• Title/Summary/Keyword: BP $BP^{r}$c1

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Cloning of the Cellulase Gene and Characterization of the Enzyme from a Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacterium, Bacillus licheniformis K11 (고추역병 방제능이 있는 식물성장촉진 균주 Bacillus licheniformis K11의 cellulase 유전자의 cloning 및 효소 특성 조사)

  • Woo, Sang-Min;Kim, Sang-Dal
    • Applied Biological Chemistry
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    • v.50 no.2
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    • pp.95-100
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    • 2007
  • The cellulase gene of Bacillus licheniformis K11 which has plant growth-promoting activity by auxin and antagonistic ability by siderophore was cloned in pUC18 using PCR employing heterologous primers. The 1.6kb PCR fragment contained the full sequence of the cellulase gene, denoted celW which has been reported to encode a 499 amino acid protein. Similarity search in protein data base revealed that the cellulase from B. licheniformis K11 was more than 97% identical in amino acid sequence to those of various Bacillus spp. The cellulase protein from B. licheniformis K11, overproduced in E. coli DH5${\alpha}$ by the lac promoter on the vector, had apparent molecular weight of 55 kDa upon CMC-SDS-PAGE analysis. The protein not only had enzymatic activity toward carboxymethyl-cellulose (CMC), but also was able to degrade insoluble cellulose, such as Avicel and filter paper (Whatman$^{\circledR}$ No. 1). In addition, the cellulase could degrade a fungal cell wall of Phytophthora capsici. Consequently B. licheniformis K11 was able to suppress the peperblight causing P. capsici by its cellulase. Biochemical analysis showed that the enzyme had a maximum activity at 60$^{\circ}C$ and pH 6.0. Also, the enzyme activity was activated by Co$^{2+}$ of Mn$^{2+}$ but inhibited by Fe$^{3+}$ or Hg$^{2+}$. Moreover, enzyme activity was not inhibited by SDS or sodium azide.

Simultaneous Determination and Monitoring of Bisphenols in River Water using Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS 를 이용한 하천수 중 Bisphenol계 화합물의 동시분석 및 모니터링)

  • Kim, Jihyun;Choi, Jeong-Heui;Kang, Tae-Woo;Kang, Taegu;Hwang, Soon-Hong;Shim, Jae-Han
    • Korean Journal of Environmental Agriculture
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    • v.36 no.3
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    • pp.154-160
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    • 2017
  • BACKGROUND:This study was carried out to establish an efficient sample preparation for the simultaneous determination of bisphenols (BPs) in river water samples using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). Sample preparation was examined with conventional extraction methods, such as solid-phase extraction (SPE) and liquid-liquid extraction (LLE), and their efficiency was compared with validation results, including linearity of calibration curve, method detection limit (MDL), limit of quantification (LOQ), accuracy, and precision. METHODS AND RESULTS:The BPs (bisphenol A, BPA; bisphenol B, BPB; bisphenol C, BPC; bisphenol E, BPE; bisphenol F, BPF; bisphenol S, BPS) were analyzed using GC-MS. The range of MDLs by SPE and LLE methods was $0.0005{\sim}0.0234{\mu}g/L$ and $0.0037{\sim}0.2034{\mu}g/L$, and that of LOQs was $0.0015{\sim}0.0744{\mu}g/L$ and $0.0117{\sim}0.6477{\mu}g/L$, respectively. The calibration curve obtained from standard solution of $0.004{\sim}4.0{\mu}g/L$ (SPE) and $0.016{\sim}16{\mu}g/L$ (LLE) showed good linearity with $r^2$ value of 0.9969 over. Accuracy was 93.2~108% and 97.4~120%, and precision was 1.7~4.6% and 0.7~6.5%, respectively. The values of MDL and LOQ resulted from the SPE method were higher than those from the LLE method, particularly those values of BPA were highest among the BPs. Based on the results, the SPE method was applied to determine the BPs in river water samples. Water samples were collected from mainstream, tributary and sewage wastewater treatment plants (SWTPs) in the Yeongsan river basin. The concentration of BPB, BPC, BPE, BPF and BPS were not detected in all sites, whereas BPA was ranged $0.0095{\sim}0.2583{\mu}g/L$, which was $0.0166{\sim}0.0810{\mu}g/L$ for mainstreams, $0.0095{\sim}0.2583{\mu}g/L$ for tributaries, $0.0352{\sim}0.1217{\mu}g/L$ for SWTPs. CONCLUSION: From these results, the SPE method was very effective for the simultaneous determination of BPs in river water samples using GC-MS. We provided that it is a convenient, reliable and sensitive method enough to monitor and understand the fate of the BPs in aquatic ecosystems.