• 제목/요약/키워드: Agricultural R and D

검색결과 1,363건 처리시간 0.026초

Studies on the Agricultural Use of the Water-swelling Polymer -I. Basic Experiment (수팽윤성(水膨潤性) 고분자(高分子) 화합물(化合物)의 농업적(農業的) 이용(利用)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究) -제(第) I 보(報) 기초시험(基礎試驗)을 중심(中心)으로)

  • No, Yeong-Pal;Jung, Yeun-Tae;Chung, Gun-Sik;Kim, Young-Ha
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • 제20권3호
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    • pp.209-216
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    • 1987
  • The experiments were carried out in lab. as well as in pots, to develop the agricultural usage of water swellable polymer, a kind of polyacrylic acid(K-sorb) synthesized by the Korea Advanced Institute of Science & Technology (KAIST) recently. The changes of soil physical properties and the influences to crops were investigated with various levels of K-sorb. When the K-sorb mixed with soils and soaked up distilled water, the volume of soils increased with the increase of soil available water contents and increase of K-sorb application levels. The rate increase of soil available water was higher in the coarse textured soils than in the fine while the swelling rate of soil volume showed adverse tendencies. A positive linear regression was observed between the contents of available soil water and levels of K-sorb. K-sorb application decreased bulk density and hardness due to the increase of porosity after soybean cultivation. The permeability in coarser textured soils such as sandy and coarse loamy families was decreased with the increase of K-sorb but in the medium textured soils it was opposite. At higher levels of K-sorb, about 0.5%, the permeability abruptly decreased due to dispersion and vertical movement in silty soils, while it was not changed in fine clayey soils but has the same trend with silty soils. In the plot of 0.3% of K-sorb application, the growth of soybean such as number of pods and stem length etc. increased and the yield also increased about 1.2-1.8 times of control. The optimum amounts of K-sorb were slightly different according to soil texture but estimated from regression curves were about 0.2% to 0.35% of soils in dry weight bases.

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The Sclerotia Formation of Polyporus umbellatus on the Logs (인공접종된 원목에서 저령의 균핵형성)

  • Son, Seo-Gyu;Park, Dong-Gyu;Ban, Ki-Won;Ka, Kang-Hyun;Shim, Jae-Ouk;Lee, Youn-Su;Lee, Sang-Sun;Lee, Tae-Soo;Kim, Kwang-Poh;Lee, Min-Woong
    • The Korean Journal of Mycology
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    • 제26권3호통권86호
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    • pp.396-398
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    • 1998
  • This study was carried out to obtain the basic data for artificial production of Polyporus umbellatus. Among logs consisted of 16 tree species, the log of Stylax japonica inoculated with Polyporus umbellatus not only produced compact sclerotia of $3{\sim}5\;mm$ in their diameters but resulted in the good mycelial density. Also, the sclerotia were observed on 6 different kinds of logs inoculated with Polyporus umbellatus.

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Development of heat exchanger for underground water heat. II - Design and manufacture for heat exchanger of underground water - (지하수 이용을 위한 열교환기 개발. II - 지하수이용 냉·난방기 설계제작 -)

  • Lee, W.Y.;Ahn, D.H.;Kim, S.C.;Park, W.P.;Kang, Y.G.;Kim, S.B.
    • Journal of Practical Agriculture & Fisheries Research
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    • 제4권1호
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    • pp.128-137
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    • 2002
  • This study was conducted to develop the heat exchanger by utilizing the heat energy of underground water(15℃), which might be used for cooling and heating system of the agricultural facilities. We developed the heat exchanger by using the parallel type plat fin tube made of Aluminum(Al 6063), which was named Aloo-Heat(No. 0247164, offered by Korean Intellectual property Office). The trial manufactures were made from Aloo-heat which was 600mm, 700mm length respectively, and It were welded to the end "U" type in order to direct flow of the underground water. The performance test was carried out under the condition of open space and room temperature with the change of flow rate of the underground water and air. The results are as follows. 1. The trial manufactures had convection heat value from 33 to 156 W/m2℃, and It was coincided with design assumption. 2. The amount of energy transfer was increased with the increment of the area of heat transfer, the air flow, the gap of temperature inlet & outlet the underground water and the air. 3. The heat value was 6,825W when the air flow was 6,000m3/h and the gap of temperature between inlet and outlet of the underground water was 6℃, and It dropped from 25.8℃ to 23.2℃(-2.6℃ difference). The convection heat value was 88.5W/m2℃. 4. The heat value was 2.625W when the air flow was 4,000m3/h and the gap of temperature between inlet and outlet the underground water was 2℃, and It dropped from 27℃ to 22.5℃(-4.5℃ difference). The convection heat value was 33.6W/m2℃. 5. Correlation values(R2) of the testing heat values of the trial manufacture type I, II, and III were 0.9141, 0.8935, and 0.9323 respectively, and correlation values(R2) of the amount of the air flow 6,000m3/h, 5,000m3/h, 4,000m3/h were 0.9513, 0.9414, and 0.9003 respectively.

The Heavy Metal Tolerant Soil Bacterium Achromobacter sp. AO22 Contains a Unique Copper Homeostasis Locus and Two mer Operons

  • Ng, Shee Ping;Palombo, Enzo A.;Bhave, Mrinal
    • Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology
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    • 제22권6호
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    • pp.742-753
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    • 2012
  • Copper-containing compounds are introduced into the environment through agricultural chemicals, mining, and metal industries and cause severe detrimental effects on ecosystems. Certain microorganisms exposed to these stressors exhibit molecular mechanisms to maintain intracellular copper homeostasis and avoid toxicity. We have previously reported that the soil bacterial isolate Achromobacter sp. AO22 is multi-heavy metal tolerant and exhibits a mer operon associated with a Tn21 type transposon. The present study reports that AO22 also hosts a unique cop locus encoding copper homeostasis determinants. The putative cop genes were amplified from the strain AO22 using degenerate primers based on reported cop and pco sequences, and a constructed 10,552 base pair contig (GenBank Accession No. GU929214). BLAST analyses of the sequence revealed a unique cop locus of 10 complete open reading frames, designated copSRABGOFCDK, with unusual separation of copCD from copAB. The promoter areas exhibit two putative cop boxes, and copRS appear to be transcribed divergently from other genes. The putative protein CopA may be a copper oxidase involved in export to the periplasm, CopB is likely extracytoplasmic, CopC may be periplasmic, CopD is cytoplasmic/inner membrane, CopF is a P-type ATPase, and CopG, CopO, and CopK are likely copper chaperones. CopA, B, C, and D exhibit several potential copper ligands and CopS and CopR exhibit features of two-component regulatory systems. Sequences flanking indicate the AO22 cop locus may be present within a genomic island. Achromobacter sp. strain AO22 is thus an ideal candidate for understanding copper homeostasis mechanisms and exploiting them for copper biosensor or biosorption systems.

An Investigation of the Control of Two-Spotted Spider Mites (Tetranychus urticae Koch) Resistant to Organo-Phosphates (유기인제저항성 점박이응애(Tetranychus urticae Koch)에 관한 연구)

  • Lee Seung Chan;Harrison R. A.
    • Korean journal of applied entomology
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    • 제7권
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    • pp.39-51
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    • 1969
  • The study involved determination of resistance levels of spider mites ta argano-phosphates using topical application and slide dip techniques; laboratory serening tests of alternative acaricides using an O/P resistant strain and a field trial of the screened materials. 1. Strains of Tetranychus were from Timaru(TR), Havelock Narth (HNR), Lincaln (LN). Germany (GR, GN). Comparisons of the resistant strains and normal strains at the LD50 and LC50 levels were as follows : (a) Using the topical application tochnique; with Parathian. resistant levels of the GR. TR and HNR strains of T. urticae were respeativuly, 1035. 484 and 452 times as resistant' as the LN strain. (b) Using the slide dip technique; with Phosdrin, resistant of GR, TR and HNR strains of T. urticae were 635, 274 and 266 times greater respeativuly, than the GN strain. 2. The laboratory sereaning tests were carried out far their contact plus stomach and residual effect to assess the toxicities of eleven alternative materials which would be used far control of O/P resistant strain of T. urticae. The acaricide groups represented were 3 organo-chlorines (Spidex, Kelthane and C 8514), 2 nitrophenyls (UC 19786 and Morocide), 2 cyclic carbonates(Eradex and Morestan). I carbamate (UC2004 7A), 1 mixture of carbamate and orano-chlorine and 2 other chemicals (C 8677 and M2527). From all acaricide tested. Kelthane and Morocide were the most effective, folowed by Spidex and M2527. Morestan, C8514. C8677 and RS 143 were intermediate, but Eradex, UC 19786 and UC 20046A were poor. 3, The number of sapmles required for estimation of the population in the field evaluation of acaricidal effects was one giving the highest practical precision. It was decided, after preliminary sampling trials. to use samples of 30 leaves per replicate which gave a $5.7\%$ standard error. 4. In the field trials, Morocide applied at the $0.05\%\;and\; 0.04\%$ a. i. conc. to black currant trees gave excellent control of O/P resistant population of T. urticae for about 12 days, but Morocide 0.025 and Kel thane $0.02\%$ a. i. cone. gave efficient control for about 6 days. In other words. first applications of Kel thane ane Moroeide gave very high degrees of control of O/P resistant population of the two-spotted spider mite. However, the results indicate that secondary application would sometimes be necessary. There was no foliage damage of black Currants and strawberries by either acaricides at the concentrations used. Acknowledgment ... The authors are grateful to: Dr. R. P. pottinger, Senior Lecturer in Agricultural Zoology. Lincoln college. New Zealand. for his helpful assistance in aiding with the organization of thd field work. Department of agriculture officers for mite colonies. Mr. D. A. Slade, Technical Advisor. Fruitgrowers' Federation (now at Massey University) for his assistance and provision of mites for testing. Mr T. McRae of Timaru for permission to use his crops for field tests. The following chemical companies and I or their New Zealand agents for so readily supplying samples of acarides; Ivan Watkins-Dow Limited. Fruitgrowers Chemical Company Limited. Henry H. York & company (New Zealand). Shell Oil (New Zealand) Limited.

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The Occurrence of Rice Leaf-folder, Cnaphalocrocis medinalis (Lepidoptera : Crambidae) in Suwon and its Responses to Insecticides (혹명나방 개체군의 수원지역 발생 패턴 및 몇가지 약제에 대한 반응)

  • Park, Hong-Hyun;Cho, Jum-Rae;Park, Chang-Gyu;Kim, Kwang-Ho;Goh, Hyun-Gwan;Lee, Sang-Guei
    • Korean journal of applied entomology
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    • 제49권3호
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    • pp.219-226
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    • 2010
  • This paper presents the occurrence and damage characteristics of the rice leaf-folder populations in the paddy fields of Dangsu-dong, Suwon from 2004 to 2007, and also reports the insecticide response of rice leaf-folder populations, which were collected from 2005 to 2006 in Korea and Vietnam. Laboratory measurements of the head capsule width and body length data enabled the identification of the rice leaf-folder larva stages collected in the field. The rice leaf-folder population in Suwon from 2004 to 2007 has a clear pattern consisting of two different group: the low and high density years. During the low density years (2004 and 2006), only one adult peak was noted in late August, with the damaged-hill percent less than 10% in late July, and the damaged-leaf percent around 2% in September. In contrast, during the high density years (2005 and 2007), two adult peaks were noted in early August and mid-September, with the damaged-hill percent was around 30% in late July, and the damaged-leaf percent 15 to 30% in September, which was beyond the economic injury level of rice leaf-folder. High correlations existed between the occurrence of rice leaf-folder in late July and early August and damages to rice during September. Based on these results, we suggest that the information on the rice leaf-folder population monitored by the adult density or damaged-hill percent in late July and early August would be very useful for predicting the damages later in the season for aiding in decision-making for timely control. In addition, the regional populations of rice leaf-folder showed the similar responses to the insecticides tested: high susceptibility to IGRs (tebufenozide and methoxyfenozide) and organophosphates (chlorpyrifos-methyl, pyridaphenthion), but relatively low to cartap.

Prevalence and Infection Status of Salmonella in 25 Conventional Swine Farms in Korea (국내 25개 양돈장의 살모넬라 유병율 및 감염유형)

  • Park, Choi-Kyu;Kim, Hee-Jung;Kim, Jin-Hyun;Cho, Jae-Keun;Kim, Young-Hwa;Jung, Yoon-Soo;Bae, Chae-Wun;Park, Jun-Cheol;Kim, In-Cheul;Kim, Ki-Seuk
    • Journal of Life Science
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    • 제23권10호
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    • pp.1267-1272
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    • 2013
  • The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence and infection status of Salmonella species (spp.) in 25 conventional pig farms by traditional fecal culture and serological methods to develop a Salmonella control program for Korean pig farms. The individual seroprevalence of Salmonella spp. in pigs reared in the 25 pig farms was 83.1% in sows and 6.4-32% in different aged pig groups, with the total seroprevalence 28.4% (141/848). The seroprevalence of the tested pigs increased in accordance with the decrease in maternal antibody and the rearing period on these farms. Of note, all the 25 pig farms contained at least two or more anti-Salmonella antibody-positive sows. In the fecal cultures Salmonella spp. were isolated only in three (12.0%, 3/25) of 16 serologically Salmonella-suspected farms (64.0%, 16/25), showing the limitation of the fecal culture method and the need for serum assays to understand the exact status of Salmonella infection in swine herds, which likely contain subclinically infected pigs or carriers. The results highlight the need to establish a supply system of Salmonella-free gilts for the promotion of a national Salmonella control program on swine farms in Korea. Further studies will be needed to develop an effective monitoring system for the implementation of a national Salmonella control program.

Identification and Characterization of Diplodia parva and Diplodia crataegicola Causing Black Rot of Chinese Quince

  • Sungmun Kwon;Jungyeon Kim;Younmi Lee;Kotnala Balaraju;Yongho Jeon
    • The Plant Pathology Journal
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    • 제39권3호
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    • pp.275-289
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    • 2023
  • Fungal isolates from infected Chinese quince trees were found to cause black rot in Yeongcheon, Gyeongsangbuk Province, Korea. The quince leaves withered and turned reddish-brown and fruits underwent black mummification. To elucidate the cause of these symptoms, the pathogen was isolated from infected leaf and fruit tissues on potato dextrose agar and Levan media. Several fungal colonies forming a fluffy white or dark gray mycelium and two types of fungi forming an aerial white mycelium, growing widely at the edges, were isolated. Microscopic observations, investigation of fungal growth characteristics on various media, and molecular identification using an internal transcribed spacer, β-tubulin, and translation elongation factor 1-α genes were performed. The fungal pathogens were identified as Diplodia parva and Diplodia crataegicola. Pathogenicity tests revealed that the pathogen-inoculated fruits exhibited a layered pattern, turning brown rotting; leaves showed circular brown necrotic lesions. The developed symptoms were similar to those observed in the field. Fungal pathogens were reisolated to fulfill Koch's postulates. Apples were inoculated with fungal pathogens to investigate the host range. Strong pathogenicity was evident in the fruits, with browning and rotting symptoms 3 days after inoculation. To determine pathogen control, a fungicidal sensitivity test was conducted using four registered fungicides. Thiophanate-methyl, propineb, and tebuconazole inhibited the mycelial growth of pathogens. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report on the isolation and identification of the fungal pathogens D. parva and D. crataegicola from infected fruits and leaves of Chinese quince, causing black rot disease in Korea.

Discrimination of Korean Native Chicken Populations Using SNPs from mtDNA and MHC Polymorphisms

  • Hoque, M.R.;Lee, S.H.;Jung, K.C.;Kang, B.S.;Park, M.N.;Lim, H.K.;Choi, K.D.;Lee, J.H.
    • Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences
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    • 제24권12호
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    • pp.1637-1643
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    • 2011
  • Korean native chickens are a very valuable chicken population in Korea and their prices are higher than that of commercial broilers. In order to discriminate two commercial Korean native chicken populations (CCP1 and CCP2), single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) from mitochondrial (mt) DNA D-loop sequences and LEI0258 marker polymorphisms in the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) region were investigated. A total of 718 birds from nine populations were sampled and 432 mtDNA sequences were obtained. Of these, two commercial Korean native chicken populations (363 birds) were used for investigation of their genetic relationship and breed differentiation. The sequence data classified the chickens into 20 clades, with the largest number of birds represented in clade 1. Analysis of the clade distribution indicated the genetic diversity and relation among the populations. Based on the mtDNA sequence analysis, three selected SNPs from mtDNA polymorphisms were used for the breed identification. The combination of identification probability (Pi) between CCP1 and CCP2 using SNPs from mtDNA and LEI0258 marker polymorphisms was 86.9% and 86.1%, respectively, indicating the utility of these markers for breed identification. The results will be applicable in designing breeding and conservation strategies for the Korean native chicken populations and also used for the development of breed identification markers.

Effect of Dietary Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA) on Abdominal Fat Deposition in Yellow-feather Broiler Chickens and Its Possible Mechanism

  • Zhou, J.
    • Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences
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    • 제21권12호
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    • pp.1760-1765
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    • 2008
  • A total of 60 one-day-old Yellow-feather broiler chickens were allotted into treatment and control groups. The treatment group was fed with the diet supplemented with 3% conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) for 48 d, while control group was fed with the diet supplemented with 3% rapeseed oil. Chickens were slaughtered in each group at the age of 49 d, and the blood and the abdominal adipose tissue were sampled. Serum cLeptin and serum cAdiponectin were measured by ELISA. The total RNA was extracted from adipose tissue to measure the abundance of the chicken growth hormone receptor (cGHR), insulin-like growth factor 1 (cIGF-1), insulin-like growth factor I receptor (cIGF-IR), peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma ($cPPAR{\gamma}$), cAdiponectin and cAdipoIR mRNA by RT-PCR using ${\beta}$-actin as an internal standard. Results showed that the CLA decreased the abdominal fat index by 20.93% (p<0.05). The level of serum cLeptin but not serum cAdiponectin was significantly increased by CLA treatment (p<0.05). CLA down-regulated the relative abundance of cGH-R mRNA and $cPPAR{\gamma}$ mRNA in abdominal adipose tissue by 24.74% (p<0.05) and 66.52% (p<0.01) respectively. However, no differences were found between CLA treatment group and control group (p>0.05) in the relative abundance of cIGF-1, cIGF-IR, cAdiponectin, and cAdipoIR mRNA in abdominal adipose tissue. The data suggested that CLA inhibited abdominal fat deposition in broiler chicken may be determined by decreasing the GHR available for GH, and by inhibiting the differentiation of preadipocytes via down-regulation of $PPAR{\gamma}$, but independent of IGF and (or) GH-IGF pathway or adiponectin action.