• Title/Summary/Keyword: BODY CONTRIBUTION

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Effect of 1 Year E-mail Nutrition Education after Face-to-Face Encounter at Worksite: Changes in Cardiovascular Risk Factors (면대면 영양교육 후 1년간의 E-mail 영양교육이 직장인 남성의 심혈관 질환 위험인자 감소에 미치는 효과)

  • Oh, Hye-Sun;Jang, Mi;Hwang, Myung-Ok;Cho, Sang-Woon;Paek, Yun-Mi;Choi, Tae-In;Park, Yoo-Kyoung
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.42 no.6
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    • pp.559-566
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    • 2009
  • Effective nutrition educations for prevention of chronic diseases for the general population are of great importance these days. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the feasibility of nutrition education for cardiovascular risk factor reduction by e-mail education in male workers. The participants were divided into three groups by age; 28-39 age group, 40-49 age group, and 50-59 age group who got regular checkups for anthropometry and biochemistry. The 1 year program consisted of 15 topics containing information about metabolic syndrome (MS) and healthy eating behavior (intake of salt, fat and alcohol). Seven hundred thirty nine participants volunteered for the study [28-39 age group, n = 240; body mass index (BMI) = 24.9 ± 2.7 kg/m2: 40' group, n = 276; BMI = 24.8 ± 2.6 kg/m2: 50' group, n = 223; BMI = 24.9 ± 2.7 kg/m2]. Percentage body fat (p < 0.05) and percentage of abdominal fat (p < 0.05), total cholesterol (p < 0.05), systolic blood pressure (p < 0.05), and diastolic blood pressure (p < 0.05) were significantly decreased in all participants after the 1 year program. The total number of participants who had MS was decreased from 216 to 199 and especially the incidence of MS was decreased 27% in the group of subjects who were under the age 39. The e-mail worksite nutrition education program shows a substantial contribution to the development of effective CVD and chronic disease control and lifestyle nutrition educations that are applicable to and attractive for the large population at risk.

The Death Orientation of nursing students in Korea and China (한국과 중국 간호대학생의 죽음에 대한 의식)

  • Li, Zhen-Shu;Choe, Wha-Sook
    • Korean Journal of Hospice Care
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.1-12
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    • 2008
  • Perpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate the perception of death between Korean and Chinese nursing students. And it will help develop curriculum for preparing death, the quality of hospice care, as well as nursing education and practice. Methods: Data was collected from 492 nursing students participated(248 Korean and 244 Chinese) by questionnaire designed for examining Death Orientation (Thorson & Powell, 1988). They were analyzed using Cronbach's Alpha coefficients, factor analysis, t-test, ANOVA and regression analysis (SPSS; win 12.0 version) Results: More than half of the Korean nursing students followed a religion (58.5%) while the majority of Chinese nursing students did not follow a religion (93.9%). In the view of the afterlife, nursing students in China had two views. 'I really don't know what happens after a person dies (30.3%)' and ‘There is no afterlife and death is the end (29.5%)’. On the other hand the Korean nursing students’ answer were, 'After dying, a person goes to heaven or hell (27.3%)' and 'I really don't know what happens after a person dies. (22.9%)' The study also found that the average of 25 items in Death Orientation is 2.36points of nursing students in Korea and 2.50points of nursing students in China. This means that the concern, anxiety and fear were of the middle level for the Chinese Students and were higher than Korean students (t=3.51, p=.000). In the low factor of death orientation, those in Korea had higher 'anxiety of burden to family' than those in China (t=-3.50, p=.001). The nursing students in China had higher 'anxiety of the unknown (t=4.96, p=.000)', 'fear of suffering (t=6.88, p=.000), 'fear of extinction body and life (t=5.20, p=.000), 'fear of lost self-control(t=2.12, p=.034)', and 'anxiety of future existence and nonexistence (t=2.33, p=.020)' than those in Korea. There was no statistically significant difference for the 'concern of body and fear of identity lost' category. The death orientation of Korean nursing students had statistically significant differences according to age (t=3.20, p=.002), religion (t=2.56, p=.011), and afterlife (F=4.64, p=.000). The contribution of Death Orientation had a statistically significant difference, the afterlife variable (0.735, p=0.001). The death orientation of Chinese nursing students did not have any statistically significant differences. Conclusion: In conclusion, there were differences in death orientation between Korean and Chinese nursing students. In particular, those who believed in afterlife showed acceptance of death. The results of this study suggest that nursing curricula should include education program on death and spiritual nursing. Additional studies are needed to establish death education in China with careful considerations on Chinese policies, cultures and social systems.

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Use of Dried Stoned Olive Pomace in the Feeding of Lactating Buffaloes: Effect on the Quantity and Quality of the Milk Produced

  • Terramoccia, S.;Bartocci, S.;Taticchi, A.;Di Giovanni, S.;Pauselli, M.;Mourvaki, E.;Urbani, S.;Servili, M.
    • Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences
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    • v.26 no.7
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    • pp.971-980
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    • 2013
  • Dried stoned olive pomace (DSOP) was administered to dairy water buffaloes, and their productive performance and milk composition were analysed. Sixteen pluriparous lactating buffaloes were divided into two uniform groups (control and experimental), taking into consideration the following parameters: milk production (2,192 and 2,102 kg) and duration of lactation (254 and 252 d) of the previous year, distance from calving (51 and 43 d), milk production (9.71 and 10.18 kg/d), body condition score (BCS) (6.44 and 6.31) and weight (617 and 653 kg) at the beginning of the trial. Both diets had the same formulation: second cut alfalfa hay 20%, corn silage 42%, concentrate 38% but the two concentrates differed in their formulation, the experimental one contained 15.50% of DSOP as fed. The employed DSOP showed high amounts of secoiridoids, such as 3,4-dihydroxyphenylethanol (3,4-DHPEA) (1.2 g/kg DM), 3,4-dihydroxyphenylethanol-elenolic acid di-aldehyde (3,4-DHPEA-EDA) (12.6 g/kg DM), p-hydroxyphenylethanol-elenolic acid di-aldehyde (p-HPEA-EDA) (5.6 g/kg DM) and lignans, which are known to be powerful bioactive compounds. The control diet had an energy-protein content of 0.86 Milk FU/kg DM and 143.3 g/kg DM of crude protein, whereas the experimental diet of 0.87 Milk FU/kg DM and 146.6 g/kg DM of crude protein. Each animal of the two groups received 17 kg DM/d and each buffalo of the experimental group, by way of the concentrate, ingested 1.05 kg DM/d of DSOP. The trial lasted 40 days. No significant difference was found between the BCS (6.41 and 6.53), live weight (625.93 and 662.50 kg) and milk production (9.69 and 10.08 kg/d) of the two groups, as was the case for fat, protein, lactose, pH and coagulating parameters of the two milks. The milk fat of the experimental group had a significantly higher content of total tocopherols (10.45 vs 8.60μg/g, p<0.01) and retinol (3.17 vs 2.54μg/g, p<0.01). The content of the reactive substances with tiobarbituric acid (TBARs) was significantly lower in the milk fat of the experimental group (12.09 vs 15.05μg MDA/g, p<0.01). The acid content of the milk fat of the experimental group had a significantly higher content (p<0.05) of C18:0 and of C18:3ω6. LC-MS/MS analysis showed the presence of 3,4-DHPEA (36.0μg/L) in the milk of the DSOP-fed buffaloes, while other phenols were not found. DSOP, in the quantity utilized, can be used in the feeding of the lactating buffalo; the dietetic-nutritional characteristics of the milk are improved due to a greater contribution of tocopherols, retinol and the presence of hydroxytyrosol.

Classification by Zooplankton Inhabit Character and Freshwater Microbial Food Web: Importance of Epiphytic Zooplankton as Energy Source for High-Level Predator (동물플랑크톤의 서식 특성에 따른 분류와 먹이망: 상위포식자의 에너지원으로서 부착성 동물플랑크톤의 중요성)

  • Choi, Jong-Yun;La, Geung-Hwan;Jeong, Kwang-Seuk;Kim, Seong-Ki;Chang, Kwang-Hyeon;Joo, Gea-Jae
    • Korean Journal of Ecology and Environment
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    • v.45 no.4
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    • pp.444-452
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    • 2012
  • We conducted a comprehensive monitoring for freshwater food web in a wetland system (Jangcheok Lake), from May to October, 2011. Monthly sampling for zooplankton, fish as well as organic matters, was implemented. In order to understand the food web structure and energy flow, we applied stable isotope analysis to the collected samples, based on δ13C and δ15N values of epiphytic particulate organic matter(EPOM) and particulate organic matter (POM), epiphytic and planktonic zooplankton, fish (Lepomis macrochirus). In the study site, epiphytic and planktonic zooplankton was 24 and 30 species, respectively, and coincidence species between epiphytic and planktonic zooplankton were 20 species. Epiphytic zooplankton were more abundant during the spring and early summer (May to July); however, planktonic zooplankton were more abundant during the autumn (September to October) season. Stable isotope analysis revealed that fish and epiphytic zooplankton had seasonal variations on their food sources. EPOM largely contributed epiphytic zooplankton in spring (May), but increasing contribution of POM in autumn (September) was detected. However, planktonic zooplankton depended on only POM in both seasons. Fish utilized both epiphytic and planktonic zooplankton, but small sized (1~3 cm), fish preferred epiphytic zooplankton, where as larger sized (4~7 cm) fish tended to consume planktonic zooplankton, and epiphytic zooplankton had important role in energy transfer. This pattern was clear when results of spring and autumn stable isotope analysis were compared. From the results of this study, we confirmed that wetlands ecosystem supported various epiphytic and planktonic zooplankton species, they depend on other food items, respectively. L. macrochirus also showed a difference of food source according to the body size, they depend on seasonal density change of zooplankton. In particular, epiphytic zooplankton was very important for growth and development of young fish in the spring.

Current Situation and Development Strategy for the Korea-Good Agricultural Practices System (농산물우수관리제도의 현황과 발전방안)

  • Yoon, Deok-Hoon
    • Journal of Food Hygiene and Safety
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    • v.33 no.1
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    • pp.1-11
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    • 2018
  • It is ten years since the Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) certification system was implemented in Korea, and the government aims to acquire GAP certification up to 25% of the total agricultural areas by 2022. As of the end of 2017, 6.3% of the total cultivated area and 8.1% of the total farm households were certified, which is slower than expected. The purpose of this study was to investigate the causes of the GAP accreditation through the surveys and on site inspections of the GAP certified farmers and to propose the development plans according to the problems analysis of the current system in order to expand the GAP certification. Certified farmers recognized the need for agricultural safety and hygiene, but there were a lot of nonconformities regarding practical practices. This is due to the ambiguity of the certification standards and the wrong ways in the training method for the producers. GAP certification is slow to expand to farmers and low consumer awareness is considered a structural problem of GAP certification system, and improvement measures are needed accordingly. It is necessary to convert the state-led GAP certification system into a state-led private certification system. It is necessary for the government to focus on policy, research and follow-up management. In addition, it is necessary to establish a separate organization in the form of a contribution organization for the certification, education, and public relations. In addition, long-term plan must be established and systematically carried out. It is necessary to integrate too many certification agencies compared to the farming scale of Korea, and it is necessary to realize the application fee for realizing the financial independence of the certification body and correct certification work. In addition, inspector qualification standards should be strengthened and training system should be improved to nurture high quality inspectors. Simplified certification standards based on statutes need to be subdivided into practical action plans. In order to improve the GAP certification system, it is necessary to have a discussion through a committee composed of specialists from industry and academia, and it will be possible to contribute to the safety of the food of the people through the production of safe by drawing concrete development plans.

Effect of mixed Cropping with Legume and using fermented Cattle Manure on Productivity of Whole Crop Barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) and Organic Hanwoo feeding Capacity in Gyeongbuk Region of Korea (경북지역에서 콩과 사료작물의 혼파 재배와 발효 우분의 시용이 청보리의 생산성과 유기 한우 사육능력에 미치는 영향)

  • Jo, Ik-Hwan
    • Korean Journal of Organic Agriculture
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    • v.24 no.3
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    • pp.525-537
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    • 2016
  • This study was aimed to grow organic forage as a prime requirement for organic Hanwoo cattle production over a period of 3 years (2012~2015) in Gyeongbuk region, Korea through mixed cropping of winter fodder barley with legume and application of fermented cattle manure. The effect of barley-legume mixed cropping and application of different levels of fermented cattle manure was studied on forage productivity of whole-crop barley (WCB) and evaluation of feeding capacity of Korean native cattle (Hanwoo) per unit area. The collected data was analyzed using SAS 9.3 software. Barley-legume mixed cropping increased (P<0.05) yields of dry matter (DM), crude protein (CP) and total digestible nutrients (TDN) as compared to those of sole WCB as monoculture. Similarly, acid detergent fiber (ADF) contents and relative feed value (RFV) were also higher (P<0.05) in barley-legume mixed sowing forage compared with those of sole WCB as monoculture. In case of manure application, yields of DM, CP and TDN were also found (P<0.05) highest in 100~150 kg N/ha. However, varying cattle manure levels did not influence (P>0.05) CP and neutral detergent fiber (NDF) contents. In response to increasing nitrogen application level, ADF content increased (P<0.05) but TDN content and RFV decreased (P<0.05). The Barley-legume mixed sowing and increasing application levels of fermented cattle manure also significantly enhanced (P<0.05) feeding capacity of organic Hanwoo (head/ha) having 450 kg body weight with 400 g of daily gain. Findings of present study indicated that barley-legume biculture not only cut nitrogen application level of fermented cattle manure by over 50 kg per ha but also increased their feed value and productivity of forage as compared to WCB monoculture. This would be contribution to the diversity of forage resources as well as production of organic animal product by creating low cost and high quality organic forage.

Human Risk Assessment of Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers by Breast Milk Feeding of Infants (영유아의 모유 섭취에 따른 폴리브롬화디페닐에테르의 위해성 평가)

  • We, Sung-Ug;Cho, Bong-Hui;Cho, Yu-Jin;Yoon, Cho-Hee;Choi, Shi-Nai;Min, Byung-Yun
    • Journal of Korean Society of Environmental Engineers
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    • v.34 no.2
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    • pp.109-118
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    • 2012
  • This study achieves results from 22 maternity breast milk samples in total to demonstrate exposure level and risk assessment of PBDEs in Seoul area. PBDEs were detected in all the breast milk samples of the present study, indicating that general population in these Seoul area are widely exposed to these chemicals. Residue levels of total PBDEs (sum PBDEs from tri- to hepta-BDE) ranged of 0.84~13.1 ng/g lipid with an arithmetic mean and median of 3.56 ng/g lipid and 2.6 ng/g lipid, respectively. Global comparison shows that the levels of total PBDEs were relatively similar to those of China, Taiwan and European country (Sweden), and somewhat higher than those in some Asian (Vietnam, Philippines, and Indonesia). In the present study, however, the levels of total PBDEs in human milk are still one to two orders of magnitude lower than those in North America. Contribution rate of each congener appeared to be predominant with BDE-47, followed by BDE-153, BDE-100, BDE-99, BDE-154 and BDE-183. The sum of BDE-47 and BDE-153 accounted for more than 65% of total PBDEs in most samples. From the result of the human risk assessment of infants for total PBDEs and BDE-47 by breast milk feeding, we could find out that the average daily doses and hazard index (95th percentile) were 16.5 ng/kg bw/day and 1.2×101 each other when nursing for 6 months after infants born. However, it was concluded that the infant health hardly had adverse seriously effects under this research condition.

A Study and Investigation for the Attitude about Smoking of Boys' and Girls' High School in Seoul (서울시내 남녀고교생의 흡연에 관한 태도 조사연구)

  • Sim Young Ae
    • Journal of Korean Public Health Nursing
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.74-100
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    • 1989
  • Inspite of the lots of studies on the harmfulness of cigarette smoking to the body published by many researchers since 1950, cigarette smoking people are increasing in number especially, cigarette smoking by young and women causes a serious problem. Examining the physiological motives of youth shows that, impulse which the youth want to immitate the adults, alluring curiousity, and defiant physiology of escaping from the norm of traditional groups which has been banned are cooperated well compoundly. As the period of the youth is the one which they accumulate knowledge and charactor by learning as well as the period of growth mentally, and physically they should be rightly educated about smoking before they addicted to smoking and it is desirable for us to make the youth to understand how harmfully the smoking is to effect to their growth and mental soundness simply not as a social norm which they should not smoke. The main motive of this study on the attitude of smoking by the youth is to give basic materials related on this field. For this study, 647 questionnaires were used as studying material which were able to analyze among 720 questionnaires of 2 classes of each grade of 3 high schools among the high schools of boys, girls and co-educated in Seoul from Oct. 21, 1988 through Oct. 26, 1988. Study Instrument are graded in Likert's 5 point from 40 questions which are 20 questions m affirmations and 20 questions in negations after analyzing the factors on 60 simple sentence questions which the students showed in preliminary studies. And these are systemized to be measured from 1 point which means they think smoking IS very bad to 5points which means they think smoking is really good. In these collected materials, technical statistics of frequency. percentage, average, standard deviation are used for general character and smoking attitude, X2test for examinning Independant variables of physical. emotional, ethical and other areas pearson's coefficient of correlation for related direction and degree" and step­regression analysis for the degree of relative contribution of all variables which effect smoking attitude. The results of this study are as follows; 1. The smoking attitude of high school boys and girls showed average of 1.78 in physical area, 2.63 in emotional area, 2.61 in ethical area, 2.29 in other area respectively in a negative attitude generally also the negative attitude are expressed most strongly in physical area. I've can also say by this results that smoking is harmful to their health and further more it can be judged that this proves the youth in the period of preparation be adults have a strong curiousity in the emotional, ethical and other areas. 2. The most influential variables in each field as related factors effecting smoking attitude of the student can be explained from 13.2 in physical area the lowest experienced variables to 25.2 in emotional area the highest of degree of smoking experience. The fact that the more the smoking experienced students are increasing in number the higher tendency which accept the' smoking tells as the importance of health education about the population of latest student's smoking as important variables shown equally in each area. Those of grade, age, numbers of smoking people in house are showed meaningful in pure interrelation. Those related to the acceptance of teacher's smoking, sex, mothors education are shown meaningful in opposite interrelations. This means that the' increasing number' of smoking people in grade age, the number of smoker in family have a affirmative attitude. And people who are not interested in teacher's smoking wants to quit it, and whose mother's education is higher have a negative attitude. 3. The most negatively answered questions of the smoking attitude In physical, emotional, ethical and other areas are as belows; Firstly too much smoking is harmful to our health is 1.12 point. Secondly smoking have a ill-effect on pregnancy and embryo is 1.13 point. Thirdly smoking is harmful· to our health is 1.27 point. Fourthly smoking in crowed area with the people such as In a bus or subway should be prohibited is 1.27point. Fifthly smoking can ruin lungs is 1.31 point. And the most affirmatively answered questions are also as below; Firstly we showed smoke depending on time and place is 3.96 points. Secondly smoking is just habit is 3.83 points. Thirdly smoking people seem to be unable and deplorable is 3.69 point. Fourthly smoking should be prohibited by law is 3.56 points. Fifthly high school student's smoking is immitation of adults is 3.52 points.

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The Strategy for the Environmental Education through the Practical Arts(TechnologyㆍHome economics) Subject in a viewpoint of the Clothing & Textiles resources (의생활자원 관점에서의 실과(기술ㆍ가정) 환경교육방안에 관한 연구)

  • Chung Mee-Kyung
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.131-146
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    • 2004
  • The Purpose of this study is to suggest strategies for environmental education through the Practical Arts(TechnologyㆍHome economics) Subject in a viewpoint of the clothing & textiles resources to resolve problems in the clothing life area. For this, this study was carried out through review of literature which is related with the consumption, the environmental problems, the environmental policies, and regulations of the government and new environmental technologies, of clothing & textiles industries and environmental education. The major findings of the study were as follows; 1) The environmental education system model in a viewpoint of the Clothing & Textiles resources was developed. This model system is consisted with interactions on school, government, industry, home and non-government organizations. Thus, the fact that Practical Arts(TechnologyㆍHome economics) Subject were the most effective subject to teaching the environmental education viewpoint of the Clothing & Textiles resources was confirmed. 2) The standards were analysed out to analyse the contents in the clothing area of the Practical Arts(TechnologyㆍHome economics) Subject. It were consist of 4 factors and 12 elements under the factors: Awareness of clothing & textile resources(clothing consumption, production of clothing & textile and environmental problems). Planning and buying of clothing(planning, buying), Management of clothing(understand of textile. human body & environment, laundering and Environmental pollution, arrangement & conservation) Recycling & exhaust of clothing(contribution, redesign, recycling, exhaust) 3) Analysing the current Practical Arts (TechnologyㆍHome economics) subject from the Environmental education in the clothing section, the environmental education related with clothing were taught the most in the middle school course, and environmental contents were concentrated in the recycling factors. but not so much on other factors. 4) After analysing the Practical Arts (TechnologyㆍHome economics) subject, the strategies were suggested for reinforcing the environmental education in the clothing of the Practical Arts(TechnologyㆍHome economics) subject.

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Effects of Gamma-Irradiation on the Sterilization of Primordial Germ Cells in Quail (메추리 원시생식세포 감소를 위한 감마선 조사의 효과)

  • Park, Kyung-Je;Kim, Tae-Min;Lee, Hyung-Chul;Jang, Hyun-Jun;Song, Gwon-Hwa;Han, Jae-Yong
    • Korean Journal of Poultry Science
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    • v.37 no.2
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    • pp.139-143
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    • 2010
  • Quail is a very useful animal model for studying vertebrate development because of its small body size and unique reproductive traits. This species is also ideal model for producing germline chimeras via transferring exogenous primordial germ cells (PGCs) into the recipient embryo. To increase the contribution efficiency of donor PGCs into recipients' tissues, decreasing the population of endogenous PGCs has been rate-limiting factor. We therefore conducted this study to investigate if gamma (γ)-irradiation depletes endogenous PGCs in developing quail embryo. Firstly, freshly laid stage X quail embryos were irradiated with various output of γ-irradiation and its teratogenic effect on the embryo was evaluated. Although a dose-dependent increase in the number of embryo showing malformation was found as the output increased (0, 250, 500, 750, and 1,000 rads), only a maximum of 10.1% of embryos were abnormal in 1,000 rads. Immunocytochemical analysis using the QCR1 antibody, which is specific marker for quail PGCs, was conducted to analyze the effect of sterilization. As results, γ-rays at a dose-rate of 500 rads/73 sec onto undeveloped stage X embryo significantly reduced the number of germ cells to an average of 75.55 % and 82.03 % in male and female embryos, respectively. We conclude that γ-ray selectively targets PGCs while affects minimally to the somatic development in quail embryo. Our results will not only provide important data for germline chimera production but can be used for analyzing the effect of ionized rays on the differentiating germ cells in various stages during animal development.