• 제목/요약/키워드: Basin area

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A Study on The Change Characteristic of Basin Topographical Parameters According to the Threshold Area of Stream Creation (하천생성 임계면적의 변화에 따른 유역의 지형관련 매개변수들의 특성분석)

  • Ahn, Seung-Seop;Lee, Jeung-Seok;Kim, Jong-Ho;Lim, Kee-Seok
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.10-20
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    • 2005
  • The change of stream creation has a very sensitive effect on runoff analysis model using the divergence characteristic of stream. Therefore, in this study, the threshold area of stream creation was examined the change characteristic of topographical parameters. The subject basin of the research was the upper basin of the Kumho water gage station which is located in the middle of the Kumho river. The 1:25,000 numerical geography which was constructed $10{\times}10m$ mesh was used. The range of investigation of topographical parameters are number of stream order, length, area, slope, basin relief, sinuosity ratio, drainage density and total stream length etc. It was found from the result of analysis that the threshold value of 1st order stream has a very big effect on topographical parameters of basin. It was found that the threshold area of stream creation was under $0.10km^2$, the parameters showed a big change but showed a very small change over $0.10km^2$.

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The Geomorphic Development of Angyae Basin (안계분지(安溪盆地)의 지형발달)

  • Bak, Byeong-Su;Son, Myoung-Won
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.51-62
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    • 1997
  • In various places of drainage basins of major rivers in South Korea are distributed intermontane basins. Basin floor covered with fluvial deposits carried from the surrounding mountane area becomes alluvial plain. Its productivity is comparatively higher than anywhere else. Thus basin is a local administrative, economic, and cultural core area. Intermontane basin consists of backward mountane area, gentle hills, and alluvial lowland. The purpose of this paper is to elucidate the morpogenetic processes and development age of Angae Basin located in the sedimentary rock region. Hills with the height of a.s.l. $80{\sim}100m$ distributed in Angae Basin are residual landforms, which are the remnants of dissection of the etchplain that results from the denudation of bedrock deeply weathered along tectolineaments under the warm and moist climate, and reflect lithological differentiation of bedrock. Those hills have been comparatively higher ridges since the initial stage of the original etchplain, and they have been immune from fluvial processes. The etchplain appeared as $80{\sim}100m$ hills. the high terrace distributed in upstream reach of Nakdong River drainage basin and the old meander-cut at Seoburi in Wicheon drainage basin, are formed at the same stage when riverbed of Wicheon Stream functioned as a local base level according as the fluvial system of Wichoen arrived at dynamic equilibrium.

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Monitoring of Detention Basin after Restoration at Joogyo Creek (주교천 천변저류지의 사후 모니터링)

  • Kim, Ki Heung;Lee, Hyeong Rae;Kim, Cheol Soo
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Environmental Restoration Technology
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.177-194
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    • 2011
  • In order to assess ecologically for the restored detention basin in Joogyo creek, this study carried out a monitoring on the ecosystem of the detention basin. The study site was a small detention basin with an area $6,350m^2$, which had been established in March, 2004. The monitoring started in August and November, 2007. Terrestrial, riparian, and aquatic plants species have increased about 2 times at detention basin compared to that of streamside. Mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, aquatic insects and crustaceans were found more in species at detention basin, and especially there were a lot of more fish species. From the results, it seemed that various terrestrial, riparian, and aquatic ecosystem were made in the small detention basin.

Revised Geology and Geological Structures of the Northeastern Chungnam Basin in the Southwestern Korean Peninsula

  • Yujung Kwak;Seung-Ik Park;Jeong-Yeong Park;Taejin Choi;Eun Hye Jeong
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.55 no.6
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    • pp.597-616
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    • 2022
  • The Chungnam basin is a crucial area for studying the Mesozoic crustal evolutionary history of the Korean Peninsula. This study reports the revised geology and new isotopic ages from the northeastern Chungnam Basin based on detailed geological mapping and LA-ICP-MS zircon U-Pb analysis. Our renewed geologic map defines intra-basin, basin-bounding, and basement fault systems closely related to hydrothermal gold-bearing quartz vein injections. Here, we propose the directions of (micro)structural and geochronological future work to address issues on the relationship between the tectonic process, basin evolution, and hydrothermal fluid migration in the southwestern Korean Peninsula.

Optimal Rain Gauge Density and Sub-basin Size for SWAT Model Application (SWAT 모형의 적용을 위한 적정 강우계밀도의 추정)

  • Yoo, Chul-Sang;Kim, Kyoung-Jun;Kim, Nam-Won
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.38 no.5 s.154
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    • pp.415-425
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    • 2005
  • This study estimated the optimal rain gauge density and sub-basin size for the application of a daily rainfall-runoff analysis model called SWAT (Soil and Water Assessment Tool). Simulated rainfall data using a WGR multi-dimensional precipitation model (Waymire et al., 1984) were applied to SWAT for runoff estimation, and then the runoff error was analyzed with respect to various rain gauge density and sub-basin size. As results of the study, we could find that the optimal sub-basin size and the representative area of one rain gauge are similar to be about $80km^2$ for the Yong-Dam dam basin.

Numerical analysis of flow and settling efficiency in a sedimentation basin (수치모의를 통한 침사지에서의 흐름 및 침사효율 해석)

  • Kim, Dae-Guen;Kim, Sung-Man;Park, Won-Cheol
    • Journal of Korean Society of Water and Wastewater
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    • v.24 no.6
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    • pp.713-722
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    • 2010
  • This paper has assessed the flow patterns and settling efficiency in the sedimentation basin using the particle tracking method of the CFD code and has reached the following conclusions: In the original design where no baffle is installed in the sedimentation basin, a large recirculating area where the flow stagnates is created in the right side of the sedimentation basin, with most of the particles moving to the left side of the sedimentation basin following the flow. This biased flow structure in the sedimentation basin reduces the residence time of particles and thereby undermines settling efficiency. The biased flow toward the left side of the sedimentation basin is alleviated by installing a baffle in the sedimentation basin, promptly reducing the fast flow of over 0.7 m/s in the inlet of the sedimentation basin to the rate below 0.2 m/s. In this paper's simulation conditions, if a one-sided baffle is to be installed in the sedimentation basin, placing it 15 meters away from the basin's inlet leads to the best settling efficiency; it has also been analyzed that installing a two-sided baffle-rather than a one-sided one-is a better option in terms of settling efficiency. The highest settling efficiency of 96.2% is achieved when the underwater length of the two-sided baffle is set at 8 meters.

Assessment of Seismic Site Response at Hongseong in Korea Based on Two-dimensional Basin Modeling using Spatial Geotechnical Information (공간 지반 정보를 활용한 이차원 분지 모델링 기반의 국내 홍성 지역에서의 부지 지진 응답 평가)

  • Sun, Chang-Guk
    • The Journal of Engineering Geology
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.15-23
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    • 2009
  • The site effects relating to the amplification of ground motion under earthquake loading are strongly influenced by both the subsurface soil condition and geologic structure. In this study, the site effects at the Hongseong area in Korea were examined by both the site investigation including borehole drilling and in-situ seismic tests and the site visit for acquiring geologic information of ground surface. Subsurface of Hongseong area with a major instrumental earthquake event in 1978 is composed of weathered layers of a maximum of 45 m thickness overlying bedrock. A geotechnical information system based on GIS framework was implemented to effectively find out spatial geologic structure of study area and it indicated Hongseong is a shallow and wide shaped basin. Two-dimensional finite element (FE) analyses for a representative cross-section of the Hongseong area were performed to evaluate seismic site responses. From the results of seismic responses, it was observed that the ground motions were amplified during the propagation of shear waves through the soil layer overlying the bedrock and the duration of shaking near the basin edges was prolonged due to the surface waves generated by interactions of shear waves with basin geometry. Furthermore, one-dimensional FE seismic response analyses were additionally conducted for soil sites selected in the basin, and it gives similar results to the two-dimensional seismic responses at most locations in the basin with the exception of the locations near the basin edges, because the basin in this study is very shallow and wide.

Assessment of Soil Erosion Loss by Using RUSLE and GIS in the Bagmati Basin of Nepal

  • Bastola, Shiksha;Seong, Yeon Jeong;Lee, Sang Hyup;Shin, Yongchul;Jung, Younghun
    • Journal of the Korean GEO-environmental Society
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.5-14
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    • 2019
  • This study attempted to study the soil erosion dynamic in the Bagmati Basin of Nepal. In this study, an inclusive methodology that combines Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation (RUSLE) and GIS techniques was adopted to determine the distribution of soil loss in the study basin. As well, this study attempts to study the intensity of soil erosion in the seven different land use patterns in the Bagmati Basin. Soil loss is an associated phenomenon of hydrologic cycle and this dynamic phenomenon possesses threats to sustainability of basin hydrology, agriculture system, hydraulic structures in operation and overall ecosystem in a long run. Soil conservation works, and various planning and design of watersheds works demands quantification of soil loss. The results of the study in Bagmati Basin shows the total annual soil loss in the basin is 22.93 million tons with an average rate of 75.83T/ha/yr. The computed soil loss risk was divided into five classes from tolerable to severe and the spatial pattern was mapped for easy interpretation. Also, evaluation of soil loss in different land use categories shows barren area has highest rate of soil loss followed by agriculture area. This is a preliminary work and provides erosion risk scenario in the basin. The study can be further used for strategic planning of land use and hydrologic conservation works in a basin.

Runoff Analysis and Application of Runoff Model of Urban Storm Drainage Network (도시하수도망에 대한 유출모형의 남용과 유출해석)

  • 박성천;이관수
    • Journal of Environmental Health Sciences
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.33-42
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    • 1996
  • This research is to show the application of runoff model and runoff analysis of urban storm drainage network. the runoff models that were used for this research were RRL, ILLUDAS, and SWMM applicative object basin were Geucknak-chun and Sangmu drainage basin located in Seo-Gu, Kwangju. The runoff analysis employed the design storm that distributed the rainfall intensity according to the return period after the huff's method. The result from the comparative analysis of the three runoff models was as follows The difference of peak runoff by return period was 20-30% at Sangmu drainage area of $3.17 Km^2$, while less than 10% at Geucknak-chun drainage area of $12.7 Km^2$. The peak runoff were similar to all models. At the runoff hydrograph the times between rising and descending points were in the sequence of RRL, ILLUDAS and SWMM, but the peak times were similar to all models. The conveyance coefficient to examine the conveyance of the existing drainage network was 0.94-1.37, which means insecure, in Geucknak-chun drainage basin and 0.69-1.16, which means secure, in sangmu drainage basin.

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Geomorphological Characteristics of the Miho Stream Flowing through a Granitic Plain, South Korea (화강암 분지를 흐르는 미호천의 지형학적 특색)

  • Kim, Young Rae
    • Journal of The Geomorphological Association of Korea
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    • v.28 no.3
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    • pp.1-11
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    • 2021
  • The drainage area of the Miho stream is composed of granitic basins, gneissic and sedimentary mountains. 80 percent of the Miho stream flows through the Jincheon basin and the Cheongju inner-plain within the Daebo granite belt. Because the deep weathering of granitic hills provides a large amount of sands to the streams, there are wide floodplains with thick alluvium developed in the basin and plain. The thickness of the alluvium is 5~10m and the width of the floodplains is 2~2.5km. In the basin outlet area where a stream passes through the mountain canyon, wide floodplains and deep alluvium are developed in other riverside. The Miho stream is a sand-gravel channel flowing through the Cheongju inner-plain with wide floodplains and deep alluvium formed by deep weathering of granite.