• Title/Summary/Keyword: Assertion

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Allocation of Real Power losses to Individual Loads Under Competition of Deregulated Power Industries (전력산업의 경쟁체제에서 유효전력 손실을 부하에 배분하는 방법)

  • Ro, Kyoung-soo
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Illuminating and Electrical Installation Engineers
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    • v.18 no.6
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    • pp.114-120
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    • 2004
  • The paper proposes a method calculate the allocations of real power losses in transmission lines to individual loads based on loss distribution factors and compares them with those using marginal loss factors. The proposed method is implemented by defining loss distribution factors and analysing the individual loads' shares in the transmission line losses. Computer simulations on a 9-bus sample system verify effectiveness of the algorithm proposed and give an assertion that it is desirable to allocate power losses to loads using loss distribution factors rather than based on marginal loss factors.

The Rolling Error Caused by the Centrifugal Force on the Ship's Gyro Compass (원심력에 의한 Gyro Compass의 동요오차)

  • 정태권;이상집
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Navigation
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.19-28
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    • 1979
  • There are two different assertions on the rolling error in the solid-controlled gyro compass which contains two rotors in its inner gyro sphere. One assertion is that there is a rolling error and the other is that there is no rolling error. This paper examines the rolling error caused by the centrifugal force by the experiment to reveal that the first assertionis reasonable, and it also attempts to explain qualitatively how the rolling error occurs. The Hokushin-Plath gyro compass is chosen as a model. The rolling error is examined by the swing test in various periods. From the tests, the following results are obtained. As long as the swing is continued under the fixed condition of the ship's heading, the swinging period and the amplitude, no error appears. In case the gyro compass is affected by the swingings except those of the cardinal planes, the error starts to appear only after the swing is finished and it is increasing slowly. It takes about 20 minutes for the error to reach its maximum value. The type of this error is a quadrantal one which makes the ship's heading high in the first and third quarters and low in the second and fourth quarters. But in each case the experimental maximum error is greater than the theorectical one.

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Design and Implementation of Web Service System for secure Message Transmission in Electronic Commerce (전자상거래 환경에서의 안전한 메시지 전송을 위한 웹 서비스 시스템 설계 및 구현)

  • Park, Jong-Hoon;Kim, Chul-Won
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.14 no.8
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    • pp.1855-1860
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    • 2010
  • This paper describes construction of web services system for secure message transmission appling web services standards. This system composes single sign on module, SSL module and secure message module. We applied these modules to price comparison site. Single sign on module used SAML standards. This module was designed, in order to provide authentication and authorization. As SSL module processes message encryption among end to end, messages of this system are secure. Secure message module is designed according to WS-Security standards and processes authentication, XML signature and XML encryption.

A Study of the PMI-based XML Access Control Model in Consideration of the Features of the Public Organization (공공기관의 특성을 고려한 PMI기반의 XML 접근제어 모델에 관한 연구)

  • Cho, Chang-Hee;Lee, Nam-Yong
    • Journal of Information Technology Services
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    • v.5 no.3
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    • pp.173-186
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    • 2006
  • The local public organizations, to secure the Confidentiality, Integrity, Authentication and Non-Repudiation of cyber administrative environment is giving it a try to consolidate the official documents among them by standardizing all the documents into XML formats together with the establishment of the GPKI(Government Public Key Infrastructure). The Authentication System based on the PKI(Public Key Infrastructure) used by the GPKI, however, provides only the simple User Authentication and thus it results in the difficulty in managing the position, task, role information of various users required under the applied task environment of public organizations. It also has a limitation of not supporting the detailed access control with respect to the XML-based public documents.In order to solve these issues, this study has analyzed the security problems of Authentication and access control system used by the public organizations and has drawn the means of troubleshoot based on the analysis results through the scenario and most importantly it suggests the access control model applied with PMI and SAML and XACML to solve the located problem.

A SAML based SSO method in RIA environment (RIA환경에서 SAML을 이용한 SSO에 관한 연구)

  • Cho, Dong-Il;Rhew, Sung-Yul
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartD
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    • v.16D no.5
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    • pp.809-816
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    • 2009
  • Current SSO has focused on authenticated integration between inter systems in a domain.On the contrary, becasuse SSO using SAML can support integration between different domains, once it is used in RIA, we can expect highly synergic effect. However, because researches on SSO using SAML are mainly those on authenticated information exchange between servers, a special research is needed in order to be applied in RIA environment, which conducts numerous managements in client. This study proposes architecture and explain a practice structure in order to apply SAML to RIA. Also, this study has embodied the proposed architecture and applied it on DWR, which is used mostly as Data communication framework of RIA, and verified the useablity of this architecture.

Japanese Postwar Literary Trial and Pacific Constitution of Japan: Significance of 'Chatterley Trial' (패전 후 일본의 문예재판과 평화헌법 - '채털리 재판'의 의의 -)

  • Kim, Junghee
    • Cross-Cultural Studies
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    • v.47
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    • pp.27-51
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    • 2017
  • This paper considers opposition between lawyers to defend human rights which the Pacific Constitution of Japan guarantees and the public power represented by the prosecution's judicial power centered on sentencing in the 'Chatterley Trial' that was a Japanese representative literary trial which occurred after World War II. The lawyers' assertion is against the public power which reminds us of the Press Act before the war defeat. Although censorship is banned in the constitution, and it can be said that it is not a dimension just to protest the check of custom but the struggle not to reenact the past Japan.

A Study on Authentication Technology of Cloud Service Broker (클라우드 서비스 브로커 인증 기술에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Daesung
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 2016.10a
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    • pp.321-323
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    • 2016
  • The current cloud system is not compatible as low interoperability between cloud systems because they build up cloud environments with their own way. For example, users who are using Google's cloud system, it will not be able to use the cloud system of MS (Microsoft). To solve these problems, CSB (Cloud Service Broker) technology appeared, but solves interoperability problems between cloud systems require circumstances to develop and still much research. In this study, in the CSB, which has appeared as a service intermediary technology of heterogeneous distributed cloud environment (Cloud Service Broker) technology, to study authentication system, which is a fundamental problem to be solved of the interoperability of the cloud user.

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A Study on Zhou Dunyi and Yangming Xin-Xue (周敦颐与阳明心学)

  • Sun, yeongsam
    • (The)Study of the Eastern Classic
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    • no.67
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    • pp.327-344
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    • 2017
  • Zhou Dunyi is regarded as a precursor of Li-Xue, which is called Neo-Confucianism. So, it could be say that Zhou Dunyi is a precursor of Song-Ming-Li-Xue. As is well known, Zhu xi is a synthesizer of Li-Xue in Song Dynasty, which is called Dao-Xue; Wang Yangming is a synthesizer of Li-Xue in Ming Dynasty, which is called Xin-Xue. Dao-Xue and Xin-Xue were engaged in an unyielding confrontation for many centuries in Asian areas. It is certain that Dao-Xue and Xin-Xue both succeed to the resources of Zhou Dunyi together, but it is not easy to confirm that the resources of Zhou Dunyi are common to both sides taking an unyielding confrontation into consideration. Usually, Zhou Dunyi is recognized as a Master of Dao-Xue rather than Xin-Xue. But in this paper, I try to give a question to this prevalent view, like this: Yang-Ming-Xin-Xue much absorbed and developed the Thought of Zhou Dunyi than Zhu-Xi-Dao-Xue did. In order to prove this assertion, I take two steps. The first is about Daotong, the second is about sincerity. In conclusion, while Wang Yangming build his own thought of moral philosophy, he fully absorbed Zhou Dunyi's thought of sincerity, and concreted his typical moral philosophy, which is Liangzhi-Xue. I could say that besides the viewpoint of Zhu xi, there is another viewpoint of Wang Yangming to understand the thought of Zhou Dunyi properly.

Retail functions and skills of venture merchants: A case study of Lunuganga

  • CHO, Myungrae
    • Journal of Distribution Science
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.5-14
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    • 2021
  • Purpose: This study aims to clarify the behavioral extraction and ability of venture merchants, who actively challenge commerce in the face of harsh living environments. Research design, data and methodology: Adopting the concept of retail functions and retail skills, this study examines how venture merchants perform retail functions, and identifies the required retail skills. This study analyzed primary data obtained through an interview with a bookstore called Lunuganga. Results: The venture merchant purchases products based on his self-assertion and creates an original "store identification." Moreover, he draws a changing "own-store customers image" and acquires "own-store customers," that is, customers acquired by him by building an original store identity. He sells products to "own-store customers" who identify with the store. The retail skills identified as required by venture merchants to carry out such retail functions were "skill to draw a store identification" and "skill to draw own-store customer image." Conclusions: Venture merchants' unique retail functions and retail skills suggest a new basis for the existence of small and medium-sized retailers. It is necessary to build a generalized theoretical hypothesis model by refining the concept presented in this paper by repeating research targeting venture merchants in the same industry and different industries.

Does the Pricing Mechanism Affect the IPO Flipping Activity in Pakistan?

  • ANWAR, Ayesha;MOHD-RASHID, Rasidah
    • The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.237-246
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    • 2021
  • This paper explores the relationship between price mechanism and flipping activity of initial public offerings (IPOs) in Pakistan's emerging economy. This study uses a cross-sectional data set of 95 firms listed on Pakistan Stock Exchange from 2000 to 2019. This study employs the ordinary least square and quantile regression techniques to capture the relationship between price mechanism and flipping activity. The results show that book-built IPOs flip substantially less than fixed-price IPOs. This is consistent with the signaling theory assertion that roadshows are arranged by underwriters to capture investors' demand and set the offer prices of IPOs. If investors learn the fair values of quality IPOs, then the offer prices will be close to the intrinsic values, thus reducing flipping. The findings also provide conclusive evidence for understanding the usefulness of and the more relevant information regarding the pricing mechanism. In particular, it provides a better understanding of how companies actually use the pricing mechanism information in the flipping of IPO shares. The results of this study are also valuable to underwriters, and regulators, for instance, provides underwriters with the discretion to allocate the IPO shares and the SECP, in revising regulation on the disclosure of IPO pricing methods.