• Title/Summary/Keyword: Adaptive Optics

검색결과 119건 처리시간 0.744초

Science with the Giant Magellan Telescope Integral-Field Spectrograph

  • Lee, Jae-Jun;Park, Byeong-Gon;Hwang, Na-Rae;Lee, Jun-Hyeop
    • The Bulletin of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • 제38권1호
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    • pp.68.2-68.2
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    • 2013
  • The Giant Magellan Telescope Integral-Field Spectrograph (GMTIFS) is a near-infrared imager and integral-field spectrograph, which will be the workhorse adaptive-optics (AO) instrument on the GMT when AO operations begin. We will describe the current design and proposed capabilities of the GMTIFS. We will also present a brief overview of GMTIFS science cases that include first-light objects, galaxy feedback and assembly, the nature of compact massive objects as well as the formation and evolution of stars and planets.

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Calibration of Shack-Hartmann wavefront sensor (Shack-Hartmann 파면측정 장치의 보정)

  • 서영석;백성훈;박승규;차병헌
    • Proceedings of the Optical Society of Korea Conference
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    • 한국광학회 2003년도 하계학술발표회
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    • pp.156-157
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    • 2003
  • 적응광학(AO; adaptive optics) 시스템의 중요한 구성요소인 파면측정 장치(wavefront sensor)는 변형거울(deformable mirror)과 제어용 컴퓨터에 연결되어 파면보정을 실시간으로 처리할 수 있도록 파면의 왜곡정보를 제공한다. 제작된 Shack-Hartmann 파면측정 장치는 배열렌즈(array lens), 빔 축소 광학계, CCD 카메라 등으로 구성되어있는데, 측정된 파면의 정보는 영상처리 보드가 내장된 제어용 컴퓨터를 사용하여 분석한 뒤 실시간으로 보정장치를 구동할 수 있도록 설계되었다. (중략)

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Adaptive Extraction Method for Phase Foreground Region in Laser Interferometry of Gear

  • Xian Wang;Yichao Zhao;Chaoyang Ju;Chaoyong Zhang
    • Current Optics and Photonics
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    • 제7권4호
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    • pp.387-397
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    • 2023
  • Tooth surface shape error is an important parameter in gear accuracy evaluation. When tooth surface shape error is measured by laser interferometry, the gear interferogram is highly distorted and the gray level distribution is not uniform. Therefore, it is important for gear interferometry to extract the foreground region from the gear interference fringe image directly and accurately. This paper presents an approach for foreground extraction in gear interference images by leveraging the sinusoidal variation characteristics shown by the interference fringes. A gray level mask with an adaptive threshold is established to capture the relevant features, while a local variance evaluation function is employed to analyze the fluctuation state of the interference image and derive a repair mask. By combining these masks, the foreground region is directly extracted. Comparative evaluations using qualitative and quantitative assessment methods are performed to compare the proposed algorithm with both reference results and traditional approaches. The experimental findings reveal a remarkable degree of matching between the algorithm and the reference results. As a result, this method shows great potential for widespread application in the foreground extraction of gear interference images.

A Non-uniform Correction Algorithm Based on Scene Nonlinear Filtering Residual Estimation

  • Hongfei Song;Kehang Zhang;Wen Tan;Fei Guo;Xinren Zhang;Wenxiao Cao
    • Current Optics and Photonics
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    • 제7권4호
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    • pp.408-418
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    • 2023
  • Due to the technological limitations of infrared thermography, infrared focal plane array (IFPA) imaging exhibits stripe non-uniformity, which is typically fixed pattern noise that changes over time and temperature on top of existing non-uniformities. This paper proposes a stripe non-uniformity correction algorithm based on scene-adaptive nonlinear filtering. The algorithm first uses a nonlinear filter to remove single-column non-uniformities and calculates the actual residual with respect to the original image. Then, the current residual is obtained by using the predicted residual from the previous frame and the actual residual. Finally, we adaptively calculate the gain and bias coefficients according to global motion parameters to reduce artifacts. Experimental results show that the proposed algorithm protects image edges to a certain extent, converges fast, has high quality, and effectively removes column stripes and non-uniform random noise compared to other adaptive correction algorithms.


  • Li, Xue-Bao;Wang, Feng;Xiang, Yong Yuan;Zheng, Yan Fang;Liu, Ying Bo;Deng, Hui;Ji, Kai Fan
    • Journal of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • 제47권2호
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    • pp.43-47
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    • 2014
  • Many advanced ground-based solar telescopes improve the spatial resolution of observation images using an adaptive optics (AO) system. As any AO correction remains only partial, it is necessary to use post-processing image reconstruction techniques such as speckle masking or shift-and-add (SAA) to reconstruct a high-spatial-resolution image from atmospherically degraded solar images. In the New Vacuum Solar Telescope (NVST), the spatial resolution in solar images is improved by frame selection and SAA. In order to overcome the burden of massive speckle data processing, we investigate the possibility of using the speckle reconstruction program in a real-time application at the telescope site. The code has been written in the C programming language and optimized for parallel processing in a multi-processor environment. We analyze the scalability of the code to identify possible bottlenecks, and we conclude that the presented code is capable of being run in real-time reconstruction applications at NVST and future large aperture solar telescopes if care is taken that the multi-processor environment has low latencies between the computation nodes.

SLODAR System Development for Vertical Atmospheric Disturbance Profiling at Geochang Observatory

  • Ji Yong Joo;Hyeon Seung Ha;Jun Ho Lee;Do Hwan Jung;Young Soo Kim;Timothy Butterley
    • Current Optics and Photonics
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    • 제8권1호
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    • pp.30-37
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    • 2024
  • Implemented at the Geochang Observatory in South Korea, our slope detection and ranging (SLO-DAR) system features a 508 mm Cassegrain telescope (f /7.8), incorporating two Shack-Hartmann wave-front sensors (WFS) for precise measurements of atmospheric phase distortions, particularly from nearby binary or double stars, utilizing an 8 × 8 grid of sampling points. With an ability to reconstruct eight-layer vertical atmospheric profiles, the system quantifies the refractive index structure function (Cn2) through the crossed-beam method. Adaptable in vertical profiling altitude, ranging from a few hundred meters to several kilometers, contingent on the separation angle of binary stars, the system operates in both wide (2.5 to 12.5 arcminute separation angle) and narrow modes (11 to 15 arcsecond separation angle), covering altitudes from 122.3 to 611.5 meters and 6.1 to 8.3 kilometers, respectively. Initial measurements at the Geochang Observatory indicated Cn2 values up to 181.7 meters with a Fried parameter (r0) of 8.4 centimeters in wide mode and up to 7.8 kilometers with an r0 of 8.0 centimeters in narrow mode, suggesting similar seeing conditions to the Bohyun Observatory and aligning with a comparable 2014-2015 seeing profiling campaign in South Korea.

Adaptive Hyperspectral Image Classification Method Based on Spectral Scale Optimization

  • Zhou, Bing;Bingxuan, Li;He, Xuan;Liu, Hexiong
    • Current Optics and Photonics
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    • 제5권3호
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    • pp.270-277
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    • 2021
  • The adaptive sparse representation (ASR) can effectively combine the structure information of a sample dictionary and the sparsity of coding coefficients. This algorithm can effectively consider the correlation between training samples and convert between sparse representation-based classifier (SRC) and collaborative representation classification (CRC) under different training samples. Unlike SRC and CRC which use fixed norm constraints, ASR can adaptively adjust the constraints based on the correlation between different training samples, seeking a balance between l1 and l2 norm, greatly strengthening the robustness and adaptability of the classification algorithm. The correlation coefficients (CC) can better identify the pixels with strong correlation. Therefore, this article proposes a hyperspectral image classification method called correlation coefficients and adaptive sparse representation (CCASR), based on ASR and CC. This method is divided into three steps. In the first step, we determine the pixel to be measured and calculate the CC value between the pixel to be tested and various training samples. Then we represent the pixel using ASR and calculate the reconstruction error corresponding to each category. Finally, the target pixels are classified according to the reconstruction error and the CC value. In this article, a new hyperspectral image classification method is proposed by fusing CC and ASR. The method in this paper is verified through two sets of experimental data. In the hyperspectral image (Indian Pines), the overall accuracy of CCASR has reached 0.9596. In the hyperspectral images taken by HIS-300, the classification results show that the classification accuracy of the proposed method achieves 0.9354, which is better than other commonly used methods.

A Study on the Improvement of Wavefront Sensing Accuracy for Shack-Hartmann Sensors (Shack-Hartmann 센서를 이용한 파면측정의 정확도 향상에 관한 연구)

  • Roh, Kyung-Wan;Uhm, Tae-Kyoung;Kim, Ji-Yeon;Park, Sang-Hoon;Youn, Sung-Kie;Lee, Jun-Ho
    • Korean Journal of Optics and Photonics
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    • 제17권5호
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    • pp.383-390
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    • 2006
  • The SharkHartmann wavefront sensors are the most popular devices to measure wavefront in the field of adaptive optics. The Shack-Hartmann sensors measure the centroids of spot irradiance distribution formed by each corresponding micro-lens. The centroids are linearly proportional to the local mean slopes of the wavefront defined within the corresponding sub-aperture. The wavefront is then reconstructed from the evaluated local mean slopes. The uncertainty of the Shack-Hartmann sensor is caused by various factors including the detector noise, the limited size of the detector, the magnitude and profile of spot irradiance distribution, etc. This paper investigates the noise propagation in two major centroid evaluation algorithms through computer simulation; 1st order moments of the irradiance algorithms i.e. center of gravity algorithm, and correlation algorithm. First, the center of gravity algorithm is shown to have relatively large dependence on the magnitudes of noises and the shape & size of irradiance sidelobes, whose effects are also shown to be minimized by optimal thresholding. Second, the correlation algorithm is shown to be robust over those effects, while its measurement accuracy is vulnerable to the size variation of the reference spot. The investigation is finally confirmed by experimental measurements of defocus wavefront aberrations using a Shack-Hartmann sensor using those two algorithms.

Precise Prediction of Optical Performance for Near Infrared Instrument Using Adaptive Fitting Line

  • Ko, Kyeongyeon;Han, Jeong-Yeol;Nah, Jakyoung;Oh, Heeyoung;Yuk, In-Soo;Park, Chan;Chun, Moo-Young;Oh, Jae Sok;Kim, Kang-Min;Lee, Hanshin;Jeong, Ueejeong;Jaffe, Daniel T.
    • Journal of Astronomy and Space Sciences
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    • 제30권4호
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    • pp.307-314
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    • 2013
  • Infrared optical systems are operated at low temperature and vacuum (LT-V) condition, whereas the assembly and alignment are performed at room temperature and non-vacuum (RT-NV) condition. The differences in temperature and pressure between assembly/alignment environments and operation environment change the physical characteristics of optical and opto-mechanical parts (e.g., thickness, height, length, curvature, and refractive index), and the resultant optical performance changes accordingly. In this study, using input relay optics (IO), among the components of the Immersion GRating INfrared Spectrograph (IGRINS) which is an infrared spectrograph, a simulation based on the physical information of this optical system and an actual experiment were performed; and optical performances in the RT-NV, RT-V, and LT-V environments were predicted with an accuracy of $0.014{\pm}0.007{\lambda}$ rms WFE, by developing an adaptive fitting line. The developed adaptive fitting line can quantitatively control assembly and alignment processes below ${\lambda}/70$ rms WFE. Therefore, it is expected that the subsequent processes of assembly, alignment, and performance analysis could not be repeated.