• Title/Summary/Keyword: Behavior Test

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A Study on the Environmental Management Knowledge and Perception on Environmental Pollution and the Management Behavior on Environmental Preservation - As Related to Housewives in Pusan - (환경관리지식과 환경오염인지 및 환경보전 관리행동에 관한 연구 - 부산시 주부를 대상으로 -)

  • 이정숙
    • Korean Journal of Rural Living Science
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.57-72
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    • 1997
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate some influencing variables related to the management behavior on environmental preservation of housewives in Pusan. The subject of this study were 411 housewives and interviewed with a questionnaire. The data was analyzed by SPSS/PC+ Program for the frequency, mean, standard deviation, Cronbach's$\alpha$, t-test, F-test, Duncan's multiple range test and regression. The major result of this study were as follows : 1. The level of Environmental Management Knowledge was relatively high. The perceived level of environmental pollution was relatively high. The score of perception on water pollution was the highest. The level of management behavior on environmental preservation was relativity low. The score of management behavior on food pollution was the highest. 2. Frequencies of management behavior on environmental preservation differ according to age, education, relegion, and mass - media. 3. The influenced level of perception on air pollution was the highest among the other variables.

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Preminary Study on Stress Analysis of Rock-mass Support Structure using Laboratory Test and Numerical Simulation (실내실험과 수치해석을 이용한 암반지보구조물의 응력거동 분석을 위한 기초 연구)

  • Lee, Jae-Ho;Moon, Hong-Deuk;Yoo, Ji-Hyeung;Kim, Hyuk;Son, Yeong-Ju
    • Proceedings of the Korean Geotechical Society Conference
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    • 2010.03a
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    • pp.825-831
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    • 2010
  • In this study is stress behavior of steel support structure is to identify basic research. Steel stress due to load step to determine the behavior of steel using strain gauge steel loading test was performed. Numerical analysis and steel loading test using strain gauge on the actual steel stress behavior was analyzed. First, when tensile loading 3.5tonf load side of the plastic behavior appeared. Elastic model, using numerical analysis and comparison of results, the actual value is saved and you can see some difference. This repeated loading tests on steel can be seen from the results of the stress behavior of the steel rather than the elastic behavior of elastic-plastic behavior is because you can see. In addition, the upper and lower steel stress in compression and tension behavior represents the behavior was similar, but different. Steel loading test results, Y-axis get a compression if X-axis is tension. The future based on this study, the stress sensitivity curve of magnetic anisotropy sensor for non-destructive stress measurement technique for the study will be performed. And the behavior of plastic zone and residual stress to determine the numerical analysis using non-elastic model is needed.

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Adolescents' Behaviors on Fashion Adoption - with Reference to Clothing Involvement - (청소년의 유행채택 행동 - 의복관여의 관점에서 -)

  • 구은영;조필교
    • The Research Journal of the Costume Culture
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    • v.9 no.4
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    • pp.592-601
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    • 2001
  • This study focuses on fashion adoption behavior of adolescents. The impact of their clothing involvement factors and socio-demographic factors on their fashion adoption behavior was examined. Three core issues were identified for empirical test: 1) Elements of clothing involvement for adolescents; 2) Fashion adoption behavior of adolescents; 3) Impact of clothing involvement elements on fashion adoption behavior. The Likert Type questionnaires were used to measure clothing involvement and fashion adoption behavior. The data of 472 samples drawn from middle and high school students in Taegu Metropolitan City were analyzed by factor analysis, ANOVA, Scheff test, t-test and regression analysis. Main results of the study are as follows. 1 . Concept of the clothing involvement is composed of five dimensions: importance, fashion, self-expression, pleasure, and buying risk. 2. Socio-demographic factors do influence fashion adoption behavior. Average monthly pocket money, expenditures on clothes and household income are found to have statistically significant impacts on the adoption behavior. Female students are more fashion-oriented than male students. 3. The clothing involvement elements are found to have significant influences on fashion adoption behavior: fashion, importance and self-expression elements on fashion innovation; fashion, importance and pleasure elements on fashion information search.

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A Study on Consumer Behavior by the human Ecological Approach -with Special Attention to housing prepurchasing behavior- (인간생태학적 접근방법에 의한 소비자행동연구 - 住宅情報探索행동을 중심으로-)

  • 박혜선;김기옥
    • Journal of Families and Better Life
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.95-116
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    • 1988
  • this study has dual purposes; one is to develope a new theoretical framework in consumer behavior area by applying the human ecological approach, and the other is to test the theory empirically area by applying the human ecological approach, and the other is to test the theory empirically by examining prepurchasing behavior of housing. Research methods adopted in this study are library search and survey research with self-administered questionnaires. The statistical methods used in the survey research are factor analysis, chi square test, and multivariate analysis with crosstablulations. According to the human ecological approach, ecological environments are important sources of consumer needs which , in turn, are satisfied by purchasing behavior in the market. Within this theoretical framework, consumers con improve the quality to life by perceving clearly what their needs are thereby making the most possible efficient purchasing decision making. The major findings of the empirical research on the basis of the theoretical framework are as follows; 1) Housing needs significantly vary with different ecological environment. 2) consumer information search behavior does not differ significantly by housing needs. 3) Housing needs turn out to be an intervening variable between ecological environments and consumer information search behavior. the results of this study show that the human ecological approach is useful in consumer behavior studies. The empirical result that consumer needs are not significantly satisfied by consumer behavior suggests a now direction in consumer education.

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Development of a finite Element Model for Studying the Occupant Behavior and Injury Coefficients of a Large-sized Truck (대형트럭 승객거동과 상해치 해석을 위한 유한요소모델의 개발)

  • O, Jae-Yun;Kim, Hak-Deok;Song, Ju-Hyeon
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers A
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    • v.26 no.8
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    • pp.1577-1584
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    • 2002
  • This paper develops a finite element model for studying the occupant behavior and injury cofficients of a large-sized cab-over type truck. Since it does not have a room to absorb collision energy and deformation in front of the passenger compartment the deformation is directly transmitted to the passenger compartment. Moreover, since its steering column is attached on the frame, severe deformation of the frame directly affects on the steering wheel's movement. Therefore, if the occupant behavior and injury coefficients analysis is performed using a finite element model developed based on a sled test, it is very difficult to expect acquiring satisfactory results. Thus, the finite element model developing in this paper is based on the frontal crash test in order to overcome the inherent problems of the sled test based model commonly used in the passenger car. The occupant behavior and injury coefficients analysis is performed using PAM-CRASH installed in super-computer SP2. In order to validate the reliability of the developed finite element model, a frontal crash test is carried out according to a test method used fur developing truck occupant's secondary safety system in european community and japan. That is, test vehicle's collision direction is vertical to the rigid barrier and collision velocity is 45kph. Thus, measured vehicle pulses at the lower parts of the left and right B-pilla., dummy chest and head deceleration profiles, HIC(head injury criterial) and CA(chest acceleration) values, and dummy behavior from the frontal crash test are compared to the analysis results to validate reliability of the developed model.

Evaluation of Asphalt Emulsions Curing and Adhesive Behavior used in Asphalt Pavement Preservation (Surface Treatments) (아스팔트 도로포장 유지보수(표면처리)용 유화아스팔트의 양생 및 점착거동특성 평가)

  • Im, Jeong Hyuk;Kim, Y. Richard
    • International Journal of Highway Engineering
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    • v.16 no.6
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    • pp.39-50
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    • 2014
  • PURPOSES : The objective of this study is to evaluate the curing and adhesive behavior of asphalt emulsions including polymer-modified emulsions for chip seals and fog seals. METHODS : For the laboratory testing, the evaporation test, the bitumen bond strength (BBS) test, and the Vialit test are used. Also, the rolling ball test and the damping test are employed to evaluate the curing properties of the fog seal emulsions. In order to conduct all the tests in controled condition, all test procedures are performed in the environmental chamber. The CRS-2L and the SBS CRS-2P emulsions are used as a polymer-modified emulsion, and then unmodified emulsion, the CRS-2, is compared for the evaluation of chip seal performance. For the fog seal performance evaluation, two types of polymer-modified emulsions (FPME-1 and FPME-2) and one of unmodified emulsion, the CSS-1H, are employed. All the tests are performed at different curing times and temperatures. RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS : Overall, PMEs show better curing and adhesive behavior than non-PMEs regardless of treatments types. Especially, the curing and adhesive behavior of PMEs is much better than non-PMEs before 120 minutes of curing time. Since all the test results indicate that after 120 minutes of curing time the curing adhesive behavior of emulsions, the early curing time, i.e., 120 minutes, plays an important role in the performance of chip seals and fog seals.

Effects of an odor or taste stimulus applied to an artificial teat on the suckling behavior of newborn dairy calves

  • Malidaki, Maria;Laska, Matthias
    • Journal of Animal Science and Technology
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    • v.60 no.4
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    • pp.16.1-16.11
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    • 2018
  • Background: In their first days of life, dairy calves in artificial rearing systems often have difficulty using an artificial teat for feeding. Methods: We examined the age at which calves are able to stand up voluntarily and suckle as well as their suckling behavior when presented with a plain dry teat versus a dry teat modified with a presumably attractive odor or taste substance. Single-housed newborn dairy calves (n = 51) were presented for ten consecutive days with a two-minute two-choice test, in which suckling time was recorded for 1) a plain (control) teat versus a glucose-coated teat (taste test) and 2) a plain teat versus a teat with a "Freshly Cut Grass" odor (odor test). Results: On average, the calves were able to stand up voluntarily and suckle from the second or third day of age on. The "Freshly Cut Grass" odor had no significant effect on their suckling behavior. In contrast, the calves showed a significant preference for suckling the glucose-coated teat and displayed a significantly longer total suckling time in the taste test compared to the odor test. There were no significant differences between sexes regarding suckling behavior. Conclusion: The results of the present study show that glucose had a significant effect on the calves' teat preference and significantly increased total suckling time with a dry artificial teat. As such, glucose may increase suckling motivation in non-efficient drinkers or ill calves with low motivation to suckle.

A large-scale test of reinforced soil railway embankment with soilbag facing under dynamic loading

  • Liu, Huabei;Yang, Guangqing;Wang, He;Xiong, Baolin
    • Geomechanics and Engineering
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    • v.12 no.4
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    • pp.579-593
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    • 2017
  • Geosynthetic reinforced soil retaining walls can be employed as railway embankments to carry large static and dynamic train loads, but very few studies can be found in the literature that investigate their dynamic behavior under simulated wheel loading. A large-scale dynamic test on a reinforced soil railway embankment was therefore carried out. The model embankment was 1.65 meter high and designed to have a soilbag facing. It was reinforced with HDPE geogrid layers at a vertical spacing of 0.3 m and a length of 2 m. The dynamic test consisted of 1.2 million cycles of harmonic dynamic loading with three different load levels and four different exciting frequencies. Before the dynamic loading test, a static test was also carried out to understand the general behavior of the embankment behavior. The study indicated the importance of loading frequency on the dynamic response of reinforced soil railway embankment. It also showed that toe resistance played a significant role in the dynamic behavior of the embankment. Some limitations of the test were also discussed.

Seismic Performance of Concrete-Filled Steel Piers Part II: Pseudo-Dynamic Test and Residual Seismic Capacity (강합성교각의 내진성능평가 Part II: 유사동적실험 및 잔류내진성능 평가)

  • 조창빈;서진환;장승필
    • Journal of the Earthquake Engineering Society of Korea
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.21-28
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    • 2002
  • Ductile behavior and strength of concrete-filled steel(CFS) piers was supported by many quasi-static cyclic loading tests. This test method, however, only estimates the member′s deformation capacity under escalating and repetitive displacement and ignores dynamic and random aspects of an earthquake load. Therefore, to understand complete seismic behavior of the structure against an earthquake, dynamic tests such as shaking table test and pseudo-dynamic tests are required as well as quasi-static tests. In this paper, following "Seismic Performance of Concrete-Filled Steel Piers Part I : Quasi-Static Cyclic Loadint Test", the seismic behavior of CFS and steel piers designed for I-Soo overpass in Seoul in investigated by the pseudo-dynamic test. In addition, the residual strength of both piers after an earthquake is estimated by the quasi-static test. The results show that both piers have satisfactory ductility and strength against well-known EI Centro earthquake although the CFS pier has better strength and energy dissipation than the steel pier.

The Effect of Dramatic Play Using Economic-Fairy Tales on Preschoolers' Basic-Economic Understanding and Consumer Behavior (경제동화를 활용한 극놀이 활동이 유아의 경제개념 및 소비자행동에 미치는 영향)

  • Chae, Young-Ran
    • Korean Journal of Human Ecology
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.443-453
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    • 2010
  • This study analyzed the effects of dramatic play using Economic-fairy tales on young children's basic- economic understanding and the consumer behavior. The participants in this study were 42 young children who attended a kindergarten in G city. The mean age of participants was 70 months. The experimental group participated in 'Dramatic play using Economic-fairy tales' while the control group participated in a 'Discussion activity using Economic-fairy tales'. The experiment used 'The Basic-Economic Concept Test' and 'The Consumer Behavior Test' in the collection of data and T-test was used to statistically analyze the data. Significant differences were found between the experimental group and comparison group in both the post-test score of Basic-Economic Understanding and of Consumer Behavior NOTE. In conclusion, the results of this study suggested that the technique of dramatic play using Economic-fairy tales which was developed in this study are probably effective in developing young children's basic-economic understanding and consumer behavior.