• 제목/요약/키워드: Application Business Model

검색결과 928건 처리시간 0.024초

A Framework for Supporting RFID-enabled Business Processes Automation

  • Moon, Mi-Kyeing
    • Journal of information and communication convergence engineering
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    • 제9권6호
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    • pp.712-720
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    • 2011
  • Radio frequency identification (RFID) is an established technology and has the potential, in a variety of applications, to significantly reduce cost and improve performance. As RFID-enabled applications will fulfill similar tasks across a range of processes adapted to use the data gained from RFID tags, they can be considered as software products derived from a common infrastructure and assets that capture specific ions in the domain. This paper discusses a framework that supports the development of RFID-enabled applications based on a business process family model (BPFM), explicitly representing both commonalities and variabilities. To develop this framework, common activities are identified from RFID-enabled applications and the variabilities in the common activities are analyzed in detail using variation point concepts. Through this framework, RFID data is preprocessed, and thus, RFID-enabled applications can be developed without having to process RFID data. Sharing a common model and reusing assets to deploy recurrent services may be considered an advantage in terms of economic significance and the overall product quality afforded.

A Design of Broker Platform for a services interoperability on the collaboration cloud

  • Jung, Kyedong;Hwang, Chigon;Shin, Hyoyoung;Lee, Jongyong
    • International Journal of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication
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    • 제7권1호
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    • pp.70-74
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    • 2015
  • The cloud computing are provided various ways for accessing resources and services through collaboration. In this paper, we present a cloud computing model for collaboration in cloud environment. By introducing a model, it is possible to introduce and develop an application required for the database and business services. SaaS model can be applied overall or partially. In particular, business operations need various software. Since cost reduction and applying immediate service are available, it is possible to realize the business environment and high quality service.

Consumer Reactions to Products of Social Enterprises: An Application of the Stereotype Content Model

  • Han, Sangman;Lee, Jongyoung;Kang, Jungyun;Kim, Hakkyun
    • Asia Marketing Journal
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    • 제17권1호
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    • pp.149-160
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    • 2015
  • Social enterprises that seek to pursue socially desirable goals through economic profits have received considerable attention in recent years. Despite the widespread attention paid to social enterprises, they often achieve limited success in markets. This research examines how types of enterprises affect consumer judgments. This research considers two types of enterprises: social and for-profit enterprises. Building on the stereotype content model, we propose that consumers perceive social enterprises using the dimensions of warmth and competence. Study 1 shows that a product of a for-profit enterprise is judged as having higher performance, but being less meaningful; in contrast, a product of a social enterprise is judged as warmer, but less competent. Further, in Study 2, we demonstrate that consumers' willingness to buy products can be lowered when the products are offered by a social enterprise. Practical and theoretical implications are further discussed.

A Methodology for Integrating Business Process and Simulation for Business Process Redesign

  • Kim, Joong-In;Yim, Dong-Soon;Choi, Jung-Sang;Kim, Keun-Chong
    • International Journal of Quality Innovation
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    • 제6권1호
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    • pp.74-97
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    • 2005
  • IDEF0 is the IEEE standard for functional enterprise modeling and has been used for business process modeling or process mapping in US and Europe. But it does not reflect the potential benefits of modeling and simulation of the dynamic aspects of an enterprise or a system. On the other hand, simulation tools concentrate mostly on the simulation of material flows and are difficult to include information flows and control flows. Additionally, the simulation models that include elements such as queues, event generators and process nodes is a visual interactive representation for the model builder, but is inconvenient for the domain expert. In an attempt to fill that void, we provide an integration of business process and simulation models in this paper. An enhancement of the IDEF0, called parameterized IDEF0, is proposed and its conversion mechanism to network simulation model is developed. Using this methodology, business process models for alternative systems can be evaluated and compared through simulation on time, cost, and quality metrics. As an application of the proposed methodology, economic evaluation of EDI (Electronic Data Interchange) for time-based BPR (Business Process Redesign) is demonstrated. In addition to BPR, the developed methodology may be further integrated with ABC (Activity Based Costing), TQM (Total Quality Management), and economic evaluation of information systems.

Efficient process management using job manual system based on BPM system (BPM 기반의 업무매뉴얼 시스템을 활용한 프로세스 효율성 제고)

  • Lee Seung-Hyeon;Song Ho-Seong;Won Hyeong-Jun;Ju Jae-Yeong;Bae Hye-Rim
    • Proceedings of the Korean Operations and Management Science Society Conference
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    • 한국경영과학회 2004년도 추계학술대회 및 정기총회
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    • pp.139-142
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    • 2004
  • Business Activities usually comprises various types of business processes. However, most companies don't standardize the constituent processes and accumulate them in formal models, so that they have their limitations for efficient process management and continuous process improvement. Recently, in order to overcome the obstacles, the companies increasingly tend to introduce a BPM (Business Process Management) system. The BPM system functions as modeling dispersed processes over the companies definitely, running the processes and improving them. In addition, the BPM plays a role as a platform in which diverse business applications can be developed. Generally, it is prerequisite to define business processes clearly to run them in the BPM. Unfortunately, companies don't arrange the processes systematically, so that they have difficulty in the introduction and implementation of the system. In this paper, we introduce a new type of a business application to support the clarification of business structure and processes in the companies and facilitate the introduction of the BPM system. The new system is a 'job manual system' developed on the BPM platform. A process model modeled in the job manual system can be transported directly to the BPM system in which the model becomes an executable status. The new system's properties including this feature enable to manage business processes efficiently and help users of the both system perform relevant tasks conveniently.

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The Effects of Dissatisfaction on Consumer Behavioral Response in Smartphone Application Service (스마트폰 어플리케이션 서비스의 불만족이 고객 행동에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Yong-Hee;Choi, Jeong-Il;Jin, Yeong-Ho;Lee, Dong-Won
    • Journal of Korean Society for Quality Management
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    • 제40권3호
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    • pp.359-371
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    • 2012
  • Purpose: Due to the explosive growth and widespread use of smartphones, new business opportunities are emerging. Despite the importance of creating customer value in using smartphone applications, past studies on have mainly focused on functions or factors and specifications that influence users to use the device. Methods: This study is intended to identify how customer dissatisfaction from the use of smartphone application services affects customer sentiment and behavior. The research model is tested via a survey of 290 smartphone application users. Results: The result of this empirical study indicates that customer dissatisfaction significantly affects the user's disappointment and regret in using a service, which are subordinate values of customer emotion. The user's anger is positively associated with 'Negative word of mouth' and 'Complaint', which are subordinate values of customer behavior, but not with an intention to switch to another service. 'Regret' and 'Disappointment' are positively associated with 'Negative word of mouth' and 'Switching intention', but not with 'Making direct complaints'. Finally, customer's negative sentiments are a significant intermediary in the relationship between customer dissatisfaction and behavioral response. Conclusion: Finally, the study offers a more systematic understanding on the phasal response process of customer dissatisfaction in relation to the provision of smartphone application services.

Structural Equation Model for Information Technologization Success Index(ITSI) of Small and Medium Enterprise (구조방정식 모델을 이용한 중소기업의 IT화 성공지수(ITSI) 개발 연구)

  • Kim, Jung-Geon;Moon, Tae-Hee;Sohn, So-Young
    • IE interfaces
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    • 제17권3호
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    • pp.338-348
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    • 2004
  • OECD countries including Korea positively adopt performance-based budget systems which convert an input-centered system to an output-centered system to solve two baffling problems: public expense retrenchment and efficiency recovery of government management. Output management of IT project propelled in public sector becomes a prominent figure influenced by these keynote of policy. However, it is placed in difficult circumstances to develop a performance index and the methodology to cover characteristics of IT project, measuring the goal achievement of business and the customer contentment according to the phases of business progress. Existing studies of IT project accomplishment measurement have been fulfilled on the subject of business targeting on IT technology application, administrative information network business and national base of information network construction. Most of the studies have been executed using BSC or AHP to reflect synthetically business specifics of IT project from a methodological point of view. In this study, we propose a structural equation model (SEM) to develop a performance index which measures the outcome of IT project according to the phases of business progress, avoiding a simple presentation of project outcome or conceptual frame. The proposed SEM is applied to the survey results of "IT support project for Small and medium business". Based on the fitted model, we apply ACSI concept to develop an Information Technologization Success Index (ITSI). This index allows us comparison of several IT vendors as well as feedback information for further improvement.

A Conceptual Model of Knowledge Management System by using "4+1" views of UML (UML의 "4+1" 뷰를 이용한 지식 관리 시스템의 개념적 모델)

  • Sung Wook Ahn;Nam Yong Lee;Sung Yul Rhew
    • The Journal of Society for e-Business Studies
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    • 제5권1호
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    • pp.123-134
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    • 2000
  • Over the past several decades, several architectural approaches have been applied to develop Information Systems, The software architectural model has been recognized as one of the most important methods for improving productivity. Most conceptual models are difficult to understand and interpret at various system models. As a consequence, conceptual models of many Information Systems fail to represent, exploit, and apply to various aspects, which is needed for reducing development step of the architecture. In this paper, we will explain the architectural model as the 4+1 View of UML. This model integrates the Knowledge Management System into five views: the Logical View, the Process View, the Deployment View, Implementation View, and the Use-Case View. Moreover, this paper will not only provide information on the application of the software architectural model by stakeholders, but also ultimately improve productivity.

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An Analysis on Enterprise Competitive Advantage Determination Factors to Effect Enterprise Results for Each SaaS Business Model: focusing on Group-Wares, POS-System, CRM and ERP (SaaS 비즈니스 모델별 서비스 기업 경쟁력 결정 요인분석: 그룹웨어, POS 시스템, CRM 및 ERP를 중심으로)

  • Kim, Shin-Pyo;Lee, Choon-Yeul
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • 제6권2호
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    • pp.65-76
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    • 2008
  • Recently, software distribution method, along with advent of era of Web 2.0, is rapidly evolving from ASP(Application Service Provider) method into SaaS(Soft as a Service) method due to development in concepts and technologies including SOA(Service Oriented Architecture) Web Service, On Demand and Component. Determining factor in market competitiveness of newly emerging SaaS business model will be analyzed by focusing on Group-Wares, POS(Point of Sale) System, CRM(Customer Relationship Management) and ERP(Enterprise Resource Planning), which are the most representative SaaS business models in Korea. It is anticipated that the outcome of analysis of determining factors for market competitiveness for each of the main SaaS Business Models acquired through questionnaire survey can be utilized as important benchmarking material in setting the direction of cultivating SaaS market by the government as well as new entries into SaaS market.

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Predicting Sustainable Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Purchase Intention after the Pandemic: An Application of Health Belief Model

  • Zhu, Zong-Yi;Kim, Hyeon-Cheol
    • International journal of advanced smart convergence
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    • 제11권4호
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    • pp.253-259
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    • 2022
  • This study aims to investigate the antecedent of consumer personal preventive equipment purchase behaviour by extending the HBM model after the pandemic. Pandemic related studies have focused on the effect of perceived susceptibility and perceived severity on consumer preventive behaviour, little studies have investigated the antecedents of consumer perceived risk. This study filled the gaps in the previous studies. This study tested all proposed hypotheses among users who have purchase the self-preventive behaviour. In final 253 valid data were collected through online survey for statistics analysis. This study found that consumer's health consciousness significantly impacted consumer's perceived severity of COVID-19 and perceived risk. Perceived risk positively impacted consumer self-preventive equipment purchase intention. In contrast, perceived susceptibility did not significantly consumer perceived risk. Based on these results, the theoretical implication will be offered on the study of health-related studies and will be given insight for disease control center to effectively manage consumer self-preventive behaviour.