• Title/Summary/Keyword: Binding Force

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  • Cho, Myeong-Sook;Kim, Jong-Chul
    • The korean journal of orthodontics
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.409-417
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    • 1990
  • Tooth movement would be impeded by frictional force arised between archwire and tube, bracket or elastics in the fixed orthodontic appliances, which could be changed variably by such several factors as the contact area, normal (perpendicular) force and the condition of contact surface. There were many literatures about frictional force in the orthodontic region, but different results were obtained from little controlled research so that was very difficult in clinical application. Therefore we have reviewed comprehensively previous literatures about frictional force and thus several results were obtained as follows: 1. For use species of the orthodontic wire, frictional force was influenced mainly by surface roughness of wire in the absence of binding, while that was influenced mainly by normal force in high binding angulation. 2. For the cross-section and diameter of the wire, the contact area influenced mainly on frictional force in the absence of binding, while wire stiffness influenced mainly on frictional force in high binding angulation. 3. The greater the bracket width, the greater frictional force, and frictional force of the plastic bracket was larger than that of the metal bracket. 4. For ligation type, frictional force of the stainless steel ligation was larger than that of the elastic ligation, and frictional force was directly proportional to ligation force. 5. Variable frictional force were occured from the saliva combined with such another factors as normal force and mode of surface oxide et al.

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Protein Binding Characteristics of Brazilin and Hematoxylin

  • Moon, Chang-Kiu;Lee, Jong-Hwoa;Ha, Bae-Jin
    • Journal of Food Hygiene and Safety
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.77-82
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    • 1992
  • In order to investigate the protein binding characteristics of braD6n and hematoxy6n to bovine semm albumin (BSA), the fluorescence probe method was adopted. Brazilin and hematoxy6n showed strong binding affinity for BSA. It was also confirmed that hematoxy6n was bound to BSA stronger than braDlin. The association constants were decreased by the elevation of concentrations of brazilin and hematoxylin. It might be due to the complex formation of the probe and both compounds or the interaction between the probe-protein complex and both compounds. The bindings between both compounds and BSA were dependent on pH and ionic strength. It seems that electrostatic force as weD as hydrophobic force is involved in the binding of braD6n and bematoxylin to BSA.

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Potential of Mean Force Simulation by Pulling a DNA Aptamer in Complex with Thrombin

  • Yang, Changwon;Kim, Eunae;Pak, Youngshang
    • Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society
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    • v.33 no.11
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    • pp.3597-3600
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    • 2012
  • Thrombin binding aptamter (TBA-15) is a 15-mer guanine-rich oligonucleotide. This DNA apamer specifically binds to the thrombin protein involved in blood coagulation. Using extensive umbrella sampling molecular dynamics simulation method at all atom level, we investigated the potential of mean force (PMF) upon pulling the DNA aptamer from the binding mode of aptamer/thrombin complex. From this calculation, the free energy cost for a full dissociation of this aptamer/protein complex is 17 kcal/mol, indicating a substantial binding affinity of TBA-15. Interestingly, this PMF reveals noticeable plateau regions along the pulling coordinate. Possible structural changes of this complex in the plateau were investigated in details.

Role of Cel5H protein surface amino acids in binding with clay minerals and measurements of its forces

  • Renukaradhya K. Math;Nagakumar Bharatham;Palaksha K. Javaregowda;Han Dae Yun
    • Applied Microscopy
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    • v.51
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    • pp.17.1-17.10
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    • 2021
  • Our previous study on the binding activity between Cel5H and clay minerals showed highest binding efficiency among other cellulase enzymes cloned. Here, based on previous studies, we hypothesized that the positive amino acids on the surface of Cel5H protein may play an important role in binding to clay surfaces. To examine this, protein sequences of Bacillus licheniformis Cel5H (BlCel5H) and Paenibacillus polymyxa Cel5A (PpCel5A) were analyzed and then selected amino acids were mutated. These mutated proteins were investigated for binding activity and force measurement via atomic force microscopy (AFM). A total of seven amino acids which are only present in BlCel5H but not in PpCel5A were selected for mutational studies and the positive residues which are present in both were omitted. Of the seven selected surface lysine residues, only three mutants K196A(M2), K54A(M3) and K157T(M4) showed 12%, 7% and 8% less clay mineral binding ability, respectively compared with wild-type. The probable reason why other mutants did not show altered binding efficiency might be due to relative location of amino acids on the protein surface. Meanwhile, measurement of adhesion forces on mica sheets showed a well-defined maximum at 69±19 pN for wild-type, 58±19 pN for M2, 53±19 pN for M3, and 49±19 pN for M4 proteins. Hence, our results demonstrated that relative location of surface amino acids of Cel5H protein especially positive charged amino acids are important in the process of clay mineral-protein binding interaction through electrostatic exchange of charges.

A Study on the Effect of Preloading in Clamp (클램프에서 예하중의 영향에 관한 연구)

  • Han, D.M.;Lee, S.S.;Lee, D.R.
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Precision Engineering
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    • v.14 no.8
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    • pp.29-39
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    • 1997
  • The clamp, as the structure which is used for supporting the pipe in the atomic power plant, is produced with a certain degree of anticlastic curvature in the current manufacturing process. In this study, the structural analysis of the clamp and the pipe was performed using ABAQUS. And the finite element modelling for the analysis was made by an HyperMesh. The contact forces which are transferred between the clamp and the pipe for the external force are changed according to the binding force of bolts and keeps the clamp tightly and protects the slipping between the clamp and the pipe. The clamps with the anticlastic curvature and with the flat curvature are considered in order to invest the anticlastic effect. In this study, another case is suggested. The present case does not have the stiffness ring on the end of the clamp but the suggested case has the ring. For the present case, the results showed that the equivalent stress is higher in the anticlastic curvature case than in the flat curvature case and the equivalent stresses on the pipe are almost the same as the binding force increses. For the suggested case, the result showed that the equivalent stress in the anticlastic curvature case decreases until some binding force and increases as the binding forces increase and is lower in some range than in the flat curvature case. From this study, the clamp with the anticlastic curvature in the suggested method is better than the clamp with the flat curvature and the optimal binding force are given.

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Improving SUCV Protocol for the Secure Binding Update in MIPv6 (SUCV를 개선한 MIPv6 바인딩 갱신 프로토콜)

  • Won You-Seuk;Cho Kyung-San
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartC
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    • v.13C no.3 s.106
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    • pp.267-274
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    • 2006
  • The process of binding update for the routing optimization in MIPv6 can make the involved MN (Mobile Node) and CN(Correspondent Node) vulnerable to various attacks. Therefore, securing binding update process becomes an important research issue in the MIPv6, and several secure binding update protocols have been proposed. In this paper, we compare several existing binding update protocols, and analyze the vulnerability of MNs and CNs to the possible attacks and the management overhead of the SUCV(Statistic Uniqueness and Cryptographic Verifiability) which is considered to be superior to other protocols. Then, we propose an advanced protocol to resolve above drawbacks. Through the detailed analysis, we show that our protocol can reduce the computational overhead of MN, enable better management, and achieve a higher level of security against the redirect attacks, DoS(Denial of Service) attacks and brute force attacks, compared to SUCV.

The Binding of 5-Iodopyrimidines by Human serum albumin (5-Iodopyrimidines와 Human serum albumin과의 결합(結合))

  • Lee, Jong-Jin
    • Applied Biological Chemistry
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    • v.1
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    • pp.48-54
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    • 1960
  • Studing the binding of the 5-Iodopyrimdines by human serum albumin we obtained the following conclusions; 1. The more strong electron donating groups in the molecule of 5-Iodopyrimidines, the larger the binding force with human serum albumin. This trend seems to be attributed by increase of polarization of the electron donating groups in 5-Iodopyrimidines molecule. 2. The binding force of 5-Iodopyrimidines by human serum albumin is increased with the pH increasing could be occurred the configurational changes of human albumin molecule, and this new binding sites of human serum albumin molecule would form the intermolecular complex with 5-Iodopyrimidines molecule more strongly.

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Musculotendon Model to Represent Characteristics of Muscle Fatigue due to Functional Electrical Stimulation (기능적 전기자극에 의한 근육피로의 특성을 표현하는 근육 모델)

  • Lim, Jong-Kwang;Nam, Moon-Hyon
    • The Transactions of the Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers A
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    • v.48 no.8
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    • pp.1046-1053
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    • 1999
  • The musculotendon model is presented to show the declines in muscle force and shortening velocity during muscle fatigue due to the repeated functional electrical stimulation (FES). It consists of the nonlinear activation and contraction dynamics including physiological concepts of muscle fatigue. The activation dynamics represents $Ca^{2+}$ binding and unbinding mechanism with troponins of cross-bridges in sarcoplasm. It has the constant binding rate or activation time constant and two step nonlinear unbinding rate or inactivation time constant. The contraction dynamics is the modified Hill type model to represent muscle force - length and muscle force - velocity relations. A muscle fatigue profile as a function of the intracellular acidification, pH is applied into the contraction dynamics to represent the force decline. The computer simulation shows that muscle force and shortening velocity decline in stimulation time. And we validate the model. The model can predicts the proper muscle force without changing its parameters even when existing the estimation errors of the optimal fiber length. The change in the estimate of the optimal fiber length has an effect only on muscle time constant in transient period not on the tetanic force in the steady-state and relaxation periods.

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Surface Reconstruction on Hydrogen Covered W(011) (수소가 흡착된 W(011) 표면의 재구성)

  • 김희봉;최원국;홍사용;황정남;정광호
    • Journal of the Korean Vacuum Society
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.83-87
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    • 1992
  • Rencently, angle-resolved ultraviolet photoemission measurements of the Fermi surface contours for Mo(011) and W(011) are reported. The electron contour of W(011) is expanded upon hydrogen adsorption, which implies that the surface states consisting of electron pockets are shifted to higher binding energy. This phenomena can be explained by the band flattening. We explained here the reconstruction of W(011) surface induced by adsorption of hydrogen in terms of band flattening of surface states with a combination of S. E. Trullinger long range dipole-dipole interaction force and Kohn anomaly.

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Studies on the Correlation between Coated Paper and Physical Properties of Latices (라덱스의 물성이 도공지 품질에 미치는 상관성에 대한 연구)

  • 박동국;조교동;고문찬;윤재한;이용규
    • Journal of Korea Technical Association of The Pulp and Paper Industry
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    • v.34 no.1
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    • pp.22-29
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    • 2002
  • The coated paper was greatly affected by the basic physical properties of the binder as well as the amount of the coating formula. High glass transition temperature (Tg) of the styrene-butadiene (SB) latex, selected as the binder in our study, gave the high stiffness to the coated paper, but lowered the binding force and print gloss. The average particle size of the SB latex also greatly affected to the coated paper so that the smaller particle size improved the rheological property of the coating formula and increased the binding force and print gloss. Another property of the SBR latex, gel content, was important because when its value was small, the latex was easily deformed at the high temperature and increased air permeability to the coated paper. Therefore, the lower gel content consequently resulted in the higher blistering resistance, especially in the web paper. The larger portion of the SB latex in the coated formula improved the binding force and print gloss, but decreased the ink set-off and ink-trapping to the coated paper. The heavier coating improved optical properties such as opacity, paper gloss and paper smoothness, to the coated paper.