• Title/Summary/Keyword: Attitude and Behavior

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The influence of environmental consciousness and socially responsible clothing consumption attitude on perceived consequences of fast fashion (환경의식, 사회책임적 의류소비태도와 패스트 패션 결과지각의 관계)

  • Park, Sang-Ah;Park, Jae-Ok;Lee, Ji-Yeon
    • The Research Journal of the Costume Culture
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.225-239
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    • 2014
  • This study examines how environmental consciousness and socially responsible clothing consumption attitude influence people's perceptions of the consequences of fast fashion. Data were collected through a questionnaire survey administered to females in their 20s to 40s, and a total of 430 surveys were used in the final analysis. The research results are as follows. First, environmental consciousness-which was conceptualized as interest in consumer effectiveness and the environment-had a positive influence on attitudes toward socially responsible clothing consumption attitude, i.e., clothing recycling and resource conservation. As the perception of consumer effectiveness was high, respondents had a tendency not to follow trends. Second, consumers with a high level of interest in the environment perceived the effect of fast fashion on the environment as serious, and they felt negatively toward personal use of fast fashion. Third, consumers with strong resource conservation behavior perceived the effect of fast fashion on the environment as serious, but those with positive attitudes toward secondhand clothing did not appear to have that perception. Finally, consumers who followed trends and those with weakly held attitudes about resource conservation felt positively toward personal use of fast fashion. The results of this research indicate that environmental consciousness is an important factor for socially responsible clothing consumption behavior. In addition, consumers with strong attitudes regarding resource conservation were more perceptive of the negative effect of fast fashion on the environment.

A Study on the Effect of Affect(PAD Dimension) Induced by Travel Agency Service Quality (여행사 서비스품질이 PAD정서차원에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구)

  • Jung, Moon-Young;Kim, Gye-Seok
    • Korean Business Review
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.155-181
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    • 2006
  • According to some previous studies, it has been suggested that affect has influence on consumers' behaviors. It has been also argued that affect has stronger influence on behavior related to tour and leisure. However, only a few studies have dealt with relationship between affect and tour considering the important correlation. This research examines on the influence of various affects on tourists' attitude and repurchase intention. This study assumes that affect takes three sub-categorized factors - pleasure, arousal and domination. It is a frequently used consumer behavior area called PAD. The purpose of this research is to examine affect and their causes experienced during tour on affectional travel agency service quality. To test the hypothesis, survey data obtained from 482 outbound tourists were used. Result shows that affect(PAD dimension) aroused by tour experiences(affectional travel agency service quality) significantly influence each attitude and repurchase intention. The implication of this finding is that marketers can gain maximum profit by providing positive affect. Because of the judgement that more future studies on unique characteristics of the affect of tour are needed, this study also describes some limitations and suggestion for the future study.

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Factors associated with Behaviors that Reduce Exposure to Environmental Hormones among Nursing Students (환경호르몬 저감행동 영향요인)

  • Lee, Jungsuk;Bea, Hanju;Kim, HyeJin
    • Korean Journal of Occupational Health Nursing
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    • v.28 no.4
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    • pp.285-292
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    • 2019
  • Purpose: This study aimed to examine the factors associated with behavior that reduces exposure to environmental hormones among nursing students. Methods: Data were collected from 160 nursing students in D and B cities, using self-report questionnaires. Data were analyzed using SPSS 22.0, and the analyses included descriptive statistics, t-test, ANOVA, Pearson's correlation coefficient test, and stepwise multiple regression. Results: Behavior that reduces exposure to environmental hormones differed significantly in terms of the participants' knowledge about environmental hormones. Behavior that reduces exposure to environmental hormones was negatively correlated with knowledge of environmental hormones, attitude towards pro-environmental behavior, and environmental self-efficacy; these factors were significant predictors of behavior that reduces exposure to environmental hormones, and accounted for 27.0% of the variance. Conclusion: Environmental self-efficacy was identified as the most significant factor affecting behavior that reduces exposure to environmental hormones in nursing students. Therefore, it is necessary to develop programs to improve pro-environmental behavior and environmental self-efficacy in nursing students.

A Cross-Cultural Study of Plus-Size Consumer's Perception of Body, Attitude of Accepting Obesity and Clothing Behaviors in Korea and the US (플러스 사이즈 소비자들의 신체인지와 비만수용태도 및 의복행동에 대한 한국과 미국의 비교문화 연구)

  • Choi, Mi Young
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Costume
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    • v.66 no.3
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    • pp.75-92
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    • 2016
  • The purpose of this study was to prove how sociocultural perspective of obesity, differences in consumers' perception of body and attitudes of accepting obesity affected individuals' clothing behaviors through cross-cultural studies. The data collected were composed of 612 Korean and US consumers in the 20's and 30's that had experiences in purchasing plus-size products. The results were as follows. First, BMI index was lower in Korean consumers than the US consumers, but Korean consumers received more stress from being overweight compared to the US consumers, and had a more negative attitude about their body. Second, although Korean consumers had lower BMI index and degrees of obesity than US consumers, they were severely stressed by obesity and were found to have a higher level of dissatisfaction with their bodies. Third, Korean consumers responded more sensitively to obesity and had a tendency to display a more negative attitude regarding obesity, and a more passive dependence on clothing. Forth, differences in the body shape were reflected even in wearing evaluation, and US consumers showed a more positive attitude toward evaluations of size suitability and fitness. Fifth, the plus-size market for Korean consumers was still not active, and most products purchased were generic brands obtained from online shopping malls through the Internet. However, in the case of the US, in which the ratio of obese people is high and the plus-size market is growing, consumers were purchasing plus-size brands through various distribution online and offline channels. Sixth, Korean consumers were less satisfied than US consumers with shops, sizes and fitness; however, they were more satisfied with design factors. Finally, it is expected that this study can offer practical implications for marketers and product developers running plus-size market for young obese consumers in their 20 and 30s.

A Study on Knowledge, Attitude and Behavior to Sexuality in Middle School Students (중학생의 성에 대한 지식, 태도, 행위에 관한 조사연구)

  • Cha, Eun-Seok
    • Journal of the Korean Society of School Health
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.357-375
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    • 1999
  • The purpose of this study is to find out methods to control, regulate and prevent sexual violence and provide guidelines for sex education in middle school. This study was conducted to examine factors in relation to sexuality, attitudes toward women, experience of sexual contact, frequencies and kinds of pornography with which they had contact, and sex education. For the data collection, a survey was conducted from September 25 to October 1, 1997 by using prepared questionnaires. Questionnaires were given to 503 students from three different kinds of middle schools in Seoul, Boys, Girls, and Coeducation schools. The data analyses used a PC-SAS. Each item was examined by frequencies and percentage. To compare Boys with Girls, I applied a T-test. In addition, with the kinds of school type, I applied anANOVA, ${\chi}^2$. Moreover, For investigating and analyzing each category, I categorized knowledge and attitude of sexuality, with precautionary measures of sexual violence. After that I applied T-test, ANOVA, and a Pearson's correlation for each category. The instruments of this study consisted of 9 domains. (1) General characteristics of the respondents (2) 9 questions about the interaction between he/she and his/her parent. (3) 12 questions, concerning A Scale for Attitudes of Adolescents Toward women(AWSA). (4) 26 questions related to sexual knowledge. (5) 25 questions about sexual attitude (6) strategies for prevention of sexual violence-33 questions (7) 5 questions related to sexual behavior (8) the experience of contact with pronography. (9) the experience of sex-education. The major results were summarized as follows; 1. Like many researches, This study shows that the girls are more eqalitarian than boys. The girls mean ($40.90{\pm}3.67$) is significantly higher than boys ($34.72{\pm}3.77$). Most Koreans have believed that there are many differences between men's roles and women's ones, because of confucianism which had been implied in most thought and ideas since the Lee dynasty. Therefore, the result is not surprising at all. 2. Most students answered correctly the questions of sexual knowledge. The girl's score was higher ($Mean{\pm}SD$ : $48.88{\pm}2.39$) than the boys' ($Mean{\pm}SD$ : $46.95{\pm}3.90$)(p 0.001). Nevertheless, the hypothesis that sexual knowledge influences sexual attitude and its behavior was rejected. 3. When twenty-five questions were asked about sexual attitude, the girl students investigated were found to have a more propre sexual attitude than that of the boys. A significant difference was found between boys and girls(p=0.001). The result shows that a person who has more experience in viewing pornography and who smokes will have a more distorted view of sexuality. 4. There are many students who have experienced of sexual contact. They need to take a sex education program about contraception and prevention of sexually transmitted diseases. Systematic and concrete sex education is one way to lead them to proper sexual behavior. 5. Most respondents rejected stereotyped attitudes towards women. Boys, however, were more likely to accept stereotypes of Women. The girl's mean($Mean{\pm}SD$ : $40.90{\pm}3.67$) is higher than the boys($Mean{\pm}SD$ : $34.72{\pm}3.77$)(p=0.0001). 6. Many boys ignored the rules for prevention of sexual violence. A boy or a girl who has more experience of sexual contact over kiss and sex-typed neglected the rules, too(p=0.001). Today, there is increasing juvenile delinquency related to sexuality. This study provided the basic material for a preventive education system. I believe that a systematic and concrete sex education system can be helpful for adolescents and promote their responsibility as well as cultivate morality about sexuality. As a result, juvenile delinquency can be decreased. This study is basically aimed to provide information for a prevenative education system of sexual violence. Further research is recommended to evaluate programs in schools.

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The Analysis of Effect an Nutrition Education of Elementary School Children , Inchon (인천시내 초등학교 학생의 영양교육 효과 분석)

  • Lee, Yun-Ju;Kim, Gyeong-Mi;Jang, Gyeong-Ja
    • Journal of the Korean Dietetic Association
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.86-96
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    • 2000
  • Food service management without nutrition education in school foodservice is hardly to improve nutritional status of school children. Therefore, this study was attempted to evaluate the effectiveness of nutrition education. The nutrition education was done for 82 5th grade children of 2 elementary school in Inchon. It has been performed for two month from Sep. 6 to Nov. 11, 1999. Also, to evaluate the effects of nutrition education, subjects were taken pretest for food habit, attitude, nutrition knowledge, and dietary intake through the questionnaires. The statistical analysis of data was completed using SPSS program. The results were summarized as follows : 1) The average height and weight for subjects are 141cm and 34.4kg. Most of the subjects had 2 siblings. 83.8% of the subjects has never been taken nutrition education. Otherwise, 85.2% of the subjects responded that they need a nutrition education. 2) For the food habit test results, the posttest mean scores increased. Food habit on vegetables showed significant difference between pretest and posttest(p<0.05). 3) The attitude test did not show the significant difference between pretest and posttest. 4) For the nutrition knowledge test result, the pre and posttest means were 47.59 and 57.12 respectively(p<0.001). 5) The correlations of food habit, attitude, and nutrition knowledge was positive relationship between food habit and attitude in the pre and posttest. 6) Intake frequency of foods increased for the most foods except meat, egg, milk, and drink as compaired pretest with posttest. Cereal, fish, and oil intake was significantly increased. 7) The intakes of most nutrients were increased, among which carbohydrate, fiber, calcium, and vitamin C intakes significantly different after education. The education period of this study was too short to improve their eating behavior and food choice and may need a long-term education and development of materials for nutrition education.

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Knowledge, Attitude and Behavior Related to Obesity in Elementary School Children (초등학생의 비만과 관련된 지식, 태도, 행태에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Myung-Ha;Kim, Hyeon-Ok;Hyoung, Hee-Kyoung;Kim, Hee-Sun
    • Research in Community and Public Health Nursing
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.469-479
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    • 2007
  • Purpose: This study was carried out to investigate the knowledge of obesity and exercise , attitude to dietary habits and exercise, and physical activities and exercise in elementary school children to provide basic data for obese programs. Methods: The subjects were 850 elementary school children of grade 3-6 in C City and data were collected with a questionnaire. Results: Higher grade, female and overweight children recorded a higher knowledge score than lower grade, male and normal weight children. As for attitude to dietary habit, lower grade and female children had more positive attitude than higher grade and male children. Overweight children were more aware of the seriousness of exercise than normal weight children. In physical activity, lower grade and male children were higher than higher grade and female children. The more interested the children's family were in exercise, the higher score of physical activity they showed. Conclusion: In planning education for preventing obesity, it should give consideration to lower glade and male children. In addition, education for changing dietary habit attitude must be extended to higher grade and male children as well. It is effective to develop and apply physical activity improvement programs in the cooperation and involvement of their families.

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The Effect of Socioeconomic Status on Eating-out Behavior of Married Females in Youngnam Area (영남지역 기혼여성의 사회ㆍ경제적 수준이 외식행동에 미치는 영향)

  • 김성미;이영순
    • Journal of the East Asian Society of Dietary Life
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.103-112
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    • 2004
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of socioeconomic status on the eating-out satisfaction, eating-out expenditure, meal balance and dietary attitude of 251 married females in Youngnam Area. The monthly frequency of eating out with family was 2.5 visits with an expenditure of 116,000 won in this study. Korean food was the most frequently selected type of board for breakfast, lunch and dinner. The respondents satisfied with the taste of the food the most, whereas least satisfied with the sanitation. The average expenditure for eating-out was 62,000 won per visit with the average of 39,000 won in the lowest income group and 78,000 won in the highest one. Regarding the meal balance score, the overall score was 3.48 with the lowest score(2.98) being recorded for the dairy products and the highest score(3.95) for vegetables. As for the dietary attitude score, breakfast scored the highest(3.79) and consideration of balanced workload, exercise, rest and dining activities received the lowest score(2.57). Meal balance and attitude scores were not significantly different among the eating-out expenditure levels. The eating-out expenditure demonstrated a positive correlation with total food expenditures, household income, educational attainment and others. The low income group who had low meal balance scores and dietary attitude scores tended to spend proportionally more on eating-out. In conclusion, the studies revealed that the respondents favored the Korean food and did not satisfied with the sanitation most when eating-out. In terms of eating-out expenses, the group with the highest income and educational attainment spent the most on eating-out and food expenditures.

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A Study on Attitudinal Constructs Influencing on Olympic Sponsorship (올림픽마케팅에서의 스폰서십 효과에 관한 연구)

  • Chun Myung-Hwan;Kim Woo-Hui
    • Management & Information Systems Review
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    • v.9
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    • pp.139-163
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    • 2002
  • While the corporate practice of sponsoring major events has existed since the turn of the century, it has only recently become one of the fastest growing areas of advertising and promotion. Despite its long history and recent growth, however, event sponsorship has yet to receive the same kinds of rigorous theoretical and methodological attention that marketing researchers have devoted to other areas of advertising and promotion. Also, the recent Olympic Games in Sydney serve as excellent showcase of the sponsorship phenomenon. On the hand it becomes very clear that an event of such magnitude cannot take place without the commercial support of the sponsors. At the same time, there is a growing concern that the Olympic Games are losing their spirit and are over-commercialized because of the excessive sponsorship-linked marketing activities. At the centre of the debate is the impact and the reaction of the consumers to the growing use of sponsorship to stage major events. While the Olympic Games might be an extreme example of the growth and impact of sponsorship, the proliferation of the phenomenon is widespread across other sports events as well as other cultural and community based events. But a comprehensive model of sponsorship is not currently available in the literature. This research is the aim of the current research to investigate consumer attitude constructs towards sponsorship such as sport involvement, attitude towards the event, attitude towards commercialization. The results still have potentially significant applied and theoretical implication. First, This investigation is the first known effort, grounded in consumer behavior theory, to model antecedent variables believed to influence consumer response to event sponsorship in Korea. Second, these findings are in line with previous research, as sports involvement attitude towards the event, and attitude towards commercialization are found to be significant influences on respondents' ability, motivation and opportunity to process sponsorship information, as well as directly and indirectly impacting emotional response.

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The Study of Online Piracy Protection -Focusing on Punishment and Moral Obligation- (인터넷 저작권 침해 보호에 관한 연구 -저작권 침해에 대한 처벌 및 윤리의식을 중심으로-)

  • Park, Joo Yeon
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.145-151
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    • 2013
  • As the Internet is widely used worldwide, digital asset on the internet becomes to be critical to protect from illegal copying and piracy which is an unlawful action that download or upload copyrighted materials from the Internet without having a right to use them from the copyright owners. Such an illegal and unethical behavior are pervading and becoming a big concern in many industries and business sectors over the world. This study examines the effect of the user's perception for piracy regulation and moral obligation on online piracy intention. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to see the different effect of regulation and moral obligation on piracy attitude and intention so as to suggest an effective method of piracy protection and to bring an attention on moral and ethical education for online piracy. The result of this study showed both punishment and moral obligation toward online piracy are significantly associated with users' attitude on piracy, indicating that higher level of punishment severity as well as moral obligation lead to decrease piracy attitude. This research also revealed that the level of users' moral obligation has a stronger relationship with piracy attitude than punishment.