Objective : To research the trends of the study related to bee venom and cancer, and to establish the hereafter direction of the study on bee venom herbal acupuncture. Method : We searched in PubMed, with bee venom and cancer(in English, with abstract) Results : 1. We searched 28 Journals, 36 Papers. the frequency of Journals and Papers was as follows: Biochem Biophys Res Commun(4 Papers), FEBS Lett(3), Life Sci, Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, J Immunol(each 2), other 23 Journals(each 1). 2. The pattern of the study was as follows: Review article(3 Journals, 3 Papers), Epidemiologic study(1, 1), Experimental study(24, 32) In vivo 1, 1), In vitto(24, 31) 3. The involved components of bee venom were as follows: Melittin(20), Apamin(8), Phospholipase A2(3), Melittin & Phospholipase A2(3), Melittin& Tertiapin(1). 4. The involved cancer was as follows: leukemia(9), tumor(5), neuroblastoma(4), pituitary tumor and pheochromocytoma(each 3), lymphoma, astrocytoma, glioma and lung cancer(small cell carcinoma)(eacn 2), bladder carcinoma, pancreatic cancer, breast carcinoma, ovarian carcinoma and spuamous cell carcinoma(each 1) Conclusion : We concluded that the most frequent pattern of the study was in vitro experimental study with peptide components of bee venom and the most frequeni invovled cancer was leukemia.