• Title/Summary/Keyword: Association Rules Analysis

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  • de Sousa, J.T.;Dias, M.J.;Tanezini, C.A.;D'Alessandro, W.T.;de Olineira, B.C.;de Melo Rocha, J.;dos Santos Pontes, I.
    • Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences
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    • v.6 no.4
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    • pp.555-559
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    • 1993
  • Studies at freezing point depression (FPD) for goat milk are described in this paper. The 432 samples of raw goat milk collected in a period of two years and analysed by the use of an electronic cryoscope gave a mean value of FPD: $-0.565{\pm}0.01^{\circ}C$. Statistical significant differences were found between the morning and evening milk. The evening milk showed better quality considering the lactose and others dissolved solutes. Among the Brown, Saanen and Anglo-nubian goats, the greatest increase in FPD, occurred in the Anglo-nubian breed. The statistical analysis revealed a significant breed difference (p<0.05), when climate variation was observed. The superior and inferior values found to the FPD of the caprine milk (-0.545 to $-0.585^{\circ}C$), is important in establishing regional rules, to improve the quality control criteria and legal interpretation of standards found in the pertinent legislation. The results are also important to improve herd management so that one can increase the animal production which will affect the technological composition, and the nutritional characteristics of the resultant products.

A study on the expression of Nomadics displaying in modern fashion - As the central with the Nomadism of Gilles Delleuze - (현대패션에 나타난 노마드적 표현특성에 관한 연구 - 들뢰즈의 노마디즘을 중심으로 -)

  • Jang, Yoonee;Um, So Hee
    • The Research Journal of the Costume Culture
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.66-80
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    • 2013
  • Nomadism means 'divide share' and 'drift where allocated'. The word to express a variety of modern people without being tied to a fixed time and place, constantly moving to new areas and explore the possibility. The progress of this study, first, to research on the conceptual study of Nomadism through Deleuze's theory of art and to organize Nomadism patterns and design paradigms in modern society. Second is to analyze and investigate cases of Nomadism based on the theoretical background in a way to reinterpret to the contemporary fashion, and to suggest the formative characteristics and inherent expressiveness of Nomadism expressed in modern fashion. Theoretical considerations made through the collection data were select from ready-to-wear women's collections 2005 S/S~2013 S/S presented in 'Style.com'. The results of the analysis of the formative characteristics of Nomadism in the $21^{st}$ century fashion are 'mixed expressions of time space and gender', 'pursuit of diversity through self-dismantling', 'clothing systemization of mobile and deformable' and 'temporary amusement, lightness, an expression of the ride rules'. The inherent expressiveness of Nomadism through these types of figurative representation are 'unbounded fashion', 'multi-center, multi-functional' and 'emotional directivity'. As such, philosophy and artistic trends started Nomadism is harmoniously expressed in terms of the design transcending the boundaries of existing stereotypes.

Case analysis of trade dispute between Korea and India (한.인도간의 통상분쟁 현황과 사례 분석 -인도의 반덤핑 관세정책을 중심으로-)

  • Lee, Jong-Won
    • International Commerce and Information Review
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    • v.12 no.3
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    • pp.391-412
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    • 2010
  • As traditional import regulations have decreased all over the world in recent decades, the usage of "unconventional" trade protection measures has grown in the developing countries. In particular, antidumping investigations have risen rapidly and have growing in India and China. Therefore, this thesis aims to provide countermeasures to our government and Korean exporting companies by studying characteristics of antidumping. India is one of the most frequent initiators of antidumping cases by protecting their industries and impeding imports from FTA. This year, economic exchanges of Korea and India will be increasing by the conclusion of CEPA. This will lead to the increase of dispute by import regulations. Under such circumstances, to decrease Indian antidumping cases Korea will respond as follows. i)If antidumping laws, system and practice of India have injustice or are different from WTO rules, our government will have to indicate injustice and actively urge Indian government to make corrections. For example, they are continuous bilateral contact about the problems, fallacy of calculation of dumping margin, and intense investigations into cause and effect relationship and losses in dumping market, ect. ii)Our government should give more support to the small and medium exporting company which have difficulties in dealing with trade conflicts, counseling, arbitrating a lawyer. iii)Our government which is in control of domestic trade relief system should strengthen its investigation ability about new regulations and moniter import regulations of India. Over the long time, Korean companies need to export competitive advantage items of a higher value-added business and build solidarity by technology transfer. Accordingly, that will result in the decrease of trade dispute in India.

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A practical approach to commercial arbitration system in Pakistan (파키스탄의 상사중재제도에 관한 실무적 접근)

  • Won, Sung Kwon
    • International Commerce and Information Review
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    • v.16 no.5
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    • pp.67-86
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    • 2014
  • The commercial arbitration is considered an effective and rapid means in solving problems and finding solutions for disputes between the business partners. For the development of commercial arbitration, there is a need to study arbitration in practice as well as in theory. This paper analyse the situation of commercial arbitration system in Pakistan both with respect to domestic laws and international laws applicable in Pakistan. The Arbitration Bill 2009 aims to consolidate law relating domestic arbitration, international commercial arbitration, recognition and enforcement of foreign arbitral awards as well as settlement of international investment disputes. Pakistan while defending investment claims and in order to restore investor's confidence, in 2011, Pakistan introduced a law to secure foreign investments. This study explains the relationship of old and new Pakistani arbitration laws and elaborates the changes brought about by the new enactments and gives a comprehensive analysis of Pakistani arbitration laws, rules and procedures dealing with arbitration agreements and awards. In the absence of relevant trade information in Pakistan, this paper is designed to meet the needs of a Korean international trade scholars to obtain an understanding of Pakistani commercial arbitration system quickly.

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Analysis of the U.S. Federal Courts' Separability Doctrines for Arbitration Clause Entered Into by the Mentally Incapacitated (정신적 무능력자가 체결한 중재약정에 관한 미국 연방법원의 분리가능성 법리의 분석)

  • Shin, Seungnam
    • Journal of Arbitration Studies
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    • v.30 no.1
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    • pp.39-66
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    • 2020
  • Under the doctrine of separability, if the party did not specifically challenge the validity of the arbitration clause, then it is presumed valid, and arbitrators would still have authority to adjudicate disputes within the scope of the arbitration clause. Further, the Primerica and Spahr decisions address whether a court or an arbitrator should adjudicate a claim that a contract containing an arbitration clause is void ab initio due to mental incapacity. If the arbitration agreement is separable, as was found in Primerica, then the "making" of the agreement is not at issue when the challenge is directed at the entire contract and arbitrators may exercise authority. If an arbitration provision is not separable from the underlying contract, as in Spahr, a defense of mental incapacity necessarily goes against both the entire contract and the arbitration agreement, so the "making" of the agreement to arbitrate is at issue, and the claim is for courts to decide. Although no bright line rule can be established to deal with challenges of lack of mental capacity to an arbitration agreement, the rule in Prima Paint should not be extended to this defense. Extending the rule in Prima Paint would force an individual with a mental incapacity to elect between challenging the entire contract and challenging arbitration. Accordingly, there should be a special set of rules outside of the context of Prima Paint to address the situation of status-based defenses, specifically mental capacity defenses, to contracts containing arbitration provisions.

Promoting Arbitration System in The Era of Digital Economy (디지털 경제시대의 중재제도 활성화 방안)

  • Kang Lee-Soo
    • Journal of Arbitration Studies
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.3-25
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    • 2005
  • The companies' management strategies of the electronic commerce market are different from those of the traditional market. The main difference between the electronic commerce market and the traditional market is an IT network system which is a companies' management strategies in the electronic commerce market. This study focuses on the examination and analysis of the companies' management strategies which are constituted through influence on the effectiveness of the IT network system in the electronic commerce market and Promoting Arbitration System in The Era of Digital Economy this study is to introduce several alternative policies of the Government and companies to such formated IT network system of the electronic commerce market in the future. It's also suggested that the Korean Commercial Arbitration Board (KCAB) fully cover consideration and arbitration, while KCAB for Electronic Commerce activates its proper role of consulting and ad hoc arbitration by using electronic information. E-commerce sets up the probability that its merchants and customers will not exist in the same legal jurisdictions. The confusing application of laws and wide geographical dispersion of these parties will necessitate a faster and cheaper dispute resolution methodology. Therefore, online ADR may be effective for e-commerce dispute resolution. The examples of online ADR operation are the cyber mediation of Electronic Transaction Dispute Resolution Committee, the cyber mediation of Korean Commercial Arbitration Board, the cyber mediation of Click N Settle, the online ADR of BBB online, and the cyber arbitration of virtual Magistrate. The paper points out the last one as the most desired practice. This study results are how to minimize the disputes and the method of dispute settlement. Therefore, a role of arbitration proposed and emphasized. To protect the dispute in advance, it's suggested to revise rules timely following on technical changes, and emphasized that the dispute has to lead to arbitration settlement not for consuming unnecessary time and finance for enterprises and consumers.

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A Study on Vitamin A and E Content in Commercially Processed Products - Beverage, Cereal, Snack, Other Cocoa, Sugar and Chocolate Processed Products - (시판 가공식품의 비타민 A, E 함량 조사 연구 - 음료수, 시리얼, 과자, 기타코코아·당류·초콜릿가공품 등을 중심으로 -)

  • Jeong, Da-un;Lee, Heon-Ok;Kim, Young-Kyoung;Om, Ae-Son
    • Korean journal of food and cookery science
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    • v.32 no.6
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    • pp.811-817
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    • 2016
  • Purpose: People have long been interested about antioxidant nutrients such as vitamin A and E to stay in healthy states. This present study provides trustworthy nutritional information and evaluates vitamin A and E contents in emphasized food items. Methods: Vitamin A or vitamin E emphasized foods including beverage, cereal, snack, chocolate product, other cocoa products, and sugar products were analyzed. The contents of vitamin A, E in samples were examined by high performance liquid chromatography. Vitamin A and vitamin E contents were compared with the labeled value indicated on the nutrition label. Results: Vitamin A (n=18) value ranged from 90% to 248% and vitamin E (n=20) value ranged between 96-413% of labeled value. Analyzed samples ranged more than 80% of the labeled value, which complied with food labeling rules. Conclusion: Providing accurate information for nutrition label is essential to confirm nutrient contents in foods. It will help to decide the adequate level of nutrient intake. Therefore, the nutrition labeling system should be supervised continuously with regular monitoring analysis.

A Study on Army NCO institutions for excellence manpower acquisition - Department College of NCO in connection with the acquisition workforce Revitalization - (우수 인력획득을 위한 육군 부사관 제도 연구 -인력획득과 연계한 전문대학의 부사관학과 활성화 중심으로-)

  • Kim, Young Joung
    • Convergence Security Journal
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.111-120
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    • 2013
  • Army NCO roles and responsibilities in conjunction with the Defense Reform 2020 plan to perform a pivotal role in the bag the past tradition inherited bag and development, transition the mission commander helpers battle conductor, mainly functional experts, management experts from the bag to show PowerIt has a pivotal role as a transition. It embodies the director and the military organization of work within the scope of the statutes and rules, such as planning and implementation as the core of the Power which is most frontline officers, the NCO instructions and control through education and functional personnel to maintain the best Power will. Propose the measures that can be overcome by considering the importance of key personnel, operating personnel NCO in the military organization and analysis of the issues, the problem of the NCO system. The social awareness to be able to build a system to obtain a stable workforce through effective operations for changes in the revival, especially in the Department College of NCO activated mutual development challenges were present.

Developing an Intelligent System for the Analysis of Signs Of Disaster (인적재난사고사례기반의 새로운 재난전조정보 등급판정 연구)

  • Lee, Young Jai
    • Journal of Korean Society of societal Security
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.29-40
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    • 2011
  • The objective of this paper is to develop an intelligent decision support system that is able to advise disaster countermeasures and degree of incidents on the basis of the collected and analyzed signs of disasters. The concepts derived from ontology, text mining and case-based reasoning are adapted to design the system. The functions of this system include term-document matrix, frequency normalization, confidency, association rules, and criteria for judgment. The collected qualitative data from signs of new incidents are processed by those functions and are finally compared and reasoned to past similar disaster cases. The system provides the varying degrees of how dangerous the new signs of disasters are and the few countermeasures to the disaster for the manager of disaster management. The system will be helpful for the decision-maker to make a judgment about how much dangerous the signs of disaster are and to carry out specific kinds of countermeasures on the disaster in advance. As a result, the disaster will be prevented.

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Comparative Analysis of Unjust Enrichment as a Governing Law in International Arbitration Between The U.S. and Korea (국제중재 준거법으로서의 부당이득법리에 관한 한미간 비교 연구)

  • 하충룡
    • Journal of Arbitration Studies
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.657-682
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    • 2004
  • The method of finding the laws in the common law countries is significantly different from that in French civil code countries. The former usually derives the laws from the previous court decisions and applies the derived rules to the current case, called inductive, while the latter prescribes the laws beforehand and then applies the prescribed rule to the current case, called deductive. Such dichotomy in comparative legal research seems to be most recognizable and common. Accordingly, the mainstream of comparative legal research would come from comparison of common laws with civil codes. (omitted)

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