• Title/Summary/Keyword: Bending Curve

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Bending characteristics of ISB panel with dimple shapes as inner structures (딤플형 내부 구조체를 가진 ISB 판넬의 굽힘 강성 특성)

  • Ahn D.G.;Lee S.H.;Kim J.S.;Moon G.J.;Han G.Y.;Jung C.J.;Yang D.Y.
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Precision Engineering Conference
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    • 2006.05a
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    • pp.117-118
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    • 2006
  • The objective of this paper is to investigate into bending and failure characteristics of ISB panel with dimple shapes as inner structures. Through three-points bending test, the force-displacement curve and the failure shape are obtained to examine the deformation pattern, characteristic data including maximum load and displacement at the maximum load and failure pattern for the ISB panel. In addition, the influence of design parameters for ISB panel on the bending stiffness and failure mode has been found. From the results of the experiments, it has been shown that bending and failure characteristics of the ISB panel can be controlled by the ratio of radius and the direction of the material.

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Bending Fatigue Strength of Carburized and Induction Hardened Gears (침탄 및 고주파 열처리한 치차의 굽힘피로강도 평가)

  • Kim, W.D.;Choi, B.I.;Han, S.W.;Kim, J.H.
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Automotive Engineers
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    • v.2 no.6
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    • pp.1-8
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    • 1994
  • To enhance the strength of gears for transmission, Generally caburizing heat treatment is applied. But there are some problems in this technology the distortion of gears during heat treatment process, and the discontinuity of manufacturing process. For these reasons, the high frequency induction hardening process is widely used. This method is one of the surface hardening process to improve the wear resistance and fatigue life of the machine components. In this study, to compare the bending fatigue strength of caburized gear with that of induction hardened gear, bending fatigue testing of gears with two different cases was performed by using an electrohydraulic servo-controlled fatigue testing machine and double tooth bending fatigue test fixture. Fatigue life distributions at constant stress levels were established directly from fatigue data. For gear design, the fatigue strength distribution at specified life is more important. This distribution is obtained by statical transformation from fatigue life distribution. Reliability of bending fatigue strength was estimated by P-S-N curves and Weibull distribution.

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Effect of Breathing on Ground Reaction Force and Kinematic Variables dur ing Bending in Korean Dance (호흡에 따른 한국무용 굴신동작이 운동학적 변인과 지면반력에 미치는 영향)

  • Park, Yang-Sun
    • Korean Journal of Applied Biomechanics
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.327-334
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    • 2011
  • The objective of this study was to develop a scientific approach for investigating Korean dance in detail, and to examine the intense expressions and various movements, which are based on Danjeon breathing. For the purpose, we analyzed the movement changes and distribution of forces resulting from the switch in movement between exhalation and inhalation while bending, which is the most basic movement in Korean dance. The following conclusions were drawn from this study. In Korean dance, bending with breathing involves less back-and-forth-movement and more up-and-down movement, as compared to bending without breathing; this indicates greater body stability and a wider range of movements while bending with breathing. In addition, less time is required for bending with breathing at the point of switching from exhalation to inhalation, and it involves less movement of the supporting leg; thus, vending with breathing involves faster switching from bending movements to extending movements. While bending, the raised leg goes through a less smooth curve while breathing, which indicates stronger movement of the toes. Bending with breathing requires a greater braking force than bending without breathing, and the vertical force, generated by switching from exhalation to inhalation, is transferred to extending movements using the ground load. The results of this study can be potentially employed to investigate the expressions used in Korean dance on th basis of its principle of forces. Korean dance has evolved into various creative forms, and basic analytical studies of these diverse forms and related breathing methods re required in the future.

Fatigue Failure Behavior of Pipe Bends with Local Wall-Thinning Under Cyclic Bending Condition (반복굽힘 조건에서 감육 곡관의 피로손상 거동)

  • Yoon, Min-Soo;Kim, Jin-Weon;Kim, Jong-Sung
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers A
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    • v.36 no.10
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    • pp.1227-1234
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    • 2012
  • In this study, fatigue tests were carried out using real-scale pipe bend specimens with wall-thinning defects under a cyclic bending load together with a constant internal pressure of 10 MPa. The wall-thinning defect was located at the extrados and the intrados of the pipe bend specimens. A fully reversed cyclic in-plane bending displacement was applied to the specimens. For the pipe bends with wall thinning at the extrados, an axial crack occurred at the crown of the pipe bend rather than at the extrados where the defect was located. In addition, the fatigue life was longer than that of a sound pipe bend predicted from the design fatigue curve in ASME Sec.III, and it was less dependent on the axial length of the wall-thinning defect. For the pipe bends with wall thinning at the intrados, a circumferential crack occurred at the intrados. In this case, the fatigue life was much shorter than that of a sound pipe bend predicted from the design fatigue curve, and it clearly decreased with decreasing axial length of the wall-thinning defect.

Investigation into Characteristics of Bending Stiffness and Failure for ISB Panel (ISB 판넬의 굽힘강성 및 파손특성에 관한 연구)

  • Ahn Dong-Gyu;Lee Sang-Hoon;Kim Min-Su;Han Gil-Young;Jung Chang-Gyun;Yang Bong-Yol
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Precision Engineering
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    • v.22 no.9 s.174
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    • pp.162-172
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    • 2005
  • The objective of this research works is to investigate into characteristics of bending stiffness and failure for the ISB ultra-lightweight panel with internally structured material. The expanded metal with a crimped pyramid shape and woven metal are employed as an internally structured material. Through three-points bending test, the force-displacement curve and failure shape are obtained to examine the deformation pattern, characteristic data, such as maximum load, displacement at maximum load, etc, and failure pattern of the ISB panel. In addition, the influence of design parameters fur ISB panel on the specific stiffness, the specific stiffness per unit width, failure mode and failure map has been found. Finally, it has been shown that ISB containing expand metal with the crimped pyramidal shape is prefer to that containing woven metal from the view point of optimal design for ISB panel.

Finite Element Analysis and Experiments of Milli-Part Forming of Strip Bending Using Grain Element (입자요소계를 이용한 유한요소 해석)

  • Ku T.W.;Kim D.J.;Kang B.S.
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society for Technology of Plasticity Conference
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    • 2002.02a
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    • pp.266-273
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    • 2002
  • Milli-structure components are classified as a component group whose size is between macro and micro scales, that is, about less than 20mm and larger than 1mm. The bending of these components of thin sheets has a typical phenomenon of bulk deformation because of the forming size. The recent trend towards miniaturization causes an increased demand for parts with very small dimensions. The conceptual miniature bending process enables the production of such parts with high productivity and accuracy. The stress values of the flow curve decrease with miniaturization, which means that coarse grained materials show a higher resistance against deformation, when the grain size is in the range of the sheet thickness. In this paper, a new numerical approach is proposed to simulate intergranular milli-structure in forming by the finite element method. The grain element and grain boundary element are introduced to simulate the milli-structure of strip in the bending. The grain element is used to analyze the deformation of individual grain while the grain boundary element is for the investigation on the movement of the grain boundary. Also, the result of the finite element analysis is confirmed by a series of milli-sized forming experiments.

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Numerical analysis of the mechanical behavior of welded I beam-to-RHS column connections

  • Rosa, Rosicley J.R.;Neto, Juliano G.R.
    • Coupled systems mechanics
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.185-197
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    • 2019
  • Considering the increasing use of tubular profiles in civil construction, this paper highlights the study on the behavior of welded connections between square hollow section column and I-beam, with emphasis on the assessment of the joint stiffness. Firstly, a theoretical analysis of the welded joints has been done focusing on prescriptions of the technical literature for the types of geometries mentioned. Then, a numerical analysis of the proposed joints were performed by the finite element method (FEM) with the software ANSYS 16.0. In this study, two models were evaluated for different parameters, such as the thickness of the cross section of the column and the sizes of cross section of the beams. The first model describes a connection in which one beam is connected to the column in a unique bending plane, while the second model describes a connection of two beams to the column in two bending planes. From the numerical results, the bending moment-rotation ($M-{\varphi}$) curve was plotted in order to determine the resistant bending moment and classify each connection according to its rotational capacity. Furthermore, an equation was established with the aim of estimating the rotational stiffness of welded I beam-to-RHS column connections, which can be used during the structure design. The results show that most of the connections are semi-rigid, highlighting the importance of considering the stiffness of the connections in the structure design.

Fatigue CAE Analysis of a Rebar Bending Machine Roller (철근 밴딩기 롤러의 피로파괴 CAE 해석)

  • Shin, Yu-Jeong;CHoi, Chang-Hwan;Lee, Sung-gun;Kim, Jin-Ho
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Manufacturing Process Engineers
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.75-80
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    • 2015
  • The rebar factory production process involves the repetitive bending of rebars. Therefore, the fatigue failure of the rebar bending machine needs to be considered. In this paper, fatigue analysis of the rebar machine was performed using the commercial software DAFUL, which is based on MFBD (Multi Flexible Body Dynamics). The rotating roller, fixing roller and rebar were modeled by the finite element method. The rebar bending process is simulated and the mechanical stresses on the rollers are calculated. Structural analysis of the rebar bending roller was performed using the maximum bending angle of $180^{\circ}$ and maximum processing rebar diameter of ${\Phi}19mm$. Then, for fatigue analysis, the S-N curve of STD-11 was. The fatigue life of rollers is estimated by modified Goodman diagram. The fatigue life range of the rotating roller is $2.99961{\times}10^5{\sim}1{\times}10^8$ while that of the fixed roller is $2.53142{\times}10^5{\sim}1{\times}10^8$. STD-11 has an infinite life cycle after $1{\times}10^8$. Therefore, the rollers of the rebar bending machine may be expected to suffer fatigue failure. Thus, we performed a parameter study of fatigue life according to various axial radii of the fixed roller and rotating roller, and redesign of the rebar bending machine. Consequently, the axial radius of the fixed roller and rotating roller was found to be 35~37.5mm and 30~35mm, respectively, and an infinite life cycle was confirmed at these.

Dynamic Stability Analysis of an Axially Accelerating Beam Structure (축 방향 가속을 받는 보 구조물의 동적 안정성 해석)

  • Eun, Sung-Jin;Yoo, Hong-Hee
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society for Noise and Vibration Engineering Conference
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    • 2005.05a
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    • pp.877-882
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    • 2005
  • Dynamic stability of an axially accelerating beam stucture is investigated in this paper. The equations of motion of a fixed-free beam are derived using the hybrid deformation variable method and the assumed mode method. Unstable regions due to periodical acceleration are obtained by using the Floquet's theory. Stability diagrams are presented to illustrate the influence of the dimensionless acceleration, amplitude, and frequency. Also, buckling occurs when the acceleration exceeds a certain value. It is found that relatively targe unstable regions exist around the first bending natural frequency, twice the first bending natural frequency, and twice the second bending natural frequency. The validity of the stability diagram is confirmed by direct numerical integration of the equations of motion.

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The Effect of Addendum Modification Coefficient on Gear Strength to Planetary Gear Reducer (유성기어 감속기에서 전위계수가 기어 강도에 미치는 영향)

  • Kwak, Ki-Suk;Han, Dong-Seop
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Manufacturing Process Engineers
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    • v.10 no.4
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    • pp.38-43
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    • 2011
  • Industrial reducer is in general use to Deck Crane. High-precision and high-efficient reducer is minimized the power-loss and energy-loss of a machine. So it contribute the price reduction and life extension. Reducer is usually using the Planetary gear reducer. Planetary gear reducer is composed the sun gear, planet gear, internal gear and casing. Industrial reducer's wear and breakage have a short-life. To solve this problem, it is using the profile-shifted-gear or tooth modification. This study was carried out the effect of addendum modification coefficient on tooth fillet bending strength to planetary reducer. Tooth fillet bending stress is calculate. And all parameter were expressed the function of addendum modification coefficient. And then stress concentration factor of tooth fillet curve was express the function of addendum modification coefficient using comparison between theory and finite element analysis.