• Title/Summary/Keyword: Australian

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A Study on the Quality of Ramyon Made from Korean Wheat and Arrowroot(Pueraria thunbergiana B) Starch (칡전분과 한국산밀로 만든 라면의 품질연구)

  • Hwang, Eun-Hee;Kim, Kee-Hwan
    • Korean Journal of Human Ecology
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.151-158
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    • 2008
  • This study examines the cooking quality, rheology, and sensory characteristics of ramyon noodles made from Korean wheat and arrowroot starch. The control was made from Australian standard wheat(ASW) and the sample was made from Korean wheat. The ratios of arrowwood starch in the sample group were 0%, 5%, 10%, 15%, 20%, 25%, and 30% respectively, and the result was as follows: the yield of the arrowwood starch was 18.8% and moisture level was 14.2%. The lightness(L), redness(a), and yellowness(b) of ASW were 92.07, 1.44, 10.22 respectively, whereas those of Korean wheat were 92.05, 1.55, 11.01, which means the two kinds of wheat showed very little difference in lightness, but Korean wheat had higher degrees of a and b than ASW. The color value of arrowroot starch is L 72.65, a 3.44, b 12.92, so it has a lower degree of lightness and higher degrees of a and b than two kinds of wheat. Dried ramyon displayed a lower degree of lightness and higher degrees of a and b than cooked ramyon, but the first decreased and a increased as we increased the ratio of arrowroot starch in it. The weight of dried ramyon did not show a significant difference among the groups. On the other hand, the weight, volume, water absorption, and the turbidity of cooked ramyon increased as we increased the amount of arrowroot starch in it. The maximum weight, solidity, and elasticity of the control group were greater than those of ramyon made from Korean wheat, but its brittleness was lower. The two groups showed the same degrees of hardness, adhesiveness, and cohesiveness. The maximum weight, solidity, and adhesiveness of the control group increased as we increased the amount of arrowroot starch in it, and the hardness and brittleness were great when the ratio of arrowroot starch was 20%; elasticity was greatest when the ratio of arrowroot starch was 15, 20, and 25%; its adhesiveness and cohesiveness did not depend on the amount of arrowroot starch in it. In the sensory characteristics evaluation, the items that showed significant differences include: appearance (p<0.01), color(p<0.01), smell(p<0.001), transparency(p<0.05), and overall acceptability(p<0.05). The ramyon earned the highest score in appearance when the ratios of arrowroot starch were 5%, 15%, and 20%. As for color and smell, it earned the highest score when it contained 20 and 25% of arrowroot starch. The transparency decreased as we increased the amount of arrowroot starch, and overall acceptability was highest when the ratio of arrowroot starch was 15%. There was a significant difference in overall acceptability between the control and the sample group. As for the loosing speed and chewiness, there was no significant difference between the two groups. When we look at the result of various tests to evaluate the cooking quality, rheology, and sensory characteristics of ramyon noodles, ramyons that contained 15 to 25% of arrowroot starch earned the high scores, and of these the one with 20% of arrowroot starch earned the highest score on all accounts.

Time-series Variation of Atmospheric Radon Concentrations at Gosan Site, Jeju Island (제주도 고산측정소의 대기 라돈농도 시계열 변화)

  • Ko, Hee-Jung;Sin, Seung-Hee;Hu, Chul-Goo;Kim, Won-Hyung;Kang, Chang-Hee;Kang, Dong-Hun;Chambers, Scott
    • Journal of Korean Society for Atmospheric Environment
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    • v.29 no.1
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    • pp.86-96
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    • 2013
  • The realtime monitoring of radon ($^{222}Rn$) concentrations has been carried out from Gosan site, Jeju Island for three years of 2006~2008, in order to evaluate the background level and timely variational characteristics of atmospheric radon. The mean concentration of radon measured during the studying period was $2965mBq/m^3$ with its annual mean values in the range of $2768{\sim}3124mBq/m^3$. The relative ordering of the seasonal mean concentrations was seemed to vary such as winter ($3578mBq/m^3$) > fall ($3351mBq/m^3$) > spring ($2832mBq/m^3$) > summer ($2073mBq/m^3$). The monthly mean concentrations were in the order of Jan>Feb>Oct>Nov>Dec>Mar> Sep>Apr>May>Jun>Aug>Jul, so that the highest January value ($3713mBq/m^3$) exceeded almost twice as the July minimum ($1946mBq/m^3$). The hourly concentrations in a day showed the highest level ($3356mBq/m^3$) at around 7 a.m., increasing during nighttime, while reaching the lowest ($2574mBq/m^3$) at around 3 p.m. From the backward trajectory analysis for a continental fetch of radon, the high concentrations (10%) of radon matched with the air mass moving from the Asia continent to Jeju area. In contrast, the low concentrations (10%) of radon were generally correlated with the air mass of the North Pacific Ocean. In comparison by sectional inflow pathways of air mass, the radon concentrations were relatively high from the north China and the Korean peninsula.

Concentration Variation of Atmospheric Radon and Gaseous Pollutants Related to the Airflow Transport Pathways during 2010~2015 (대기 라돈 및 기체상 오염물질의 기류 이동경로별 농도변화: 2010~2015년 측정)

  • Song, Jung-Min;Kim, Ki-Ju;Bu, Jun-Oh;Kim, Won-Hyung;Kang, Chang-Hee;Chambers, S.
    • Journal of Korean Society for Atmospheric Environment
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    • v.34 no.2
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    • pp.321-330
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    • 2018
  • Concentrations of the atmospheric radon and gaseous pollutants were measured at the Gosan site on Jeju Island from 2010 to 2015, in order to observe their time-series variation characteristics and examine the concentration change related to the airflow transport pathways. Based on the realtime monitoring of the atmospheric radon and gaseous pollutants, the daily mean concentrations of radon ($^{222}Rn$) and gaseous pollutants($SO_2$, CO, $O_3$, $NO_x$) were $2,400mBq\;m^{-3}$ and 1.3, 377.6, 41.1, 3.9 ppb, respectively. On monthly variations of radon, the mean concentration in October was the highest as $3,033mBq\;m^{-3}$, almost twice as that in July ($1,452mBq\;m^{-3}$). The diurnal variation of radon concentration shows bimodal curves at early morning (around 7 a.m.) and near midnight, whereas its lowest concentration was recorded at around 3 p.m. Several gaseous pollutants($SO_2$, CO, $NO_x$) showed a similar seasonal variation with radon concentration as high in winter and low in summer, whereas the $O_3$ concentrations had a bit different seasonal trend. According to the cluster back trajectory analysis, the frequencies of airflow pathways moving from continental North China, East China, Japan and the East Sea, the Korean Peninsula, and North Pacific Ocean routes were 36, 37, 10, 13, and 4%, respectively. When the airflow were moved to Jeju Island from continental China, the concentrations of radon and gaseous pollutants were relatively high. On the other hand, when the airflows were moved from North Pacific Ocean and East Sea, their concentrations were much lower than those from continental China.

Effect of the Rock Characteristics Condition on the Behavior of Tunnel by Numerical Analysis (수치해석에 의한 암반특성의 변화가 터널에 미치는 영향)

  • Kwon, Soon-Sup;Park, Tae-Soon;Lee, Jong-Sun;Lee, Jun-Woo
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Railway
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.31-38
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    • 2009
  • The selection of the support system is an important design parameter in design and construction of the tunnel using the new Australian tunnel method. It is a common practice to select the support based on the rock mass grade, in which the rock mass is classified into five rock groups. The method is applicable if the characteristics of the rock mass are uniform in the direction of tunnel excavation. However, such case is seldom encountered in practice and not applicable when the properties vary along the longitudinal direction. This study performs comprehensive three dimensional finite difference analyses to investigate the ground deformation pattern for cases in which the rock mass properties change in the direction of the tunnel axis. The numerically calculated displacements at the tunnel crown show that the displacement is highly dependent on the stiffness contrast of the rock masses. The results strongly indicate the need to select the support type $0.5{\sim}1.0D$ before the rock mass boundary. The paper proposes a new guideline for selecting the support type based the results of the analyses.

Environment isotope aided studies on river water and ground water interaction in the Han River basin (동위원소를 이용한 한강유역의 지하수와 지표수의 연관성에 관한 연구)

  • 안종성;김재성
    • Water for future
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.245-252
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    • 1983
  • Recently river water pollution in Korea is given rise to serious problem in aspect of crop production, drinking well, water contamination and etc. Under these urgent situations, it is prime importance to protect water resources from pollutants. An environmental isotope survey of the groundwater form the shallow alluvial and the underlying crystalline rock aquifer of the Han River Basin has been undertaken, Analysis of the data has I) confirmed the hypothesis that the groundwater from the metropolitan area is recharged from the river whereas that form the non-urbanized region of the Basin is replenished by the infiltrating precipitation; ii) shown that crystalline rock aquifers are recharged by the ground water form the overlying alluvium. Old groundwater is a group of wells with tritium values in the range of 0 to 2 TU. These low values indicate that the water sampled was recharged much ealier, at least a few decades, than the other groundwater samples of higher tritium content. The low values in this region may, in fact, reflect the effect of the impermeable clay layers which impede infilteration from the surface. Stable isotope evidence confirmed that a recharge in the karst area occurs at a significantly greater elevation than that to the alluvial aquifer. An analysis of the tritium level collected over an annual cycle suggests that the residence time of groundwater is probably not more than a few months. There does not appear to be any correlation between the trace level of Zn, Mn and Pb in the groundwater and the mechanism of the recharge.

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An Analysis of the Effect of Climate Change on Flow in Nakdong River Basin Using Watershed-Based Model (유역기반 모형을 이용한 기후변화에 따른 낙동강 유역의 하천유량 영향 분석)

  • Shon, Tae-Seok;Lee, Sang-Do;Kim, Sang-Dan;Shin, Hyun-Suk
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.43 no.10
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    • pp.865-881
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    • 2010
  • To evaluate influence of the future climate change on water environment, it is necessary to use a rainfall-runoff model, or a basin model allowing us to simultaneously simulate water quality factors such as sediment and nutrient material. Thus, SWAT is selected as a watershed-based model and Nakdong river basin is chosen as a target basin for this study. To apply climate change scenarios as input data to SWAT, Australian model (CSIRO: Mk3.0, CSMK) and Canadian models (CCCma: CGCM3-T47, CT47) of GCMs are used. Each GCMs which have A2, B1, and A1B scenarios effectively represent the climate characteristics of the Korean peninsula. For detecting climate change in Nakdong river basin, precipitation and temperature, increasing rate of these were analyzed in each scenarios. By simulation results, flow and increasing rate of these were analyzed at particular points which are important in the object basin. Flow and variation of flow in the scenarios for present and future climate changes were compared and analyzed by years, seasons, divided into mid terms. In most of the points temperature and flow rate are increased, because climate change is expected to have a significant effect on rising water temperature and flow rate of river and lake, further on the basis of this study result should set enhancing up water control project of hydraulic structures caused by increasing outer discharge of the Nakdong River Basin due to climate change.

An Analytical Study of the Professional Self-Concept of Hospital Nurses in Korea (임상간호사의 전문직 자아개념에 관한 연구)

  • 송경애;노춘희
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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    • v.26 no.1
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    • pp.94-106
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    • 1996
  • Nursing literature suggests that the self-concept of nurses gives an important implications to educators and administrators as well as clinicians for their professional development. With a view to exploring how nurses view themselves, the Professional Self-Concept of Nurses Instrument (PSCNI) using 27 Likert items was developed by Arthur in Australia in 1990. This study is an extension of the PSCNI using Korean samples with some modifications. A convenience sample was drawn from 800 nurses working in three university hospitals in Seoul ; three university hospitals in Kyonggi-do and a university hospital and a psychiatric hospital in Kangwon-do. Seven hundred questionnaires were analyzed using the statistical analysis system(SAS). The reliability of the scale was tested by test-retest and Cronbach's alpha. Differences in the PSCNI, which are closely related to demographic variables, were examined by t-test, ANOVA and the Duncan's multiple range test. Factor analysis was employed so as to examine component factors. The results are summarized as follows : 1. The test-retest reliability of the PSCNI was .79 and Cronbach's alpha was .85. Item correlations with total revealed consistent correlations and subscale reliability varied from .49 to .85. 2. The average score of PSCNI was 75.21 and average item score was 2.79. 3. Twenty four items were derived from the PSCNI 27 items and these items clustered in three component factors. The cumulative percent of variance was 38.12% and for factor 1 was 22.81%, for factor 2, 9.79% and for factor 3, 5.51% respectively 4. A comparison of the scores for the dimensions of the PSCNI shows a relative difference in terms of mean item scores and in descending order, professional practice(m=2.83), communication (m=2.82) and satisfaction(m=2.70). 5. Professional self-concept of nurses was found to vary significantly according to age(P=.0001), religion(P=.0001), academic background(P= .0109), marital status(P=.0001), career(P= .0001) and position(P=.0001). In conclusion, there was a correlation between professional self-concept of nurses, and life and work variables. This study provides an important message for administrators and nurse educators by highlighting factors which can be addressed by education programs, staff development and appraisal. While the test results largely confirm the Australian and Canadian tests, further research is necessary to improve the cumulative percent of variance instead of applying Arthur's PSCNI directly to Korean nurses.

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A Study on the Motives and Effects of Corporate Mecenat Activities (기업 메세나활동의 동기와 효과에 관한 고찰)

  • Park, Min-Saeng
    • Management & Information Systems Review
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    • v.28 no.3
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    • pp.117-140
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    • 2009
  • The purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of corporate mecenat activities, ultimately making more firmly established the theory of mecenat activities from the perspective of marketing. For the purpose, this researcher examined the motives of such activities and analyzed the current state and problems of those activities in Korea. In this study, the motives of corporate mecenat activities are largely classified into the improvement of corporate image, which is identified from the view of cultural investment, and direct corporate profits like tax favor, from the view of marketing. Regarding the effects of corporate mecenat activities, P. Kotler and J. Scheff suggested that in future, corporate supports to art would be the most remarkable part of marketing. In association, the Australian Foundation for Culture & Humanities and Arthur Andersen described the effects of corporate mecenat activities in form of cultural investment largely in terms of business, market and employees. In a similar vein, the Korea Business Council for the Arts classifies the effects of corporate mecenat activities largely into three, corporate legitimacy, market advantage and benefit to employees. In relation to corporate mecenat activities, now, the theory of mecenat which is established from the perspective of marketing is considered more persuasive than that which is provided from the perspective of philanthropy. For more corporate efficiency and effectiveness, in conclusion, it's needed to orient the theory of mecenat from the perspective of marketing.

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Geological and Geophysical Characteristics of the New Hebrides Basin (뉴헤브리디스 해분의 지질.지구물리학적 특징에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Chung-Hwa
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.18 no.6
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    • pp.559-564
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    • 1997
  • The New Hebrides Basin is an inactive non back-arc basin located at the convergent boundary of the Pacific and Info-Australian plates. This basin was formed from 46 Ma to 60 Ma. The basin has two spreading episodes with rates of 34 mm/a for 42 to 47 Ma and 17 mm/a for 47 to 60 Ma. The sediments covered in the basin has uniform thickness of 0.65 sec. The age-depth correlation curve of the New Hebrides Basin can be represented by the following equation: $Depth(m)=2689+312\sqrt{Age}(Ma)$ The coefficient of 312 in this equation is close to that for major oceans, 350. This suggests that the cooling processes of the lithospheres in the New Hebrides Basin and major oceans are similar to each other. Free-air gravity anomalies of the basin varying from -22.3 mgal to +59.0 mgal. The mean value is +30.2 mgal higher than those of the normal oceans. Moderately large free-air gravity anomalies in the New Hebrides Basin are presumably owing to its location on a marginal swell along the New Hebrides Trench. It is generally observed that the ocean floor is very gently uplifted in a zone about 200 km oceanward of the trench axis. Positive free-air gravity anomalies amounting to $50{\sim}60$ mgal are usually observed on the crest of the swell. This topography is presumably by bending of the oceanic lithosphere so as to dynamically maintain nonisostatic states for some duration.

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Effect of Resveratrol on Wine Sensory Evaluation Preference Analysis (Resveratrol이 포도주의 관능평가에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Tae-Hee;Yi, Dong-Heui;Kim, Hyung-Joo
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.38 no.12
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    • pp.1740-1745
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    • 2009
  • In this study, effect of resveratrol concentration on wine taste was investigated. Content of resveratrol in 14 different wines were quantified using HPLC. The resveratrol concentrations in the Australian wine samples (grape species: Syrah) with 3 vintage years were analyzed and different concentrations of resveratrol were observed (2.89-3.84 mg/L). Variation in wine grape species with the same wine manufacturer (Chile, 2006) and variation in different manufacturing country of origin with same wine grape species (Cabernet Sauvignon, 2006) also produced the variations in resveratrol concentration. The preference analysis (color, aroma, taste,astringency and overall acceptability) of the sample wines were determined by 15 panelists using 5-point hedonic scale. When the analysis results of the resveratrol concentrations in the sample wines were compared with the preference analysis of sample wines, the resveratrol concentration in the wine produced the positive effects in the wine preference analysis in the factors of aroma, taste and color.