• Title/Summary/Keyword: Biochemical Change

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Comparison of the Quality of Frozen Skipjack Tuna Katsuwonus pelamis Thawed by Vacuum and Water Immersion (진공 해동과 침수 해동에 의한 냉동 가다랑어(Katsuwonus pelamis)의 품질 차이에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Tae-Hun;Koo, Jae-Geun
    • Korean Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
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    • v.45 no.6
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    • pp.635-639
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    • 2012
  • Thawing is very important in tuna canning because it affects the yield and quality of the canned tuna, and productivity. The effects of vacuum thawing on the quality, yield, and thawing times of frozen skipjack were compared with conventional water immersion thawing. The time required to thaw frozen skipjack tuna (weight 2.5-3.0 kg) from $-10^{\circ}C$ to $-2^{\circ}C$ was 75, 60, and 37 min at a pressure of 17, 23, and 31 mmHg, respectively, corresponding to temperatures of 20, 25, and $30^{\circ}C$. The thawing time decreased with increasing pressure. Vacuum thawing shorten the thawing time by 58-80% compared with water immersion thawing at $20^{\circ}C$, and there was less difference between the core and skin temperatures than with water immersion thawing. No significant change in pH or histamine was observed according to thawing method, while the volatile basic nitrogen (VBN), trimethylamine (TMA), and K value were lower with vacuum thawing than water immersion thawing. Based on these results, we believe that vacuum thawing minimizes the biochemical and microbial changes that occur while thawing frozen skipjack tuna.

Experimental study on the changes of serum free fatty acid and blood sugar during hemorrhagic shock (출혈성(出血性) Shock 에 출현(出現)되는 유리지방산(遊離脂肪酸) 및 혈당량(血糖量)의 변동(變動)에 관(關)하여)

  • Kim, Hyong-Se
    • The Korean Journal of Pharmacology
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    • v.2 no.1 s.2
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    • pp.99-109
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    • 1966
  • It has been known that the pronounced hypotension resulting from hemorrhage gives rise to compensatory stimulation of the adrenosympathetic system, which leads to an increase of liberation of catecholamines from sympathetic nervous system and adrenal medulla. It is obvious, therefore, that numerous physiological and biochemical changes during the hemorrhagic hypotention might be mediated through the increased liberation of catecholamines. Although an extensive studies have been reported on changes of protein and carbohydrate metabolism in hemorrhagic shock a few studies on the changes of lipid metabolism have been reported. Levenson(1961) observed a marked increase of serum lipids content during hemorrhagic shock and also noticed a marked elevation of serum free fatty acids. He suggested that these effects were due to mobilization and accelerated metabolic breakdown of lipids which might be resulted by sympathetic stimulation as a cause. To elucidate the mechanism of this, author studied the change of serum free fatty acids and blood sugar with relation to catecholamines during experimentally induced hemorrhagic shock in dog. Healthy male mongrel dogs weighing approximately 15kg were used. Under the general anesthesia with pentobarbital, rapid hemorrhage was produced from the femoral artery maintaining blood pressure level of 40 mmHg measured by the manometer connected with the opposite femoral artery throughout the experiment. Serum free fatty acids(FFA) and blood sugar were measured by the methods of Dole(1956) and Folin-wu,(1920) respectively. Tissue catecholamine was measured by Shore and Olin method(1958) using Aminco-Bowman spectrophotofluorometer.

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Monitoring of Non-point Source Pollutants Generated by a Flower Farm

  • Choi, Byoungwoo;Kang, Meea
    • The Journal of Engineering Geology
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.463-471
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    • 2014
  • This paper considers the effect of rainfall on non-point source (NPS) pollutant loads. The impact of runoff on the occurrence of NPS pollutants was found to be influenced by rainfall amount, rainfall intensity, and the number of antecedent dry days (ADD), both independently and in combination. The close correlation ($R^2$ = 0.9920) between rainfall and runoff amounts was demonstrated at the study site (a flower farm) over the period between January 2011 and December 2013. The relationships among pollutant levels, runoff, and rainfall was not satisfactory results except for the Biochemical Oxygen Demand ($BOD_5$). The correlation coefficients between $BOD_5$, and both runoff and rainfall, were greater than 0.92. However, the relationships of other pollutants, such as Suspended Solid (SS), Chemical Oxygen Demand ($COD_{Mn}$), Total Nitrogen (TN), and Total Phosphorus (TP), with runoff and rainfall had correlation coefficients of less than 0.70. The roles of rainfall was different from rainfall categories on the occurrence of runoff. Instantaneous rainfall intensity was a principle factor on the occurrence of runoff following light rainfall events (total ${\leq}30mm$). For rainfall of intermediate intensity (total precipitation 31-50 mm), the combined effect of both average rainfall intensity and ADD was found to influence runoff generation. We conclude that the control of NPS pollutants with the reflection of the climate change that makes the remarkable effect of amounts and forms on the rainfall and runoff.

A Study on the Acute Toxicity of Palmultang and Fermented Palmultang Extract in ICR Mice (ICR 마우스를 이용한 팔물탕 및 발효팔물탕의 급성독성 연구)

  • Jung, Kiyoun;Hwang, Youn-Hwan;Jang, Doorye;Ha, Jeong-Ho;Ma, Jin Yeul
    • Journal of Society of Preventive Korean Medicine
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.117-124
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    • 2013
  • Objectives : This study was carried out to investigate the acute toxicity and safety of Palmultang and Fermented Palmultang Extract in Mice. Methods : To evaluate their acute toxicity and safety, 0 (control group), 2000 mg/kg of Palmultang and Fermented Palmultang Extracts were orally administered to 15 male and 15 female ICR mice. After a single administration, we observed survival rates, behavioral pattern, clinical sign, body weight. The results of biochemical analysis and hematological analysis were no any significant change. Results : Compared with the control group, we could not find any toxic alteration in all treated mice. Conclusions : Overall, the results suggest that, the oral administration of Palmultang and Fermented Palmultang extracts did not produce significant toxic effect in mice. Hence, the fermented extract can be utilized for herbal therapy.

Effect of the Cold, ABA and Salt Stress on the Activity of Acid Phosphate in the Young Plants of Spring Radishes (Raphanus sativus) (봄무(Raphanus sativus)유식물에서 저온, ABA와 염분 스트레스가 Acid Phosphatase 활성에 미치는 영향)

  • Park, Ji-Hun;Cho, Bong-Heuy
    • Journal of Plant Biotechnology
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    • v.29 no.4
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    • pp.277-280
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    • 2002
  • Acid phosphatase in the radish young plant showed optimal activity at pH 5.5. The activity of acid phosphatase was maintained longer during the ABA (0.5 mM) treatment than those in control, whereas that was similar to the treatment of NaCl (0.5 mM). But during the cold (4$^{\circ}C$) treatment, the activity of acid phosphatase was decreased dramatically compared to the control, which was maintained almost on a constant level and increased gradually during 6 days. It showed that acid phosphatase was in relation to the change of biochemical reaction, which plants were coped with cold, NaCl and ABA stress.

Development of piezoelectric immunosensor for the rapid detection of marine derived pathogenic bacteria, Vibrio vulnificus

  • Hong, Suhee;Jeong, Hyun-Do
    • Journal of fish pathology
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    • v.27 no.2
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    • pp.99-105
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    • 2014
  • Biosensors consist of biochemical recognition agents like antibodies immobilized on the surfaces of transducers that change the recognition into a measurable electronic signal. Here we report a piezoelectric immunosensor made to detect Vibrio vulnificus. A 9MHz AT-cut piezoelectric wafer attached with two gold electrodes of 5mm diameter was used as the transducer of the QCM biosensor with a reproducibility of ${\pm}0.1Hz$ in frequency response. We have tried different approaches to immobilize antibody on the sensor chip. Concerning the orientation of antibody for the best antigen binding capacity, the antibody was immobilized by specific binding to protein G or by cross-linking through hydrazine. In addition, protein G was cross-linked on glutaraldehyde activated immine layer (PEI) or EDC/NHS activated sulfide monolayer (MPA). PEI was found to be more effective to immobilize protein G following glutaraldehyde activation than MPA. However, hydrazine chip showed a better capability to immobilize more IgG than protein G chip and a higher sensitivity. The sensor system was able to detect V. vulnificus in dose dependent manner and was able to detect bacterial cells within 5 minutes by monitoring frequency shifts in real time. The detection limit can be improved by preincubation to enrich the bacterial cell number.

NADP-Dependent Malate Dehydrogenase Activity and Associated Biometabolic Changes in Hemolyinph and Fat Body Tissues of Silkworm Bombyx mori L. Following Baculovirus Infection

  • Krishnan, N.;Chaudhuri, A.;Sengupta, A.K.;Chandra, A.K.;Sen, S.K.;Saratchandra, B.
    • International Journal of Industrial Entomology and Biomaterials
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    • v.2 no.2
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    • pp.149-153
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    • 2001
  • The influence of baculovirus Bombyx mori Nuclear Polyhedrosis virus (BmNPV) infection on intermediary metabolic pathways in silkworm Bombyx mori L. was investigated. Studies revealed that NADP-linked malate dehydrogenase activity in hemolymph of infected silkworms at 96 hrs post infection (p.i.) with visible symptoms of infection was enhanced in comparison to healthy larvae of the same age. Also, NADP-dependent MDH activity was significantly lower in fat body cytosol of infected larvae at 96 hrs p.i. when compared to healthy larvae. Similarly, some biometabolic parameters like growth, protein content and cholesterol titer were observed to be influenced by baculovirus infection. While the growth of infected larvae was significantly retardedi protein content was also drastically reduced in both hemolymph and fat body tissues. Cholesterol titers however, was enhanced in infected larvae. The results observed herein point to a significant change in the normal biochemical and biometabolic pathways required for growth and development following BmNPV infection.

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Thirteen-Week Repeated Oral Toxicity Study of Paecilomyces sinclairii in Sprague-Dawely Rats (랫드에서 매미눈꽃동충하초, Paecilomyces sinclairii의 13주 반복투여 독성에 관한 연구)

  • Ahn Mi Young;Jee Sang Duk;Kim Ji Young;Han Jea Woong;Lee Yang Ki;Lee Yang Woo;Ryu Kang Sun;Lee Byung Mu;Jung Na Jin;Kim Sung Nam
    • Toxicological Research
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    • v.20 no.4
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    • pp.339-348
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    • 2004
  • Paecilomyces sinclairii was administered ad libitum feeding at percentage levels of 0, 1.25, 2.5, 5 and 10 percentage (calculated about 8 g/kg)/feeder for a period of 3 months. There was no observed clinical signs or deaths related to treatment in all groups tested. Therefore, the approximate lethal dose of P. sinclairii was considered to be higher than 8 g/kg in rats. Mild decreases in body weight gain were observed dose-dependently in P. sinclairii treated groups in dose response manner after 2 weeks. Interestingly, the weight of abdominal adipose tissues surrounding epididymides were greatly reduced by this Dongchunghacho, in parallel with the mild increase in body weight gain. However, the absolute weight change of other organs was not observed. There were not significantly different from the control group in urinalysis, ocular examination, hematological, serum biochemical value and histopathological examination. From these results, it is concluded that the no-observed-adverse-effect level (NOAEL) of P. sinclairii is less than 1.25% (1 g/kg) in rats in the present study.

Characterization of the Organic Matrix Protein in the Freshwater Pelecypod Shells (담수산 이매패류 패각내 유기각질 단백질 특성)

  • 박성빈;조동현
    • The Korean Journal of Malacology
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.3-14
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    • 1987
  • The electrophoretic and innunological cnalyses of organic matrices in the shells of freshwater bivalves were made in order to dlucidate the biochemical characteristics and species-specific differinces of the applied shells, The water-soluble and insoluble matrices of four species of freshwater bivalves, Andodonta fukudai, Unio douglasiae, Lanceolaria and Chrbicula fluminea, were used as analytical materials, There was non-identity in immuno affinity between anti soluble matrix(anti-Sm) and anti insoluble matrix(anti-ISM)sera against the organic matrix of Andodnta fukudai. The SMs of four species (S. fukudai, U.douglasiae, L. acrorhyncha, and C. fluminea) showed the differences in the precipitate arcs at the level of family, though ISMs did mot show differences. In the electrophoretic analysis, all foru species had two SDS-electrophoretic bands of SM, of which molecular wights appeared to be lower than 55,000, shereas the native organic matrices of foru speceis had higher molecular weighrs than those from SDS-dldctrophoresis. Only calcium ion among many ions in extrapallial fluid(EPF) caused SM to change into insoluble molecules, thus the EPF pretreated with Ca++did not form the precipitate arc when did the immuno diffusion whth anti SM serum. ISM precursor may be polymerized into macromolecules like periostracin, a precusor of periostracum, judging from the similat polymerization patterns in 0.1M Tris formate buffer(pH 3); they may be made insoluble macromolecules due to their strong natrue of hydrophobicity.

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Anti-obesity Effect of Yeoldahanso-tang on Obesity Mice (고지방식이로 유도된 비만 생쥐모델에서 열다한소탕의 항비만효과)

  • Go, Ga-Yeon;Park, Jung-hwan;Kwak, Jin-Young;Ahn, Taek-Won
    • Journal of Sasang Constitution and Immune Medicine
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    • v.29 no.2
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    • pp.154-173
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    • 2017
  • Objectives This study was conducted to evaluate the effects of Yeoldahanso-tang on obesity in rats induced by high fat diet experimentally. Methods The experiment was conducted with rats divided into 5 groups. Rats were evaluated for change of weight, hematologic and serum biochemical parameters. Results Yeoldahanso-tang group showed significant reductions in FER, body weight, adipose tissue weight and size. The level of Creatinine, glucose, ALP, T-cholesterol, Triglyceride, LDL-cholesterol, Leptin and IGF-1 of Yeoldahanso-tang group was significantly lower than those in HFD-CTL group. The level of HDL-cholesterol, free fatty acid and Adiponectin in Yeoldahanso-tang group was significantly higher than those in HFD-CTL group. As compared with HFD-CTL group, AMPK-${\alpha}1$, UCP2 and adiponectin mRNA in liver of Yeoldahanso-tang group were significantly increased and AP2/FABP4, AMPK-${\alpha}2$ and PPAR-${\gamma}$ mRNA in liver of Yeoldahanso-tang group was significantly decreased. Conclusion These results suggest that Yeoldahanso-tang has inhibitory effects on obesity in high fat diet induced obese mice.