• Title/Summary/Keyword: Arc River

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Analysis of Stream Physiographic Characteristics of River Basin by using GIS (지리정보시스템을 이용한 하천유역의 지상학적 특성분석)

  • Ahn, Seung-Seop;Jo, Myung-Hee
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.2 no.3
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    • pp.23-34
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    • 1999
  • This study proposed the possibility of GIS to analyze stream physiographic characteristics of river basin which is important control factor in complex water management. Based on five 1:25,000 topographic maps which cover Yengchon Dam area locates upper area of Kumho River, this study analyzed the characteristics using Arc/Info(UNIX) GIS. Comparing its results and those from the existing method using digital planimeter, it could conclude as follows; First, as the results of the analysis of hypsometric curve of Yeungchon Dam area, it has the topographic characteristics of youth and maturity. And the landform of Yengchon Dam area has developed with regularity when Horton's three laws on the morphology of stream is applied. Second, the possibility of applying GIS to data management and utilization is sufficient even if it requires long time to construct topographic attribute data. Finally, a further research is needed on watershed direction with landform for the purpose of analyzing water source management and topographic property effectively.

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Development of Pollutant Transport Model Working In GIS-based River Network Incorporating Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler Data (ADCP자료를 활용한 GIS기반의 하천 네트워크에서 오염물질의 이송거동모델 개발)

  • Kim, Dongsu
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.29 no.6B
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    • pp.551-560
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    • 2009
  • This paper describes a newly developed pollutant transport model named ARPTM which was designed to simulate the transport and characteristics of pollutant materials after an accidental spill in upstream of river system up to a given position in the downstream. In particular, the ARPTM incorporated ADCP data to compute longitudinal dispersion coefficient and advection velocity which are necessary to apply one-dimensional advection-dispersion equation. ARPTM was built on top of the geographic information system platforms to take advantage of the technology's capabilities to track geo-referenced processes and visualize the simulated results in conjunction with associated geographic layers such as digital maps. The ARPTM computes travel distance, time, and concentration of the pollutant cloud in the given flow path from the river network, after quickly finding path between the spill of the pollutant material and any concerned points in the downstream. ARPTM is closely connected with a recently developed GIS-based Arc River database that stores inputs and outputs of ARPTM. ARPTM thereby assembles measurements, modeling, and cyberinfrastructure components to create a useful cyber-tool for determining and visualizing the dynamics of the clouds of pollutants while dispersing in space and time. ARPTM is expected to be potentially used for building warning system for the transport of pollutant materials in a large basin.

Determination of the Improvement Priority in a Small River Using GRID Analysis Technology of GSIS (GSIS의 그리드 분석 기법에 의한 소하천 정비 우선순위 결정)

  • 양인태;최영재;오명진
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.233-240
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    • 2000
  • A small rivers take advantage of not only a site of superb scenic beauty, a play space, a rest place but also a momentous waters reservoir, a drainage on territory residents. Likewise, part of the most massed a life space to a region dwellers shall be extremely in harmony with coexistence space in that every kind plant, animal over again a human being and so on. For improvement planning of small river, various way and model are presented. But, it's want of ability for small rivers of a adaption many-side and throwing in a lot of financial resources. Because the improvement planning of small river was designed all small river in a county, the priority must be preprocessed. Now, the counties prioritized for improvement planning of small river are a few, and acquisition and manipulation of the data are time-consuming. Geo-Spatial Information System (GSIS) is specifically designed to manage and analyze spatial data. It will be to offer the benefit to the determination of the improvement priority in a small river. The purpose of this study is to offer priority for improvement planning of small river using GSIS. For this purpose, it was developed using Arc/Info software and AML was used as a developing tool.

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Spatially Distributed Model for Soil Loss Vulnerability Assessment in Mekong River Basin

  • Thuy, H.T.;Lee, Giha;Lee, Daeeop;Sophal, Try
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2016.05a
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    • pp.188-188
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    • 2016
  • The Mekong which is one of the world's most significant rivers plays an extremely important role to South East Asia. Lying across six riparian countries including China, Myanmar, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam and being a greatly biological and ecological diversity of fishes, the river supports a huge population who living along Mekong Basin River. Therefore, much attention has been focused on the giant Mekong Basin River, particularly, the soil erosion and sedimentation problems which rise critical impacts on irrigation, agriculture, navigation, fisheries and aquatic ecosystem. In fact, there have been many methods to calculate these problems; however, in the case of Mekong, the available data have significant limitations because of large area (about 795 00 km2) and a failure by management agencies to analyze and publish of developing countries in Mekong Basin River. As a result, the Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE) model in a GIS (Geographic Information System) framework was applied in this study. The USLE factors contain the rainfall erosivity, soil erodibility, slope length, steepness, crop management and conservation practices which are represented by raster layers in GIS environment. In the final step, these factors were multiplied together to estimate the soil erosion rate in the study area by using spatial analyst tool in the ArcGIS 10.2 software. The spatial distribution of soil loss result will be used to support river basin management to find the subtainable management practices by showing the position and amount of soil erosion and sediment load in the dangerous areas during the selected 56- year period from 1952 to 2007.

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Development of a GIS-based Method for Estimating and Representing Stream Slopes Along the River Network (GIS 기반 하천경사 산정 및 하천망에 따른 표출 방식 개발)

  • You, Ho-Jun;Kim, Dong-Su
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2012.05a
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    • pp.612-612
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    • 2012
  • 최근 GIS를 이용하여 수리 수문학적인 지형인자를 생성할 수 있는 Arc Hydro 등의 다양한 GIS 기반 툴들이 개발되어 왔다. 예를 들어 Arc Hydro는 격자형 고도자료인 수치표고모델(Digital Elevation Model)을 통해 수자원에서 필요로 하는 유로연장, 유역경사 등의 지형인자를 산정할 수 있는 기능을 제공해 주고 있다. 하지만 기존의 GIS 기반 툴에서는 Manning의 평균유속 공식 등 하천수리학에서 매우 중요한 인자인 하천경사를 하천망을 따라 산정하고 표출하는 기능이 부족하였다. 또한 하천경사 산정에 사용되는 여러 GIS 툴을 통해서 제공되는 셀 경사 등 지형인자들의 기계적인 적용으로 정확한 하천경사의 산정에 문제가 있어왔다. 본 논문은 이러한 지형인자들의 적용성을 평가하고 다양한 이론적 하천경사 산정법을 GIS 상에 적용하여 상호 비교하여 최적화된 하천경사 산정방법을 제시하고자 한다. 연구 대상유역으로는 제주도를 선정하였으며, 대상 하천은 Arc Hydro를 이용하여 산정된 하천망의 형태를 수자원관리정보시스템(WAMIS), 위성사진 등과 비교한 후 시범 하천(한천)을 선택하여 여러 하천경사 산정법을 적용해 보았다. 적용된 산정법은 총 4가지로 첫 번째 방법은 수치표고모델의 주변 표고를 고려하여 산정된 기울기를 Arc Hydro를 이용하여 산정된 하천을 따라 산술평균하는 방법이며, 나머지 3가지 방법은 하천망을 따라 흐름방향의 거리와 수치표고모델의 표고를 수집한 후에 단순경사방법, 등면적경사방법, 등가경사방법에 적용하는 방법이다. 산정된 하천경사를 상대비교를 하여 대상유역에 대한 비교검토를 실시하였다. 모든 과정은 프로그램 개발을 통해 자동화 시켜 향후 다른 유역의 적용과 변화 가능한 지형정보를 신속하고 효율적인 예측을 가능할 수 있도록 하였다. 또한 주어진 하천망의 두 지점 사이의 종방향 경사를 산정하여 표출하는 기능을 추가하여 하천 경사의 표출방식을 향상시켰다. GIS를 이용하여 산정되어진 하천경사의 적용성이 충분하다면 Manning의 평균유속 공식에 적용할 수 있을 뿐만 아니라 다양한 하천분석이 용이해 질 것으로 예상된다.

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Building a Data Model of the River Thematic Maps (하천주제도 데이터모델 설계에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Han-Guck;Song, Yonh-Cheol;Kim, Kye-Hyun
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.11 no.4 s.27
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    • pp.35-43
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    • 2003
  • Currently, the government has been driving numerous projects to build the e-government which can enable limitless access and utilization of the information through the accomplishment of the real time based various administrative services. In water resource field, a project to generate digital river thematic maps has been undergoing as a part of the computerization projects. As a partial results, the RIMGIS project has been completed and generation of the various river thematic maps has been required to fully utilize the DB built from RIMGIS project. For the effective generation of the thematic maps, a data model needs to be developed. A data model has been developed in this study to provide more efficient method to generate the thematic maps utilizing existing DB. The data model proposed from this study has defined the relationships between core feature data and framework Data along with relationships among data elements to represent the rivers in the real world more accurately. The core feature data and framework layers have been defined based on the survey of the domestic and foreign case studies along with requirement analysis of the users in the water resource field. The proposed core feature data has been defined based on the minimum unit of 'class', and the relationship between classes has been established based on the ArcGIS Hydro Data Model for the integrated processing of the river information. The proposed spatial data model can be judged to contribute establishing more efficient generation methodology of the river thematic maps.

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Analysis of Non-Point Source Pollution Reduction using Water Sensitive Urban Design in Gimhae, South Korea (김해시 물 순환 개선 도시계획에 의한 비점오염물질 저감효과 분석)

  • Jung, Kang-Young;Kim, Shin;Kwon, Hun-Gak;Yang, Duk Seok;Kim, Kyosik;Jang, Kwang-Jin;Shin, Dong-Seok;Ahn, Jung-Min
    • Journal of Environmental Science International
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    • v.25 no.11
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    • pp.1499-1509
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    • 2016
  • This study was performed to analyze the effects of a water circulation green area plan on non-point source pollution in Gimhae South Korea. A quantitative analysis of Arc-GIS data was conducted by applying a watershed model based on Fortran to investigate the changes to direct runoff and pollution load. Results showed that prior to the implementation of the water circulation green area plan in Gimhae, direct runoff was $444.05m^3/year$, total biological oxygen demand (BOD) pollution load was 21,696 kg/year, and total phosphorus (TP) pollution load was 1,743 kg/year. Implementation of the development plan was found to reduce direct runoff by 2.27%, BOD pollution load by 1.16% and TP pollution load by 0.19% annually. The reduction in direct runoff and non-point source pollution were attributed to improvements in the design of impermeable layers within the city.

Watershed Scale Flood Simulation in Upper Citarum Watershed, West Java-Indonesia using RRI Model

  • Nastiti, Kania Dewi;Kim, Yeonsu;Jung, Kwansue;An, Hyunuk
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2015.05a
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    • pp.179-179
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    • 2015
  • Citarum River is one of the important river in West Java, Indonesia. During the rainy season, flood happens almost every year in Upper Citarum Watershed, hence, it is necessary to establish the countermeasure in order to prevent and mitigate flood damages. Since the lack of hydrological data for the modelling is common problem in this area, it is difficult to prepare the countermeasures. Therefore, we used Rainfall-Runoff-Inundation (RRI) Model developed by Sayama et al. (2010) as the hydrological and inundation modelling for evaluating the inundation case happened in Upper Citarum Watershed, West Java, Indonesia and the satellite based information such as rainfall (GSMaP), landuse and so on instead of the limited hydrological data. In addition, 3 arc-second HydroSHEDS Digital Elevation Model (DEM) is used. To verify the model, the observed data of Nanjung water stage gauging station and the daily observation data are used. Simulated inundation areas are compared with the flood extent figure from Upper Citarum Basin Flood Management Project (UCBFM).

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System Development for Automatic Extraction and Analysis of Hydrology-Related Watershed Characteristic Data (수문학적 유역특성자료 자동화 추출 및 분석시스템 개발 (I))

  • Hwang, Eui-Ho;Kwon, Hyung-Joong;Lee, Geun-Sang;Yu, Byeong-Hyeok;Koh, Deuk-Koo
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.11 no.3
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    • pp.1-12
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    • 2008
  • This study was to develop the analyzing system for watershed characteristics data. The developed system has laid the foundation for preparing the input data in various hydrological models. The algorithms and items included in the system were derived from benchmarking of the GIS WEASEL, which used to prepare the input data of PRMS (Precipitation-Runoff Modeling System). The system was designed to develop and maintain the organized system using both object-oriented UML (Unified Modeling Language) and GIS component-based ArcObjects.

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RAUT: An End-to-End Tool for Automated Parsing and Uploading River Cross-sectional Survey in AutoCAD format to River Information System for Supporting HEC-RAS Operation (하천정비기본계획 CAD 형식 단면측량자료 자동 추출 및 하천공간 데이터베이스 업로딩과 HEC-RAS 지원을 위한 RAUT 툴 개발)

  • Kim, Kyungdong;you, Hojun;Kim, Dongsu
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2020.06a
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    • pp.75-75
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    • 2020
  • 하천법에 의거하여 국내 하천들에는 상당한 국가예산으로 하천정비기본계획이 5-10년 주기로 수립되고 있으며, 홍수위 계산을 위한 HEC-RAS 모의에 필요한 하천단면 등 다양한 하천측량이 실시되고 있다. 그러나, 하천측량자료들은 하천관리지리정보시스템(RIMGIS)에 pdf 보고서 형태로만 제공되고, 원자료는 CAD 형식으로 하천정비계획을 수행한 설계사 등이 분산 소유하고 있어 관리부재로 망실의 우려도 있어, 다른 용도로의 활용성이 상당히 저하되어 있는 실정이다. 그리고, 측량된 CAD 형식의 단면자료 등을 HEC-RAS에 활용할 때, 'Dream'과 같은 툴을 활용하나 거의 수작업에 가까운 시간과 비용이 소요되는 현실에 있다. 본 연구에서는 이러한 문제들을 해결할 수 있는 툴인 RAUT(River information Auto Upload Tool)를 개발하였다., RAUT 툴은 첫째, 실무에서 하천기본계획 수립 시 활용되는 HEC-RAS 1차원 모형의 입력자료를 CAD 측량자료를 직접수기로 입력 및 모의를 실시하는 복잡한 단계를 자동화시키고자 하였다. 둘째, 하천공간정보인 CAD측량 자료를 직접 읽어 표준 데이터 모델 (Arc River)기반 하천공간정보 DB에 자동 업도드하여 전국단위의 하천정비계획의 하천측량자료 관리가 가능하게 할 수 있다. 즉, 만약 RIMGIS가 RAUT와 같은 툴을 사용하면 하천단면과 같은 전국단위 하천측량 자료를 체계적으로 관리할 수 있게 된다는 의미이다. 개발한 RAUT는 제주도 한천유역을 대상으로 하천정비기본계획의 하천공간정보 CAD자료를 읽어들여 mySQL기반 공간 DB로 구축하고, 구축된 DB로부터 HEC-RAS 1차원 모의 실시하기 위한 지형자료를 자동으로 생성시키는 과정을 시범적으로 구현하였다.

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