• Title/Summary/Keyword: Adjusted coordinate

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How to Get New Apparel Industry with Changing from Desire of Purchasing to Desire of Kansei Exchange : Part 1. An Interactive Body Model for Individual Pattern Making

  • Takatera, Masayuki;Cho, Young-Sook;Park, Hye-Jun;Shimizu, Yoshio
    • Proceedings of the Costume Culture Conference
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    • 2005.10a
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    • pp.48-54
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    • 2005
  • In order to mass-customize clothes, it is essential to take into account individual body shape using computerized 3D body models. This paper describes the development of an interactive body model that can be altered to match individual body perimeter, postures and depth for the purpose of computerized pattern making. Construction of the body model requires the extraction of necessary points, adjustment of coordinate points, linking of points by spline curves, control of section lengths and selectability of various hip types. Front to back depth of the model is adjusted by scaling ratio. We had a great result for controlling perimeter, posture and depth of body shapes. The results support the adaptability and potential usefulness of the posture and depth adjustable body model.

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Integrated GPS Network Adjustment for Determining KGD2002 Coordinate Sets (통합 GPS망조정에 의한 삼각점의 세계측지계 성과결정 연구)

  • Lee, Young-Jin;Jung, Kwang-Ho
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.31 no.1D
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    • pp.167-173
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    • 2011
  • This paper analyzes the procedure of calculating how the results of national control points (triangulation points), based on Bessel datum, have been transformed into those of KGD2002, based on the world geodetic system. GPS and EDM data observed from 1974 to 2008 were used for this purpose. A large-scale integrated GPS network was constructed to estimate the results of KGD2002 and new national control points about 12,000 were decided through multiple stages of data processing. The accuracy of these results is ${\pm}0.015m$ (95%) in the horizontal direction and ${\pm}0.030m$ (95%) in the vertical direction. The adjusted results verified by the construction of an integrated GPS/EDM network were compared with the results of KGD2002. In conclusion, the bulletin results are thought to be appropriate because the coordinate differences (RMSE) are ${\pm}0.0025m$ and ${\pm}0.008m$ in horizontal and vertical directions respectively.

The $3^{rd}$ Order GPS Network Adjustment for Determining of KGD2002 Coordinate Sets (GPS망조정에 의한 3등측지기준점의 세계측지계 성과산정)

  • Lee, Young-Jin;Jeong, Kwang-Ho;Lee, Hung-Kyu;Kwon, Chan-Oh;Song, Jun-Ho;Cho, Jun-Rae;Nam, Gi-Beom;Cha, Sang-Heon
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.25 no.5
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    • pp.437-449
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    • 2007
  • This paper deals with issues of GPS network adjustment for the purpose of determining the $3^{rd}$ order national geodetic control points based on the Korean Geodetic Datum which has newly adopted in the country since early 2003. After examining and arranging all the observations, GPS baseline analyses were performed to estimate baseline vectors between two control points. All the observations were divided into 17 block networks in order to accelerate the adjustment efficiency. After applying a minimally constrained adjustment technique to each of the block networks for the sake of detecting outliers and examining network precision, over constrained adjustments by fixing all of the $2^{nd}$ order control points within the block network were carried out to derive final coordinate sets. The final solutions indicated that the accuracy of the adjusted coordinates was better than 1cm and 2cm in the horizontal and vertical component, respectively.

A Study on Error Reduction of Indoor Location Determination using triangulation Method and Least Square Method (삼각측량법과 최소자승법을 활용한 실내 위치 결정의 산포 감소 방안에 관한 연구)

  • Jang, Jung-Hwan;Lee, Doo-Yong;Zhang, Jing-Lun;Jho, Yong-Chul;Lee, Chang-Ho
    • Journal of the Korea Safety Management & Science
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.217-224
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    • 2012
  • Location-Based Services(LBS) is a service that provide location information by using communication network or satellite signal. In order to provide LBS precisely and efficiently, we studied how we can reduce the error on location determination of objects such people and things. We focus on using the least square method and triangulation positioning method to improves the accuracy of the existing location determination method. Above two methods is useful if the distance between the AP and the tags can be find. Though there are a variety of ways to find the distance between the AP and tags, least squares and triangulation positioning method are wildely used. In this thesis, positioning method is composed of preprocessing and calculation of location coordinate and detail of methodology in each stage is explained. The distance between tag and AP is adjusted in the preprocessing stage then we utilize least square method and triangulation positioning method to calculate tag coordinate. In order to confirm the performance of suggested method, we developed the test program for location determination with Labview2010. According to test result, triangulation positioning method showed up loss error than least square method by 38% and also error reduction was obtained through adjustment process and filtering process. It is necessary to study how to reduce error by using additional filtering method and sensor addition in the future and also how to improve the accuracy of location determination at the boundary location between indoor and outdoor and mobile tag.

Comparative Analysis of Cartesian Trajectory and MultiVane Trajectory Using ACR Phantom in MRI : Using Image Intensity Uniformity Test and Low-contrast Object Detectability Test (ACR 팬텀을 이용한 Cartesian Trajectory와 MultiVane Trajectory의 비교분석 : 영상강도 균질성과 저대조도 검체 검출률 test를 사용하여)

  • Nam, Soon-Kwon;Choi, Joon-Ho
    • Journal of radiological science and technology
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    • v.42 no.1
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    • pp.39-46
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    • 2019
  • This study conducted a comparative analysis of differences between cartesian trajectory in a linear rectangular coordinate system and MultiVane trajectory in a nonlinear rectangular coordinate system axial T1 and axial T2 images using an American College of Radiology(ACR) phantom. The phantom was placed at the center of the head coil and the top-to-bottom and left-to-right levels were adjusted by using a level. The experiment was performed according to the Phantom Test Guidance provided by the ACR, and sagittal localizer images were obtained. As shown in Figure 2, slices # 1 and # 11 were scanned after placing them at the center of a $45^{\circ}$ wedge shape, and a total of 11 slices were obtained. According to the evaluation results, the image intensity uniformity(IIU) was 93.34% for the cartesian trajectory, and 93.19% for the MultiVane trajectory, both of which fall under the normal range in the axial T1 image. The IIU for the cartesian trajectory was 0.15% higher than that for the MultiVane trajectory. In axial T2, the IIU was 96.44% for the cartesian trajectory, and 95.97% for the MultiVane trajectory, which fall under the normal range. The IIU for the cartesian trajectory was by 0.47% higher than that for the MultiVane trajectory. As a result, the cartesian technique was superior to the MultiVane technique in terms of the high-contrast spatial resolution, image intensity uniformity, and low-contrast object detectability.

Development of a Three-Dimensional Numerical Model of the Vertical Ground-Coupled Heat Exchanger Considering the Effects of the Thermal Capacity (내부 열용량을 고려한 수직 지중열교환기의 3차원 수치 모델 개발)

  • Kim, Eui-Jong
    • Korean Journal of Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Engineering
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    • v.28 no.7
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    • pp.293-298
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    • 2016
  • A three-dimensional (3D) numerical model of the vertical ground-coupled heat exchanger is useful for analyzing the modern ground source heat pump system. Furthermore, a detailed description of the inner side of the exchanger allows to account for the effects of the thermal capacity. Thus, both methods are included in the proposed numerical model. For the ground portion, a FDM (Finite Difference Method) scheme has been applied using the Cartesian coordinate system. Cylindrical grids are applied for the borehole portion, and the U-tube configuration is adjusted at the grid, keeping the area and distance unchanged. Two sub-models are numerically coupled at each time-step using an iterative method for convergence. The model is validated by a reference 3D model under a continuous heat injection case. The results from a periodic heat injection input show that the proposed thermal capacity model reacts more slowly to the changes, resulting in lower borehole wall temperatures, when compared with a thermal resistance model. This implies that thermal capacity effects may be important factors for system controls.

Power Transmission from a Vibrating Mass to a Supporting Elate through Isolators (능동 및 수동격리기를 적용한 진동계에 있어서 힘의 전달에 관한 연구)

  • Jin-Woo Lee;Colin H. Hansen
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Safety
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.200-207
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    • 2001
  • The transmission of harmonic vibratory power form a vibrating rigid body into a supporting plate through passive and active isolators is investigated theoretically and experimentally. The theoretical model allows for the transmission of vertical and horizontal harmonic forces and moments about all three coordinate sun. The experiment is to use vibration actuators attached to the intermediate mass of the two-stage mount to minimize the rotational and translational vibration of the intermediate mass. The performance is done by measuring the vibration at the error sensors due to the primary vibration source and measuring the transfer functions from the control sources to the error sensors. Results show that over a frequence range from 1 to 100Hz, transmission into the supporting plate can be reduced substantially by employing in parallel with existing passive isolators, active isolators adjusted to provide appropriate control force amplitudes.

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Spatial target path following and coordinated control of multiple UUVs

  • Qi, Xue;Xiang, Peng;Cai, Zhi-jun
    • International Journal of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.832-842
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    • 2020
  • The coordination control of multiple Underactuated Underwater Vehicles (UUVs) moving in three dimensional space is investigated in this paper. The coordinated path following control task is decomposed into two sub tasks, that is, path following control and coordination control. In the spatial curve path following control task, path following error dynamics is build in the Serret-Frenet coordinate frame. The virtual reference object can be chosen freely on the desired spatial path. Considering the speed of the UUV, the line-of-sight navigation is introduced to help the path following errors quickly converge to zero. In the coordination control sub task, the communication topology of multiple UUVs is described by the graph theory. The speed of each UUV is adjusted to achieve the coordination. The path following system and the coordination control system are viewed as the feedback connection system. Input-to-state stable of the coordinated path following system can be proved by small gain theorem. The simulation experiments can further demonstrate the good performance of the control method.

Defect Length Measurement using Underwater Camera and A Laser Slit Beam

  • Kim, Young-Hwan;Yoon, Ji-Sup
    • 제어로봇시스템학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2003.10a
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    • pp.746-751
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    • 2003
  • A method of measuring the length of defects on the wall of the spent nuclear fuel pool using the image processing and a laser slit beam is proposed. Since the defect monitoring camera is suspended by a crane and hinged to the crane hook, the camera viewing direction can not be adjusted to the orientation that is exactly perpendicular to the wall. Thus, the image taken by the camera, which is horizontally rotated along the axis of the camera supporting beam, is distorted and thus, the precise length can not be measured. In this paper, by using the LASER slit beam generator, the horizontally rotated angle of the camera is estimated. Once the angle is obtained, the distorted image can be easily reconstructed to the image normal to the wall. The estimation algorithm adopts a 3-dimensional coordinate transformation of the image plane where both the laser slit beam and the original image of the defects exist. The estimation equation is obtained by using the information of the beam projected on the wall and the parameters of this equation are experimentally obtained. With this algorithm, the original image of the defect taken at arbitrary rotated angle can be reconstructed to an image normal to the wall. From the result of a series of experiments, the accuracy of the defect is measured within 0.6 and 1.3 % error bound of real defect size in the air and underwater, respectively under 30 degree of the inclined angle of the laser slit beam generator. Also, the error increases as the inclined angle increases upto 60 degree. Over this angle, the defect length can not be measured since the defect image disappears. The proposed algorithm enables the accurate measurement of the defect length only by using a single camera and a laser slit beam.

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Simultaneous Adjustment of the Korea Precise Primary Geodetic Network by Development Method (우리 나라 정밀측지망(精密測地網)의 동시조정(同時調整))

  • Choi, Jae Hwa;Choi, Yun Soo
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.151-159
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    • 1993
  • In conjunction with a vertical network. horizontal geodetic control points provide the basic framework for topographic mapping and legal survey. The design of such networks as well as the technical means for obtaining their coordinates have been changed in time, and therefore Korea National Geographic Institute has planned and observed the precise geodetic network since 1975. The aim of this study is to investigate the systematic distortions of the precise geodetic network in Korea implementing by the simultaneous adjustment. The results show that there are large discrepancies between adjusted and public coordinates in Chun-nam and Kyung-buk areas. The coordinate discrepancies are mainly due to the non-rigorous adjustment method and the disregard of the orientation unknown of the first direction for some blocks.

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