Objectives & Method : We investigated toxicity, poisoning symptoms, poisoning treatment and prevention against poisoning of herbal medicines used to activate blood flow and remove blood stasis(活血祛瘀藥) in order to use herbal medicines accurately. Result : Cnidii Rhizoma(川芎), Olibanum(乳香), Myrrha(沒藥), Corydalis Tuber(玄胡索), Zedoariae Rhizoma(莪朮), Salviae Miltiorrhizae Radix(丹參), Polygoni Cuspidati Radix(虎杖根), Leonuri Herba(益母草), Persicae Semen(桃仁), Carthami Flos(紅花), Manitis Squama(穿山甲), Eupolyphaga(蟅蟲), Hirudo(水蛭), Vaccariae Semen(王不留行), Sappan Lignum(蘇木), Lacca Sinica Exsiccata(乾漆), Draconis Resina(血竭) and Leonuri Semen(茺蔚子) may give rise to some side effects or toxic symptoms in herbal medicines used to activate blood flow and remove blood stasis(活血祛瘀藥). The representative methods of poisoning treatment in western medicines are washing out the stomach, promotion of vomiting, causing diarrhea, supplies of grape sugar and symptomatic treatment, etc. The representative methods of poisoning treatment in oriental medicine take advantage of herbs. And Oriental medical doctor should meet symptoms as patients call for attention. In order to prevent against poisoning of herbal medicines used to activate blood flow and remove blood stasis (活血祛瘀藥), the patients should keep usage, dosage and notes and oriental medical doctors should do processing drugs. Conclusion : We should pay attention to clinical using of Cnidii Rhizoma(川芎), Olibanum(乳香), Myrrha(沒藥), Corydalis Tuber(玄胡索), Zedoariae Rhizoma(莪朮), Salviae Miltiorrhizae Radix(丹參), Polygoni Cuspidati Radix(虎杖根), Leonuri Herba(益母草), Persicae Semen(桃仁), Carthami Flos(紅花), Manitis Squama(穿山甲), Eupolyphaga(蟅蟲), Hirudo(水蛭), Vaccariae Semen(王不留行), Sappan Lignum(蘇木), Lacca Sinica Exsiccata(乾漆), Draconis Resina(血竭) and Leonuri Semen(茺蔚子) in herbal medicines used to activate blood flow and remove blood stasis(活血祛瘀藥).