This study was carried out to investigate the exposure pathway of PBDEs in human breast milk collected from new mothers residing in Chuncheon, a comparatively clean area in Korea. The congeners of PBDE in 22 human breast milk samples were analyzed using a high resolution gas chromatography with a high resolution mass detector. The residue level of ∑PBDEs was higher in primipara subjects than in multipara subjects (p<0.05). The levels in this study were similar to those of people in some Asian and European countries, but were lower than those of people in north America. In the congener profiles, BDE-47 (mean contribution=36.1%) was predominant, followed by BDE-153 (27%), BDE-99 (11.7%), BDE-100 (11.1%), BDE-28 (7.9%) and BDE-183 (3.5%). The sum of BDE-47 and BDE-153 accounted for more than 50% of ∑PBDEs in most samples. BDE-47 was highly correlated with ∑PBDEs (r=0.94, p<0.001). No strong trend was observed between PBDE levels and a number of key biological factors (women's age, weight, height and body mass index) examined in this study, however, weak correlations were observed in PBDE levels measured against dietary habits, particularly in fish consumption frequency. It seems that Korean people might be exposed to multiple sources including products of PBDEs, and particularly food resources.
The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
Oriental base diagnosis method is not going to hospital different from Oriental medicine and because of the possible disease diagnosis through the network and many communication equipment. Especially diagnosis development using ocular inspection method aspect of Oriental medicine among an aging society advance into cut the medical cost for contribution. Ocular inspection method the most important look at disease color that is Observing a Person's Shape and Color which is implementation the development of methodology and important the build of application ability system. So in this paper study observing a person's shape and color implementation of ocular inspection. Specially body's the five viscera presentate the five colors disease color in face that is important the color coordinate system thesis so that proceed the experiment for the color coordinate system analysis. Finally five color extract need the observing a person's shape and color through experiment select the digital color system and so real skin color analysis and comparison about the experiment which suggest the something to color coordinate system the best case of digital color system for observing a person's shape and color implementation.
Jung, Jong Gab;Yi, Sang-A;Choi, Sung-E;Kang, Yup;Kim, Tae Ho;Jeon, Ja Young;Bae, Myung Ae;Ahn, Jin Hee;Jeong, Hana;Hwang, Eun Sook;Lee, Kwan-Woo
Molecules and Cells
The TAZ activator 2-butyl-5-methyl-6-(pyridine-3-yl)-3-[2'-(1H-tetrazole-5-yl)-biphenyl-4-ylmethyl]-3H-imidazo[4,5-b]pyridine] (TM-25659) inhibits adipocyte differentiation by interacting with peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma. 1 TM-25659 was previously shown to decrease weight gain in a high fat (HF) diet-induced obesity (DIO) mouse model. However, the fundamental mechanisms underlying the effects of TM-25659 remain unknown. Therefore, we investigated the effects of TM-25659 on skeletal muscle functions in C2 myotubes and C57BL/6J mice. We studied the molecular mechanisms underlying the contribution of TM-25659 to palmitate (PA)-induced insulin resistance in C2 myotubes. TM-25659 improved PA-induced insulin resistance and inflammation in C2 myotubes. In addition, TM-25659 increased FGF21 mRNA expression, protein levels, and FGF21 secretion in C2 myotubes via activation of GCN2 pathways (GCN2-phosphoelF2α-ATF4 and FGF21). This beneficial effect of TM-25659 was diminished by FGF21 siRNA. C57BL/6J mice were fed a HF diet for 30 weeks. The HF-diet group was randomly divided into two groups for the next 14 days: the HF-diet and HF-diet + TM-25659 groups. The HF diet + TM-25659-treated mice showed improvements in their fasting blood glucose levels, insulin sensitivity, insulin-stimulated Akt phosphorylation, and inflammation, but neither body weight nor food intake was affected. The HF diet + TM-25659-treated mice also exhibited increased expression of both FGF21 mRNA and protein. These data indicate that TM-25659 may be beneficial for treating insulin resistance by inducing FGF21 in models of PA-induced insulin resistance and HF diet-induced insulin resistance.
Mean concentration and daily intake of sorbic acid were estimated through the analysis of food samples obtained from Korea FDA and food sanitation inspection agency during 1999∼2000. Total number of samples were 14,129, among which the number of detected samples were 2,561 (detection rate was 18.13%). Contribution rate to total estimated daily intake (%) of sorbic acid in the categorized food were the highest in processed fish product. Total estimated daily intake (ΣEDI) for age groups were the highest in 30∼49 years old and ranged from 3.42 to 9.25 mg/person/day. Estimation of average food intake for each food item per person per day was based on data in national nutrition survey and national food disapperance data in 1998. Total estimated daily intake of sorbic acid was 20.40 mg per body weight of 55 kg. This value was 1.48% of acceptable daily intake evaluated by FAO/WHO and 33.03% of theoretical maximum daily intake.
The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between the working posture and symptoms of musculoskeletal disorders of dental hygienists during scaling. The subjects in this study were 264 selected dental hygienists. A convergence study was implemented using questionnaire that was prepared to cover general characteristics, health care, the work of scaling, working posture and subjective musculoskeletal symptoms. As for data analysis, R 2.15.1 was employed. As a result of analyzing the collected data, the rate of good working posture during scaling stood at 29.9 percent; roughly good posture, at 37.5 percent; incorrect posture, at 32.6 percent. Regarding the area of the body in which they complained of musculoskeletal symptoms, the shoulders were 3.32-fold more mentioned than any other area(OR,3.32;95%CI, 1.58~6.98); the foot, 2.97-fold more(OR,2.97;95%CI, 1.18~7.48); the hands, 2.84-fold more(OR,2.84:95%CI, 1.35~5.98); the neck, 2.82-fold more(OR, 2.82;95%CI, 1.35~5.91); the back, 2.41-fold more(OR,2.41;95%CI, 1.02~5.68). The findings of the study that demonstrate the importance of good working posture are expected to make a contribution to the improvement of work environments, the development of efficient preventive programs and the preparation of sustained educational plans, and it's necessary in the future to make a research study by including psychosocial factors.
The theory of post-heaven provided Korea's many emerging national religions with spiritual ground. The I Ching originated in China emphasizes the principles of change or static aspects of world, while Right I Ching, which Il-Bu Kim suggested, underlines dynamic aspects of world. Il-Bu Kim is perceived to open a new stage in the history of philosophy of I Ching in this regard. His most remarkable contribution is the view of Great Opening Era of Post-Heaven, according to which the clock of cosmos shows the era of great change from Pre-Heaven to Post-Heaven and in the world of Post-Heaven everything will take its proper place. As to human society, Il-Bu Kim foresaw the change from disharmony to harmony, imbalance to balance and era of xiaoren to that of junzi. The advent of such a new world, however, asks human's moral revolution as a prerequisite. In the tradition of East Asian thought, human is the center of the Samjae, Heaven-Earth-Human and the only being which could participate in the growth of Heaven and Earth. Without the change of human mind, however, human can neither participate in the growth of Heaven and Earth nor expect the right change of Heaven and Earth. Even though the world of nature changes according to the principle of cosmic harmony, as the Right I Ching predicts, the real change of Heaven and Earth can be achieved only with moral change of human. The human in the Right I Ching is a free man who sticks to nothing and communicates with cosmos with empty mind. This is the very image of perfect man(至人). The perfect man in the Right I Ching is the main agent of everything, that's to say, the main agent of the great opening to Post-Heaven Era. This is the reason why most leaders of Koran emerging religions concentrate on the change of human. In this regard, Jeung-San Kang encouraged people to become the perfect man through the purification of mind and body and the great opening of inner man, depending on the metaphysical principle of the Right I Ching. Cheok and Resolution of grievances for the mutual beneficence of all life are what he suggested as a method of the great opening of inner man. Such a view is based on the thought that the accumulated sinful behaviors are obstacles to cosmic change and the time of mutual beneficience opens with the removal of the obstacles. If such religious practices are so effective, as Jeung-San Kang says, that future world could consist of perfect men who have achived the great opening of inner man, moral change, and change of consciousness, we could expect that the activities of xiaoren will be shrinked and junzi will be welcomed, as the Right I Ching predicts.
The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
In recent years, the concept of influencer marketing has experienced rapid growth in both academia and industry, leading to its emergence as a crucial consideration in the marketing strategies of many businesses. Despite the significance and expansion of the influencer market, however, research on the topic has not kept pace with its growth. Thus, this study seeks to address this gap by empirically analyzing the impact of influencer characteristics on consumer behavior through the coexistence of buyers and providing an empirical contribution to expand the relevant literature. To accomplish this, a survey was conducted with a sample of 400 individuals who had purchased a product through an influencer, and 384 responses were ultimately utilized in the analysis. The results revealed that the attractiveness and empathy of influencers had a positive impact on satisfaction among coexisting buyers, while also having a negative impact on dissatisfaction. In contrast, expertise had no impact on satisfaction, but a positive impact on dissatisfaction. Moreover, satisfaction was found to have a positive impact on brand image and recommendation intention, whereas dissatisfaction had a negative impact on both. Overall, this study adds to the growing body of literature on influencer marketing by providing empirical evidence of the impact of influencer characteristics on consumer behavior, specifically through the lens of coexistence with buyers. These findings hold important implications for businesses looking to develop effective influencer marketing strategies that can enhance their brand image and recommendation intention among consumers.
The main purpose of this study is to critically examine the existing theoretical as well as analytical scope of 'sexual minority' in Social Welfare, and to (re)construct and expand it incorporating feminist theories on sexuality. The body of literature on sexual minority or homosexuality in social welfare in Korea as well as in the West can be characterized as two distinct features: first, medical discourse leaning on pathological perspective which perceives homosexuality as a disease or defect, homosexual as a pervert; and second, human rights perspective premised upon the idea of diversity and multi-culturalism, both which are anchoring at 'essentialism.' Based upon the understanding of sexuality as a social construct, we argue that feminist insight on sexuality can lead to reconceptualizing homosexuality and reorienting theories and practices in social welfare. From radical feminism to postmodern queer theories, feminists have developed diverse ideas and complex theories on sexuality and homosexuality, including the concept of 'compulsory heterosexuality,' 'lesbianism as political resistance,' and 'performative gender.' For feminists, particularly, sexuality which is constructed in the complex power matrix of dominations to producing and maintaining inequalities and discriminations is not merely a distinctive variable, but one of the important organizational principles such as gender, class, race, age, and nationality. This epistemological principle will hopefully shed lights on alternative 'knowledge' on homosexuality in social welfare, and lead to significant contribution to its critical expansion in theory and practice.
A derivation of new release limit, named Derived Release Limit(DRL), into the atomsphere from a reference nuclear power plant has been performed on the basis of the new system of dose limitation recommended by the ICRP, instead of the (MPC)a limit which has been currently used until now as a general standard for radioactive effluents in Korea. In DRL Calculation, a Concentration Factor Method was applied, in which the concentrations of long-term routinely released radionuclides were in equilibrium with dose in environment under the steady state condition. The analytical model used in the exposure pathway analysis was the one which has been suggested by the USNRC and the exposure limits applied in this analysis were those recommended by the USEPA lately. In the exposure pathway analysis, all of the pathways are not considered and some may be excluded either because they are not applicable or their contribution to the exposure is insignificant compared with other pathways. In case, the environmental model developed in this study was applied to the Kori nuclear power plant as the reference power plant, the highest DRL value was calculated to be as 9.10×106Ci/yr for Kr-85 in external whole body exposure from the semi-infinite radioactive cloud, while the lowest DRL value was observed 3.64Ci/yr for Co-60 in external whole body exposure from the contaminated ground, by the radioactive particulates. The most critical exposure pathway to an individual in the unrestricted area of interest (Kilchun-Ri, 1.3 km to the north of the release point) seems to be the exposure pathway from the contaminated ground and the most critical radionuclide in all pathways appears to be Co-60 in the same pathway. When comparing the actual release rate from KNU-l in 1982 with the DRL's obtained here the release of radionuclides from KNU-1 were much lower than the DRL's and it could be conclued that the exposure to an individual had been kept below the exposure limits recommended by the USEPA.
This study was performed to assess the effects of beverage consumption on nutrient intake and anthropometric measurements. Beverage intake and dietary intake were measured by a beverage frequency and quantity questionnaire and three 24-hour dietary recalls in 160 elementary school students in the Gyeongnam area. The number of drinking moments per month was 93.5 and drinking amount of all beverages was 626.6 mL per day. The amount of milk intake was 253.8 ml per day, which was the highest in all types of beverage consumption, followed by juice(133.6 mL), and carbonated beverage(77.7 mL). The amount of sweetened beverage which was defined as all beverages except milk and soy milk was 359.7 mL per day. Energy intakes from all kinds of beverages and sweetened beverages accounted for 20.3% and for 10.5% of the daily energy intake, respectively. The contributions of sweetened beverage intake to the daily energy intake in girls accounted for 13.5%, whereas in boys it was 7.7% and significantly lower. The number of drinking moments and the contribution of sweetened beverage intake to daily energy intake were negatively correlated with protein, vitamin A and niacin intake, respectively. The consumption of milk and soybean milk combined showed a significant negative correlation with the body fat ratio(%) and it also negatively correlated with waist-hip girth ratio(WHR). However, the sweetened beverage intake was not related any of the anthropometric measurement. In conclusion, consumption of the sweetened beverage dropped the nutritional quality of diet. However it was not related with anthropometric measurements in elementary students.
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[게시일 2004년 10월 1일]
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① 당 사이트는 회원이 서비스 이용내용에 있어서 본 약관 제 11조 내용을 위반하거나, 다음 각 호에 해당하는
경우 서비스 이용을 제한할 수 있습니다.
- 2년 이상 서비스를 이용한 적이 없는 경우
- 기타 정상적인 서비스 운영에 방해가 될 경우
② 상기 이용제한 규정에 따라 서비스를 이용하는 회원에게 서비스 이용에 대하여 별도 공지 없이 서비스 이용의
일시정지, 이용계약 해지 할 수 있습니다.
제 17 조 (전자우편주소 수집 금지)
회원은 전자우편주소 추출기 등을 이용하여 전자우편주소를 수집 또는 제3자에게 제공할 수 없습니다.
제 6 장 손해배상 및 기타사항
제 18 조 (손해배상)
당 사이트는 무료로 제공되는 서비스와 관련하여 회원에게 어떠한 손해가 발생하더라도 당 사이트가 고의 또는 과실로 인한 손해발생을 제외하고는 이에 대하여 책임을 부담하지 아니합니다.
제 19 조 (관할 법원)
서비스 이용으로 발생한 분쟁에 대해 소송이 제기되는 경우 민사 소송법상의 관할 법원에 제기합니다.
[부 칙]
1. (시행일) 이 약관은 2016년 9월 5일부터 적용되며, 종전 약관은 본 약관으로 대체되며, 개정된 약관의 적용일 이전 가입자도 개정된 약관의 적용을 받습니다.