• Title/Summary/Keyword: Automatic Information Extraction

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Road Extraction from High Resolution Satellite Image Using Object-based Road Model (객체기반 도로모델을 이용한 고해상도 위성영상에서의 도로 추출)

  • Byun, Young-Gi;Han, You-Kyung;Chae, Tae-Byeong
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.27 no.4
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    • pp.421-433
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    • 2011
  • The importance of acquisition of road information has recently been increased with a rapid growth of spatial-related services such as urban information system and location based service. This paper proposes an automatic road extraction method using object-based approach which was issued alternative of pixel-based method recently. Firstly, the spatial objects were created by MSRS(Modified Seeded Region Growing) method, and then the key road objects were extracted by using properties of objects such as their shape feature information and adjacency. The omitted road objects were also traced considering spatial correlation between extracted road and their neighboring objects. In the end, the final road region was extracted by connecting discontinuous road sections and improving road surfaces through their geometric properties. To assess the proposed method, quantitative analysis was carried out. From the experiments, the proposed method generally showed high road detection accuracy and had a great potential for the road extraction from high resolution satellite images.

Korean Web Content Extraction using Tag Rank Position and Gradient Boosting (태그 서열 위치와 경사 부스팅을 활용한 한국어 웹 본문 추출)

  • Mo, Jonghoon;Yu, Jae-Myung
    • Journal of KIISE
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    • v.44 no.6
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    • pp.581-586
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    • 2017
  • For automatic web scraping, unnecessary components such as menus and advertisements need to be removed from web pages and main contents should be extracted automatically. A content block tends to be located in the middle of a web page. In particular, Korean web documents rarely include metadata and have a complex design; a suitable method of content extraction is therefore needed. Existing content extraction algorithms use the textual and structural features of content blocks because processing visual features requires heavy computation for rendering and image processing. In this paper, we propose a new content extraction method using the tag positions in HTML as a quasi-visual feature. In addition, we develop a tag rank position, a type of tag position not affected by text length, and show that gradient boosting with the tag rank position is a very accurate content extraction method. The result of this paper shows that the content extraction method can be used to collect high-quality text data automatically from various web pages.

Extraction of Heart Region in EBT Images (EBT 영상에서 심장 영역의 추출)

  • Kim, Hyun-Soo;Lee, Sung-Kee
    • Journal of KIISE:Software and Applications
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    • v.27 no.6
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    • pp.651-659
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    • 2000
  • It is very important to extract the heart region in the medical images. In this paper, we present the automatic heart region extraction in the EBT (electron beam tomography) images. We use contrast thresholding, anatomic knowledge, and mathematical morphology to extract the heart region. Using these results, we applied the active contour models (snakes) to search the exact region. We analyzed the experimental results by comparing the results with the results made by medical experts.

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Power Quality Disturbance Classification using Decision Fusion (결정결합 방법을 이용한 전력외란 신호의 식별)

  • 김기표;김병철;남상원
    • Proceedings of the IEEK Conference
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    • 2000.09a
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    • pp.915-918
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    • 2000
  • In this paper, we propose an efficient feature vector extraction and decision fusion methods for the automatic classification of power system disturbances. Here, FFT and WPT(wavelet packet transform) are und to extract an appropriate feature for classifying power quality disturbances with variable properties. In particular, the WPT can be utilized to develop an adaptable feature extraction algorithm using best basis selection. Furthermore. the extracted feature vectors are applied as input to the decision fusion system which combines the decisions of several classifiers having complementary performances, leading to improvement of the classification performance. Finally, the applicability of the proposed approach is demonstrated using some simulations results obtained by analyzing power quality disturbances data generated by using Matlab.

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  • Amano, Takako-Sakurai;Iisaka, Joji;Kamiyama, Masataka;Takagi, Mikio
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • 1999.11a
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    • pp.310-315
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    • 1999
  • We extracted narrow open water streams from JERS-1 SAR images of the Amazon rain forest. The extracted range of these streams were almost comparable to a high level extraction of the same streams from near-IR images of JERS-1 VNIR data notwithstanding that these features in SAR images show the strong dependence of the observation angle. Large water bodies are relatively easy to extract from JERS-1 SAR images, as they tend to appear as very dark areas; but streams whose width is nearly equal to or less than the spatial resolution no longer appear as very dark features. By using strong scatterers distributed sparsely along the radar facing sides of the streams, we can successfully estimate approximate ranges of waterways and then extract relatively dark line-like features within these ranges.

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Application of RS and GIS in Extraction of Building Damage Caused by Earthquake

  • Wang, X.Q.;Ding, X.;Dou, A.X.
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • 2003.11a
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    • pp.1206-1208
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    • 2003
  • The extraction of earthquake damage from remote sensed imagery requires high spatial resolution and temporal effectiveness of acquisition of imagery. The analog photographs and visual interpretation were taken traditionally. Now it is possible to acquire damage information from many commercial high resolution RS satellites. The key techniques are processing velocity and precision. The authors developed the automatic / semiautomatic image process techniques including feature enhancement, and classification, designed the emergency Earthquake Damage and Losses Evaluate System based on Remote Sensing (RSEDLES). The paper introduced the functions of RSEDLES as well as its application to the earthquakes occurred recently.

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Automatic Extraction of Training Dataset Using Expectation Maximization Algorithm - for Automatic Supervised Classification of Road Networks (기대최대화 알고리즘을 활용한 도로노면 training 자료 자동추출에 관한 연구 - 감독분류를 통한 도로 네트워크의 자동추출을 위하여)

  • Han, You-Kyung;Choi, Jae-Wan;Lee, Jae-Bin;Yu, Ki-Yun;Kim, Yong-Il
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.27 no.2
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    • pp.289-297
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    • 2009
  • In the paper, we propose the methodology to extract training dataset automatically for supervised classification of road networks. For the preprocessing, we co-register the airborne photos, LIDAR data and large-scale digital maps and then, create orthophotos and intensity images. By overlaying the large-scale digital maps onto generated images, we can extract the initial training dataset for the supervised classification of road networks. However, the initial training information is distorted because there are errors propagated from registration process and, also, there are generally various objects in the road networks such as asphalt, road marks, vegetation, cars and so on. As such, to generate the training information only for the road surface, we apply the Expectation Maximization technique and finally, extract the training dataset of the road surface. For the accuracy test, we compare the training dataset with manually extracted ones. Through the statistical tests, we can identify that the developed method is valid.

Acceleration of Viewport Extraction for Multi-Object Tracking Results in 360-degree Video (360도 영상에서 다중 객체 추적 결과에 대한 뷰포트 추출 가속화)

  • Heesu Park;Seok Ho Baek;Seokwon Lee;Myeong-jin Lee
    • Journal of Advanced Navigation Technology
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    • v.27 no.3
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    • pp.306-313
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    • 2023
  • Realistic and graphics-based virtual reality content is based on 360-degree videos, and viewport extraction through the viewer's intention or automatic recommendation function is essential. This paper designs a viewport extraction system based on multiple object tracking in 360-degree videos and proposes a parallel computing structure necessary for multiple viewport extraction. The viewport extraction process in 360-degree videos is parallelized by composing pixel-wise threads, through 3D spherical surface coordinate transformation from ERP coordinates and 2D coordinate transformation of 3D spherical surface coordinates within the viewport. The proposed structure evaluated the computation time for up to 30 viewport extraction processes in aerial 360-degree video sequences and confirmed up to 5240 times acceleration compared to the CPU-based computation time proportional to the number of viewports. When using high-speed I/O or memory buffers that can reduce ERP frame I/O time, viewport extraction time can be further accelerated by 7.82 times. The proposed parallelized viewport extraction structure can be applied to simultaneous multi-access services for 360-degree videos or virtual reality contents and video summarization services for individual users.

A Study on Layout Extraction from Internet Documents Through Xpath (Xpath에 의한 인터넷 문서의 레이아웃 추출 방법에 관한 연구)

  • Han Kwang-Rok;Sun Bok-Keun
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.5 no.4
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    • pp.237-244
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    • 2005
  • Currently most Internet documents including news data are made based on predefined templates, but templates are usually formed only for main data and are not helpful for information retrieval against indexes, advertisements, header data etc. Templates in such forms are not appropriate when Internet documents are used as data for information retrieval. In order to process Internet documents in various areas of information retrieval, it is necessary to detect additional information such as advertisements and page indexes. Thus this study proposes a method of detecting the layout of web pages by identifying the characteristics and structure of block tags that affect the layout of web pages and calculating distances between web pages. As a result of experiment, we can successfully extract 640 documents from 1000 samples and obtain 64% recall rate. This method is purposed to reduce the cost of web document automatic processing and improve its efficiency through applying the method to document preprocessing of information retrieval such as data extraction and document summarization.

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Extraction and Revision of Building Information from Single High Resolution Image and Digital Map (단일 고해상도 위성영상과 수치지도로부터 건물 정보 추출 및 갱신)

  • Byun, Young-Gi;Kim, Hye-Jin;Choi, Jae-Wan;Han, You-Kyung;Kim, Yong-Il
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.26 no.2
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    • pp.149-156
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    • 2008
  • In this paper, we propose a method aiming at updating the building information of the digital maps using single high resolution satellite image and digital map. Firstly we produced a digital orthoimage through the automatic co-registration of QuickBird image and 1:1,000 digital map. Secondly we extracted building height information through the template matching of digital map's building vector data and the image's edges obtained by Canny operator. Finally we refined the shape of some buildings by using the result from template matching as the seed polygon of the greedy snake algorithm. In order to evaluate the proposed method's effectiveness, we estimated accuracy of the extracted building information using LiDAR DSM and 1:1,000 digital map. The evaluation results showed the proposed method has a good potential for extraction and revision of building information.