• Title/Summary/Keyword: Attitude and Process

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Consumer Behavior towards E-Commerce in the Post-COVID-19 Pandemic: Implications for Relationship Marketing and Environment

  • DANG, Hoang Linh;BAO, Nguyen Van;CHO, Yooncheong
    • Asian Journal of Business Environment
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.9-19
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    • 2023
  • Purpose: The purpose of this research paper is to explore what factors that affect customer purchase decisions in the online environment, particularly after the COVID-19 pandemic in the case of Vietnamese customers. Research Design, Data and Methodology: To clarify which factor has the most significant impacts on online purchasing decision-making process, this study proposed a research model including factors such as customer trust, proposensity to trust, system assurance, the quality of website design, attitude, and customer satisfaction. This study collected the data via online survey. Data analysis was conducted by AMOS 25.0 using the Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) method. Result: The results of this study shows that the purchase decisions were positively affected by customers' attitude, satisfaction, trust, and the quality of websites design. Additionally, factors such as perceived size and reputation and system assurance, have impacts on buyers' trust, while the propensity to trust has no significant impact. Conclusion: This study provides managerial implications. The results provide which factors should be improved to foster trust, attitude, customer satisfaction, and purchase decision in the online environment. The results also provide managerial implication on marketing strategies how to enhance better relationships with customers and to consider environmental issues in the era of post COVID-19.

Unscented Kalman Filtering for Spacecraft Attitude and Rate Determination Using Magnetometer

  • Kim, Sung-Woo;Park, Sang-Young;Abdelrahman, Mohammad;Choi, Kyu-Hong
    • Bulletin of the Korean Space Science Society
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    • 2008.10a
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    • pp.36.1-36.1
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    • 2008
  • An Unscented Kalman Filter(UKF) for estimation of attitude and rate of a spacecraft using only magnetometer vector measurement is presented. The dynamics used in the filter is nonlinear rotational equation which is augmented by the quaternion kinematics to construct a process model. The filter is designed for low Earth orbit satellite, so the disturbance torques include gravity-gradient torque, magnetic disturbance torque, and aerodynamic drag. The magnetometer measurements are simulated based on time-varying position of the spacecraft. The filter has been tested not only in the standby mode but also in the detumbling mode. To stabilize the attitude, linear PD controller is applied and the actuator is assumed to be thruster. A Monte-Carlo simulation has been done to guarantee the stability of the filter performance to the various initial conditions. The UKF performance is compared to that of EKF and it reveals that UKF outperforms EKF.

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Fine Digital Sun Sensor(FDSS) Design and Analysis for STSAT-2

  • Rhee, Sung-Ho;Jang, Tae-Seong;Ryu, Chang-Wan;Nam, Myeong-Ryong;Lyou, Joon
    • 제어로봇시스템학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2005.06a
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    • pp.1787-1790
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    • 2005
  • We have developed satellite devices for fine attitude control of the Science & Technology Satellite-2 (STSAT-2) scheduled to be launched in 2007. The analog sun sensors which have been continuously developed since the 1990s are not adequate for satellites which require fine attitude control system. From the mission requirements of STSAT-2, a compact, fast and fine digital sensor was proposed. The test of the fine attitude determination for the pitch and roll axis, though the main mission of STSAT-2, will be performed by the newly developed FDSS. The FDSS use a CMOS image sensor and has an accuracy of less than 0.01degrees, an update rate of 20Hz and a weight of less than 800g. A pinhole-type aperture is substituted for the optical lens to minimize the weight while maintaining sensor accuracy by a rigorous centroid algorithm. The target process speed is obtained by utilizing the Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) in acquiring images from the CMOS sensor, and storing and processing the data. This paper also describes the analysis of the optical performance for the proper aperture selection and the most effective centroid algorithm.

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A Study on Performance Improvement Method of Fixed-gain Self-alignment on Temperature Stabilizing State of Accelerometers (가속도계 온도안정화 상태에서 고정이득방식 자체정렬의 성능개선 방법에 대한 연구)

  • Lee, Inseop
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Military Science and Technology
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.435-442
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    • 2016
  • For inertial navigation systems, initial information such as position, velocity and attitude is required for navigation. Self-alignment is the process to determine initial attitude on stationary condition using inertial measurements such as accelerations and angular rates. The accuracy of self-alignment is determined by inertial sensor error. As soon as an inertial navigation system is powered on, the temperature of accelerometer rises rapidly until temperature stabilization. It causes acceleration error which is called temperature stabilizing error of accelerometer. Therefore, temperature stabilizing error degrades the alignment accuracy and also increases alignment time. This paper suggests a method to calculate azimuthal attitude using curve fitting of horizontal control angular rate in fixed-gain self-alignment. It is verified by simulation and experiment that the accuracy is improved and the alignment time is reduced using the proposed method under existence of the temperature stabilizing error.

Christianity's influence on the formation of public attitude towards embryo stem cell research (배아줄기세포 연구에 대한 대중의 태도형성에 기독교가 미친 영향)

  • Shon, Hyang Koo
    • Journal of Science and Technology Studies
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.37-70
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    • 2013
  • Christianity has desperately opposed to embryonic stem cell research, regarding it homicide. It made the opinion public many times and has tried to lead Christian to recognize the situation and make an appropriate decision with no actual result. It means that many other factors than religion have an effect on the process of making decision. This article aims to summarize the attitude of Christian believer towards embryonic stem cell research and identify the factors interacting in the developing situation. Also, it try to show how the factors have an influence on the others and Christian believers interpret and accept the information, finally leading to make a conclusion that religious factor have only a narrow influence on the formation and development of the believers' attitude.

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A Study on the Design and Validation of Pilot Activated Recovery System to Recovery of an Aircraft Unusual Attitude (항공기 자세회복을 위한 자동회복장치 설계 및 검증에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Chong-Sup;Cho, In-Je;Kang, Im-Ju;Hur, Gi-Bong;Lee, Eun-Yong
    • Journal of Institute of Control, Robotics and Systems
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.307-317
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    • 2008
  • Relaxed static stability(RSS) concept has been applied to improve aerodynamic performance of modem version supersonic jet fighter aircraft. Therefore, flight control system are necessary to stabilize an unstable aircraft and provides adequate handling qualities. Also, flight control systems of modem version aircraft employ a safety system to support emergency situations such as a pilot unknown attitude flight conditions of an aircraft in night flight-testing. This situation is dangerous because the aircraft can lose if the pilot not take recognizance of situation. Therefore, automatic recovery system is necessary. The system called the "Pilot Activated Recovery System" or PARS, provided a pilot initiated automatic maneuver capable of an aircraft recoveries in situations of unusual attitudes. This paper addresses the concept of PARS and designed using nonlinear control law design process based on model of supersonic jet trainer. And, this control law is verified by nonlinear analysis and real-time pilot evaluation using in-house software. The result of evaluation reveals that the PARS support recovery of an aircraft unusual attitude and improve a safety of an aircraft.

Linking Benefit/Cost, Negative Attitudes toward Shadow Work, and Consumer's Response Behavior (혜택/비용, 그림자 노동에 대한 부정적 태도, 반응행동 간 구조적 관계)

  • Liu, Ting Ting;Koh, Joon
    • The Journal of Information Systems
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    • v.30 no.2
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    • pp.79-103
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    • 2021
  • Purpose Based on consumers' economic, psychological, self-development and conversion costs, this study discusses the relationship between consumers' negative attitude to their shadow work during the course of using self-service in unmanned supermarkets and their behavior. Design/methodology/approach Along with the Hirschman(1970)'s EVLN(Exit, Voice, Loyalty, and Neglect) reviewed, the proposed model of this study is based on the S-O-R model(Mehrabian and Russel, 1974) and mental accounting theory(Thaler, 1999), having empirical validation. Findings In the process of visits and consumption in unmanned supermarkets, increasing economic and psychological benefits can effectively reduce consumers' negative attitudes towards shadow work. In addition, the increase in switching costs will also effectively reduce consumers' negative attitudes towards shadow work. When shadow work holds a negative attitude, all the three kinds of actions will occur. Unmanned supermarket operators use consumers to create value while giving a certain return to them, which is conducive to the sustainable development of unmanned supermarket enterprises.

The Effect of Bicultural Acceptance Attitude on Depression of Multicultural Adolscent: Mediating Effect of Social Withdrawal (다문화청소년의 이중문화수용 태도가 우울에 미치는 영향과 사회적 위축의 매개효과)

  • Yu, Hye-Young;Paik, Jina
    • Journal of Industrial Convergence
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    • v.20 no.10
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    • pp.113-120
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    • 2022
  • The study aims to explain the effect of bicultural acceptance on depression of multicultural adolescents and to analyze the mediating effect of social withdrawal between two variables. To accomplish the purpose, 1,158 subjects were selected from the 8th(2018) data of the Multicultural Adolescents Panel Study(MAPS), and the data collected were analyzed by using Process Macro Model and Bootstrapping analysis. The major findings are as follows. First, positive bicultural acceptance attitude of multicultural adolescents was shown to decrease their social withdrawal and depression. Second, social withdrawal of multicultural adolescents affected increase of their depression. Third, the effect of bicultural acceptance on depression of multicultural adolescents was partly mediated by their social withdrawal. Based on the above findings, practical alternatives and programs to reduce depression and social withdrawal of multicultural adolescents were suggested.

The Effect of Perception and Attitude Toward Consumer Complaint Behavior

  • Halim, Rizal Edy;Christian, Filipus
    • Journal of Distribution Science
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    • v.11 no.9
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    • pp.17-24
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    • 2013
  • Purpose - The objective of the paper is to describe the relationship between consumer perceptions and attitudes of complaints against the behavior of their complaint. Research design, data, methodology - The study explore the process of complain intention which mediated by perceptual process and attitudinal behavior. Structural equation modeling used in this study is aim to describe the relationship simultaneously. The two samples failure (high vs. low level services) will be compared using analysis of variance. Results - The study found that the higher the alienation, the lower the perceived value of consumer complaint and the higher likelihood of successful perceived consumer complaint. The study also found the more positive the prior complaint experience, the more positive attitude toward complaining, the higher the perceived value of complaint and the higher the likelihood of successful perceived complaint. Furthermore, the perceived value of customer's complaint affect positive intention and perceived consumer likelihood of successful complaint increases intention complaint. Conclusions - The findings of this study show that the effect of a number of personal antecedents such as alienation; prior complaint experience and controllability will vary toward the complaint intention. Furthermore, the attitudinal and perceptual factors play a partial mediation role for that relationship.

The Effects of Acculturation of Children and Parents from Multicultural Families on the Self-Esteem of Children in Rural Areas (농촌지역 다문화가정 아동과 부모의 문화적응이 아동의 자아존중감에 미치는 영향)

  • Jung, Jung-Hwa;Lee, Kang-Yi
    • Korean Journal of Child Studies
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    • v.35 no.6
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    • pp.47-64
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    • 2014
  • This study was conducted with the aim of examining the acculturation process of children and parents from multicultural families, which can affect the self-esteem of the children concerned. The participants from each family consisted of the fathers, mothers, and school-age children of 179 households. The results of this study reveal the following: (1) First, the multicultural children scored higher than the average in self-esteem in most areas except school life. Furthermore, the children and parents had a comparatively positive attitude toward acculturation (2) Second, the children's level of self-esteem had significant correlations only with the acculturation of mothers as opposed to fathers. (3) Third, the impacts of acculturation of the children and their parents on the children's self-esteem followed different patterns according to the sub-areas of self-esteem. Specifically, the self-esteem for overall self-value and family relations rose when the multicultural acceptance attitude of mothers was high. However, area of peer relations was affected only by the acculturation of children. The area concerning school life was high when the mother-culture propagation attitude of mothers was low.