• Title/Summary/Keyword: Activity Cost

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Study on Globalization of Korean Fashion Enterprises -Global Configuration, Global Competitive Strategy, and Global Performance of Value Activities- (한국패션기업의 세계화 연구 -기업가치활동의 세계적 배치 및 국제경쟁전략, 세계화 성과를 중심으로-)

  • Son, Mi-Young;Rhee, Eun-Young
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles
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    • v.29 no.2
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    • pp.286-297
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    • 2005
  • Recently, due to the gloalization of the industry environment and the consequent multi-national companies led by industrialized countries, fashion companies of newly industrialized countries are pursuing to globalize their businesses. This study conducted to review the global configuration of activities of the added value chain, the strategies to enhance global competitiveness, and global performance of value activities of Korean fashion companies. The data were collected from the survey by questionnaire on Korean fashion companies. The methods of analysis used in this study were regression, and descriptive statistics of the data. the results werw as follows. First, Korean fashion companies were undergoing diverse value activities through their foreign subsidiaries and overseas out-sourced companies in a wide spectrum of business activities ranging from design/planning o products to marketing/logistics. Second, the global competitive strategies that the Korean fashion companies were most focused on were the cost/productivity aspects. The efforts to differentiate the products from competitors, the efforts for innovation, an the efforts of growth were the next strategies. The strategy that was least emphasized was on seeking alliance with other business partners. Third, the result of the globalization efforts showed an overseas market growth of and average of 9%, and an average overseas market profit of 7.8%. The overall satisfaction on the result of the overseas market activities, and the rate of accomplishment of market targets were generally low.

An Outer Membrane Protein Preparation as a Vaccine against Pseudomonas aeruginosa Infection

  • Park, Wan-Je;Cho, Yang-Je;Ahn, Dong-Ho;Jung, Sang-Bo;Lee, Na-Gyong;Kim, Hyun-Su;Hahm, Kyung-Soo;Kim, Yu-Sam
    • Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.144-150
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    • 1997
  • We developed a simple and efficient method to prepare a Pseudomonas vaccine of outer membrane (OM) proteins free from lipopolysaccharide (LPS). A three step purification process including extraction, ultrafiltration and ultracentrifugation effectively removed LPS from the OM protein fraction. Approximately 2 mg of the OM proteins was obtained from 1 g of wet cell. LPS contaminant in the vaccine preparation was less than 0.003% (w/w) of protein and protease activity was not detectable. To achieve a wide range of protection, OM proteins prepared from four attenuated P. aeruginosa strains were mixed in equal amounts and used as a vaccine, which elicited in rabbits a high titer of antibody reactive to all of the seven Fisher types. The antisera from the immunized rabbit had a strong reactivity to vaccine proteins larger than 25 kDa. In a burned mouse infection model, immunization with the vaccine significantly enhanced bacterial clearance in the Pseudomonas infected skin. The vaccination also provided mice an excellent protection against Pseudomonas infection (11, 16). Data on antigenicity, mutagenicity, acute, subacute toxicity and pharmacological tests confirmed the safety of the vaccine (1, 3, 10, 12, 17). These data demonstrate that this method can be applied to manufacture a bacterial vaccine of OM proteins with safety and prophylactic efficacy at a practical low cost.

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Development of a Knee Exoskeleton for Rehabilitation Based EMG and IMU Sensor Feedback (단계별 무릎 재활을 위한 근전도 및 관성센서 피드백 기반 외골격 시스템 개발)

  • Kim, Jong Un;Kim, Ga Eul;Ji, Yeong Beom;Lee, A Ram;Lee, Hyun Ju;Tae, Ki Sik
    • Journal of Biomedical Engineering Research
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    • v.40 no.6
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    • pp.223-229
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    • 2019
  • The number of knee-related disease patients and knee joint surgeries is steadily increasing every year, and for knee rehabilitation training for these knee joint patients, it is necessary to strengthen the muscle of vastus medialis and quadriceps femoris. However, because of the cost and time-consuming difficulties of receiving regular hospital treatment in the course of knee rehabilitation, we developed knee exoskeleton using rapid prototype for knee rehabilitation with feedback from the electromyogram (EMG) and inertia motion unit (IMU) sensor. The modules was built on the basis of EMG and an IMU sensor applied complementary filter, measuring muscle activity in the vastus medialis and the range of joint operation of the knee, and then performing the game based on this measurement. The IMU sensor performed up to 97.2% accuracy in experiments with ten subjects. The functional game contents consisted of an exergaming platform based on EMG and IMU for the real-time monitoring and performance assessment of personalized isometric and isotonic exercises. This study combined EMG and IMU-based functional game with knee rehabilitation training to enable voluntary rehabilitation training by providing immediate feedback to patients through biometric information, thereby enhancing muscle strength efficiency of rehabilitation.

αAmylase production of Bacillus natto IAM 1212 in the wheat bran medium (밀기울배지를 이용한 Bacillus natto αAmylase 생산)

  • 김광;박인호;선우양일
    • KSBB Journal
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.143-146
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    • 1991
  • The liquifying αamylase production from B. subtilis, A. oryzae and B. natto using wheat and rice bran as low cost culture medium was investigated. Among 3 strains, B. natto showed heights productivity of αamylase in the outer wheat bran medium. And the optimum culture condition is pH 6.8 and 37C for the production of αamylase. The αamylase activity of the crude enzyme and the purified enzyme are 256 unit/ml and 10,700 unit/ml, respectivitly. The αamylase from B. natto cultrtured in outer wheat bran medium was purified into nearly a pure state(98.7%). And the molecular weight of the purified αamylase was 34,000.

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Valuable Organic Liquid Fertilizer Manufacturing through TAOTM Process for Swine Manure Treatment

  • Lee, Myung-Gyu;Cha, Gi-Cheol
    • Journal of Animal Environmental Science
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.45-56
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    • 2003
  • TAOTM System is an auto-heated thermophilic aerated digestion process using a proprietary microbe called as a Phototropic Bacteria (PTB). High metabolic activity results in heat generation, which enables to produce a pathogen-free and digested liquid fertilizer at short retention times. TAOTM system has been developed to reduce a manure volume and convert into the liquid fertilizer using swine manure since 1992. About 100 units have been installed and operated in Korean swine farms so far. TAOTM system consists of a reactor vessel and ejector-type aeration pumps and foam removers. The swine slurry manure enters into vessel with PTB and is mixed and aerated. The process is operated at detention times from 2 to 4 days and temperature of 55 to 65C. Foams are occurred and broken down by foam removers to evaporate water contents. Generally, at least 30% of water content is evaporated, 99% of volatile fatty acids caused an odor are removed and pathogen destruction is excellent with fecal coliform, rotavirus and salmonella below detection limits. The effluent from TAOTM system, called as the "TAO EFFLUX", is screened and has superb properties as a fertilizer. Normally N-P-K contents of screened TAO Efflux are 4.7 g/L, 0.375 g/L and 2.8 g/L respectively. The fertilizer effect of TAO EFFLUX compared to chemical fertilizer has been demonstrated and studied with various crops such as rice, potato, cabbage, pumpkin, green pepper, parsley, cucumber and apple. Generally it has better fertilizer effects and excellent soil fertility improvement effects. Moreover, the TAO EFFLUX is concentrated through membrane technology without fouling problems for a cost saving of long distance transportation and a commercialization (crop nutrient commodity) to a gardening market, for example.

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Detection of Food-Grade Hydrogen Peroxide by HRP-Biocomposite Modified Biosensors

  • Chang, Seung-Cheol
    • Journal of Food Hygiene and Safety
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    • v.32 no.6
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    • pp.447-454
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    • 2017
  • A new amperometric biosensor has been developed for the detection of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2). The sensor was fabricated through the one-step deposition of a biocomposite layer onto a glassy carbon electrode at neutral pH. The biocomposite, as a H2O2 sensing element, was prepared by the electrochemical deposition of a homogeneous mixture of graphene oxide, aniline, and horseradish peroxidase. The experimental results clearly demonstrated of that the sensor possessed high electrocatalytic activity and responded to H2O2 with a stable and rapid manners. Scanning electron microscopy, cyclic voltammetry, and amperometry were performed to optimize the characteristics of the sensor and to evaluate its sensing chemistry. The sensor exhibited a linear response to H2O2 in the range of 10 to 500μM concentrations, and its detection limit was calculated to be 1.3μM. The proposed sensing-chemistry strategy and the sensor format were simple, cost-effective, and feasible for analysis of "food-grade H2O2" in food samples.

A Study on Privacy Protect Scheme of RFID Provide Synchronization using Random Number (난수를 이용하여 동기화를 제공하는 RFID 프라이버시 보호 기법에 관한 연구)

  • Kang, Soo-Young;Lee, Im-Yeong
    • Journal of Korea Multimedia Society
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    • v.10 no.5
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    • pp.623-630
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    • 2007
  • With the development in IT technology and with growing demands of users, a ubiquitous environment is being made. Because of individuals identification is important in ubiquitous environment, RFID, a technology used frequently. RFID, a technology that radio frequency identification, reader send signer, then tag provide user information. RFID has various strengths, such as high recognition rates, quick recognition speed, but Eavesdropping is possible and problem that user information is revealed happens. To solve this, study is proceeded with activity, but, because of low-cost passive tag is limited operation capability, usually used hash function and random number. Also updates value that is used to present session and uses in next session. Therefore, this scheme protects user privacy using random number. And this sheme can offer synchronization by creating variable value without updating value.

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Query Technique for Quick Network Routing changing of Mobility Sensor Node in Healthcare System (헬스케어 시스템에서 이동형 센서노드의 신속한 네트워크 라우팅 변화를 위한 질의기법)

  • Lee, Seung-chul;Kwon, Tae-Ha;Chung, Wan-Young
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 2009.10a
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    • pp.517-520
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    • 2009
  • Healthcare application system has been actively researched to apply WSN technology to healthcare area with a mobile sensor node of low cost, low power, and small size. Sensor node has the problem for transmission range of RF power and time delay of the wireless routing connectivity between sensor nodes. In this paper, we proposes a new method utilizing mobile sensor nodes with relay sensor nodes for quick network routing changing using query technique in healthcare system. A query processor to control and manage the routing changing of sensor nodes in a wireless sensor network was designed and implemented. The user's PC transmits the beacon message which will change the quick link routing according to activity status of patient in wireless sensor network. We describe the implementation for query protocol that is very effective of power saving between sensor nodes.

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A comparative study of Sargassum horneri Korea and China strains collected along the coast of Jeju Island South Korea: its components and bioactive properties

  • Kim, Hyun-Soo;Sanjeewa, K.K. Asanka;Fernando, I.P. Shanura;Ryu, BoMi;Yang, Hey-Won;Ahn, Ginnae;Kang, Min Cheol;Heo, Soo-Jin;Je, Jun-Geon;Jeon, You-Jin
    • ALGAE
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    • v.33 no.4
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    • pp.341-349
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    • 2018
  • Sargassum horneri is edible brown seaweed abundant along the coasts of Jeju Island, South Korea. In addition to the native S. horneri population, a large amount of S. horneri has been found to invade Jeju Island from the east coast of China. Thus, S. horneri of both Korea (SK) and China (SC) strains now inhabits along with the shore of Jeju Island and have become a threat to the coastal biodiversity. However, they could be used in obtaining functional ingredients for industrial level applications provided an optimized cost effective strategy. In the present study, we compared SK and SC strains for the extraction efficiency, components, antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory properties of 80% methanolic extracts and their partially purified fractions. According to the results, two strains indicated similar bioactive properties such as DPPH and alkyl radical scavenging activity as well as anti-inflammatory activities on lipopolysaccharide-stimulated RAW 264.7 cells. The yield of 80% methanol extract from SC was higher than SK. However, the yields of the ethyl acetate and chloroform fractions from SK were higher than those of SC strain. The major peaks in the high-performance liquid chromatography chromatograms, which was identified as Apo-9 fucoxanthinone, indicated that both methanolic extracts of SK and SC contains major target peaks but with different amounts. This study might be useful for developing functional materials from SC and SK in future.

Screening, Cloning, Expression and Characterization of New Alkaline Trehalose Synthase from Pseudomonas monteilii and Its Application for Trehalose Production

  • Trakarnpaiboon, Srisakul;Bunterngsook, Benjarat;Wansuksriand, Rungtiva;Champreda, Verawat
    • Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology
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    • v.31 no.10
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    • pp.1455-1464
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    • 2021
  • Trehalose is a non-reducing disaccharide in increasing demand for applications in food, nutraceutical, and pharmaceutical industries. Single-step trehalose production by trehalose synthase (TreS) using maltose as a starting material is a promising alternative process for industrial application due to its simplicity and cost advantage. Pseudomonas monteilii TBRC 1196 was identified using the developed screening method as a potent strain for TreS production. The TreS gene from P. monteilii TBRC 1196 was first cloned and expressed in Escherichia coli. Purified recombinant trehalose synthase (PmTreS) had a molecular weight of 76 kDa and showed optimal pH and temperature at 9.0 and 40℃, respectively. The enzyme exhibited >90% residual activity under mesophilic condition under a broad pH range of 7-10 for 6 h. Maximum trehalose yield by PmTreS was 68.1% with low yield of glucose (4%) as a byproduct under optimal conditions, equivalent to productivity of 4.5 g/l/h using enzyme loading of 2 mg/g substrate and high concentration maltose solution (100 g/l) in a lab-scale bioreactor. The enzyme represents a potent biocatalyst for energy-saving trehalose production with potential for inhibiting microbial contamination by alkaline condition.