• Title/Summary/Keyword: Basis sub-model

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The Price-discovery of Korean Bond Markets by US Treasury Bond Markets by US Treasury Bond Markets - The Start-up of Korean Bond Valuation System - (한국 채권현물시장에 대한 미국 채권현물시장의 가격발견기능 연구 - 채권시가평가제도 도입 전후를 중심으로 -)

  • Hong, Chung-Hyo;Moon, Gyu-Hyun
    • The Korean Journal of Financial Management
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.125-151
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    • 2004
  • This study tests the price discovery from US Treasury bond markets to Korean bond markets using the daily returns of Korean bond data (CD, 3-year T-note, 5-year T-note, 5-year corporate note) and US treasury bond markets (3-month T-bill, 5-year T-note 10-year T-bond) from July 1, 1998 to December 31, 2003. For further research, we divide full data into two sub-samples on the basis of the start-up of bond valuation system in Korean bond market July 1, 2000, employing uni-variate AR(1)-GARCH(1,1)-M model. The main results are as follows. First the volatility spillover effects from US Treasury bond markets (3-month T-bill, 5-year T-note, 10-year T-bond) to Korean Treasury and Corporate bond markets (CD, 3-year T-note, 5-year T-note, 5-year corporate note) are significantly found at 1% confidence level. Second, the price discovery function from US bond markets to Korean bond markets in the sub-data of the pre-bond valuation system exists much stronger and more persistent than those of the post-bond valuation system. In particular, the role of 10-year T-bond compared with 3-month T-bill and 5-year T-note is outstanding. We imply these findings result from the international capital market integration which is accelerated by the broad opening of Korean capital market after 1997 Korean currency crisis and the development of telecommunication skill. In addition, these results are meaningful for bond investors who are in charge of capital asset pricing valuation, risk management, and international portfolio management.

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Factors Influencing the Social and Economic Performance of High-Tech Social Ventures (하이테크 소셜벤처의 사회적·경제적성과에 미치는 영향요인)

  • Kim, Hyeong Min;Kim, Jin Soo
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.121-137
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    • 2022
  • The purpose of this study is to present the necessary success factors and strategies for high-tech social ventures and stakeholders in the related ecosystem by empirically identifying factors that affect their sustainable performance. Based on prior research, the dimensions of three performance factors were presented: core technology competency, core business competency, and social mission orientation. Then, such sub-dimensions such as technology innovation orientation, R&D capability, business model, customer orientation, social network, and social mission pursuit were derived. For empirical analysis, a survey was conducted on domestic high-tech social ventures, and the significance of the hypothesis was tested through PLS-structural equation analysis of the collected 243 valid data. As a result, it was found that the technology innovation orientation was embedded as an abstract organizational and cultural characteristic in the high-tech social venture, which is a research sample, and thus did not significantly affect the dependent variable. In other words, aiming for the latest cutting-edge technology alone cannot affect performance, and it is a result of proving the need for substantial influencing factors that can strengthen it. On the other hand, the business model had a significant effect only on social performance, which is presumed to be the limitation of measurement tools developed for social enterprises, and the results of additional multi-group analysis to determine the cause also supported the basis for this estimation. Excluding the previous two performance factors, R&D competency, customer orientation, social network, and social mission pursuit were all found to have a significant positive (+) effect on social and economic performance. This study laid a foundation for related research by identifying high-tech social ventures emerging in the ecosystem of a social economy and expanded empirical research models related to the performance of existing social enterprises and social ventures. However, in the research method or process, there were limitations such as factor derivation or verification for balance of dual performance, subjective measurement method, and sample representativeness. It is expected that more in-depth follow-up studies will continue by supplementing future limitations and designing improved research models.

A Study on the Effect of Healing Experience Program on Satisfaction: Focused on Experience Cost and Experience Time (치유체험프로그램이 만족도에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구: 체험비용과 체험시간을 중심으로)

  • An, Hye-Jung;Kan, Soon-Ah
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.183-200
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    • 2022
  • This study is a study on the effect of a healing experience program on satisfaction in the field of healing agriculture. In the development of a rural experience program, what factors constituting the healing experience program affect satisfaction, and how much time and participation cost affect the satisfaction of the healing experience program from the marketing point of view of the healing experience program. I want to analyze By researching the effect of experience cost and experience time on satisfaction of the healing experience program, I would like to suggest the development direction of the healing experience program. To this end, by empirically analyzing the effect of a healing experience program using experience cost and experience time as parameters on satisfaction, we present a theoretical basis for priority considerations when developing a rural experience program. There are entertainment experience, educational experience, deviant experience, and aesthetic experience as sub-factors of the experience program, experience time and experience cost as parameters, and satisfaction as a dependent variable. In addition, the reliability of the research results was secured by setting the demographic variables of the survey subjects as control variables. The empirical analysis was conducted on 314 valid questionnaires from the unspecified majority who were interested in or aware of the healing experience program. SPSS v22.0 was used, and to test the mediating effect, the three-step verification method of Baron & Kenny(1986) and the SPSS PROCESS Macro Model No. of Andrew F. Hayes(2018). 4 The reliability of the mediating effect was secured by applying the verification method and comparing the analysis resul. As a result of the study, it was found that educational experience (𝛽=.134, t=1.759*) had a positive (+) effect on experience cost, and aesthetic experience (𝛽=.144 t=1.684*) had a positive (+) effect on experience time. +) was found to have an effect. Also, educational experience (𝛽=.239, t=4.112***) was found to have a positive (+) effect on satisfaction, and aesthetic experience (𝛽=.330 t=4.921***) had a positive effect on satisfaction. It has been shown to have a (+) effect. Experience time was found to have a negative (-) inconsistent mediating effect between aesthetic experience and satisfaction. That is, it is the total effect (𝛽=.330 t=4.921***), and the direct effect (𝛽=.349 t=5.241***) increased by 𝛽=.019 compared to the total effect when the experience time was input, while the indirect effect (𝛽=-.019), which was shown to exert a negative (-) mediating effect.