• Title/Summary/Keyword: Application Nodule

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Variation in Ureide and Amide Content during the Growth period of some Soybean Cultivars and its Physiological Significance (대두생장중(大豆生長中) Ureide와 Amide의 소장양상(消長樣相)과 그의 생리적(生理的) 의의(意義)에 관한 연구(硏究))

  • Lim, Sun-Uk;Chung, Jong-Bae
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.349-355
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    • 1984
  • Samples of plant tissue and xylem sap collected from pot-grown three soybean cultivars (Hwangkum, Williams 79, Wild) were analyzed for ureide and amide, and their distribution and changes in contents were measured over the growth period to study whether there are any differences in the changes of ureide contents among soybean cultivers. Application of ureide content as an indicator of $N_2$-fixation was examined. There was little evidence of soybean cultivars affecting the patterns of the change of ureide contents, while relative ureide contents of plant organ or xylem sap were significantly different among soybean cultivars. In plant stem and xylem sap, negative correlation ($r=-0.5193^{**}$, $-0.5053^*$ respectively) were found between ureide-N and amide-N content. Considering that exogeneous nitrogen caused a decrease in ureide accumulation and that nodule is the main site of ureide formation, the results demonstrated that there were differences in the effect of $N_2$-fixation among soybean cultivars. Consequently, the relative uredie content of xylem sap or plant stem could be used as a practical indicator of $N_2$-fixation in soybeans.

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Isolation of Pea and Soybean Nodule Bacteria and Assessment of their Nitrogen-fixing Capacities (완두 및 대두근류균(根瘤菌)의 분리(分離) 및 질소고정능력(窒素固定能力)의 비교(比較))

  • Kim, Seung-Yeol;Choi, Woo-Young
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural Science
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.136-144
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    • 1978
  • A series of experiments over three years was planned for practical application of rhizobia in farms and grass lands in Korea. This is the report for the studies of the first year mainly on the isolation and characterization of rhizobial strains, and on the assessment of their nodulation abilities and nitrogen fixation capacities. 1. Total number of 88 strains for soybean group and 22 st ra ins for pea and vetch group was isolated from nodules which were taken from legumes grown in Daekwanyong, Cheju and various places in Korea. 2. Morphological and cultural characteristics of the strains were studied, and attempts were also made to investigate their antigenic properties and to demonstrate lysogenic strains in these groups. The results were : i) the isolates varied in cultural characteristics on yeast mannitol broth and agar, and in degree of congo reel absorption ; ii) similarities in their antigenic properties were found between/among the strains: G-3/G-9/D216, G-20/G-52 in soybean group; iii) no lysogeny was found in the strains of these groups. 3. Plant infection tests by test tube and bottle method in light room were carried out to elucidate the ability of the strains to nodulate specific legumes and of the capacity of such nodules to fix atmospheric nitrogen. The isolates were grouped into non- invasive, ineffective, or effective to the legumes. Those strains which produced effective nodules, supporting similar level of growth as nitrate control, were: P-3, 4 and 8 in pea and vetch group; G-23, 27, and, D-216 in soybean group.

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Efficacy and Safety of Topical Application of Epidermal Growth Factor (EGF) for Korean Acne Patient (한국인 여드름 환자에서 표피성장인자가 함유된 외용제의 피부 적용에 대한 유효성 및 안전성 평가)

  • Suh, Joon Hyuk;Hyun, Moo Yeol;Jang, Seong Eum;Choi, Sun Young;Kim, Myeung Nam;Kim, Beom Joon
    • Journal of the Society of Cosmetic Scientists of Korea
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    • v.42 no.2
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    • pp.111-118
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    • 2016
  • Acne vulgaris is a chronic inflammatory condition characterized by comedo, papule, cyst, nodule and postinflammatory hyperpigmentation. Meanwhile, it is also induced by adverse event of drugs. Among them, acneiform folliculitis is a side effect of epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) inhibitor, which is an anticancer agent, and its incidence may occur in upward of 75 ~ 100% of cases. The main method of acne vulgaris treatment is oral antibiotics, retinoids, topical medication and so on. However, it is limitation that teratogenicity caused by retinoids and antibiotic resistance increased by using antibiotics. In this study, we aimed to evaluate the clinical efficacy and safety of topical recombinant human (rh) EGF in treating facial acne vulgaris. Twenty three Koreans (age: 10 ~ 29 years) with mild to moderate acne vulgar participated in the study and applied topical rhEGF cream (trouble control EGF) with 3 products (trouble control clarifying cleansing foam, trouble control all-clear filling toner, redroll calming moisture) on their face twice daily for four weeks. Several assessment methods were applied: Acne lesion counts score by investigator's global assessment, efficacy and satisfaction score by subjects. Skin sebum output level, hydration level and redness level were also measured at each visit. At the final visit, skin sebum level, transepidermal water loss, skin redness statistically decreased and acne lesions (comedone, papule) were statistically reduced. No severe side effects were observed during the study. In conclusion, topical rhEGF seems to be an effective and safe adjuvant treatment option for mild acne vulgaris.

Studies on the Development of Acid Tolerant and Superior Nitrogen Fixation Symbionts for Pasture on Hilly Land -II. Selection of Acid Tolerant R. meliloti in virto and Inoculation Effect in Soils (야산(野山) 목초지용(牧草地用) 내산성(耐酸性) 우수(優秀) 질소고정균주(窒素固定菌株) 개발(開發) -II. 내산성(耐酸性) R. meliloti 의 기내선발(器內選拔) 및 토양(土壤) 접종효과(接種效果))

  • Kang, Ui-Gum;Choi, Ju-Hyeon;Cho, Kang-Jin;Jung, Yeun-Tae;Cho, Moo-Je
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.72-77
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    • 1989
  • A study was conducted to obtain acid tolerant and superior Rhizobium meliloti strain for alfalfa on hilly acid soils. With host plant, eight isolates of R, meliloti selected in the vicinity of Milyang were evaluated for their ability to establish symbiotic effectiveness in acidified tube culture medium and vermiculite pot with different urea levels. Among isolates "YA03" was characterized for the ability to manifest to acid tolerance in three different soils of which pH were 5.0, 6.0, and 7.5. The results obtained were summarized as follows: 1. Of eight isolates "YA03" and "YA09" performed nodule in the tube medium of pH5.0, and in the symbiotic effectiveness YA03 was superior to others. 2. Alfalfa growth and $N_2-fixing$ activity by the inoculation of "YA03" isolate were better than others at the level of urea 1.25mM as well as nonurea. 3. Application of urea with inoculation of "YA03" islate to alfalfa was one of the effective factors for symbiotic effectiveness. 4. In infertile soil of pH5.0 inoculation of R. meliloti "YA03" to alfalfa caused the increase of shoot dry matter of 320% as compared to the control, and the total amount of yield was 131% as much yield in moderate fertile soil of pH7.5. Finally R. meliloti "YA03" isolate was selected as an acid tolerant strain.

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