• Title/Summary/Keyword: Biotop Area Ratio

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An Expert Opinion Analysis Study for Improvement of Biotop Area Ratio Index (생태면적률 산정지표 개선방안을 위한 전문가 의견분석 연구)

  • Byeong-Hwa, Song
    • Journal of Environmental Impact Assessment
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    • v.31 no.6
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    • pp.438-448
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    • 2022
  • This study is to improve the quantitative estimation index of biotop area ratio, which is an environmental planning index and environmental ecological planning technique, as a planning means that can induce the improvement of ecological soundness in the spatial planning stage. It is intended to identify the relative importance of space types and calculation indicators currently in operation, and to find alternatives through opinion analysis on improvement of space types and weights. As the method of this study, AHP analysis was performed to evaluate the relative importance of spatial types for in-depth analysis of spatial types and calculation indicators. In order to secure the reliability and objectivity of the study, 50 experts participated. Through this study, it can be linked with the improvement of technologies and construction methods, maintenance efficiency, economic feasibility, and construction technology, which are developed through analysis on the limitations and improvements by type of biotop area ratio. And it is expected to contribute to the improvement of the urban environment and vitalization of the biotop area ratio through the application of the biotop area ratio.

Biotop Mapping Using High-Resolution Satellite Remote Sensing Data, GIS and GPS

  • Shin Dong-Hoon;Lee Kyoo-Seock
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.20 no.5
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    • pp.329-335
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    • 2004
  • Biotop map can be utilized for nature conservation and assessment of environmental impact for human activities in urban area. High resolution satellite images such as IKONOS and KOMPSAT1-EOC were interpreted to classify land use, hydrology, impermeable pavement ratio and vegetation for biotop mapping. Wildlife habitat map and detailed vegetation map obtained from former study results were used as ground truth data. Vegetation was investigated directly for the area where the detailed vegetation map is not available. All these maps were combined and the boundaries were delineated to produce the biotop map. Within the boundary, the characteristics of each polygon were identified, and named. This study investigates the possibility of biotop mapping using high resolution satellite remote sensing data together with field data with the goal of contributing to nature conservation in urban area.

A study on the supplementation of the Biotop Area Ratio by case study of Outdoor Environmental Planning Indicators (외부공간 환경계획지표 사례분석을 통한 생태면적률 공간유형 보완 방향 도출 연구 - 식재부문 공간유형 신설을 통한 보완방향을 중심으로 -)

  • Jang, Dae-hee;Kim, Hyeon-soo;Kim, Tae Han
    • KIEAE Journal
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.3-10
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    • 2012
  • Recently, the increase of impervious area has been pointed out as a major cause of climate change and biotop area deterioration]. Therefore, quantitative indicators for environmental housing design and planning have been needed especially to control the impervious area. The Biotop Area Ratio(BAR) as the mostly applied environmental planning control instrument in Korea verifying the possibility of utilizing has been used effectively in various aspects. However, the fact that the space types are based on two dimension and ecological functions of spaces are simplified has shown the limitations of this planning instrument in the use as planning and evaluation indicator. In this study, classification criteria and the weighting of the space types in similar indicators Biotopflaechenfaktor (BFF, Berlin), Seattle Green Factor (SGF, Seattle), and Green Area Factor (GAF, Malmo) were analyzed. These indicators are similar in the sense that they apply weights to calculate the area and express a percentage of land area. The findings are as follows: The basic method that can estimate the vegetation volume is proposed to overcome the limitation of the BAR. It also was proven that the introduction of three-dimensional volume rate of biotops area was possible. Finally, the framework of space type classification criteria is proposed through linkages with relevant laws and regulations. With the improvement of the space types, the BAR is expected to be reasonable indicator in outdoor space evaluation in housing project.

Analysis about Biotope Area Ratio of New Town Housing Complex in the Metropolitan Area of Korea (우리나라 수도권 신도시 주거단지의 생태면적률 분석)

  • Oh, Choong-Hyeon;Kim, Han-Soo
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.34 no.4 s.117
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    • pp.105-115
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    • 2006
  • Biotope Area Ratio ($BFF; BiotopFl{\"{a}}chenFaktor$) was developed in Berlin, Germany in 1990s and introduced to Korea in 1999. It is the ratio of the uncovered soil areas which have the natural circulating capability compared to whole development areas. This study seeks for alternative ways to increase Biotope Area Ratio of residential areas in the metropolitan areas of Korea by investigation on new housing developments. The study investigates four new towns including Seoul Eunpyung new town, Yongin Kusung district, Goyang Pungdong and Juyeopdong districts and Hwasung Dongtan district. The Biotope Area Ratio of study sites is between 23.51 % and 40.69%. This result is not relevant to land use conditions, such as the building-ta-land ratio, natural ground green area ratio. This ratio satisfies the minimum requirements of City of Seoul, except 2 sites. Considering that the study sites are relatively low density land use areas compared to Seoul's average, thus, a higher standards is necessary for new town housing complexes. Because Biotope Area Ratio includes artificial ground green area ratio, Biotope Area Ratio is possible can be increased with decreased natural ground green area ratio. And so, when Biotope Area Ratio is applied to new town development, it must go side by side with a definite natural ground green area ratio.

A basic study on Improvement for Biotops Area Ratio through the Post Evaluation Plan for Outdoor Space of Apartment Housings (공동주택의 외부공간 시공 후 평가를 통한 생태면적률 개선 방안도출을 위한 기초 연구 - 현장시공시 생태면적률 공간유형 반영을 중심으로 -)

  • Jang, Dae-hee;Kim, Hyeon-soo;Kang, Byoung Keun
    • KIEAE Journal
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    • v.10 no.6
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    • pp.91-96
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    • 2010
  • The problem of urban climate change and destruction of wildlife habitats space which is becoming more serious day by day, has to do with the impervious area(surface area) in urban space. The destruction of natural ground and indiscreet soil covering due to compact development is causing urban desertification in urban residential areas. With biotops area ratio being variously used and extended as a pre planning index, this study aims to analyze the elements of biotop area ratio that need to be supplemented in order to emerge as a realistic planning index for post evaluation measure and not act only as a examining tool in the planning stage. In particular, this study aims to examine the possibility of biotops area ratio to be used as a system to evaluate the outer space of apartment housings, in which biotops area ratio is most actively used, as a tool to secure ecological soundness of the development area after construction is finished.

Applying of Indicators for Landscape Planning in Building Lots Development District around Urban Fringe (도시근교 택지개발지역의 경관계획지표 적용방안)

  • Kim, Yong-Soo;Park, Chan-Yong
    • Journal of Korean Society of Rural Planning
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.51-60
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    • 2007
  • In terms of the indicators by the type for the landscape plan per the district nit, geographic ecology indicators were the items such as water, water system, topography and climate, while biological ecology indicators were the items such as green zone size, green zone ratio, biotope size and distribution. The sensory and visual indicators were the items such as view point, view axis and skyline, and the accessibility indicator items for the green zone were applied as the socially used indicators. As for the application method according to each indicator, the water or water system was expressed and applied through the slopes and elevation topographic analysis drawings, the climate was expressed and applied through the main direction of the wind and the cold wind pass alley drawings. As for the green zone size and green zone ratio, the land use according to the status and housing area development was compared to present the measured figures. In case of the biotop size and the distribution item, the range was limited to the preparation of the biotope drawings for the focused preservation. As for the view point and view axis, the view point was selected according to the view point to prepare and apply the view analysis drawing in which the view area to be preserved is analyzed. As for the skyline, its landscape photo was composed with the housing area shape, and then skyline photography was applied as the plan in order to propose and consider the various shapes of the skyline. As for the accessibility to the peen zone, the network drawing was drawn to reflect the users' accessibility and continuity of the green zone formed and preserved according to the land use plan and then the drawing was prepared and proposed as the applicable plan.

A Study on the Biotope Structure of Wintering Place and Behavior Characteristics of Anser fabalis in Cheongna Area, Incheon Free Economic Zone, Korea (인천경제자유구역 청라지구에서의 큰기러기 월동지 비오톱구조와 행동특성 연구)

  • Park, Byeong-Ku;Han, Bong-Ho;Lee, Kyong-Jae;Kwak, Jeong-In;Im, Seong-Soo
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.27 no.3
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    • pp.305-315
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    • 2013
  • This study is aimed to provide the preliminary data for conservation and management of wintering site for Anser fabalis population in Cheongna Area, Incheon Free Economic Zone, Korea through analyzing the relationship between the biotop structure of its wintering site and behavior characteristics. The main types (size and ratio) of the biotope in Cheongna Area, Incheon Free Economic Zone are reed wetlands ($6,093,762m^2$, 47.8%), rice fields without rice straw ($2,927,916m^2$, 23.0%), and rice fields with rice straw ($1,915,655m^2$, 15.0%). According to the survey carried on 13th Feb., 2013, total 33 species and 6, 535 individual birds were observed and among of them, the dominant bird was Anser fabalis showing 5,128 indiviuals, 78% of total population. As the result of analyzing the migratory route of Anser fabalis, the bird moved from roosting site to foraging site before and after sunrise and from feeding site to roosting site before and after sunset. According to the analysis of interrelation between habitat characteristics and biotope types of the bird, population density was the highest in reed wetlands among habitat types and individual appearance was the highest in water-filled rice field melting ice. The bird ate the roots and bulb of hydrophytes in reed wetlands and showed various behaviors like eating dropped grains, resting and sleeping in water-filled rice fields and eating dropped grains and resting in rice fields with and without rice straw. It is shown that the number of Anser fabalis appearing in rice fields is depended on the presence of dropped grains than types of rice field.