• Title/Summary/Keyword: Biomass availability

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Relative Importance of Bottom-up vs. Top-down Controls on Size-structured Phytoplankton Dynamics in a Freshwater Ecosystem: II. Investigation of Controlling Factors using Statistical Modeling Analysis (담수성 식물플랑크톤의 크기별 동태에 대한 상향식, 하향식 조절간의 상대적 중요도 조사: II. 통계 모델링 분석을 이용한 조절인자 분석)

  • Song, Eun-Sook;Lim, Jang-Seob;Chang, Nam-Ik;Sin, Yong-Sik
    • Korean Journal of Ecology and Environment
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    • v.38 no.4 s.114
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    • pp.445-453
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    • 2005
  • Relative importance between bottom-up and top-down controls on phytoplankton dynamics was investigated in the Juam Reservoir, Chonnam based on the results from statistical analyses including regression and artificial neural network (ANN) modeling. Effects of nutrients on size-structured phytoplankton dynamics were explored by simple linear regression analysis and relative importance between bottom-up and top-down controls was estimated based on results from the artificial neural network analyses. Although there is a limitation in determining direct grazing effects since chlorophyll a : pheopigments ratios, indirect index for grazing activity rather than grazing rates or herbivores biomass were used, the results from regression analysis showed that nutrients especially orthophosphates were positively correlated with the phytoplankton biomass and chlorophyll a : pheopigments ratios were also positively correlated with the phytoplankton biomass at lower coefficient of determination ($r^2$) compared to orthophosphates. The simulation results from ANN suggested that the bottom-up mechanisms including water temperature and availability of nutrients, especially orthophosphates were more important than top-down mechanisms such as grazing in the phytoplankton dynamics.

Amelioration of Soil Acidified by Air Pollutant around the Industrial Complexes (대기오염으로 산상화된 공업단지 주변 토양의 개량)

  • 이창석;김진영;유영한
    • The Korean Journal of Ecology
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.313-320
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    • 1998
  • Ameliorating effects of dolomite and sludge on the polluted soil sampled from Ulsan and yeocheon Industrial Complexes were investigated. Ameliorating effects were analysed by changes of soil properties and plant growth after treatment of dolomite and sludge. Soil properties were investigated by analysing organic matter, N, P, K, Ca and Mg contents and pH. Growth of sample plants was investigated by leaf area calculated from length and breadth of leaves and by biomass from diameter and height of sample plants. Quercus serrata and Celtis sinensis selected as tolerant plants in field survey were used as experimental plants. Treatment with dolomite showed ameliorating effects by increassing n, Ca, and Mg com\ntents, and pH of soil and by decreasing Al content. Treatment of sludge showed similar effects by increasing N, Ca, Mg and organic matter contents, and by decreasing A1 content. But treatment of sludge did not show any effect on pH. Both soil ameliorators showed accelerating effects on the growth of experimental plants in Ulsan soil. But those effects in Yeocheon soil were somewhat different. Treatment of sludge showed accelerating effects of the growth of both sample plants but dolomitic liming did not so. From those results, we confirmed availability of sludge, a kind of industrial waste, as one of ameliorators of the polluted soil. In addition, we recognized that soil properties had to be considered to select soil ameliorators suitable for restoration of degraded ecosystems.

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The Effects of Light Intensity, Inoculum Size, and Cell Immobilisation on the Treatment of Sago Effluent with Rhodopseudomonas palustris Strain B1

  • Ibrahim, Shaliza;Vikineswary, S.;Al-Azad, Sujjat;Chong, L.L.
    • Biotechnology and Bioprocess Engineering:BBE
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    • v.11 no.5
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    • pp.377-381
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    • 2006
  • A study was carried out to determine a suitable light intensity and inoculum size for the growth of Rhodopseudomonas palustris strain B1. The pollution reduction of sago effluent using free and immobilised R. palustris cells was also evaluated. The growth rate in glutamatemalate medium was highest at 4 klux compared to 2.5 and 3 klux. The optimal inoculum size was 10% (v/v). Both the COD and BOD of the sago effluent were reduced by 67% after three days of treatment. The difference in biomass production or BOD and COD removal with higher inoculum sizes of 15 and 20% was minimal. This could be attributed to limited nutrient availability in the substrate. The use of immobilised cells of R. palustris reduced the pollution load 10% less compared to pollution reduction by free cells. Hence, there was no significant difference in using free or immobilised cells for the treatment of sago effluent.

Agro-Ecosystem Informatics for Rational Crop and Field Management - Remote Sensing, GIS and Modeling -

  • INOUE Yoshio
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Crop Science Conference
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    • 2005.08a
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    • pp.22-46
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    • 2005
  • Spatial and timely information on crop and filed conditions is one of the most important basics for rational and efficient planning and management in agriculture. Remote sensing, GIS, and modeling are powerful tools for such applications. This paper presents an overview of the state of the art in remote sensing of crop and field conditions with some case studies. It is also shown that a synergistic linkage between process-based models and remote sensing signatures enables us to estimate the multiple crop/ecosystem variables at a dynamic mode. Remotely sensed information can greatly reduce the uncertainty of simulation models by compensating for insufficient availability of data or parameters. This synergistic approach allows the effective use of infrequent and multi-source remote sensing data for estimating important ecosystem variables such as biomass growth and ecosystem $CO_2$ flux. This paper also shows a geo-spatial information system that enables us to integrate, search, extract, process, transform, and calculate any part of the data based on ID#, attributes, and/or by river-basin boundary, administrative boundary, or boundaries of arbitrary shape/size all over Japan. A case study using the system demonstrates that the nitrogen load from fertilizer was closely related to nitrate concentration of groundwater. The combined use of remote sensing, GIS and modeling would have great potential for various agro-ecosystem applications.

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Does the Availability of Various Types and Quantity of Food Limit the Community Structure of the Benthos (Mollusks) Inhabiting in the Hard-bottom Subtidal Area? (먹이생물의 종류와 양이 암반 조하대 저서동물(연체동물) 군집구조 결정요소가 될 수 있는가?)

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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.128-138
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    • 2019
  • Effects of feeding type and food resource availability on community structure of mollusks inhabiting hard-bottom subtidal areas were investigated. By following guidance from several references, mollusks observed in this study were divided into 5 groups according to feeding type - 1) grazing, 2) filter feeding, 3) deposit feeding, 4) omnivorous and 5) predation. The results showed that both grazing and filter feeders were the most numerous, explaining grazing type in the East Sea accounting for 47.9%, 32.6% in the South Sea and 29.6% for filter feeding, and filter feeding as a dominant feeding type in Yellow Sea accounting for 42.3%. Results of this study showed distinctive difference in community structure depending on mechanism of feeding type and geographical areas where sampling took place. With the results, attempts were made to understand whether community structure could be affected by feeding type or feeding availability and found out that community structure depended heavily on food resource availability. In the East Sea where marine algal density was high, the algal community in the forms of thick-leathery and sheet often occurred in water column with high transparency which provides proper environment for growth. In the South Sea where grazing and filter feeding types were predominated similarly, the algal density was high, but had the relative highest phytoplankton density. Whereas in the Yellow Sea showing the lowest algal biomass compared to the one in the East and the South Sea, and phytoplankton density was similar to those. It might be a adequate environment for filter feeders than grazers. This study concluded that community structure of mollusks showing high abundance was present where food resource availability with types and quantity was high.

A Study on The Thermal Properties and Activation Energy of Rapidly Torrefied Oak Wood Powder using Non-isothermal Thermogravimetric Analysis (비등온 열중량분석법을 이용한 급속 반탄화 참나무 목분의 열적 특성과 활성화 에너지 연구)

  • Lee, Danbee;Kim, Birm-June
    • Journal of the Korean Wood Science and Technology
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    • v.44 no.1
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    • pp.96-105
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    • 2016
  • This study investigated thermal properties and activation energy ($E_a$) of torrefied oak wood powders treated with various torrefaction times (0, 5, 7.5, 10 min) by using non-isothermal thermogravimetric analysis at heating rates of 10, 20, $40^{\circ}C/min$ to check the feasibility of rapidly torrefied oak wood powders as a fuel. As the torrefaction time increases, onset of thermal decomposition temperature, lignin content, and the amount of final residue of torrefied oak wood powders were accordingly increased with reduced hemicellulose content. $E_a$ was determined by using Friedman and Kissinger models and respective R-square values were over 0.9 meaning very good availability of calculated $E_a$ values. The $E_a$ values of the samples were decreased with the increase of torrefaction time and the lowest $E_a$ value ob served in the torrefied oak wood powders treated for 7.5 min showed high feasibility of rapidly torrefied oak wood powder as a biomass-solid refuse fuel.

Growth Dynamics of the Surfgrass, Phyllospadix Japonicus on the Southeastern Coast of Korea (한반도 동해남부연안에 자생하는 말잘피, 게바다말의 생장 특성)

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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.548-561
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    • 2019
  • The surfgrass Phyllospadix japonicus is a dominant seagrass species playing critical ecological roles on the eastern coast of Korea. However, few studies have been conducted on the ecological characteristics of this species, generally due to the turbulent water conditions in its habitat. In this study, to examine the growth dynamics of P. japonicus, we investigated monthly changes in morphological characteristics, density, biomass, and leaf productivity as well as changes in the underwater irradiance, water temperature, and water column nutrient concentrations of its habitat from August 2017 to July 2018. Underwater irradiance and water temperature showed clear seasonal changes increasing in spring and summer and decreasing in fall and winter. Nutrient availability fluctuated substantially, but did not display any distinct seasonal trend. Morphological characteristics, shoot density, biomass, and leaf productivities of P. japonicus exhibited significant seasonal variations, increasing in spring and decreasing in fall months. Spadix of P. japonicus occurred from March to August, with the maximum spadix percentage(15.8%) occurred in May 2018. The average leaf productivity of P. japonicus per shoot and area were 2.1 mg sht-1 d-1 and 7.5 g m-2 d-1, respectively. The optimum water temperature for the growth of P. japonicus in this study was between 13-14℃. The productivity of P. japonicus was not correlated with underwater irradiance, water temperature and nutrient concentrations. These results suggest that the study site provide sufficient amount of underwater irradiance, suitable water temperature range and nutrients for the growth of P. japonicus.

Effect of Inoculation of Methylobacterium oryzae on the Growth of Red Pepper at Different Organic Fertilizer Levels (다양한 유기질비료 수준에서 Methylobacterium oryzae CBMB20의 처리에 따른 고추의 생육 평가)

  • Chauhan, Puneet Singh;Lee, Gil-Seung;Lee, Min-Kyoung;Yim, Woo-Jong;Lee, Gyeong-Ja;Kim, Young-Sang;Chung, Jong-Bae;Sa, Tong-Min
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.43 no.4
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    • pp.506-513
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    • 2010
  • Plant growth promoting ability of Methylobacterium oryzae CBMB20 was evaluated under different levels of organic fertilizer application on red pepper plants in a pot experiment. Oil cake as an organic N fertilizer was applied at the rates of 70, 85, 100 and 120% of the conventional recommended level. Each treatment was further treated with or without M. oryzae CBMB20 inoculation. The recommended amount of compost for red pepper was added in all the treatments. Results revealed that plant height, dry biomass and fruit yield were enhanced in increasing order as the rate of fertilization increased. Overall plant growth was improved due to the inoculation of M. oryzae CBMB20 and red pepper fruit yield was also increased by 10-35% in the plants inoculated with M. oryzae CBMB20 at different rates of organic fert1izer application. Total methylotrophic bacterial population in rhizosphere soil measured at the time of harvest was significantly higher in M. oryzae CBMB20 inoculated treatments. The growth promoting effect of M. oryzae CBMB20 found in red pepper could be due to the effective colonization of the bacteria in the rhizosphere and its ability of enhancing nutrient availability and producing plant growth hormones. With the plant growth promoting effect of M. oryzae CBMB20, the rate of organic fertilizer application can be reduced without any significant decreases in biomass production and yield of red pepper.

Annual Removal of Soil Nutrient by Stem Harvest in a Willow (Salix spp.) Plantation (버드나무(Salix spp.) 조림지내 벌채에 의한 년간 토양양분 수탈)

  • Park, Gwan-Soo;Adegbidi, Hector
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.31 no.4
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    • pp.384-391
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    • 1998
  • Nutrient removal during stem harvest was evaluated in a one-year rotation willow bioenergy plantation. For the stem nutrient content, the stem biomass and stem nutrient concentration were collected in the winter of 1987-1993 from the established willow plantation at Tully, New York, U.S.A. in 1987. Five willow clones and one hybrid poplar clone were planted. Half of the plots were fertilized annually with $336kg\;ha^{-1}$ N, $112kg\;ha^{-1}$ P, and $224kg\;ha^{-1}$ K. All trees were harvested annually. Mean annual nutrient removals of N, P, K, Ca, and Mg by annual stem harvesting over seven years were respectively 30-70, 4-10, 14-40, 19-59 and $3-5kg\;ha^{-1}$. Fertilized plants exported higher quantities of nutrients than non-fertilized ones. Nontheless, quantities of nutrients exported were well below the quantities supplied by fertilization suggesting that nutrients removal by stem harvesting is not likely to cause a decrease in soil fertility. However, in non-fertilized plots, the amount of nutrients removed could result in decrease of nutrient availability and soil fertility over the long-term. An evaluation of the clones revealed that clone SV1 is the most nutrient efficient.

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Performance of Mixed Cropping of Barley and Hairy Vetch as Green Manure Crops for Following Corn Production

  • Shim, Kang Bo;Kim, Min Tae;Kim, Sung Gook;Jung, Kun Ho;Jeon, Weon Tai;Shin, Su Hyun;Lee, Jae Un;Lee, Jong Ki;Kwon, Young Up
    • Korean Journal of Environmental Agriculture
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    • v.37 no.3
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    • pp.160-165
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    • 2018
  • BACKGROUND: Mixed cropping of legume and grass was effective system in view point of providing organic matter and nitrogen or reducing the nitrogen starvation of following crop. The relation of the change of N and P constituents depending on the cropping types and those effects on the growth and nutrient uptake of the following crop were observed. METHODS AND RESULTS: Three cropping types, hairy vetch mono cropping, barley mono cropping, and mixed cropping of hairy vetch and barley were applied. Soil properties, growth characteristics, and nitrogen production of green manure crops were observed. In additions, the effect of cropping types on the growth pattern of corn as the following crop was observed. In the mixed cropping system, creeping type hairy vetch climbed to the erect type barely for light utilization resulting in improvement of light interception rate and higher LAI (Leaf Area Index) than in mono cropping. Mixed cropping showed higher biomass production and soil nitrogen availability among the cropping types, indicating relatively much more nutrient supply and higher yield production of following crop. CONCLUSION: Mixed cropping showed relatively higher LAI (dry matter) mainly because of intense competition for light utilization usually after flowering stage. Mixed cropping also showed relatively higher yield of corn, the following crop rather than other types, mainly due to the more biomass production potential and higher N and P production ability. Therefore, mixed cropping was adaptable method to reduce or replace chemical fertilizer application for environmentally-friendly agriculture.