• Title/Summary/Keyword: Benefits to property

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Impact of Industrial Property Rights and Innovation Capabilities on Performance: Focusing on Venture Firm Confirmation System (산업재산권 및 혁신역량이 성과에 미치는 영향: 벤처기업확인제도 혜택을 중심으로)

  • Yim Kwang-hyuk;Choi Sang-ok
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.243-254
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    • 2024
  • In recent years, as support for venture companies and performance increase, investment scale increases. To support them goverment operates venture firm confirmation system as a part of a variety of policies. Many studies suggest venture confirmation system offer the practical assistance on performance of venture companies. However, simply venture firm confirmation system affects on performance of venture companies. This study sought to develop a theoretical research model about the impact of innovation capabilities and industrial property rights on venture companies' financial performance and technological capabilities through the venture company confirmation system. The following hypotheses were tested. First, the innovation capabilities of venture companies such as development capability, manufacturing capability, marketing capability, level of cost leadership, level of high added value, degree of clarity of business model, and degree of innovation of business model have a significant impact on the venture company confirmation system. Second, the industrial property rights of venture companies, such as the number of domestic industrial property rights, foreign industrial property rights, industrial property rights in domestic applications, and industrial property rights in overseas applications, do not have a significant impact on the venture business confirmation system. Third, the benefits of the venture business confirmation system, such as promotion of technology development, advertising effects, tax benefits, securing excellent human resources, financing and investment incentives, advantageous participation in government support systems, and deregulation, are related to the financial performance of venture businesses such as sales and operating profit., net profit and technological level. Lastly, it was confirmed that, except for research and development type venture companies, innovation capabilities and industrial property rights do not have a significant impact on financial performance and technological capabilities through the venture confirmation system. The implications of this study mean that in situations where a company's innovation capabilities are lacking, the supply and demand of the venture business confirmation system is weak. Therefore, in order to improve the benefits of the venture business verification system, it is necessary to operate the venture business verification system benefits mainly for companies with high corporate capabilities. Next, it means that industrial property rights are not related to the venture business confirmation system. Therefore, there will be no need to consider industrial property rights as an important matter in the certification of the venture business verification system. Lastly, the higher the level of benefits from the venture business confirmation system, the greater the company's performance and technological capabilities. Therefore, efforts should be made to utilize the venture business verification system in a way that can improve performance or technology through the benefits of the venture business verification system.

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A Study on the Object of the Fraud by Use of Computer

  • Lim, Jong-hee
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.20 no.9
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    • pp.137-145
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    • 2015
  • The Criminal Law of South Korea has needed to cope with new kinds of crimes such as the fraud by use of computer efficiently in a legislative way because the society has witnessed the rapid progress of the industrialization and informatization after established in 1953. As a result, the Criminal Law revised on December 29, 1995, created the regulations of the crimes related to fraud by use of computer, work disturbance, and secret piracy by using information processing units. The regulation stipulated in Clause 347, Article 2 of Criminal Law is the most typical one against the new crimes. However, the new regulation of fraud by use of computer, established and revised to supplement the lacking parts of the current rules of the punishment of fraud, limits its object to "any benefits to property." not to "property" itself, and so cannot achieve the purpose of the revision of the law. This paper aims to suggest a new legislative measure about the object of the regulation of fraud by use of computer to solve this kind of problem efficiently.

The Role of Intellectual Property Rights for Conserving Biological Diversity - Patent Law Treaty for Protecting Genetic Resources and Traditional Knowledge - (생물다양성보전을 위한 지적재산권의 역할 연구 - 유전자원과 전통지식 보호를 위한 특허법의 역할 중심으로 -)

  • Kang, Gil-Mo;Yeom, Jae-Ho;Doh, Seong-Jae;Lee, C. Mi-Jin;Kwon, Suk-Jae
    • Ocean and Polar Research
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    • v.29 no.1
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    • pp.43-53
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    • 2007
  • Recently, controversy over intellectual property rights for protecting genetic resources and traditional knowledge has been emerging. Very active debates and global discussions are being carried out in various international organizations for possible approaches to be taken for these properties, and for the fair and equal sharing of the benefits from these intellectual properties. There is a need to evaluate adopting a sui generis system which is being pushed by developing nations, or adopting a policy which will guaranteee benefit sharing such as sharing royalties from marketing final products, technical transfers, capacity building, and participating in research activities. Also, it is very important to examine the legal issues concerning genetic resources based on Convention on Biological Diversity for the fair and equal sharing of the benefits with developing nations, at the same time assuring developed nations of access to genetic resources.

Extraction of ObjectProperty-UsageMethod Relation from Web Documents

  • Pechsiri, Chaveevan;Phainoun, Sumran;Piriyakul, Rapeepun
    • Journal of Information Processing Systems
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    • v.13 no.5
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    • pp.1103-1125
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    • 2017
  • This paper aims to extract an ObjectProperty-UsageMethod relation, in particular the HerbalMedicinalProperty-UsageMethod relation of the herb-plant object, as a semantic relation between two related sets, a herbal-medicinal-property concept set and a usage-method concept set from several web documents. This HerbalMedicinalProperty-UsageMethod relation benefits people by providing an alternative treatment/solution knowledge to health problems. The research includes three main problems: how to determine EDU (where EDU is an elementary discourse unit or a simple sentence/clause) with a medicinal-property/usage-method concept; how to determine the usage-method boundary; and how to determine the HerbalMedicinalProperty-UsageMethod relation between the two related sets. We propose using N-Word-Co on the verb phrase with the medicinal-property/usage-method concept to solve the first and second problems where the N-Word-Co size is determined by the learning of maximum entropy, support vector machine, and naïve Bayes. We also apply naïve Bayes to solve the third problem of determining the HerbalMedicinalProperty-UsageMethod relation with N-Word-Co elements as features. The research results can provide high precision in the HerbalMedicinalProperty-UsageMethod relation extraction.

Sensitivity of Conditions for Lumping Finite Markov Chains

  • Suh, Moon-Taek
    • Journal of the military operations research society of Korea
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.111-129
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    • 1985
  • Markov chains with large transition probability matrices occur in many applications such as manpowr models. Under certain conditions the state space of a stationary discrete parameter finite Markov chain may be partitioned into subsets, each of which may be treated as a single state of a smaller chain that retains the Markov property. Such a chain is said to be 'lumpable' and the resulting lumped chain is a special case of more general functions of Markov chains. There are several reasons why one might wish to lump. First, there may be analytical benefits, including relative simplicity of the reduced model and development of a new model which inherits known or assumed strong properties of the original model (the Markov property). Second, there may be statistical benefits, such as increased robustness of the smaller chain as well as improved estimates of transition probabilities. Finally, the identification of lumps may provide new insights about the process under investigation.

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A Study on the China's revised foreign Trade Law (중국(中國) 대외무역법(對外貿易法)의 개정(改定)에 관한 소고(小考))

  • Jo, Jong-Ju
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    • v.27
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    • pp.215-232
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    • 2005
  • China had revised Foreign Trade Law in order to fulfill its WTO commitments and duties, and fully exercise its rights and benefits as a WTO member. The main contents of the revised Foreign Trade Law as followed. For the first time, individuals are allowed to conduct foreign trade. Intellectual property is an important component of foreign trade, and protecting intellectual property rights is a key issue. A chapter on Intellectual property protection is one of the major additions to the Foreign Trade Law. New sections have also been added to allow and provide guidance for conducting investigations and seeking relief. Finally, the new law beefs up and clarifies enforcement procedures. It regulates the setting up of early warning and emergency systems and a foreign trade statistics system.

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Improving Gas Barrier Property of Polymer Based Nanocomposites Using Layer by Layer Deposition Method for Hydrogen Tank Liner

  • Lee, Suyeon;Han, Hye Seong;Seong, Dong Gi
    • Composites Research
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    • v.35 no.3
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    • pp.121-126
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    • 2022
  • Owing to advantages of polymeric materials for hydrogen tank liner like light-weight property and high specific strength, polymer based composites have gained much attention. Despite of many benefits, polymeric materials for fuel cell tank cause problems which is critical to applications as low gas barrier property, and poor processability when adding fillers. For these reasons, improving gas barrier property of polymer composites is required to study for expanding application fields. This work presents impermeable polymer nanocomposites by introducing thin barrier coating using layer by layer (LBL) deposition method. Also, bi-layered and quad-layered nanocomposites were fabricated and compared for identifying relationship between deposition step and gas barrier property. Reduction in gas permeability was observed without interrupting mechanical property and processability. It is discussed that proper coating conditions were suggested when different coating materials and deposition steps were applied. We investigated morphology, gas barrier property and mechanical properties of fabricated nanocomposites by FE-SEM, Oxygen permeation analyzer, UTM, respectively. In addition, we revealed the mechanism of barrier performance of LBL coating using materials which have high aspect ratio.

A Comparison of Three Theories of Firm Boundaries (기업경계에 관한 세 이론의 비교)

  • Chung, Hoe-Sang
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business
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    • v.12 no.3
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    • pp.87-99
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    • 2021
  • Purpose - In this study, I attempt to clarify three theories of firm boundaries (vertical integration): the principal-agent theory, transaction cost theory, and property rights theory. Although these theories have been widely cited and much discussed, it has been found that understanding the commonalities and distinctions of these seemingly familiar theories is difficult. Design/methodology/approach - I present the three theories about the decisions that firms make concerning their boundaries. Then, I compare elemental versions of the theories of the firm. Findings - Comparing the ingredients of the elemental property rights and principal-agent theories shows that they provide a unified account of the costs and benefits of vertical integration. However, the property rights theory in no sense formalizes the transaction cost theory. Research implications or Originality - Clarifying the three theories of the firm can help to construct empirical models and interpret its results.

Analysis of Economic Effects and Basic Theoretical Frameworks of ITQ Fishery Management - Focusing on the Red Crab Trap Fishery - (ITQ 어업관리의 기본이론과 경제적 효과분석 - 붉은대게어업을 중심으로 -)

  • Lee Sang-Go;Lee Yong-Soo
    • The Journal of Fisheries Business Administration
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    • v.36 no.3 s.69
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    • pp.119-139
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    • 2005
  • The purpose of this paper is to provide information that will help both fishing industry and fisheries authority understand the principals of individual transferable quota(ITQ) fishery management. Theoretical frameworks and primary features of ITQ fishery managemenet are the assignment of exclusive property rights for harvest of common - property fisheries resources. An ITQ fishery management is fundamentally different from the conventional fishery management and it gives an individual fisherman the right to catch a specified quantity of fish, his quota. With ITQ, fisherman's quotas are transferable, in whole or in part. An ITQ is a property with certain rights of use, namely, the right to catch a given quantity and species of fish in a specific location during a specific period of time. The right is exclusive in the sense that no one else has the right to use the quota without the owner's permission. The property may be assigned, traded, and exchanged; i.e., the owner has the right to transfer an ownership to others. An ITQ fishery management leads to both economic efficiency and resource conservation. Motivations to overexploit stocks and to overcapitalize should be lessened because fishermen no longer have to compete for limited resources. There are significant positive net benefits and advantages with ITQ fishery management than without. The potential benefits and advantages of ITQ fishery management include increased profits, economic stability, improved product quality, safer working conditions, less gear conflict, elimination of the race - to - fish phenomenon, less by - catch, less gear loss, improved investment climate, mitigation of market gluts, waste reduction, addition to fisherman's wealth, and compensation for fisherman exiting the fishery. As an independent observe to Red Crab Trap Fishery some of the benefits, problems, and effects, an ITQ fishery management in Red Crab Trap Fishery is still far from to be implemented. Many different and difficult aspects (biological, socioeconomics, administrative) are involved considering the implementation of ITQ fishery management in Red Crab Trap Fishery. Among other fishery management tools, the implementation of ITQ fishery management in Red Crab Trap Fishery is considered to be the best in achieving the better conservation of fisheries resources and their more economic and rational exploitation. Korean fisheries authority should pay great attention to the experience of the economic effects of the ITQ fishery management in Red Crab Trap Fishery in the hope of being able to implement at least some of those experiences into the Korean fishery management.

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A Study on Outdoor Apparel Market Segmentation by Benefits Sought - Focused on Middle School & High School Students - (아웃도어 의류제품의 추구혜택에 따른 세분화에 관한 연구 - 중·고등학생 소비자를 중심으로 -)

  • An, Hyun Jin;Lee, Jin Hwa
    • Korean Journal of Human Ecology
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    • v.22 no.6
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    • pp.659-672
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    • 2013
  • Nowadays, sports and outdoor market has been popular and expanding since the implementation of the five-day workweek and change of lifestyle. Outdoor clothing considered exclusive property of the middle-aged individuals in the past. Recently there is a drift towards having outdoor looking at the age of 10-20. The purpose of this study was to analyze the features of purchasing behaviors and demographics by each groups targeting middle school and high school students. The study was conducted with questionnaires towards people who live in the city of Busan and who have experiences of buying outdoor clothing. Data analysis was conducted via SPSS 18.0 with factor analysis, cluster analysis, ANOVA, cross tabulation, frequency analysis and Duncan's multiple range test. The results showed that there were five factors sought for outdoor wear benefits: Individuality/Fashion, Brand, Attractive appearance, Economic value, Comfort/Functional. Cluster analysis showed that there were four groups of outdoor wear benefits sought. Overall, the four groups were different in regard to purchasing behaviors and demographics. Based upon the results mentioned above, this study summarizes the key features of each group and can provide applicable suggestion for conducting strategic marketing activities.