• Title/Summary/Keyword: Analysis services

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A study on the school health education curriculum development focused on the health education course in primary school (국민학교 보건교육 교과과정의 개선방안에 대한 연구)

  • Kim, Hwa-Joong;Lee, In-Sook
    • Journal of the Korean Society of School Health
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.36-63
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    • 1992
  • The purpose of this study was development of school health education curriculum in primary school based on analysis of the textbooks published in 1991. 1) The health education curriculum in primary school consisted of four major components such as health education aspects of the healthful school environments, health education aspects of school health services, health education course, and health instruction in related subjects. However, health instruction taught by physical education, biology, and other health related subjects was not systematic organization for health care. 2) A considerable amount of health knowledge and attitude, and some health practices was learned as the result of experiences in other courses, where there was little or no reference to health. It must be developed health edcation course separated from health related subjects. 3) Direct health insruction was represented by the health education course. The health education courses must be considered to be heart of the school health education curriculum. 4) The health education course developed by this study was consisted of eight health units and problems in the early elementary grade or health classes in the higher years. 5) The health education course developed by this study provided the opportunity for acquring new knowledge, attitude, and practice, for discarding the unhealtful attitude and strengthening the healthful attitude and practices of primary school students.

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A Study on the Factors that Affect the Investment Behavior in Financial Investment Products : Focused on the Effect of Adjustment in Investment Consulting Service (금융투자상품 투자행동에 영향을 미치는 요인에 관한 연구: 투자상담서비스의 조절효과를 중심으로)

  • Lee, Kye Woung;Ha, Kyu Soo
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.9 no.5
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    • pp.53-68
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    • 2014
  • This study is aimed at analyzing the factors that affect the behaviors of employee's investment, such as a decision making process in a variety of views and proving the extent of how those factors influence on their investment. The basic assumption is that the preceding factors that can be determined by the personal investment propensity, a psychological factor asserted by Behavior Financial Theory and financial-economic and social environment. This study uses Hershey's Investment Behavior Model(2007) as the main analysis tool to explain the investment behavior of individuals and deals with personal investment inclination in the psychological perspective of overconfidence, self-control and the risk tolerance propensity and add the financial and economic factors in terms of financial literacy and economic distress. Also the new preceding social environmental factors like social interaction and the effect of reference group are added to make this research to be more precise. This study analyze the adjustment effect of professional invest-consulting service that affect the fluctuation influence between the individual variables(those factors) and subordination variable(the level of investment satisfaction). The study reveals that overconfidence and self-control in direct ways have a positive effect on the level of investment satisfaction in terms of investment behavior and economic distress has a negative effect on the level of investment satisfaction. The adjustment effect provided by financial experts in investment consulting service is affirmed as the critical factor that increase the influence between self-control and the level of investment satisfaction. To conclude, the research reveals that the psychological factors are the main criteria when the workers as employees have to make investment decisions. To make investors be reasonable, a systematic financial education system provided by experts is needed from the early adolescent stages and financial companies should develop the relevant services of consulting service department as a key financial sector and financial investment products and consulting program and marketing tool pertinent to investors ages, vocational traits and their inclinations.

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호스피스 전달체계 모형

  • Choe, Hwa-Suk
    • Korean Journal of Hospice Care
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.46-69
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    • 2001
  • Hospice Care is the best way to care for terminally ill patients and their family members. However most of them can not receive the appropriate hospice service because the Korean health delivery system is mainly be focussed on acutly ill patients. This study was carried out to clarify the situation of hospice in Korea and to develop a hospice care delivery system model which is appropriate in the Korean context. The theoretical framework of this study that hospice care delivery system is composed of hospice resources with personnel, facilities, etc., government and non-government hospice organization, hospice finances, hospice management and hospice delivery, was taken from the Health Delivery System of WHO(1984). Data was obtained through data analysis of litreature, interview, questionairs, visiting and Delphi Technique, from October 1998 to April 1999 involving 56 hospices, 1 hospice research center, 3 non-government hospice organizations, 20 experts who have had hospice experience for more than 3 years(mean is 9 years and 5 months) and officials or members of 3 non-government hospice organizations. There are 61 hospices in Korea. Even though hospice personnel have tried to study and to provide qualified hospice serices, there is nor any formal hospice linkage or network in Korea. This is the result of this survey made to clarify the situation of Korean hospice. Results of the study by Delphi Technique were as follows: 1.Hospice Resources: Key hospice personnel were found to be hospice coordinator, doctor, nurse, clergy, social worker, volunteers. Necessary qualifications for all personnel was that they conditions were resulted as have good health, receive hospice education and have communication skills. Education for hospice personnel is divided into (i)basic training and (ii)special education, e.g. palliative medicine course for hospice specialist or palliative care course in master degree for hospice nurse specialist. Hospice facilities could be developed by adding a living room, a space for family members, a prayer room, a church, an interview room, a kitchen, a dining room, a bath facility, a hall for music, art or work therapy, volunteers' room, garden, etc. to hospital facilities. 2.Hospice Organization: Whilst there are three non-government hospice organizations active at present, in the near future an hospice officer in the Health&Welfare Ministry plus a government Hospice body are necessary. However a non-government council to further integrate hospice development is also strongly recommended. 3.Hospice Finances: A New insurance standards, I.e. the charge for hospice care services, public information and tax reduction for donations were found suggested as methods to rise the hospice budget. 4.Hospice Management: Two divisions of hospice management/care were considered to be necessary in future. The role of the hospice officer in the Health & Welfare Ministry would be quality control of hospice teams and facilities involved/associated with hospice insurance standards. New non-government integrating councils role supporting the development of hospice care, not insurance covered. 5.Hospice delivery: Linkage&networking between hospice facilities and first, second, third level medical institutions are needed in order to provide varied and continous hospice care. Hospice Acts need to be established within the limits of medical law with regards to standards for professional staff members, educational programs, etc. The results of this study could be utilizes towards the development to two hospice care delivery system models, A and B. Model A is based on the hospital, especially the hospice unit, because in this setting is more easily available the new medical insurance for hospice care. Therefore a hospice team is organized in the hospital and may operate in the hospice unit and in the home hospice care service. After Model A is set up and operating, Model B will be the next stage, in which medical insurance cover will be extended to home hospice care service. This model(B) is also based on the hospital, but the focus of the hospital hospice unit will be moved to home hospice care which is connected by local physicians, national public health centers, community parties as like churches or volunteer groups. Model B will contribute to the care of terminally ill patients and their family members and also assist hospital administrators in cost-effectiveness.

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Improvement Plan to Facilitate a Landscape Architectural Promotion Facility and Complex System (조경진흥시설과 조경진흥단지 제도 활성화 방안 연구)

  • Kim, Yong-Gook;Kim, Shin-Sung
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.46 no.1
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    • pp.9-16
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    • 2018
  • Landscape architecture is an indispensable professional service in building sustainable land and urban environments. The landscape architecture industry is closely related to the promotion of the health and welfare of the people, urban revitalization and residential environment improvement as well as job creation. Despite various public interest values of landscape architecture, the growth engine of the landscape architecture industry, which is supposed to improve the quality of landscape services, has stagnated. In 2015, the Landscape Architecture Promotion Act was enacted to provide a landscape architectural promotion facility and complex system to support revitalization through the integration of the landscape architecture industry. The purpose of this study is to suggest an improvement plan to enhance the effectiveness of the landscape architectural promotion facility and complex system. The results of the analysis are as follows: First, workers and experts in landscape architecture recognized the need for policies and projects to promote the landscape architecture industry. Second, the industrial types suitable for the landscape architectural promotion facility were landscape design, landscape maintenance and management, and landscape construction industry. Meanwhile the industrial types suitable for a landscape architectural promotion complex were landscape trees and landscape facilities production and distribution. Third, the expected effect of the designation of the landscape architectural facility was 'the increase of the business opportunity through the expansion of the network'. On the other hand, that of the landscape architectural promotion complex was 'the activation of various information sharing'. Fourth, 'the size of the local government landscape architecture industry and the capacity to cultivate' was the most important among the designation criteria of the landscape architectural promotion facility. As for that of the landscape architectural promotion complex, the 'feasibility of promotion plan' was the most crucial. Fifth, 'tax benefit and deductible exemption' was considered as a necessary support method for the activation of the landscape architectural promotion facility, and 'maintenance and management fee support' was recognized in the case of the landscape architectural promotion complex.

Transition of Occupational Health Nursing Education in Korea (한국 산업간호교육의 변화추세 분석)

  • Cho, Tong Ran;June, Kyung Ja;Kim, So Yeon
    • Korean Journal of Occupational Health Nursing
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.144-155
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    • 1997
  • In December 1990, Occupational Safety and Health Law was amended to reinforce employer's responsibilities on employees' health and safety. Among the amended law it was important to expand the role of an occupational health nurse to the role of an occupational health manager. An occupational health manager should take charge of coordinating periodic health examination and environmental hazard evaluation, providing primary care, monitoring employees' health status, giving the workplace walk-through, selecting safe protection equipment, providing health information, counseling and health education, independently. This position of occupational health nurse is equivalent to the role of doctors or occupational hygienists. In 1991, government made a master plan to prevent occupational disease and injury. Under the plan, Korea Industrial Nursing Association (KINA) was established in 1994 with the purpose of improving health services and upgrading career opportunities for members. Therefore, this study was designed to analyze the transition of occupational health nursing education with the changes of law and policy in Korea between 1991 and 1996. In details, it was to analyze the rate of school providing occupational health nursing practice based lecture, lecture hours, lecture contents in undergraduate curriculum, program contents of graduate school, kinds of continuing education, etc. For this purpose, we conducted survey two times. In February 1991, baseline study was conducted with all nursing programs in Korea (19 BSN programs and 43 nursing departments of junior college). From April to May in 1996, the second survey was conducted with all nursing programs (38 BSN programs and 69 junior colleges). The first response rate was 66.1% and the second was 40.6%. Structured questionnaires were mailed to the deans or the community health nursing faculties. In the case of graduate school, telephone survey was conducted with 10 school of public health or environmental health area. Data from the yearbook of Industrial Safety Training Institute (ISTI), the history of Korea Industrial Health Association, and the journals of KINA were also included in the analysis. As the results, we found that there were remarkable improvement in undergraduate and graduate programs, obligatory as well as voluntary continuing education in terms of occupational health nursing expertise between 1991 and 1996. 1) The number of school providing occupational health nursing practice-based lecture was increased with the rate from 7.3% to 25.6%. The rate of school giving over 15 class-hours was increased from 33.3% to 46.6%. 2) Content areas were composed of introduction of occupational health, occupational epidemiology, industrial hygiene, occupational disease and injury, law and policy, health education, concept of occupational health nursing, role of occupational health nurse, occupational health nursing process, etc. Of content areas, occupational health nursing process was more emphasized with the increased rate from 43.9% to 88.4%. 3) In the case of graduate school, occupational health programs were increased from 4 to 10. One of them has developed occupational health nursing program as an independent course since 1991. 4) The law increased educational hours from 28 hours to 36 hours for introductory course at the time of appointment, and from 14 hours to 24 hours every 2 years for continuing education. Course contents were Occupational safety and health law, introduction of occupational health, health education methodology, planning and evaluation, periodic health exam, occupational disease care, primary care, emergency care, management, industrial environment evaluation, etc. In 1996, Korea Industrial Nursing Association has begun to provide continuing education after Industrial Safety Training Institute. 5) Various educational programs in voluntary base were developed such as monthly seminar, CE articles, annual academic symposium, etc. It was shown that changes of law and policy led rapid growth of occupational health nursing education in various levels. From this trend, it is expected that occupational health nurse expertise be continuously to be enhanced in Korea. Legal and political supports should proceed for the development of occupational health nursing in early stage.

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Structural Analysis of the Community Welfare Problems -In Busanjingu, Busan, Korea- (지역사회복지의 문제점에 관한 구조화분석 -부산진구를 대상으로-)

  • Park, Jung-Mi;Park, Sung-Hyun;Yu, Dong-Chul
    • Korean Journal of Social Welfare
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    • v.64 no.1
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    • pp.199-223
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    • 2012
  • The purpose of this study is to clarify the mechanism and essence of problems by understanding the whole structure of the complicated problems that exist in the social welfare field with DEMATEL method, one of structural models. This paper consists of (1) What kind of social welfare problems exist in the community that is related to welfare? (2) What kind of thoughts do people who work in social welfare field have related to these problems? (3) Are there any differences in structure of thoughts among social welfare civil servants who take charge of planning and dividing budgets for community welfare, social workers who provide services personally and civic activists who criticize and keep watch on behalf of civilians? In order to achieve the purpose of this study, data were collected in Busan Busanjingu and the survey was conducted from the year of 2005 when community welfare plan was first established up to now. The major structural problems of the community welfare of the Pusan Jin-gu, Korea, are: 1) welfare budget allocation procedure is not logical, 2) the outskirts of the Pusan Jin-gu are isolated as poor areas, 3) geographic imbalance is severe among communities, and 4) the social welfare response system to support future population structure needs to be more developed. All of these problems are the fundamental origin to the social resource disparity within communities. The major problems of the community social welfare in Pusan Jin-gu, Korea were recognized by different perspective in terms of professional career such as social welfare civil servants, social workers, and civic activists. Majority of the social welfare civil servants thought "severe geographic imbalance"; majority of the social workers believed "lack of the social welfare response system to support the structure of the population in the future" and "disparity in social resources within the communities"; and majority of the civic activists said "limitation for understanding various social welfare needs because of short term need assessments" as main issues of the community social welfare. It seems that this paper is able to be used as a framework to establish community welfare plans and individual programs in Busan Busanjingu.

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The Influence of Perception and Attitudes of Inpatients Towards the Activation of Private Health Insurance (민간의료보험 활성화에 대한 입원환자의 인식 및 태도에 미치는 영향 - 서울시내 일개 종합병원을 대상으로 -)

  • Yoon, Soo-Jin;Kim, Seong-Ju;Yu, Seung-Hum;Oh, Hyohn-Joo
    • Korea Journal of Hospital Management
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.24-41
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    • 2008
  • This research is aimed at analyzing and understanding the perception and attitudes of inpatients in a general hospital in Seoul towards the activation of private health insurance. Survey was conducted against 231 inpatients, results of which were analyzed in the methods of frequency analysis, chi square test, and logistic regression. The results are summarized as follows; First, better-educated population who finished college education at least, higher-income population, and people who had more knowledge about private health insurance showed more perception about activation of private health insurance. Second, better-educated population who finished college education at least, higher-income population, those who are insured in existing private insurance, oncological patients, and people who had more knowledge about private health insurance showed more positive attitude towards private health insurance paying for actual damages, long-term care insurance, and income security insurance. Third, age and education were the factors affecting perception about activation of private health insurance. The older the age is, perception was 1.035 times positive towards activation of private health insurance, and those who finished college education or above showed 3.148 times positive perception towards the same. Forth, surgical patients showed 1.087 times more positive attitude towards private health insurance paying for actual damages than internal medicine patients, while oncological patients showed 2.314 times more positive attitude than internal medicine patients. Further, understanding on the activation of private health insurance was 6.014 times higher in the higher understanding group than in the lower understanding group. Intention to use long-term care insurance was 2.692 times stronger in the male group than in the female group, and 3.616 times stronger in the oncological patients group than in internal medicine patients group. Further, understanding on the activation of private health insurance was 3.881 times deeper in the higher understanding group than in the lower understanding group. Intention to use income security insurance was 3.185 times stronger in those who have academic background of under the high school than those over the college, and 4.175 times higher in the group those whose monthly average income is over 4 million won than those under 4 million won. Also, intention to use income security insurance was 4.323 times higher in the group those who are insured by existing private insurances than those who are not insured by those insurances and it was 5.234 times higher in the group of oncological patients than in the group of internal medicine patients. Further, intention to use income security insurance was 3.559 times higher in the group those who thought that out-of-pocket money of the National Health Insurance is too much to bear than those it is quite endurable. Understanding on the activation of private health insurance was 4.875 times deeper in the higher understanding group than in the lower understanding group. There were some suggestions could be made based on the results of this research. First, reinforced publicity and education is needed for the low-educated or low-income group, as there are gaps in the understanding on the activation of private health insurance depending on the degree of education and income. Second, government should prepare administrative complementary measures to solve the problem of adverse selection by the consumer which is foreseen when private health insurances are activated. Third, government should suggest the desirable course of development of private health insurance items to ensure efficient use of enormous fund of private insurance market for health security of the people. Further, institutional complementary measures are needed to convert existing cancer insurances or specific disease insurances to private health insurances paying for actual damages guaranteeing against every kind of disease. Forth, it judged that, not only private health insurances paying for actual damages, but also long-term care insurances and income security insurances are prospective as fields to create fresh demand for insurance industry.

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Changes of Isoflavone Contents During Maturation under Different Planting Dates in Black Soybean (파종기 차이에 따른 등숙기간 중 검정콩의 아이소플라본 함량 변화)

  • Yi, Eun-Seob;Yoon, Seong-Tak
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    • v.57 no.4
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    • pp.424-429
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    • 2012
  • This study was carried out to investigate the influence of different planting time on the synthesis of isoflavone in black soybean, Three varieties used in this experiment were lpumgeomjeongkong, Cheongjakong and Heugcheongkong which had different ecotypes, repectively. Seeds were sown at different time, May 15th, May 30th and June 15th with planting density of 60×15cm60×15cm. In order to analyze the content of isoflavone, we collected sample every 5 days from 30 days after flowering to harvest and analyzed them with UPLC. As sowing was delayed, the content of isoflavone increased in all of three varieties. The content of genistein was greater than daidzein and glycitein. Increase of Glycitein was not distinct from 55 days after flowering(DAF) and it was stable against temperature change during the seed developing period. Although the content of genistein in Ilpumgeomjeongkong from 50 to 55 DAF, in Cheongjakong from 40 to 55 DAF and in Heugcheongkong from 60 to 65 DAF was lower than the content of daidzein, it was higher than that of daidzein afterward. In the statistical analysis on the relationship between average temperature and the content of aglycone isoflavone at 5-day intervals from 30 DAF during the grain filling period, genistein in Ilpumgeomjeongkong showed meaningful correlation as y=-15.28x+407.9 (R2=0.505R2=0.505), diadzein in Cheongjakong showed meaningful correlation as y=-6.188x-164.5(R2=0.454R2=0.454), and genistein showed significantly high correlation as y=-11.59x+297.6 (R2=0.545R2=0.545). Taking all the above results into consideration, it was suggested that the regions suitable for high content of isoflavone in black soybean be the northern area of Gyeonggi-do and Gangwon-do, Chungcheongbuk-do and inland area of Gyeongsangbuk-do, where are relatively low average temperature from flowering stage(R2R2) during the grain filling period.

Analysis on Growth and Yield of Cherry Tomato Grown in a Two-Story Bed System Adapted to Strawberry Cultivation as Affected by the Planting Time during the Uncultivated Period (딸기 재배용 2단 베드 시스템에서 휴작기 이용 방울토마토 재배 시 정식 시기에 따른 생육과 생산성 분석)

  • Choi, Hyo Gil;Moon, Byoung Yong;Kang, Nam Jun;Ko, Dae Whan;Kwon, Joon Kook;Lee, Jae Han;Park, Kyoung Sub
    • Horticultural Science & Technology
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    • v.34 no.2
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    • pp.228-235
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    • 2016
  • This study was conducted to determine the yield of cherry tomato (Solanum lycopersicum Mill.) grown at three planting times during the uncultivated period of strawberry. Cherry tomato was planted under condition filled with strawberry dedicated culture medium on a two-story bed with April 20, April 30, and May 10 at 2015. Fruit harvest was completed on July 31. The supply concentration of nutrient solution at the time of transplanting was started as EC 1.2dSm11.2dSm1 and it was gradually increased to EC 2.5dSm12.5dSm1 after blooming of the first flower cluster. Netherlands PBG solution was supplied for one minute six times per day. The heights of cherry tomato plants planted at earlier were significantly greater than those of tomato plants planted later. The heights of cherry tomato plants grown at the bottom of the bed were greater than those grown in the upper bed. The yield of cherry tomatoes planted on April 20 at the bottom of the bed was greatest with an average of 2,954 g of tomatoes per plant. There were no significant differences in the average weight and sugar content of fruit according to planting times and bed position. The yield of cherry tomato plants planted on April 20 was 18% and 34% higher than that of plants planted on April 30 and May 10. We confirmed to increase the yield of the cherry tomato when early plants planted on two-story bed. These results indicate that farmers can choose the best period of producing cherry tomato during the un-cultivated period of strawberry under two-story bed conditions.

A Study on the Development Strategy of Smart Learning for Public Education (스마트러닝의 공교육 정착을 위한 성공전략 연구)

  • Kim, Taisiya;Cho, Ji Yeon;Lee, Bong Gyou
    • Journal of Internet Computing and Services
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    • v.16 no.6
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    • pp.123-131
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    • 2015
  • Recently the development of ICT has a big impact on education field, and diffusion of smart devices has brought new education paradigm. Since people has an opportunity to use various contents anytime and communicate in an interactive way, the method of learning has changing. In 2011, Korean government has established the smart education promotion plan to be a first mover in the paradigm shift from e-learning to smart learning. Especially, government aimed to improve the quality of learning materials and method in public schools, and also to decrease the high expenditure on private education. However, the achievement of smart education policy has not emerged yet, and the refinement of smart learning policy and strategy is essential at this moment. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to propose the successful strategies for smart learning in public education. First, this study explores the status of public education and smart learning environment in Korea. Then, it derives the key success factors through SWOT(Strength, Weakness, Opportunity, Threat) analysis, and suggests strategic priorities through AHP(Analytic Hierarchy Priority) method. The interview and survey were conducted with total 20 teachers, who works in public schools. As a results, focusing on weakness-threat(WT) strategy is the most prior goal for public education, to activate the smart learning. As sub-factors, promoting the education programs for teachers(W2W2), which is still a weakness, appeared as the most important factor to be improved. The second sub-factor with high priority was an efficient optimizing the capability of new learning method(S4S4), which is a strength of systematic public education environment. The third sub-factor with high priority was the extension of limited government support(T4T4), which could be a threat to other public schools with no financial support. In other words, the results implicate that government institution factors should be considered with high priority to make invisible achievement in smart learning. This study is significant as an initial approach with strategic perspective for public education. While the limitation of this study is that survey and interview were conducted with only teachers. Accordingly, the future study needs to be analyzed in effectiveness and feasibility, by considering perspectives from field experts and policy makers.