氣湯) was used 14 times most and its effects are nourishing the spleen to promote the flow of Qi(健脾益氣) and elevating the YangQi and activation the meridian(升陽活絡). In the following, Insamyangyeongtang(人蔘養榮湯) was done 6 times and has effects of promoting the Qi and activating the blood(益氣養血) and of promoting blood circulation and restoring flow(活血通絡). The next, Jungyongtang(正容湯) appeared 5 times and this can expel wind, resolve phlegm and restore flow(祛風滌痰通絡). As single herb, Radix glycyrrhizae(甘草) was used 66 times most. Besides this, there are a few herbs used many times like Rhizoma atractylodis macrocephalae(白朮), Radix angelicae gogantis(當歸), Radix ginseng(人蔘). Radix astragali(황기) and Rhizoma cimicifugae(升麻). 4. In acupunture treatment, Chanzhu(撰竹) was used 19 times most. Besides this acupoint, there are some points choson frequently like Zusanli(足三里), Sanyinjiao(三飮交), Yangbai(陽白), Taiyang(太陽), Tongziliao(瞳子 ), Jingming(晴明), Hegu(合谷) and Fengchi(風池).

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각종악성종양환자(各種惡性腫瘍患者)의 Ferrokinetics 및 동대사(銅代謝)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究) (Studies on Ferrokinetics and Copper Metabolism in Various Malignant Tumors)

  • 김용규
    • 대한핵의학회지
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    • 제1권1호
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    • pp.21-35
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    • 1967
  • Anemia is a usual finding in advanced malignant diseases. Various mechanisms were reported as to be involved in the development of anemia of this kind, and they may differ in individual cases. Tumor anemias may be due, for instance, to chronic blood loss, shortened life span of the red blood cells or a decreased hemopoiesis in the bone marrow. The serum iron and copper levels, total iron binding capacity, apparent half survival of $^{51}Cr$-labelled red blood cells were measured along with the ferrokinetic studies using $^{59}Fe$ in 64 patients with various malignant tumors. Following were the results: 1. The serum iron levels were decreased in all cases. There existed no correlation between the serum iron levels and the severity of the diseases. 2. The serum copper levels were increased, particularly in lung cancer, rectal cancer, hepatoma and various sarcomas. There was also no correlation between the serum copper levels and the severity of the diseases. 3. The serum iron levels appeared to be inversely proportional to the serum copper levels. 4. The total iron binding capacities were within normal limits in all cases. There were also no correlations between the total iron binding capacities, serum iron levels and the severity of the diseases. 5. The patients could be classified according to the ferrokinetic patterns, namely, that of iron deficiency anemia in 10 cases, that of refractory anemia in 6 cases, normal in 1 case and that of atypical abnormal in 9 cases. 6. Apparent half survival time of $^{51}Cr$-labelled red blood cells were definitely shortened in half of the cases.

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이상지질혈증과 치료제 연구개발 경향 (Drug research and development tend to hyperlipidemia)

  • 설인찬
    • 혜화의학회지
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    • 제18권2호
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    • pp.1-12
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    • 2009
  • Most of the cholesterol is synthesized by liver in the body while about one of third is taken via dietary. The main functions of cholesterol is to protect membranes in cell surface, avoid the arterial bleeding by hypertension, and prolong the life of erythrocytes, and so on. However, overload of cholesterol leads to arteriosclerosis associated with leading death cause. Lack of physical activity, emotional and environmental stress, and low intake of protein or vitamin E induce the unbalance between HDL- and LDL-cholesterol so become a basis of ischemic disorders in heart, brain and elsewhere in the body. So far, four major classes of medications for hyperlipidemia are HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors (statins), bile acid sequestrants, nicotinic acid, and fibric acids. The statins can lower LDL and levels triglyceride, but may induce myopathy and an elevation of liver enzyme levels. The bile acid sequestrants lower LDL levels and raise HDL levels with no effect on triglyceride levels but side effects of gastrointestinal (GI) distress, constipation, and a decrease in the absorption of other drugs. Nicotinic acid and fibric acids lower LDL and triglyceride levels with showing flushing, hyperglycemia, hyperuricemia, GI distress, and hepatotoxicity dyspepsia, gallstones, myopathy, and unexplained noncardiac death as adverse effects. Above western drugs lower cholesterol by 15 to 30% while all have notable adverse effects. In traditional medicine, hyperlipidemia is regarded as retention of phlegm and fluid disease. Etiology and pathogenesis of hyperlipidemia is basically based on Spleen-Deficiency and Phlegm-Stagnation, accumulation and stasis of -heat, and Qi & blood stagnation induced by Phlegm-damp, water-dampness, and blood stasis. Thereby, strengthening Spleen and dissolving Phlegm, clearing away heat and diuresis, and supplementing Qi and activating blood circulation are commonly used therapeutic methods for hyperlipidemia. The traditional herbal medicine, have been used for patients with CVA, hypertension or hyperlipidemia in Oriental hospital or Oriental clinic. The lock and key theory is used to develop most of western medicine, however many diseases are caused by mixed factors in body-complex system. We expect that Oriental pharmacological theory could be newborn as a novel drug showing high advantage of blood levels of lipidsand QOL of performance without side effects.

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비병(痺病)의 문헌적(文獻的) 연구(硏究) (The Literatural Study on Arthralgia Syndrome(痺病))

  • 정석희
    • 대한한의학회지
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    • 제16권1호통권29호
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    • pp.9-20
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    • 1995
  • I would like to state my own opinion on arthralgia syndrome(痺病) through the literatural studies. First of all, arthralgia symdrome(痺病) must be classified into six type basically, which are migratory arthralgia(痺病(行痺)), arthritis of heat type(濕痺), arthritis due to blood stasis(瘀血痺) and deficient rheumatism(虛痺), and then could be considered to try the compound names of arthralgia syndrome. These can come from according to the rise and decline of causes in wind(風), cold(寒), damp(濕), heat(熱), blood stasis(瘀血) and qi-blood(氣血). For example, it would be possible to apply the wind-dampness rheymatism(風濕痺) of damp-heat rheumatism(濕熱痺) in terminology of arthralgia syndrome(痺病). As rheumatoid arthritis(歷節風), rheumatoid arthritis like white tiger bite (白虎歷節風) and gout (痛風) not to mean the gout in western medicine have been announced a kind of arthralgia syndromes(痺病) by many doctors since Ming dynasty(明代) and proved it to be true, it is reasonabie not to try it any longer. And tingling and deficiency of sensation(廢木 不仁) is a symptome showing the decline of muscle power including mainly the abnormal sensation of skin, it would be recommended to be classified into fliaccidity syndrome(?痺). And then the names rheumatism invoiving lendon and ligament(筋痺), rheumatism involving blood vessels(脈痺), rheumatism involving muscle(肌痺), numbness of skin (皮痺) and rheumatism involving bone(骨痺), which have been used as the classification title with the season be received bad-qi(邪氣), must be classlfied to the location appearing aymptomes. Though obstruction of the liver-qi(肝痺), obstruction of the heart-qi(心痺), stagnation of the spleen-qi(脾痺), stagnation of the lung-qi(肺痺), stagnation of the kidney-qi(腎痺) and dysfunction of the bladder(胞痺) that used visceral and bladder name, that stated a kind of arthralgia syndrome(痺病), but it must be classified into a different diseases from arthragia syndrome.

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초법에 따른 당귀의 항산화 및 항혈전 효과 (The Effect of Angelicae gigantis radix according to Heat-process on Anti-Oxidant and Anti-Thrombotic)

  • 김민영;권오준;추병길;이가위;박은혜;김홍준
    • 대한본초학회지
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    • 제31권3호
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    • pp.13-22
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    • 2016
  • Objectives: Arachidonic acid is control the thromboxane A2 (TXA2) and prostacycline (PGI2) synthesis, TXA2 increase lead to thrombus produced by induces platelet aggregation and vasoconstriction. Angelicae gigantis radix (RAR) is mainly used blood deficiency and stagnation. In previous studies, RAR has been reported that a vasodilating and blood clotting delay effects. In this study, investigate that anti-oxidant and anti-thrombotic effects of RAR by heat-process.Methods: The heated angelicae gigantis radix sample were made by 140, 180, and 220 ℃ and 4, 6, 9 and 12 min using water or 30% ethanol. The anti-oxidant effects were measured by total polyphenol, total flavonoid, DPPH and ABTS radical scavening activation. Anti-thrombotic effect conducted in samples that are determined to be effective through the anti-oxidant experiment such as angelicae gigantis radix roasted 180℃, and 220℃ and angelicae gigantis radix roasted with 30% ethanol 180℃, and 220℃.Results: Anti-oxidant parameters were efficacious in high temperature roasted AR. Also AR and EAR increased a inhibitory activity of FXa compared with RAR. The blood coagulation time of administration groups were significantly increased compare with control group. The TXB2 was significantly decreased in AR and EAR.Conclusions : We confirmed that whether AR and EAR administration has anti-oxidant and anti-thrombotic effect or not. As the results, AR and EAR were improved anti-oxidant effects and blood biochemistry compare with control group. This study provides scientific evidence that AR and EAR are have an anti-oxidant effect and anti-thrombotic effect, it expected that there is no difference between the two.

모발에 대한 동서의학적 고찰 (The Study about the Comparison of Korean-Western Medicine on Hair)

  • 장인욱;고우신;윤화정
    • 한방안이비인후피부과학회지
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    • 제29권4호
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    • pp.1-13
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    • 2016
  • Objectives : The purpose of this study is to compare hair and alopecia of Korean Medicine with those of western medicine. Methods : We studied relationships between hair and essense(精), qi(氣), blood(血), five vicera(五臟) and meridians(經絡) through literature review about hair and alopecia. We compared Korean medicine with western medicine on physiology of hair and treatment of alopecia based on the study. Results & Conclusion : 1. Congenital essense(先天之精) is related with genetic factor and acquired essence(後天之精) is connected with nutritional factor. Defending function of Defense qi(衛氣) is related with immune reaction and qi stagnation(氣鬱) is associated with stress reaction. Atrophy of vascular tissues observed in alopecia scalp means deep relationship between blood(血) and alopecia, further deficiency of blood can cause telogen effluvium. 2. Kidney qi(腎氣) is related with inhibiting combination of Androgen receptor and Dihydrotestosterone(DHT) or activating hair growth factior. Pi(脾) is connected with alopecia seborrheica caused by damp-heat(濕熱) and alopecia areata caused by excessive prudence(思慮過度). Heart(心) is associated with atrophy in vascular tissue of scalp and liver(肝) is connected with metabolism. 3. Armpit hair and pubic hair as secondary sex characteristics are realated with Yangming Meridian(陽明經) and beard and hair at crown part where Type II $5{\alpha}$-reductase is activated much are associated with Taiyang Meridian(太陽經). 4. Juglandis Semen pharmacopuncture and Ganoderma lucidum pharmacopucture have better effects on inhibit $5{\alpha}$-reductase than Finasteride. Minoxidil and PRP are similar with promoting blood flow and removing stasis(活血祛瘀). Seven-star needling(七星針) is similar with microneedling. 5. Alopecia can be caused by due to lack of circulation Views we need solution to improve circulation coincide in opinion with Korean Medicine and Western medicine.

편마비와 감각장애를 주소로 하는 외상성 경추관 협착 환자 1례에 대한 임상적 고찰 (A Clinical Report of Traumatic Cervical Stenosis Patient with Half Length Paralysis and Sensory Disorder)

  • 유형천;이경환;김방울;최창원;이영수;김종석;김희철
    • 동의생리병리학회지
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    • 제18권1호
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    • pp.279-284
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    • 2004
  • Excluding an operation remedy about an example of Traumatic Cervical Stenosis patient, by doing pattern identification such as blood stagnation in hospitalization for the early days and such as the stagnation of Oi for the middle days and such as Eum deficiency of liver and kidney for the last. We have done treatment by being based on method of therapy to promote blood flow to remove blood stasis and to promote the normal flow of Oi and to nourish the liver and the kidney. In result, we had remarkable conclusion and considered that we had to treat a patient like that appropriately by distinguishing & making a diagnosis correctly from now on. If we apply clinically by thinking of Oriental Medicine through more example of symptoms, we have considered that it will serve as a momentum that we can sympathize with the excellency of Oriental Medicine. In the future, we have considered that have to be necessary to make more researches and reports upon it.