• Title/Summary/Keyword: Application Nodule

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Effect of Phos phatic Fertilization Level on Growth , Crude Potein Content and Nitrohen Fixation Ability of Alfalfa ( Medicago sativa L. ) at Sowing Year (인산시비수준이 알팔파 ( Medicago sativa L. ) 의 파종초년도 생육 , 조단백질함량 및 질소고정능에 미치는 영향)

  • 김창호;이효원
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Grassland and Forage Science
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.113-120
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    • 1996
  • The experiment was carried out to investigate the effects of phosphate fertilizer level on growth, crude protein content and nitrogen fixation ability of alfalfa(Medicugo sariva L.) at sowing year. The experimental field was conducted using a randomized block design with three replications according to the phosphate application level (200 and 400kfia) in farm of Kongju National University. Research samples were collected at intervals of 7 days from October 7 to December 9 and nitrogen fixation activity of nodule was measured by using the acetylene reduction method (Hardy et al. 1968). The results obtained are summarized as follows : 1. Number of branches, root length and dry matter weight at phosphate fertilizer level of 400kg in sowing year were more increase than those of 200kfia. The number of nodules was not significantly difference between phosphate fertilizer level, because of low temperature to be enough to nodulation of alfalfa. 2. The crude protein content of leaf, stem and root were not significantly affected by the phosphate fertilizer level. but that of leaf was increased at 400kgha on 72 days after sowing. The crude protein content of each part according to growing stages was increased at 44 days and 72 days after sowing. 3. The dry weight of root was not significantly difference between phosphate fertilizer level from 30 days to 51 days after sowing, but that was increased at phosphate fertilizer level of 400kgha from 51 days afier sowing. 4. The amount of ethylene in the samples taken 2 hours and calculated amount of nitrogen fixation were increased at phosphate fertilizer level of 400kfia from 30 days to 65 days after sowing. but there was vice versa from 58 days after sowing.

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Effects on Nursing Students of Cognition-Behavior Integrated Breast Cancer Prevention Education Using an Interchangeable Nodule Model (결절교체 유방모형을 이용한 인지.행동 통합 유방암 예방교육 효과 -간호학생을 대상으로-)

  • Park, So-Mi;Kim, Bo-Hwan;Park, Mi-Jeong;Ahn, Yang-Heui;Chung, Chae-Weon
    • Women's Health Nursing
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.166-176
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    • 2010
  • Purpose: The study was done to examine the effects of cognition-behavior integrated breast cancer prevention education, in which a breast model with interchangeable nodules was utilized, on the self-competency of nursing students in performing breast cancer education. Methods: A nonequivalent control group non-synchronized design was used. A traditional lecture intervention was provided for 49 3rd year college of nursing students (control group) while the integrated breast cancer prevention education was given to 47 3rd year students in the same college one year later (experimental group). The integrated breast cancer prevention education was developed by the research team to strengthen the competency of cognitive and behavioral components in education on breast cancer. Results: Effects of the intervention were found to be significant through all study variables: knowledge about breast cancer (t=7.79, p <.001), breast cancer risk awareness (t=2.05, p <.05), self-competency of breast self-exam (t=8.27, p <.001), and intention to teach breast self-exam (t=3.87, p <.001). Conclusion: The integrated breast cancer prevention education was useful to improve not only knowledge about breast cancer but competency in performing breast examination for nursing students who acquired technical skills from various simulation nodules. As the program helped the students to be prepared as confident educators, future application of the module is recommended for academic curricula.


  • ;E. H. Jensen
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Grassland and Forage Science
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.25-30
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    • 1987
  • There are differences in opinion as to whether nitrogen fertilizer should be used when establishing alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.). Various reports show that under a hot environment, rhizobia (Rhizobium meliloti) are not as effective in fixing atmospheric nitrogen as they are under moderate temperatures. It is also believed that the addition of nitrogen fertilizer inhibits nodulation of alfalfa seedlings. A replicated experiment was conducted under controlled environmental conditions at the University of Nevada-Reno, Reno, Nevada, USA, to determine the effects of nitrogen application on seedling growth and nodulation of alfalfa grown in a hot environment. Sterile sand was used as the growing media to which a complete nutrient solution minus nitrogen was applied volumetrically to each pot daily. In addition, half of the pots received NH4-$NO_3$, at the rate of 11.2 kg per ha at seeding and at two and four weeks after planting giving a total nitrogen application rate of 33.6 kg per ha during the seven-week experimental period. Rhizobia inoculant (R-12) consisted of a mixture of strains 171-15a, 1682c and 80 PI 265 of (Rhizobium meliloti). Inoculant was applied to the seeds prior to planting and to the sand media at two and four weeks after seeding. Twenty seeds were planted in pots 14.0 cm in diameter and 11.5 cm deep. Plants were thinned to ten plants per pot after emergence and were grown in a controlled environment chamber with a 16-hour light period. Soil temperature at 6 cm depth ranged from 17.4^{\circ}C.$ to 31.1^{\circ}C.$ and had a daily mean of 26.5^{\circ}C.$. Plants were harvested at weekly intervals for seven weeks. Root, shoot and total length, dry weight, volume and number of nodules per plant were determined. Root, shoot, and total length were greater in seedlings grown in soil where nigrogen was applied than that grown in soil to which no nitrogen was applied. The average size of the seedlings as determined by volume and weight was more than two times greater where plants were fertilized with nitrogen. Nodule number per seedling was also greater when nitrogen was applied compared to those which received no nitrogen. The differences were greater as the plants became older. The rhizobia did not fix enough nitrogen for adequate growth of seedlings. This is probably due to high temperature growing conditions that caused the rhizobia to become relatively ineffective as compared to cooler growing conditions. Data suggests it would be desirable to apply nitrogen at seeding when alfalfa is established under hot conditions that occur in mid- or late summer.

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Studies on the Development of Acid Tolerant and Superior Nitrogen Fixation Symbionts for Pasture on Hilly Land -III. Inoculation Effect of R. meliloti "YA03" to Alfalfa on Hilly Acid Soil (야산(野山) 목초지용(牧草地用) 내산성(耐酸性) 우수(優秀) 질소고정균주(窒素固定菌株) 개발(開發) -III. 야산(野山) 개간지(開墾地)에서 R. meliloti "YA03"의 알팔파 접종효과)

  • Kang, Ui-Gum;Choi, Ju-Hyeon;Lee, Jae-Saeng;Jung, Yeun-Tae
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.24 no.3
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    • pp.219-224
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    • 1991
  • An acid tolerant R. meliloti "YA03" which was characterized through both acidified tube and pot soil experiment, was examined on its inoculation effect to alfalfa[Medicago sativa (L.)]cv. Vernal on hilly acid soil. It was conducted for 2 years to evaluate inoculation residual effect and there were two-fertilizer factors of nitrogen(0.8kg/10a) and lime(0,162kg/10a)as urea and $Ca(OH)_2$, respectively. The results obtained were summarized as follows : 1. In the 1st-year experiment, YA03 inoculated without nitrogen and lime application showed higher symbiotic effectiveness than check strains, YA026 and Rm2011 in nodule mass, $N_2$-fixing activity, and dry matter yield, but with N 8kg/10a application lower effectiveness than Rm2011. 2. In the 2nd-year experiment, Alfalfa dry matter yield by YA03 inoculation with N application(without lime) was 74% higher than that(276 kg/10a) in the 1st year, and the value showed 166%, 20%, and 21% increments as compared with noninoculated control(180kg/10a). YA026(399kg/10a), and Rm2011(397kg/10a), respectively. 3. In the 2nd-year experiment of N applicated plote(without lime), especially, YA03 showed higher shoot nitrogen(7.7kg N/10a/Yr.) fixed and soil rhizobial population($1{\times}10^4\;cells/g.\;soil$) than check strains. 4. On the basis of lime application, application effect of three major fertilizers with YA03 inoculation on alfalfa yield and soil rhizobial population was in the order of $N+P_2O_5+K_2O>P_2O_5+K_2O>P_2O_5+K_2O$. 5. On the whole, alfalfa yield by acid tolerant R. meliloti YA03 inoculation on hilly acid soil was enhanced with nitrogen application, and besides it appeared 44% higher with lime than without lime.

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Current Status and Future Perspective of PET (PET 이용 현황 및 전망)

  • Lee, Myung-Chul
    • The Korean Journal of Nuclear Medicine
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    • v.36 no.1
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    • pp.1-7
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    • 2002
  • Positron Emission Tomography (PET) is a nuclear medicine imaging modality that consists of systemic administration to a subject of a radiopharmaceutical labeled with a positron-emitting radionuclide. Following administration, its distribution in the organ or structure under study can be assessed as a function of time and space by (1) defecting the annihilation radiation resulting from the interaction of the positrons with matter, and (2) reconstructing the distribution of the radioactivity from a series of that used in computed tomography (CT). The nuclides most generally exhibit chemical properties that render them particularly desirable in physiological studies. The radionuclides most widely used in PET are F-18, C-11, O-15 and N-13. Regarding to the number of the current PET Centers worldwide (based on ICP data), more than 300 PET Centers were in operation in 2000. The use of PET technology grew rapidly compared to that in 1992 and 1996, particularly in the USA, which demonstrates a three-fold rise in PET installations. In 2001, 194 PET Centers were operating in the USA. In 1994, two clinical and research-oriented PET Centers at Seoul National University Hospital and Samsung Medical Center, was established as the first dedicated PET and Cyclotron machines in Korea, followed by two more PET facilities at the Korea Cancer Center Hospital, Ajou Medical Center, Yonsei University Medical Center, National Cancer Center and established their PET Center. Catholic Medical School and Pusan National University Hospital have finalized a plan to install PET machine in 2002, which results in total of nine PET Centers in Korea. Considering annual trends of PET application in four major PET centers in Korea in Asan Medical Center recent six years (from 1995 to 2000), a total of 11,564 patients have been studied every year and the number of PET studies has shown steep growth year upon year. We had 1,020 PET patients in 1995. This number increased to 1,196, 1,756, 2,379, 3,015 and 4,414 in 1996,1997,1998,1999 and 2000, respectively. The application in cardiac disorders is minimal, and among various neuropsychiatric diseases, patients with epilepsy or dementia can benefit from PET studios. Recently, we investigated brain mapping and neuroreceptor works. PET is not a key application for evaluation of the cardiac patients in Korea because of the relatively low incidence of cardiac disease and less costly procedures such as SPECT can now be performed. The changes in the application of PET studios indicate that, initially, brain PET occupied almost 60% in 1995, followed by a gradual decrease in brain application. However, overall PET use in the diagnosis and management of patients with cancer was up to 63% in 2000. The current medicare coverage policy in the USA is very important because reimbursement policy is critical for the promotion of PET. In May 1995, the Health Care Financing Administration (HCFA) began covering the PET perfusion study using Rubidium-82, evaluation of a solitary pulmonary nodule and pathologically proven non-small cell lung cancer. As of July 1999, Medicare's coverage policy expanded to include additional indications: evaluation of recurrent colorectal cancer with a rising CEA level, staging of lymphoma and detection of recurrent or metastatic melanoma. In December of 2001, National Coverage decided to expand Medicare reimbursement for broad use in 6 cancers: lung, colorecctal, lymphoma, melanoma, head and neck, and esophageal cancers; for determining revascularization in heart diseases; and for identifying epilepsy patients. In addition, PET coverage is expected to further expand to diseases affecting women, such as breast, ovarian, uterine and vaginal cancers as well as diseases like prostate cancer and Alzheimer's disease.

Effect of Inoculation with Bradyrhizobium sp. and Lime Types on Peanut Plant at Newly Reclaimed Area -1. Content of Nutrients in Plant and Yield (야산개간지(野山開墾地)에서 근류균(根瘤菌) 접종(接種) 및 석회(石灰) 비종별(肥種別) 시용(施用)이 땅콩 생육(生育)에 미치는 영향 -1. 식물체중(植物體中) 양분함량(養分含量) 및 수량(收量))

  • Lee, Deog-Bae;Im, Geon-Jae;Kwon, Tae-Oh;Lee, Sang-Bok;So, Jae-Don
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.24 no.3
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    • pp.210-218
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    • 1991
  • This study was carried out to investigate the influence of inoculation with Bradyrhizobia and lime types on the nutrient content and yield of peanut. Inoculation size of Bradyrhizobium sp. HCR-46 was $8.2{\times}10^7$ cells per seed. Slaked lime, magnesium lime, and calcium carbonate were applied in an amount required for neutralization of soil. 150kg of calcium sulfate was fertilized to 10a of the experimental field. Sowing space was $40{\times}25cm$ under vinyl mulching. Leaves and stems for assay were sampled at 100 day after sowing. The obrained results are as follows. 1. Number and dry weight of nodule as well as dry weight of aerial part of peanut plant increased by inoculation with B. sp. and were the highest in calcium carbonate application. 2. Inoculated with B. sp., the contents of T-N, $K_2O$, MgO, allantoin, ammonia, free amino acid and chlorophyll increased, but that of nitrate decreased. 3. The contents of T-N, free amino acid, and chlorophyll were higher in the treatment of calcium carbonate, those of $K_2O$, MgO, allantoin, ammonia were higher in magnesium lime application, and those of CaO and nitrate were higher in slaked lime fertilization than any other lime types. 4. Contents of total sugar and starch in stem at 100 days were higher in the treatment of uninoculation than inoculation with B. sp., and those were highest in the calcium sulfate application than the other lime types. 5. Inoculated with B. sp. length of main stem and number of pods increased significantiy. Yield of seed was higher in inoculation with B. sp. than in uninoculation by 64%, and in the order of carbonate, magnesium lime, slaked lime, in calcium sulfate and non-application was the contribution of soil treatments to yield increases.

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Effect of Inoculation of Peanut Bradyrhizobium sp. HCR-46 on the Nitrogen Fixation of Cowpea Group Legume (땅콩 근류균(根瘤菌)(Bradyrhizobium sp. HCR-46) 접종이 Cowpea군(群) 두과작물(豆科作物)의 질소고정(窒素固定)에 미치는 영향(影響))

  • Choi, Yoon-Hee;Lee, Sang-Bok;Jeong, Ji-Ho;So, Jae-Don
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.25 no.4
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    • pp.378-386
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    • 1992
  • This experiment was conducted to investigate the effects of inoculation of the Bradyrhizobium sp.(Arachis) HCR-46 and fertilizer nitrogen application on nodulation, $N_2$-fixation of cowpea group legume(Seowon dongbu, Seonwha nogdu, Chungju pat, Youngho tangkong). Treatments consisted of five uninoc.+N : O, uninoc.+N : 6kg/10a. inoc.+N : O, inoc.+ N : 6kg/10a, inoc.+N : 12kg/10a. 1. Initial nodulation time of cowpea group legume by inoculation of Bradyrhizobium sp. HCR-46 was 12~21 days, and it was delayed as more fertilizer nitrogen was added. 2. The number and dry weight of nodule were increased as growth period elapsed, but decreased as fertilizer nitrogen was added. 3. Dry matter production and amount of nitrogen uptake were increased by inoculation and the effects of inoculation were increased when fertilizer nitrogen of 6kg/10a was applied. 4. Amount of fixed nitrogen by inoculation of fertilizer nitrogen not applied was higher than the case of 6kg/10a applied and that of peanut was higher than the other legumes(cowpea, mung bean and adzuki).

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A BIOACTIVITY STUDY OF PORTLAND CEMENT MIXED WITH β-GLYCEROPHOSPHATE ON HUMAN PULP CELL (β-glycerophosphate 혼합시 인간 치수 세포에 대한 Portland cement의 생활성에 관한 연구)

  • Oh, Young-Hwan;Jang, Young-Joo;Cho, Yong-Bum
    • Restorative Dentistry and Endodontics
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    • v.34 no.5
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    • pp.415-423
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    • 2009
  • The purpose of this study is to investigate the response of human pulp cell on Portland cement mixed with $\beta$-glycerophosphate. To investigate the effect of $\beta$-glycerophosphate and/or dexamethasone on human pulp cell, ALP activity on various concentration of $\beta$-glycerophosphate and dexamethasone was measured and mineral nodule of human pulp cell was stained with Alizarin red S. MTS assay and ALP activity of human pulp cell on Portland cement mixed with various concentration of $\beta$-glycerophosphate (10 mM, 100mM, 1M) was measured and the specimens were examined under SEM. Addition of $\beta$-glycerophosphate or dexamethasone alone had no effect however, the addition of 5 mM $\beta$-glycerophosphate and 100 nM dexamethasone had the largest increasement in ALP activity. There was no toxicity in all samples and the data showed that Portland cement mixed with 10 mM $\beta$-glycerophosphate had more increase in ALP activity compared with control. In conclusion, Portland cement mixed with $\beta$-glycerophosphate has no toxicity and promotes differentiation and mineralization of pulp cell compared with additive-free Portland cement. This implicated that application of Portland cement mixed with $\beta$-glycerophosphate might form more reparative dentin and in turn it would bring direct pulp capping to success.

A Case Study on Vocal Aerobic Treatment Voice Therapy Development and Application for Classical Singers (성악가를 위한 VAT 음성치료 개발 및 적용 사례연구)

  • Yoo, Jae-Yeon;Lee, Ha-Na
    • 재활복지
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.157-168
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this study is to investigate the impact of semi-closed vocal training-based Vocal Aerobic Treatment on the voice improvement of soprano. Study subject was one soprano who appealed to the suffering of her voice problem due to vocal cord nodule. A study method of conducting pre/post acoustic evaluation and subjective voice evaluation to compare the measures was used; Vocal Aerobic Treatment was carried out twice a week for a total of 32 session. In the acoustic evaluation, MDVP (multi-dimensional voice program) and VRP (voice range profile) were used to evaluate the pitch, voice quality, and voice range; in the subjective voice evaluation, SVHI (singing voice handicap index) was used to assess voice satisfaction. As a result of the pitch evaluation, the soprano maintained a proper Fo. As a result of the voice quality evaluation, the jitter, shimmer, and the noise harmonic ratio numbers decreased compared to the numbers shown before the treatment. As a result of the voice range evaluation, the scope of the range was broadened, with the number of semitone increasing from 30 to 35. As for the subjective voice evaluation, the result of the total score obtained after the survey report divided by the number of questions showed a decrease from 3.6 to 0.6. The soprano herself reported of having a minor extent of a voice problem. The summary of the above results reflects that Vocal Aerobic Treatment is useful in the voice improvement of vocalists However, as this study is case research regarding the Vocal Aerobic Treatment effect on one soprano, further research on the treatment effect covering many other vocalists is necessary. Also, there is a need for follow-up studies regarding voice management and voice treatment program on not only the vocalists but also the voice users in many other professions.

Effects of Systematic Variation Application of Fe, Mn, Cu, and Zn on the Dry Matter Yields of Orcharograss and White Clover (Fe, Mn, Cu 및 Zn의 Systematic Variation 시비가 Orchardgrass 및 White Clover의 건물수량에 미치는 영향)

  • Jung, Yeun-Kyu
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Grassland and Forage Science
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    • v.24 no.3
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    • pp.193-200
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    • 2004
  • This pot experiment was conducted to investigate the effects of systematic variation application of Fe, Mn, Cu, and Zn on forage performance of orchardgrass and white clover. The treatments of systematic variation were 0/100, 25/75, 50/50, 75/25, and $100/0\%$ in the Fe/Cu(trial-1), Mn/Zn(trial-2), and Fe+Cu/Mn+Zn(trial-3), respectively. The treatments of Fe/Mn/Cu/Zn(trial-4) were composed of $70\%$ in main element and $10\%$ in other 3 elements, respectively. 1. By the systematic variations of Fe, Mn, Cu, and Zn, the yields were more significantly influenced in white clover than in orchardgrass. In addition, the yields of white clover were closely correlated to the trends of root/nodule growth and flowering. In the Fe/Cu trial, the relatively high yields were obtained at the $100/0\%$ in orchardgrass and at the $75/25\%$ in white clover. The yields of white clover were more negatively influenced by the 100/0(Cu control) than by the 0/100(Fe control). The yields of orchardgrass, however, tended to be opposite to the above trends. 2. In the Mn/Zn trial, both forages showed generally high yields at the high ratios of Mn/Zn. Compared with orchardgrass, the yields of white clover were greatly decreased by the Mn-deficiency(low ratio of Mn/Zn). The effects of Zn on forage yields, however, were not recognized. 3. In the Fe+Cu/Mn+Zn trial, the yields of orchardgrass tended to be slightly different among the treatments. The yields of white clover, however, were relatively' high at the 75/25, and showed a severe decrease at the 100/0 in the 2nd half cuts. In the Fe/Mn/Cu/Zn trial, the yields of white clover tended to be relatively high at the Cu and Zn treatments. It was likely to be caused by the balanced Fe/Mn ratio.