• Title/Summary/Keyword: Bio-signal Measurement

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Transcutaneous and Serosal Measurement of Gastric Electrical Activity in Animals (동물에서의 위전기신호의 경피적 및 위장막 측정)

  • Kim, I.Y.;Han, W.T.;Kim, W.K.;Son, J.I.;Rhee, P.L.;Rhee, J.C.
    • Proceedings of the KOSOMBE Conference
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    • v.1996 no.11
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    • pp.182-184
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    • 1996
  • Electrogastrography(EGG) is the technique by which gastric myoelectrical activity is recorded noninvasively, from surface electrodes on the abdominal skin. In older to know the relation between the signal of the gastric mil and the EGG signal, we measured the gastric myoelectrical activity in animals using surface electrodes and serosal electrodes, and measured the gastric contraction simultaneously using a strain gauge attached to the gastric wall we compared the signals with and without the gastric contraction.

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Design and Implementation of Medical Information System using QR Code (QR 코드를 이용한 의료정보 시스템 설계 및 구현)

  • Lee, Sung-Gwon;Jeong, Chang-Won;Joo, Su-Chong
    • Journal of Internet Computing and Services
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.109-115
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    • 2015
  • The new medical device technologies for bio-signal information and medical information which developed in various forms have been increasing. Information gathering techniques and the increasing of the bio-signal information device are being used as the main information of the medical service in everyday life. Hence, there is increasing in utilization of the various bio-signals, but it has a problem that does not account for security reasons. Furthermore, the medical image information and bio-signal of the patient in medical field is generated by the individual device, that make the situation cannot be managed and integrated. In order to solve that problem, in this paper we integrated the QR code signal associated with the medial image information including the finding of the doctor and the bio-signal information. bio-signal. System implementation environment for medical imaging devices and bio-signal acquisition was configured through bio-signal measurement, smart device and PC. For the ROI extraction of bio-signal and the receiving of image information that transfer from the medical equipment or bio-signal measurement, .NET Framework was used to operate the QR server module on Window Server 2008 operating system. The main function of the QR server module is to parse the DICOM file generated from the medical imaging device and extract the identified ROI information to store and manage in the database. Additionally, EMR, patient health information such as OCS, extracted ROI information needed for basic information and emergency situation is managed by QR code. QR code and ROI management and the bio-signal information file also store and manage depending on the size of receiving the bio-singnal information case with a PID (patient identification) to be used by the bio-signal device. If the receiving of information is not less than the maximum size to be converted into a QR code, the QR code and the URL information can access the bio-signal information through the server. Likewise, .Net Framework is installed to provide the information in the form of the QR code, so the client can check and find the relevant information through PC and android-based smart device. Finally, the existing medical imaging information, bio-signal information and the health information of the patient are integrated over the result of executing the application service in order to provide a medical information service which is suitable in medical field.

The Design of Multiplexing Data Acquisition System for Multi Channel Bio-magnetic Signal (다채널 생채 자기 신호의 다중 데이터 획득 시스템 설계)

  • Chang, Won-Suk;Jeon, Chang-Ik;Huh, Young;Jin, Seung-Oh;Kim, Ki-Uk;Lee, Hyun-Ho
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • 2003.11c
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    • pp.515-518
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    • 2003
  • The electrical current generated by heart creates not only electric potential but also a magnetic field. In this paper, we have designed the multiplexing data acquisition system for multichannel bio-magnetic signal measurement. The system consists of VXI rack which is organized MUX and AD board, Industrial rack which is mounted single board computer and DSP board. This system enable to realtime monitoring of multichannel data simultaneously. The number of channel could be increased simply added each module and firmware could be upgraded easily using host port interface of DSP.

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Measurement of Human Sensibility by Bio-Signal Analysis (생체신호 분석을 통한 인간감성의 측정)

  • Park, Joon-Young;Park, Jahng-Hyon;Park, Ji-Hyoung;Park, Dong-Soo
    • Proceedings of the KSME Conference
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    • 2003.04a
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    • pp.935-939
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    • 2003
  • The emotion recognition is one of the most significant interface technologies which make the high level of human-machine communication possible. The central nervous system stimulated by emotional stimuli affects the autonomous nervous system like a heart, blood vessel, endocrine organs, and so on. Therefore bio-signals like HRV, ECG and EEG can reflect one' emotional state. This study investigates the correlation between emotional states and bio-signals to realize the emotion recognition. This study also covers classification of human emotional states, selection of the effective bio-signal and signal processing. The experimental results presented in this paper show possibility of the emotion recognition.

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Implementation of U-Healthcare System for Chronic Disease Management (만성 질환자 관리를 위한 U-Healthcare 시스템 구현)

  • Ryu, Geun-Teak;Choi, Hun
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics and Information Engineers
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    • v.51 no.1
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    • pp.233-240
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    • 2014
  • According to the recent increasing trend of the ages, numbers of patients with chronic diseases are increasing and issues for health care are importantly emerged. In this thesis the research implements U-health care system for health care of patients with chronic diseases. The suggested system for health care of patients with chronic diseases composes bio measurement system, mobile gateway and medical information management server, and bio-signals are composed with modules such as electrocardiogram, blood pressure, blood sugar, oxygen saturation if configured as client. Blood sugar check was considered and implemented to be chosen the ways to transmit through bio measurement system or through gateway. Suggested bio measurement system and mobile gateway are transmitted through Bluetooth. The transmitted biodata is searched by observing health check through mobile gateway, by transmitting through network server, and by using client. By implementing bio signal observation system of patients with chronic diseases, present health check is available by monitoring measured bio data, and various bio signals are transmitted in the mobile environment.

Novel 10 GHz Bio-Radar System Based on Frequency Multiplier and Phase-Locked Loop (주파수 체배기와 PLL을 이용한 10 GHz 생체 신호 레이더 시스템)

  • Myoung, Seong-Sik;An, Yong-Jun;Moon, Jun-Ho;Jang, Byung-Jun;Yook, Jong-Gwan
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Electromagnetic Engineering and Science
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.208-217
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    • 2010
  • This paper presents a novel 10 GHz bio-radar system based on a frequency multiplier and phase-locked loop(PLL) for non-contact measurement of heartbeat and respiration rates. In this paper, a 2.5 GHz voltage controlled oscillator (VCO) with PLL is employed to as a frequency synthesizer, and 10 GHz continuous wave(CW) signal is generated by using frequency multiplier from 2.5 GHz signal. This paper also presents the noise characteristic of the proposed system. As a result, a better performance and economical frequency synthesizer can be achieved with the proposed bio-radar system. The experimental results shows excellent bio-signal measurement up to 100 cm without any additional digital signal processing(DSP), and the proposed system is validated.

Implementation of RFID based on the self-blood sugar measurement system (RFID기반의 자가 혈당측정 시스템의 구현)

  • Park, Tae-Jin;Lee, Jong-Hee
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.15 no.10
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    • pp.2079-2086
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    • 2011
  • Recently, technology of self diagnosis system which one of health-care has been research very active. With this, In this paper, we have to implement the self-blood sugar measurement system that is interlock with PC, RFID, and Bio-Signal glucose tester and accessible user interface. Therefore the equipments can performs accessible interface composition for communication between devices and PC, analysis and test of communication status of the RFID tag and reader that it easy to obtain the data of self-diagnosis linkage with PC, RFID, and Bio-Signal glucose tester. In other words, as result of communication protocol experiment with self-blood sugar measurement data, it has been showed to display a high-reliability result through year, month, and day, body temperature, and levels and check point of blood glucose.

Cardiac Auricular Reflexology Effect Analysis System Based on the Bio Signal (생체 신호 기반의 심장 이혈 효과 분석 시스템)

  • Kim, Bong-Hyun;Cho, Dong-Uk
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.37 no.4C
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    • pp.283-289
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    • 2012
  • Web-based physiological signal monitoring system can provide appropriate healthcare services to transmit bio-signal processing, analysis of bulk in medical centers. Therefore, we constructed a design of system to analyze effect of cardiac associated auricular acupuncture reflexology based on physiological signals. System to analyze effect cardiac associated auricular acupuncture reflexology, which carried out analysis and measurement of bio-signal to apply cardiac-related biometrics input in biometric image and voice signal. In addition, we also confirmed through statistical analysis actual home healthcare system to performance evaluation of system on subjects 20.

Design and Implementation of a Readout Circuit for a Tactile Sensor Pad Based on Force Sensing Resistors (FSR로 구성된 촉각 센서 패드용 Readout 회로의 설계 및 구현)

  • Yoon, Seon-ho;Baek, Seung-hee;Kim, Cheong-worl
    • Journal of Sensor Science and Technology
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    • v.26 no.5
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    • pp.331-337
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    • 2017
  • A readout circuit for a tactile sensor pad based on force sensing resistors was proposed, which was composed of an analog signal conditioning circuit and a digital circuit with a microcontroller. The conventional signal conditioning circuit has a dc offset voltage in the output signal, which results from the reference voltage applied to the FSR devices. The offset voltage reduces the dynamic range of the circuit and makes it difficult to operate the circuit under a low voltage power supply. In the proposed signal conditioning circuit, the dc offset voltage was removed completely. The microcontroller with A/D converter and D/A converter was used to enlarge the measurement range of pressure. For this, the microcontroller adjusts the FSR reference voltage according to the resistance magnitude of FSR under pressure. The operation of the proposed readout circuit which was connected to a tactile sensor pad with $5{\times}10$ FSR array was verified experimentally. The experimental results show the proposed readout circuit has the wider measurement range of pressure than the conventional circuit. The proposed circuit is suitable for low voltage and low power applications.

Optimum Combination of Pickup Coil Type and Magnetically Shielded Room for Maximum SNR to Measure Biomagnetism (생체신호 측정을 위한 최대의 신호 대 잡음비를 가지는 검출코일의 형태 와 자기차폐실의 최적 조합)

  • Yu, K.K.;Lee, Y.H.;Kang, C.S.;Kim, J.M.;Park, Y.K.
    • Progress in Superconductivity
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.45-49
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    • 2007
  • We have investigated the optimum combination of the environmental noise condition and type of SQUID pickup coil in order to obtain maximum signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). The measurement probe consists of 1st order gradiometer with pickup coils of 100 mm, 70 mm, and 50 mm baseline length, a 2nd order gradiometer with 50 mm baseline, and a magnetometer. The pickup coils are fabricated by winding Nb wire on a bobbin with 200 mm diameter. Noise and heart signal of a healthy male were measured by various SQUID sensors with different types of pickup coils in various magnetically shielded rooms (MSR), and compared to each other. The shielding factors were found to be 43 dB, 35 dB and 25 dB at 0.1 Hz for MSR-AS, MSR-BS, MSR-CS, respectively. White noises were $3.5\;fT/Hz^{1/2}$, $4.5\;fT/Hz^{1/2}$ and $3\;fT/Hz^{1/2}$ for the 1st order gradiometers, the 2nd order gradiometers, and magnetometer for all MSRs. SNR of the magnetometer was up to 56 dB in MSR-AS, while the 1st order axial gradiometer with 70 mm baseline length was up to 54 dB in MSR-BS. The 2nd order axial gradiometer with 50 mm baseline length of pickup coil was found to be up to 40 dB in MSR-CS.

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