• Title/Summary/Keyword: Attachment Relationship

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  • Lee, C. H.;H. Hwang
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society for Agricultural Machinery Conference
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    • 2000.11c
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    • pp.569-577
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    • 2000
  • The position of tobacco leaves is affluence to the quality. To evaluate its quality, sample leaves was collected according to the position of attachment. In Korea, the position was divided into four classes such as high, middle, low and inside positioned leaves. Until now, the grade of standard sample was determined by human expert from korea ginseng and tobacco company. Many research were done by the chemical and spectrum analysis using NIR and computer vision. The grade of tobacco leaves mainly classified into 5 grades according to the attached position and its chemical composition. In high and low positioned leaves shows a low level grade under grade 3. Generally, inside and medium positioned leaf has a high level grade. This is the basic research to develop a real time tobacco leaves grading system combined with portable NIR spectrum analysis system. However, this research just deals with position recognition and grading using the color machine vision. The RGB color information was converted to HSI image format and the sample was all investigated using the bundle of tobacco leaves. Quality grade and position recognition was performed through well known general error back propagation neural network. Finally, the relationship about attached leaf position and its grade was analyzed.

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Market Segmentation and Characteristics Analysis of Senior Rural Tourists - Focusing on Two-Stage Cluster Analysis - (시니어 세대 농촌관광객 시장세분화와 특성 분석 - 이단계 군집분석을 중심으로 -)

  • Kyung-Hee Kim;Don-Gak Lee
    • Journal of Agricultural Extension & Community Development
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    • v.31 no.1
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    • pp.1-11
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    • 2024
  • This study segmented the market of senior rural tourists and analyzed their characteristics. A two-stage cluster analysis was used to analyze the types of senior rural tourists, and the difference in general characteristics and behavioral intention by segmented market was identified. In this study, data from the fact-finding survey on rural tourism 2022 were used, and 487 cases of senior with rural tourism experience in the past year were used for analysis. A total of three types of senior rural tourists were derived based on the motivation for rural tourism, annual expenditure for rural tourism, experience living in rural areas, and relationship with rural area. The segmentation market of senior rural tourists was found to be 'rural attachment type', 'rural curiosity type', and 'rural indifference type'. The results of this study suggest that the general characteristics and behavioral intentions of senior rural tourists differ according to the segment. The results of this study will be useful information in establishing effective marketing strategies targeting senior rural tourists.

An Empirical Testing of Employee Attchment Model: A Comprison of South Korean and U.S. Teachers (조직유착모형의 경험적 적합성에 관한 고찰 - 교사들의 경우를 중심으로 한 한 . 미간 비교연구 -)

  • 조동기
    • Korea journal of population studies
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.139-159
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    • 1996
  • This study comparatively examines a causal model of employee attatchment which focuses on employee's organizational commitment and intent to stay with an organization. This study is based on two separate studies of employee attachment among teachers : the U.S. case of the Chicago Public Schools (CPS) and the South Korean case of the Seoul Educational District (SED). The main purpose of this study is to replicate in Korea the CPS study. A revised model based on the unique characteristics of Korean teachers is also developed and estimated. The Price Mueller model of employee attachment provides the basic theoretical framework for this study. It includes five general classes of variables : 1) employee responses to work variables : job satisfaction, commitment, and intent to stay; 2) psychological stress variables: role ambiguity, role conflict, work overload, and quality of students; 3) social structural variables: autonomy, routinization, distributive justice, and legitimacy; 4) economic structural variables: pay, job security, promotional opportunities, and job opportunities; and 5) work orientation variables : career commitment, normative commitment, work motivation, affectivity, work values, and met expectations. The data was collected through questionnaire survey and a sample of 649 secondary school teachers in Seoul, South Korea, was included in the final analysis. Covariance structure analysis (LISREL) was used to estimate the causal model. The results indicate that the endogenous variables of job satisfaction and commitment play a considerably less important role than in the U.S. model in mediating the effects of the exogenous variables on intent to stay, and the model fails to explain the majority of the variance in intent to stay. In addition, the new variables added to the revised Korean model do not bave significant effects on intent to stay. The structural characteristics of the employment relationship and labor markets associated with Korean teachers forced mobility and closed external markets - are largely accountable for the major differences between the Korean and the U.S. cases. The study suggests that conceptual and empirical work on what produces employee attachment under these structural constraints needs to receive more attention in future studies.

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Structural Relationship between Leadership Type of Hospital Organization and Organizational Commitment and Job Performance (병원 조직의 리더십유형과 조직몰입, 직무성과의 구조적인 관계)

  • Lee, Jin?Woo
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.18 no.6
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    • pp.290-301
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    • 2017
  • This study examined the causal relationship among the leadership type, organizational commitment, and job performance, and to improve the organizational performance and effective methods of human resource management in hospital organizations. The survey period was from October 6, 2016 to October 20, and 375 employees working in hospitals were selected for the final survey. To analyze the validity of the measurement variables, reliability and confirmatory factor analysis were conducted, and the covariance structure equation analysis was conducted to grasp the causal relationship among leadership, organizational commitment, and job performance. In conclusion, leadership, organizational commitment, and job performance were significantly different according to the occupation(p<0.05), age(p<0.05), and working period(p<0.05), and individual care(p<0.001) and conditional reward(p<0.001) showed a high causal relationship with the organizational commitment and job performance. In the future, leadership that can take care of the individual characteristics of the members of the organization and ability to demonstrate their competence will be needed, and it will be necessary to establish a reasonable compensation system after measuring the degree of achievement of work. In addition, leadership needs to be in place to promote organizational performance considering the job type, gender, age, and duration of work. Managers should make efforts to form an organizational culture and provide related education programs to improve loyalty and attachment of members to the organization.

A Study on the Effect of Customers' Experimental Recognition of the Omni-Channel Brand on the Relationship Quality (옴니채널 브랜드에 대한 경험적 인식이 관계품질에 미치는 영향)

  • Ock, Jung-Won;Yun, Dae-Hong;Choi, Tae-Ho
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.18 no.7
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    • pp.448-458
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    • 2017
  • This study reviews the literature related to the omni-channel and derived structural relationship between experiential perception of omni-channel brand and consumer-brand relational quality. A total of 250 questionnaires were distributed to university students, workers, and consumers in Busan, Korea, who had experience using SSG.com. 210 questionnaires were used for final validation of research model. The hypotheses set in this study was validated through SPSS18.0 and LISREL8.3 based on the research model. The results showed that all hypotheses were accepted, except for 2 hypotheses(Hypothesis 2-3, Hypothesis 2-4). Findings of this study suggest the following:First, the consumer's experience with the omni-channel brand was found to be an important factor influencing consumers' cognitive and emotional responses formed by the transfer effect of experiential factors through senses. Second, the relationship between consumers and the omni-channel brand was found to be an important factor in building attachment and psychological bond through experience and trust for the omni-channel brand. Thus, the results of this study provide the basis for overall understanding of the strategic experiential module (SEMs) for the omni-channel, which recently emerged as a new trend of distribution channel, as well as for managing the spatial environment. Finally, we present the theoretical and practical implications related to consumers' experience and relational perception.

Culinary Art Students' Adaptation to College Life according to Their Satisfaction with a Culinary Laboratory and Their Educational Experience - Focus on the Universities in Chungcheong Province - (조리 실습 시설의 만족 수준과 사전 교육 경험에 따른 조리전공 대학생의 대학 생활 적응도 - 충청도에 위치한 대학을 중심으로 -)

  • Na, Tae-Kyun;Lee, Dong-Keun
    • Culinary science and hospitality research
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.185-198
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    • 2010
  • The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between students' satisfaction levels with culinary practice facilities and adaptation to college life according to their educational experience before joining university. Two hundred culinary arts majors from three universities were sampled and 191 questionnaire copies analyzed. The analysis results are as follows. First, the adaptation level of the group with educational experience was partly higher than that of the group without educational experience. Second, the adaptation level of the group with a relatively high satisfaction level was higher than that of the rest. Third, when the satisfaction level with the facilities for culinary practice was high, the group without educational experience showed a higher level of attachment to university and better physical adaptation than the group with educational experience. Whereas the latter showed a higher level of emotional and social adaptation than the former When the satisfaction level with the facilities for culinary practice was low, the group without educational experience showed a higher level of attachment to university than the group with educational experience. On the other hand, the latter showed a higher level of social, emotional and physical adaptation than former. Therefore, in order to create a future-oriented harmonious teaching and learning experience, a new educational cooking environment that is fully functional and serves to heighten the satisfaction level of students should be designed.

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Analyses of Brand Community Characteristics, Members' Behavioral Patterns & Participation Experiences, and Quality of Relationship according to Community Formation Orientation: Comparisons between Maker Oriented Community and Customer Oriented Community (브랜드 커뮤니티 형성과정에 따른 커뮤니티의 특징, 구성원의 행태와 참여경험 및 관계의 질에 대한 분석)

  • Yoo, Chang-Jo;Jung, Hye-Eun
    • Proceedings of the Korean Association for Survey Research Conference
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    • 2005.12a
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    • pp.187-220
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    • 2005
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze supporters' community formation motives/ Process/consumption experiences and community characteristics. For this purpose, this study collected the data using ethnographic interview. participant observation, documents and media reports. The results of this study show that supporters communities' formation and diffusion process were influenced by individual characteristics(e.g., personality, hobby and etc.), community characteristics(e.g.,team performance, star player, facilities and etc.) and external factors(ex: media movement etc.) and supporters have experienced various emotions such as intimacy. cohesion, pride and so on through various activities at on-line and off-line site. Community characteristics were classified into we-ness, rituals/traditions, moral responsibility. We found that we-ness influenced emotional dimensions such as joy, pleasure, fun and excitement. rituals and traditions made members feel passion. hope. love and vitality. and moral responsibility provided satisfaction. enthusiasm anxiety. regret and so on. Also, emotional attachment and brand loyalty were increased by these experiential aspects of community consumption.

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Relationships between osteoporosis, alveolar bone density and periodontal disease in postmenopausal women (골다공증과 악골의 골밀도 및 치주 질환과의 상관 관계)

  • Han, E.Y.;Rhyu, I.C.;Lee, Y.M.;Ku, Y.;Han, S.B.;Choi, S.M.;Shin, J.Y.;Yang, S.M.;Chung, C.P.
    • Journal of Periodontal and Implant Science
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    • v.31 no.3
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    • pp.565-571
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    • 2001
  • The purpose of this study is to determine if a relationship exists among osteoporosis, alveolar bone density and periodontal disease in postmenopausal osteoporotic women and postmenopausal healthy women. Twenty-two women were evaluated for this study. They were attending the postmenopausal clinic, Seoul National University Hospital and generally healthy except osteoporosis. They had experienced menopause not less than one year when we began to examine them. Bone densities of lumbar area(L2-L4) was determined by DEXA(LUNAR-expert Co,. U.S.A). We diagnosed osteoporosis when T-score was below -2.5 and healthy state when T-score was over -1. Osteoporotic(10 female), not hormone-treated group and healthy control group(12 female) were asked for their age, menopausal age, menopausal period and the number of remaining teeth and examined clinically for plaque index(PI), gingival index(GI), clinical attachment loss(CAL) on their 6 Ramfjord index teeth. Intraoral radiographs were taken in maxillary anterior zone. All films were equally exposed and developed. Each films was digitized and analysed using image processing software, Scion image. Alveolar bone regions of interest were selected and Intensity of each pixel was quantized in the array ranging from 0(white) to 255(black). The two groups were comparable with respect age, menopausal age, menopausal period and number of remaining teeth. The osteoporotic women had significantly lower alveolar bone density than controls in maxilla. But no significant difference was found with respect clinical attachment loss, plaque index and gingival index. Supported by the Ministry of Public Health and Welfare, Korea (HMP-00-CH-10-0009).

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Welfare and Leisure of Children and Youth in Urban and Rural Areas (도시와 농산어촌 아동청소년의 복지와 여가수준 비교연구)

  • Kim, Mee-Sook;Shin, Oe-Jin
    • Journal of agricultural medicine and community health
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    • v.34 no.2
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    • pp.188-201
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    • 2009
  • Objectives: This study compared the welfare level and leisure activities of children and the youth in urban areas with rural areas, and examined factors affecting their life satisfaction. Methods: The fourth wave of the Youth Panel data collected by the Korea Youth Policy Institute has been utilized. A total of 3,145 sample was drawn, and the average age of the sample was about 17 years old (a sophomore in high-school). T-test and multiple regression has been employed. Results: In almost all welfare related variables including life satisfaction, leisure satisfaction, parent attachment, and relationship with teachers and peers, the rural children and youth showed lower scores than their urban counterparts. The only factor whose score was higher to the rural children and youth was community factor including community attachment and guidance. In terms of leisure (satisfaction) level which was the most influential factor of predicting the variance of life satisfaction, the rural children and youth revealed unfavorable condition, as their accessibility to the facilities was low and there were less facilities in rural areas in the first place. Conclusions: As a way to improve the welfare and cultural level of rural children and youth, this study proposed to make investment to the rural areas by providing them with welfare and leisure infra structure and various welfare and leisure programs. To improve the outdoor leisure activities of the urban children and youth, setting up a sisterhood between urban and rural schools has been suggested.


  • Lee, Eun-Young;Tak, Young-Ran
    • Journal of the Korean Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.236-243
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    • 1999
  • The purpose of this study were to factor analyze the 25-item Personal Resource Question-naire (PRQ)-Part II, a social support measure, and to establish construct validity for the instrument among adolescents by relationship found between perceived social support and the theoretically relevant variables of attachment, parent-child relationships, and coping, The sample was consisted of 451 college students, aged 18 to 24. According to the criteria used in this study a four-factor structure, which consisted of 15-items, resulting from a principal components analysis with an oblique rotation, best represented the multidimensionality of the PRQ-Part II of late adolescents in Korea. Evidence in support of construct validity for both the 15-item and 25-item PRQPart II was provided by statistically significant correlations found between the two scales and the theoretically relevant variable of attachment, parent-child relationships, and coping. With the findings of this study, the 15-item Korean version of the PRQ-Part II can be used in research and practice as a reliable and valid instrument measuring perceived social support for late adolescents in Korea.

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