• Title/Summary/Keyword: Activation method

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Activated Clay Manufacturing Studies (I) Studies on Manufacturing Method of Activated Clay (活性白土에 關한 硏究(제I報) 活性白土 製浩方法 檢討에 關하여)

  • Son, Sun-Kwan;Yang, Jai-Keun
    • Journal of the Korean Chemical Society
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    • v.14 no.4
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    • pp.297-308
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    • 1970
  • In order to search a method of manufacturing better activated clay in an effcient way, attempt was made to select particularly samples for activation to concentrate the research upon them with varied activation to concentrate the research upon them with varied activation conditions. Special attention was also made to the low quality materials because they may become good activated clay if treated under a suitable activation condition.

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Adaptive Standby Mode Scheduling Method Based on Analysis of Activation Pattern for Improving User Experience of Low-Power Set-Top Boxes

  • Park, Hyunho;Kim, Junghak;Jung, Eui-Suk;Lee, Hyunwoo;Lee, Yong-Tae
    • ETRI Journal
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    • v.38 no.5
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    • pp.885-895
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    • 2016
  • The lowest power mode (passive-standby mode) was proposed for reducing the power consumption of set-top boxes in a standby state when not receiving content. However, low-power set-top boxes equipped with the lowest power mode have been rarely commercialized because of their low-quality user experience. In the lowest power mode, they deactivates almost all of operational modules and processes, and thus require dozens of seconds for activation latency (that is, the latency for activating all modules of the set-top boxes in a standby state). They are not even updated in a standby state because they deactivate their network interfaces in a standby state. This paper proposes an adaptive standby mode scheduling method for improving the user experience of such boxes. Set-top boxes using the proposed method can analyze the activation pattern and find the frequently used time period (that is, when the set-top boxes are frequently activated). They prepare for their activation during this frequently used time period, thereby reducing the activation latency and enabling their update in a standby state.

Effect of Activation Temperature on CO2 Capture Behaviors of Resorcinol-based Carbon Aerogels

  • Moon, Cheol-Whan;Kim, Youngjoo;Im, Seung-Soon;Park, Soo-Jin
    • Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society
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    • v.35 no.1
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    • pp.57-61
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    • 2014
  • In this study, carbon aerogel (CA) was synthesized using a soft-template method, and the optimum conditions for the adsorption of carbon dioxide ($CO_2$) by the carbon aerogel were evaluated by controlling the activation temperature. KOH was used as the activation agent at a KOH/CA activation ratio of 4:1. Three types of activated CAs were synthesized at activation temperatures of $800^{\circ}C$(CA-K-800), $900^{\circ}C$(CA-K-900), and $1000^{\circ}C$(CA-K-1000), and their surface and pore characteristics along with the $CO_2$ adsorption characteristics were examined. The results showed that with the increase in activation temperature from 800 to $900^{\circ}C$, the total pore volume and specific surface area sharply increased from 1.2165 to $1.2500cm^3/g$ and 1281 to $1526m^2/g$, respectively. However, the values for both these parameters decreased at temperatures above $1000^{\circ}C$. The best $CO_2$ adsorption capacity of 10.9 wt % was obtained for the CA-K-900 sample at 298 K and 1 bar. This result highlights the importance of the structural and textural characteristics of the carbon aerogel, prepared at different activation temperatures on $CO_2$ adsorption behaviors.

Estimation of Activation Energy for the Free Radical Polymerization by Using Isoconversional Analysis (등전환 분석(Isoconversional Analysis)를 이용한 자유라디칼 중합의 활성화 에너지 계산)

  • Chung, I.
    • Elastomers and Composites
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    • v.39 no.4
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    • pp.281-285
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    • 2004
  • In this paper, the simple way to evaluate the value of the activation energy for the overall rate of free radical polymerization by using DSC thermograms was studied using free radical polymerization or butylacrylate as a model. Activation ehergies were determined at heating rates of 1, 2, 5, and $10^{\circ}C/min$ by applying the multiple scanning-rate methods of Kissinger, Osawa, and half-width methods as well as the single rate method of Barrett. The value of the overall activation energy measured was closely matched with the values calculated from individual data. This work also demonstrated that the use of the isoconversional method was a simple and effective way to estimate the activation energy for the overall free radical polymerization.

Effect of Voltage Range and Number of Activation Cycles in the Activation Process of a Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cell (고분자 전해질 연료전지의 활성화과정에서 전압 범위 및 활성화 횟수의 영향)

  • Donggeun Yoo;Sohyeong Oh;Sunggi Jung;Jihong Jeong;Kwonpil Park
    • Korean Chemical Engineering Research
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    • v.61 no.1
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    • pp.58-61
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    • 2023
  • The activation process is essential for PEMFC to improve initial performance. The most commonly used activation method is a voltage change (load change) method, which may accompany degradation of the electrode catalyst if excessively performed. In many activation processes, the voltage change range is activated in a wide range from 0.4 V to OCV, and research is needed to reduce the voltage change range in order to prevent electrode catalyst degradation and shorten the activation time. Therefore, in this study, when the activation voltage range was 0.4~0.6 V, 0.4~0.8 V, and 0.4~OCV, we tried to research and develop an effective activation method by analyzing the performance and characteristics of the electrode and polymer membrane. The performance improvement was the lowest in the activation with a wide voltage range from 0.4 V to the highest OCV, and the performance decreased by 10% when activated for 56 cycles. The 0.4~0.6 V activation cycle showed the highest performance improvement up to 20% and the smallest decrease in performance due to overactivation, indicating that it is optimal method.

The Change of Adsorption Characteristics for VOCs by HNO3 Activation of Adsorbent Prepared from MSWI Fly Ash (질산을 이용한 Fly Ash 흡착제의 표면 활성화에 따른 VOCs 흡착 특성의 변화)

  • Shim Choon-Hee;Lee Woo-Keun
    • Journal of Korean Society for Atmospheric Environment
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.471-478
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    • 2005
  • The objective of this research is to improve adsorption efficiency of adsorbent made from MSWI (Municipal Solid Waste Incinerator) ny ash by $HNO_3$ activation. The acidity and the basicity were determined by Boehm's method and the surface structure was studied by BET method with N2 adsorption. The adsorption properties were investigated with benzene and MEK (Methylethylketone). $HNO_3$ activation can modify the surface property of an adsorbent such as specific surface area, pore volume, and functional group. According to the results, the specific surface area of the adsorbent was increased from $309.2m^2/g\;to\;553.2 m^2/g$ by activation. Also oxygen-containing functional groups were formed on it.

A Study on Efficient Construction of Sementic Net for Source Code Reuse (소스코드 재사용을 위한 효율적인 의미망 구성에 관한 연구)

  • Kim Gui-Jung
    • Proceedings of the Korea Contents Association Conference
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    • 2005.05a
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    • pp.475-479
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    • 2005
  • In this paper we constructed semantic net that can efficiently conform retrieval and reuse of object-oriented source code. In odor that initial relevance of semantic net was constructed using thesaurus to represent concept of object-oriented inheritance between each node. Also we made up for the weak points in spreading activation method that use to activate node and line of semantic net and to impulse activation value. Therefore we proposed the method to enhance retrieval time and to keep the quality of spreading activation.

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  • Maslov, O.D.;Belov, A.G.;Starodub, G.Ya.;Dmitriev, S.N.
    • Analytical Science and Technology
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    • v.8 no.4
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    • pp.815-820
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    • 1995
  • Instrumental neutron and gamma activation analysis of coal and combustion products, determination of platinum content in natural samples by radiochemical gamma activation analysis and high-sensitive track method of thorium determination has been studied with the use of the MT-25 microtron.The optimal conditions for complete elemental analysis of coal and combustion products, isolation and determination of platinum and thorium are recommended.

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Analyses of Nano Epoxy-Silica Degradation in LEO Space Environment (저궤도 우주환경에서 에폭시-실리카 나노 복합소재의 열화거동 분석)

  • Jang, Seo-Hyun;Han, Yusu;Hwang, Do Soon;Jung, Joo Won;Kim, Yeong Kook
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Aeronautical & Space Sciences
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    • v.48 no.12
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    • pp.945-952
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    • 2020
  • In this study, the effects of Low Earth Orbit(LEO) environments on the degradation behavior of epoxy nano silica composite materials were investigated. The nanocomposite materials containing silica particles in different weight ratios of 10% and 18% were prepared and degraded in a LEO simulator to compare with the neat epoxy cases. Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) was performed on the degraded nanocomposites and the activation energies were calculated by Friedman method, Flynn-Wall-Ozawa (FWO) method, Kissinger method, and DAEM (Distributed Activation Energy Method) based on the iso-conversional method. As the results, for the neat epoxy sample cases, it was found that the average activation energy was increased as the degradation was progressed. When the nano particles were mixed, however, the energy increased to the 15 environmental test cycles, and decreased afterwards, meaning that the particle mixture contributed adversely to the thermal degradation. Discussions on the results of the different calculation methods were also given.

The effects of action observation and motor imagery of serial reaction time task(SRTT) in mirror neuron activation (연속 반응 시간 과제 수행의 행위 관찰과 운동 상상이 거울신경활성에 미치는 영향)

  • Lee, Sang-Yeol;Lee, Myung-Hee;Bae, Sung-Soo;Lee, Kang-Seong;Gong, Won-Tae
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Physical Medicine
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    • v.5 no.3
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    • pp.395-404
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    • 2010
  • Purpose : The object of this study was to examine the effect of motor learning on brain activation depending on the method of motor learning. Methods : The brain activation was measured in 9 men by fMRI. The subjects were divided into the following groups depending on the method of motor learning: actually practice (AP, n=3) group, action observation (AO, n=3) group and motor imagery (MI, n=3) group. In order to examine the effect of motor learning depending on the method of motor learning, the brain activation data were measured during learning. For the investigation of brain activation, fMRI was conducted. Results : The results of brain activation measured before and during learning were as follows; (1) During learning, the AP group showed the activation in the following areas: primary motor area located in precentral gyrus, somatosensory area located in postcentral gyrus, supplemental motor area and prefrontal association area located in precentral gyrus, middle frontal gyrus and superior frontal gyrus, speech area located in superior temporal gyrus and middle temporal gyrus, Broca's area located in inferior parietal lobe and somatosensory association area of precuneus; (2) During learning, the AD groups showed the activation in the following areas: primary motor area located in precentral gyrus, prefrontal association area located in middle frontal gyrus and superior frontal gyrus, speech area and supplemental motor area located in superior temporal gyrus and middle temporal gyrus, Broca's area located in inferior parietal lobe, somatosensory area and primary motor area located in precentral gyrus of right cerebrum and left cerebrum, and somatosensory association area located in precuneus; and (3) During learning, the MI group showed activation in the following areas: speech area located in superior temporal gyrus, supplemental area, and somatosensory association area located in precuneus. Conclusion : Given the results above, in this study, the action observation was suggested as an alternative to motor learning through actual practice in serial reaction time task of motor learning. It showed the similar results to the actual practice in brain activation which were obtained using activation of mirror neuron. This result suggests that the brain activation occurred by the activation of mirror neuron, which was observed during action observation. The mirror neurons are located in primary motor area, somatosensory area, premotor area, supplemental motor area and somatosensory association area. In sum, when we plan a training program through physiotherapy to increase the effect during reeducation of movement, the action observation as well as best resting is necessary in increasing the effect of motor learning with the patients who cannot be engaged in actual practice.